NAACN (Nasphilitae Aggregate-Articulate-Critical News)

NAACN logo Funded by the NSBB.

›››››12.18.2023‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue:¶0010002012‹‹‹‹‹



End of Import Substitution

"Monetary Policy Discussions":

International Forfeiting Agency said to be “definitive primary concern” for liberalisation

Peer Morrisson advocates for “free float”.

Peer Edwards for “new monetary policy”.

Peer Konevengel for introduction of the “Pacifican Dollar”.

"Fiscal Discussions":

Import Substitution

“to be tested upon economic liberalisation, through the market”.

The National Registry to collect and publish data by the 10th.

Morrisson advocates for a MIC-oriented economy;

Edwards for tourism; Konevengel for financial services.


The Peerage Meets

With the death of Duke T.L. Taylor,

the Peerage has schedules a meeting in Forth Masontown.

Speaker of the Preliminary Assembly

elected to be Earl James Hedd-Taylor.

PTP Agreement fulfills media freedom of Clause I (Greenehill)

In accordance to the PTP

Elections for the Preliminary Assembly are to be held on 20.1.2024.

Division among the Peers are estimated to mirror the ballot.

Elections Scheduled On 1.14

Timetable of Elections & Topics to be Discussed:

◊ 12.05-19 §§§ Form of Government

◊◊ 12.19-24 §§§ WF Codification

◊◊◊ 12.24.2023-01.08.2024 §§§ Economic Policy

◊◊◊◊ 01.08-12 §§§ Political Party Debates

◊◊◊◊◊ 01.14.2023 §§§ General Elections


Summer Festival Closed

The annual “Summer Festival” has been foreclosed this Solstice. Lack of funding masked under “public safety concerns”.


IAN & OPAL Re-Opened

Open Public Access Library operating again.

IaN re-convened under Matthew Greene.


WF Resolutions to be “Internationalitsed” into domestic law.

Membership rejected, Observership “to be cosidered”.

(Provided by North South Bridge Briefs)



›››››01.04.2023‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue:¶0010002013‹‹‹‹‹


New Head of State: High Duke Dawson Ernst wins Noble support and general elections

Customary to Electoral Act of 1988, the Head of State for Nasphilitae candidates are first nominated, from their own ranks, by the hereditary Peerage of Fifteen in a multiple-round vote, until three candidates receive remainder support. Afterwards, the three candidates are elected by a two-round voting system among the “lower nobility” (titled non-hereditary 75 Earls) by relative majority. Two candidates with the most Earl support are then subject to (conditional) two-round national general elections, in the event that neither wins an absolute majority in the first round.

Peer Dawson Ernst ran against Peer Morrisson and the Morrisson-Edwards-Konavengel Coalition, lead by Peer Carlson Morrisson. As a reminder, the Coalition held the following stances in the months leading up to the elections:

  • By Government Form: “Regionalist Bicameral Statutory Monarchists” & “Unitary-Unicameral-Constitutional Monarchists”
  • By WF Stances: “Pro-Membership” & “Isolationists”
  • By Constitutional Attitudes: “Statutorists” & “Status Quo”
    Naturally, the campaign was focused around these three questions.

Earl Dawson Ernst won in the first round, winning 57.37% against Peer Carlson Morrisson. The turn-out was 82.01%, the highest since formation of the P3 in the 1960s.

Ordinance on Constitutional & Electoral Law passed by High Duke Ernst

High Duke Dawson Ernst assumed office on the 1st of January upon inauguration taken place in the morning, after which, only 18 hours later, forwarding a draft bill regarding Electoral Law & Division of Obligations between the Nobility and the Elected Officials before the Parliament. Although criticism arose, namely regarding the speed at which both bills were drafted, it was narrowly accepted (171 to 170).

Criticism of the Morrisson Coalition

Criticism coming from the Morrisson coalition targeted how the Ordinance limited Noble participation in politics, furthermore it enforced that the title of Earl be hereditary. Nevertheless, the high nobility (Peers) retain high command over Armed Forces, while the Office of Foreign Affairs had been re-adjusted to be under the sole sovereignty of the High Duke.

Criticism of the Suhavenster Circle

Meanwhile, the Suhavenster Circle (which spearheaded the transition of power), criticized two sections:

  • The Structure of the Parliament: Bicameralism on the basis of “being convoluted”. Namely, the Ordinance envisions “a four-level regional political structure”, by introducing locally elected “Communal Councils”.
    As a reminder, Nasphilitae is a highly regionalised unitary country; hence the other two aforementioned “levels” refer to the national and regional (Earldoms) governments.

  • The Function of the Parliament: The Ordinance defines both Parliaments as “Committee-oriented”, as opposed to “Debate-oriented” Parliaments. Robert Stenhouse of IaN has warned that this might, eventually, lead to “political dynasties”. Contrary, Ayala Moran of IaN welcomed the transition because: “The purpose of the national body is to lead the nation, whereas the Academia & Media are obligated for politically educating the public.”

Criticism of P3

Finally, members of the (enforced) P3 coalition (Pragmatic-Praxis-Praxeology) have criticised the Ordinance on two major areas:

  • Return of political parties: Recalling past coalition compromises of both the “Industrialists” (Praxeologists) and “Unionists” (Praxis) with the Tories, which lead to the enforcement of P3 Coalition (subsequently “The era of Technocracy”), this was expected. However, High Duke Dawson Ernst pointed out that “Organisation provided by political parties is irreplaceable, regardless of resentment from the Nasphiliti population.” The answer was unsatisfactory, as members of P3 have accused the High Duke of “Attempting to backdoor the Tory Party back on the political landscape”. This reply will be further analysed in the upcoming Edition of NAACN.

  • Codification of the Constitution: The newly elected Parliament it tasked with codifying the Constitution. Furthermore, it is tasked with “Internationalisation of Political, Social and Identity Human Rights”. This criticism mainly came from the smallest fraction of the P3: The Pragmatists, though it had been deemed constructive, as it was focused around the limited time frame given for the High Court to be proficient in adapting World Forum customs to domestic law.

Download the Act Here:

The Full text is available Here

(Provided by North South Bridge Briefs)



›››››01.14.2023‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue:¶0010003013‹‹‹‹‹





New National Registry

¶More details will be provided to the public and our readers by the (IaN - OPAL - #5 by genericsequencealias).

¶Total living in Nasphilitae include: 17.775.000 as of January 2024.

¶The deterioration of trust and baseline performance towards administration has been steadily declining, most notably in aspects of Corruption and Rule of Law.
Regarding the same class of measurements, political stability and lack of politically-motivated violence has steadily been kept, as it has in the past.

¶Inequality, measured by gini index, has been at a steady decline. However, it is alarmingly high, at 43.61.

¶Finally, it’s note-worthy that the unemployment crisis has been reduced significantly, from 14.91% in 2013 to 5.11% in January of 2024.

¶Kahala of the OPAL will further examine these findings in the next issue with us. Noting that the National Registry is incomplete due to sub-national level territories.

POLITICS I: Political Parties and Electoral Map

¶After the last issue was published, another major event which happened, was the formation of political parties through the dismissal of the P3 Coalition.

¶There were news between the 2nd January and 5th, forecasting that mere 3 parties will participate in the next elections. Not only did the P3 Coalition further decimate along their internal lines, but three new political parties were formed and registered to run on the Constitutional Assembly.


POLITICS II: Co-influence factors

Polling data has been conducted by 7 agencies, each with surprisingly volatile, different results. This is amplified by the fact that the Electoral Law uses a two-round vote, in which the top two candidates proceed to advance for the most seats in second round.


More Information, visit the NSBB website: electionpolls.xlsm - Google Sheets


›››››01.22.2024‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue:¶0060004014‹‹‹‹‹


National Registry Completed (Elena Bartlett)

The National Registry is now fully functional. In the previous issue, we were informed that it was incomplete, as it lacked information regarding local demographics. We’ve invited four researchers from the IaN institute to discuss each aspect of both data indicators and the transition process. First among which is Dr, Professor Elena Bartlett, who is the S.A. of Logic, Mathematics, Linguistics & Methodology; Leading the revitalisation of the National Registry together with Collin Ernest.

Elena Bartlett:

“Collin Ernest and I were tasked with providing a thorough and reliable source of data regarding Nasphilitae & its residents. Most of information gathered was quantitative in nature, though it did include certain qualitative aspects. The Registry holds sentimental value to me personally, since its manipulation was the reason as to why I left my academic positions. However, do not take any statements from me to be normative. The Registry was created, as Cohen and Moran can testify, as a tool. If one wishes to derive conclusions from gathered information, the information which is used serves as a presupposition. This determines that the source of a proposition (in this case, the Registry) must be reliable. Any further derivation is not my concern, this stance is examplified in the fact that I refused to partake in political or social movements during censorship. Nothing further to add.”

The data is available here:

Economic Indicators (Kaimana Cohen)

The economic indicators seem to be in a dire state. As such, the following guest is Countess, Professor Kaimana Cohen, founder of the Institute of Political Economy, OPAL, the National Registry and member of IaN.

Kaimana Cohen:

“I am in the process of writing a research paper for IaN, similar to the one written by my colleague Stenhouse, with the key obvious difference being that the topic is dealing with aspects of political economy in Nasphilitae. It is a cliometric showcase of Nasphiliti macroeconomics throughout the years. Motivations behind the research paper is that there are certain untrue axioms floating in Nasphiliti society regarding periods, growth, living standards (…)

To comment on the “dire state of economic indicators”, they are to be expected. It is a result of historical occurrences, most recent of which is the ISI (import substitution industrialisation), whose focal point was reducing unemployment regardless of quality as to where that employment is (re)allocated. As an example, I am not sure whose idea it was for Nasphilitae to allocate resources in developing the Biochemical Industry. The entities which (in the past) specialised in it were negligible within the wider national scope. Furthermore, the nature of all ISI-driven plans is to emphasise domestic demand of resources, of which Biochemicals are close to null (…)

I hope to finish the paper before the elections are concluded, since I do intend on offering different approaches to solving the ‘dire state’ of living standards.”

Electoral News

The paper which Cohen mentioned can be read here. Recent polling developments show that the SDVP and CGC are further falling in popularity, despite being the moderate versions of their rising counterparts, the UML and ADLA.

Surprisingly, when taking in account recent data from the National Registry on wealth disparity within Nasphilitae, there haven’t been major initiatives in creating local parties. Contrary to the Ordinance (implicit) provisions on ensuring that such interests be vital. In turn, this keeps the popularity of The Opportunity Party high.

Systemic Changes (Robert Stenhouse)

Stenhouse previously mentioned that the Ordinance may give rise to a Tory Party, though his research paper focused on systemic aspects of the current political landscape. Regarding this statement and recent developments, we’ve invited Robert Stenhouse for elaboration.

Robert Stenhouse:

“I’ve implied the reason as to why the Tory Party hadn’t formed in opening statements of my essay. All entities have postulated that the electoral monarchy be an axiom which they won’t question. This attitude, which is mostly a historical inheritance, diminishes the need for a monarchist party to be formed.

Regarding the lack of local parties, I do believe that part of the reason lies in your comment on popularity of the Opportunity Party. My essay emphasised internal structure of political parties for this exact reason. However, I believe that it is also why the UML and the ADLA are out-performing the SDVP and CGC, respectively. An additional reason for SDVPs lack of support, which was expected to be high, is their vanguardist attitude in a landscape where most of the population works for minimal wage. While such an attitude is not by itself self-sabotaging, the manner in which it is implicitly paraded could be described as tone-deaf.”

Internationalisation Progress

By internationalisation, once again, we mean the adaptation of international law and customs into domestic law. This is the definition used in the Ordinance, whose most staunch supporter was Ayala Moran, who we’ve invited to update the (domestic and foreign) public on developments in this aspect. The reason behind this is that we cannot contact legal workers directly, since it is seen as pressure or possible source of coercion.

Legal Changes (Ayala Moran)

So the last of our guests from the Ian is Madame, Professor Ayala Moran, former head of the Institute of Legal Studies and the Institute of Social & Cultural Studies. While she did quit her employment in these fields, the Ordinance allows for education staff within legal matters to ask for insight from legal workers.

Ayala Moran:

“Correction, in defining internationalisation here. The Ordinance defines it explicitly as international law as-is, it was the choice of our domestic courts to include both customary law. Reasons, given to me by my (former) colleagues, is that international law (namely the World Forum Resolutions) are by themselves skim. This is mentioned in the WF Preamble, wherein most regulations are not explicit within Resolutions, but do derive from customary law.

I did support the Ordinance for this exact reason. It correctly envisions that, due to the skeptical nature of Nasphiliti citizens in regards to foreign organisations, membership within the WF or any other international body would be very unpopular for any future government to enact. However, the internationalisation provides a method by which Nasphilitae is conducted in accordance to the international community, regardless of membership.

As for the progress, it is complete. The stalling stems from two other situations. First of which is lack of an elected government, though it is to be resolved soon. Second of which is lack of consensus on constitutionalisation. The future government is sure to influence the scope of the Constitution, though that is also not what I am referring to. Namely, there is no consensus among legal experts on the hierarchy of laws which the Constitution is expected to regulate.

I expect the hierarchy of laws debates and the accompanying categorisation of existing laws to be, together with economy, a main topic until May of next year, when the first regular elections are scheduled to occur.”

Funded by the NSBB.



Table of Content:

1. Politics, Electoral News

2. Economy, Liquidity Crisis, Old Debates

3. Foreign & Trade Policies

1.1. Final polling results 5 days before first round elections

As a reminder, first round of general national and municipial elections are head on 01.31.2024., while the second round are scheduled for 02.07.2024. Once again, Robert Stenhouse of the IaN institute had written an essay analysis of political party platforms. The final results are as follows:

Poll Source Submit Date Sample Size MoE “UML” “SDVP” “SRP” “The Center” “Opportunity Party” “CGC” “ADLA” “NNP” Change
ElRace 01/07/24 1500 4.00% 9.50 8.50 12.45 12.00 18.50 9.25 10.75 6.40
obliviousAutomata 01/14/24 9999 1.50% ▲16.5 ▼10 ▲9.4 ▼9.5 ►14.5 ▼8 ▲14.12 ▲5.5
DefinitelyUnbiased 01/20/24 450 6.50% ►9.5 ▼8.5 ▲13.5 ▲18 ▲12.55 ▼6.75 ▲ 7.5 ▼11
CasinoQuickCash 01/22/24 666 2.33% ▲15.75 ▼5 ▼9 ▼10 ▲15 ▼7 ▲15 ▲9
CollegeKidSurveys 01/23/24 580 5.25% ▲9.75 ▼12.5 ▲18.22 10 ▲9.2 ▼10 ▲14.3 ▲7.4
funnyacronym 01/24/24 1400 4.00% ►13.75 ▼7 ▲11.25 ▲16.55 ▼11.50 ▼5 ▲11.25 ▲8.5

ElRace 01/14/24 2500 3.25%


obliviousAutomata 01/14/24 9999 1.50% 50.15


DefinitelyUnbiased 01/20/24 450 6.50%

51.5 48.5

CasinoQuickCash 01/22/24 666 2.33% 33


CollegeKidSurveys 01/23/24 580 5.25%



funnyacronym 01/24/24 1400 4.00% 44


1.2. Drastic changes in polling signifies return of public discourse

Iann Karworth, Head Representative BoD of an ISI petrochemical company, noted in The Nightly Report(a daily newspaper) that drastic changes in public opinion is a positive sign. Pointing back to "Five Clauses of the Dominion" declared by Earl John Greenhill on 10th November 1662., he assessed:

"We've forgotten, due to Daniel Innsbolts censorship, that heated & dynamic public discourse isn't a new anomaly (...) Nasphilitae, at least in the organised form of a Dominion, was found on the notion of constant re-assessment (...) Examplifying this, 3 out of 5 Greenhills Clauses regard to "freedom of thought" A.K.A. expression among other (...)"

1.3. Former aligned blocs “rule out post-electoral coalitions” with each other

Within the former Praxis wing of the P3 coalition, the UML ad SDVP, have simultaneously "ruled out" possible coalition with one another. Their counterparts of the former Praxeology wing (CGC and ADLA) soon followed suit.

At first seen as self-sabotaging, until the environmentalist-oriented, "progressive liberalist" SRP and "militarist" NNP said that "due to complete lack of any agreement in policy, we cannot expect to partake in a ruling coalition government together".

The Opportunity Party, which has lead in both polls, stated that: "We must respect the will of our members (...) We will not form a government, on a national level, lest enough support is received to advance into the decisive second round." It should be noted that the Opportunity Party is a cadric type, meaning that the membership is only possible through invitation from the party itself.

Finally, The Center is left "open for compromise with everyone, under conditions of reciprocation in the same attitude from others"

2.1. Cohens write a critical macroeconomic analysis, old debates echo in response

Candice & Kamaha Cohen of the IaN institute have written (what some describe as) an "overly" and "controversial" critical analysis of Nasphilitaes economy, available here. They suggest a radical shift in monetary policy, rather than fiscal or trade. While it is true that nature of the ongoing crisis is financial liquidity "entrapment", the text has sparked public discourse reminiscent of internal P3 ones. This is because the Cohens do not specify which approach to take, leaving it "to [ideological] preference of choice".

2.1.1. UML Response

The UML has stated that:

"Closed voucher privatisation of ISI companies, in which employees of each company become shareholders of a public capital, will naturally lead to 'flow of money' creation."

This is very reminiscent of the original Praxis school in time of King Carl Darzens (1901-1927) and "The Strife" period (1927-1948), which advocated for "unionised management of own production".

2.1.2. SDVP Response

The SDVP has responded with:

"Capital concentration is the sign of a self-collapsing structure. ISIs must be nationalised & state-owned, driven by optimum calculations of production from the center. Liquidity is not inherently needed."

A stance which later appeard in P3 among educated technocrats.

2.1.3. CGC Response

CGC digs its own grave with the following reply:

"Organising public auctions in which bidders provide financial assets for shares in ISI companies is the simplest and most cost-effective solution."

The issue with this policy, which was a new Praxeology stance and already practiced, during "The Lost Decade" (1988-2004).

2.1.4. ALDA Response

Prefacing the ALDA response, their interpretation here is correct, according to the Cohens themselves:

"The Cohens mention that ISIs keep CPIs artificially inflated because of internal arrangements. Minimal intervention is needed in the form of enforcing anti-trust laws, of which ISIs were exempt by Daniel Innsbolt."

While true, it's unclear how this will effect the lack of capitalisation in fixed capital.

3.1. The Royal Mint says that foreign policy should spearhead trade policy

Responding to the ongoing discourse, The Royal Mint stated that "foreign policy must proactively incentivise trade, flagshipping monetary reform". Which is a very brave choice of action. The public views foreign policy as taboo, while elected governments never have controlled international relations, nor does it seem like they intend to now.

3.1.1. The Grand Duke & Peerage reject this possibility

The Grand Duke Dawson Ernst, with uniform support from the Peerage and the Earls, nearly instantly rejected this possibility. In an uncanny tone, a protest statement was issued less than an hour after the Royal Mint comment:

"There will be no changes in protocolar functions of any institution. All macroeconomic policies are under responsibility of the elected executive government. It may include trade and/or monetary policy, as is in their full discretion. HM Cabinets, although headed by named nominees from the legislature, will NOT be subject to whimsical and irresponsible pressure of public institutions. Reciprocatively, the HM Cabinets have never and will never interfere with collective (domestic, public, internal) affairs."

As there was no follow-up statement made, it's probably vital to elaborate why the nobility responded in more affect to this than to the entirety of Daniel Innsbolts regime.

3.2. Elaborating the difference between collective and national interests

Namely, the first electoral acts (from Greenhills in 1662 to Atkinsons in 1852) have clauses which are still active. Among those is: "Division of Authority between Collective particular Interests of the people and National uniform Interests of the country." Elected officials act within the scope of "peoples collective interests, meaning citizens; As such they're responsible for all internal affairs". The nobility acts in "national, uniform interest of the assembled political entity which is the country."

This arrangement had one change, which was expanding the scope of national interests in 1958-1961, to include the Armed Forces and Intelligence-Informational Services. This aided to the downfall of the Junta Dictatorship (1948-1960).

Foreign affairs were never changed; Inherited from the colonial periods since the Center would only meet with the 15 families of the Peerage. Reasons for this remain unclear, though it is speculated that they were seen as reliable due to beinng granted noble titles prior to arrival on Nasphilitae, for undisclosed reasons. Between 1852 and 1952, this arrangement moulded to be functional symbol of Nasphilitaes sovereignty. Further symbolising a guarantee of stability, as it prevented the Junta (1948-1960) from conducting external operations, at a time of global conflicts.



2024. Constituent Assembly elections results (First-Round)

Constituent Elections:

(First-Round of) Constituent Assembly elections were held on 30th January 2024., in accordance to the Election Ordinance enacted earlier this year.
The Ordinance divides the process and seat allocation of the Upper House(intended to represent localities) and the Lower House(intended to represent unified will), with the latter being envisioned as a two-round election, in which the top two of the candidates from the first round proceed to the second round.

This weeks elections included municipal (local), regional and country (national) levels. The future elected government, which is to be formed a week (11.02.) after the second round (04.02), with a mandate until the 20th May 2025.
Detailed analysis of the results will not be provided until after the second round is completed.


2024. Constituent Assembly elections breakdown
Municipial No. Upper House Seats National % Lower House Seats (1R) Minimum Quota Lower House (2R)
UML 113 113 12% 11
SDVP 30 30 8% 6
SRP 98 98 14% 13
The Center 104 104 17% 28
Opportunity Party 103 103 19% 28
CGC 25 34 7.5% 6
ADLA 80 89 13.5% 10
NNP 24 42 8% 6

  • Total Upper House Seats: 613
  • Total Lower House Seats: 225
  • Lower House Seats contested for R2: 173
  • Upper House allocation method: Majoritarian (+City weighted)
  • Lower House allocation method: Multi-Round (R1 Webster; R2 Adjusted D'Hondt)
  • Local & Upper House Elections:

    Lower House (Round 1) Elections:


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    2024. Election Results (Final)


    1. Election Summary

    1.1. Textual Election Summary

    Second Round Elections for the Lower House occurred yesterday wherein the front-runners of the first-round (The Center and Opportunity Party) contested 173 out of 223 seats left after the first round.

    Turn-out. Total turn-out for the 2024. Country-level(Lower House) second-round Elections is 67.11% of total registered voters, which is higher than both the first-round Elections (62.48%) and Local-level(Upper House) Elections (66.31%).

    Election Laws. These were the first elections to be held in accordance to the 2024. Electoral Ordinance laws and as such, the mandate of the future government is expected to last until May 20th 2025.

    Results. Results of the second-round place 55.75% of the votes in favour of "The Center", with rivaling "Opportunity Party" winning 44.25% of the votes; Which translate to 110(including the Speaker) and 63 total seats for each, respectively. This means that "The Center" will form the future ruling government, while the "Opportunity Party" is expected to form the (Ordinance-envisioned) Shadow Government in the Legislative.

    Coalitions. Given that the required majority for government formation is 50% of the seats in Lower House and 1/3rd seats in the Upper House (112 in Lower and 205 in Upper), "The Center" is subject to forming a coalition government. Possible coalition partners for both parties, judging from pre-election statements include (either/or): SRP/NNP, UML/SDVP, and CGC/ADLA.

    Platforms. "The Center" initially advocated for (closest similarity) a liberal-conservative platform, which had been expanded to include environmental issues after the first round, thus gaining endorsement from the SRP. Contrary, "Opportunity Party" campaign for these elections is (relatively) described as favouring a liberal-socialist approach, thus receiving endorsement from the UML & ADLA upon conclusion of the first round.

    1.2. Visual Election Summary

    The election results of both rounds and both Houses can be visualised below:

    1 Like

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    Structure of the Parliament and HM Cabinets

    Structural Changes of IaN and NAACN

    Table of Content:

    1. Structure of the Parliament and HM Cabinets

    2. Structural Changes of NAACN and IaN

    1.1. Ordinance Regulation

    22 The National Cabinet is comprised of 11+1 Offices of the Cabinet, Officers of which must exclusively be MPs of the Lower House, nominated by the Upper House Head of Government, with joint approval from the Head of Government Upper House and Head of State

    24-a (...) all MPs of the Upper House are required to participate in Committees, each which mirror the aforementioned 11+1 Offices of the Cabinet.

    24-b (...) All MPs MPs of the Lower House, which are NOT part of the HMs Opposition Shadow Government (...) are required to participate in the Plenary Committee.

    25 The Plenary Committee (...) compromise on legislation proposed by the National Cabinet (which includes: Executive Offices, Legislator Committees) (...)

    Ordinance on the Constitutioal ad Electoral Act High Duke Dawson Ernst

    1.2. Head of Government, HM Cabinet, Executive Offices

    Head of Government and Speaker: Syd G. Payton (leader of “The Center” political party)
    Head for HM External Affairs: Earl Quinlan Emmerson (non-affiliate)
    Head Commander of the Armed Forces of Nasphilitae: General-Peer David Atkinsons (n-a)
    Representative-Director of the Agency for Documentation and Identification: Peeress Madison Edwards.

    Officer for Home Affairs, Police and Public Safety: Sanclair Houtem (The Center)
    Officer for Finances, Customs and Loegistics: Evelynn Mies (SRP)
    Officer for Economy: Mdison Carson (SRP)
    Officer for Energy, Environment & Transport: Elian Aitken (SRP)
    Officer for Education & Research Luke Sawyer (The Center)
    Officer for Constitutional Codification: William Reynders (SDVP)
    Officer for Public Health & Housing: Mark Bourke (SDVP)
    Officer for Administration, Social and Civic Affairs: Avia Easton (CGC)
    Officer for Agriculture, Commerce & Institutional Reforms: Conner Waller (The Center)
    Officer for Telecommunications & Media Vivia Alden (The Center)

    1.3. Head of HM Shadow Government and Legislator Committees

    Head of HM Shadow Government: Nowell Riley Trenton (leader of “Opportunity Party”)
    Committee of Internal Affairs: Kendrick Agthoven (Opportunity Party)
    Committee of Fiscal Affairs: Udi Kaleb (Opportunity Party)
    Committee of Monetary Affairs: Eda Nifterick (Opportunity Party)
    Committee of Climate & Infrastructure: Dellan Embrose (UML)
    Committee of Education: Clem Irvin (UML)
    Committee of Public Health & Housing: Ella R. Stewart (NNP)
    Committee of Agriculture & Trade: Windslow Ruben (ADLA)
    Committee of Public Administration & Social Service: Marianne Sangster (ADLA)
    Committee of Justice: Lauren Fairclough (UML)
    Committee of Telecommunications: Annabella Fleurrette Hayden (ADLA)

    1.4. Plenary Committee Compostion

    Lead Representative of the Plenary Committee: Claire Renske (leader of ADLA)
    Commission for Legislative Consultation, Deliberation & Excogitation: Jonas Val (leader of UML)
    Commission for Public Protection, Inquiry & Scrutiny: Avery Kidling (leader of NNP)
    Commission for Engagement, Information & Petitions Silvia Greene (leader of SDVP)
    Commission for Litigation, Procurement & Rumeneration: Kensley Vothhrop (SRP)
    Administration, Documentation, Identification, Registration & Regional Affairs: Odetta George (NNP)

    2.1. Agency for Public Documentation

    Is to become part of OPAL. Is to include passed Acts (not Bills) by whomever.

    2.2. National Agency for External Information

    Is to become part of NAACN. Is to provide briefs regarding ongoing discussions, Bills and Acts of the National Parliament and the National Cabinet.

    (AWAITING PASSAGE) Upon revision from the Head of HM for External Affairs, is to serve as key summarized information for the National Agency for External Information, which is to inform the Cross-Pacifica on events of Nasphilitae.

    2.3. Pending Bills

    1. Codification of the Constitution
    2. Draft Scope of the Constitution
    3. Consolidation Act on Legislative Procedures, and Authorisations & Duties of Public Offices

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    Table of Content:


    2. Economy

    3. Culture & Foreign Policy Discussions

    1.1. First Act of the new government “needlessly convoluted”, some say

    The National Parliament, during the Constituent Assembly on the 11th, had passed a Containment Act regarding the inner operating of its own institutions and members. It had received criticism from the public sphere (namely newsletters) over creating a needlessly convoluded political system.

    The counter-criticism to this sentiment revolves around formalist misconception. Namely, Robert Stenhouse of the IaN Institute, commented on the discourse for NAACN:

    "Needlessly convoluded isn't the correct classification, nor is the Act by itself the correct choice for target. I've criticised the Ordinance and am critical of this Act as well but on different grounds. Namely, we've restructured the political system to be very unclear... It's hard to classify Nasphilitae in the typology of political systems. Besides the historical counter-intuitive form of state (Electoral Republican Monarchy) wherein "Republican" insinuated the etymology of the term (Res publica; State matters are conducted in the collective interests of the public). The Ordinance and the Act create a system of power which is syncrethic, mixing elements of Parliamentarism, limited rationalisation for the majority government, simultaneous division of powers in the form of The Plenary Committee and fusion of powers in the form of Parliamentary Supremacy. Adding to this is the to-be-legislated Regional vertical organisation of the state."

    Robert Stenhouse, Political Scientist in IaN. Notable fields of work: Comparative Political System, "Systemic Intradisciplinary Factors of Polyarchy in the Political Culture of Nasphilitae" (STILL BANNED)

    1.2. IAD & RAFI Created & Explained

    The Containmnt Act created two new institutions.

    Independent Agency for Documentation (IAD)
    A department of OPAL, tasked with creating publicly available documents of The National Parliament. Head Director, which had to be chosen accordinng to Rules of Merit, is Ayala Moran of the IaN Institute.
    Royal Agency for Foreign Information (RAFI)
    A department of the HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs, RAFI is accountable to the Head of State (as well as the Peerage & th Earldoms), serving to transmit official statements and attitudes of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae to Cross-Pacifica.

    1.3. Criticism: Act unclear regarding motionns of no confidence

    Our criticism towards the New Act is related to its lack of clarity regarding motions of no confidence. Namely, the Head of Government can appoint & dismiss Executive Officers (Head of HMs Shadow Government follows the same protocol).

    Furthermore, the individual Officers (Committee Heads in case of the Shadow Government) hold individual accountability for their sector, but present their proposals as a collective body. However, if The National Parliament passes a Resolution of Dismissal of on one Officer (Committee Head), then they are dismissed as a collective body.

    This makes it unclear on whether The National Parliament can motion a vote of no confidence towards the Head of Government or Head of HMs Shadow Government; as well as whether the above procedure affects them.

    2.1. “Systemic causes of the “Liquidity crisis” of Nasphilitae”

    A new generation of Systems Theorists, namely Trevor Georgemill (Political Economist graduate, age 23), began discussing Innsbolts period & systemic cause-effect-consequences of previous actions. He has provided a comprehensive scheme of events below:

    2.2. Upcoming Agendas related to monetary policy, exchange rate parity

    The upcoming Agenda this week, initiated by both the Executive Government and HMs Shadow Government, begin economic reformation by focus on monetary policy. It seems that they follow advice of the Cohens Research Paper which suggests a strong focus on the monetic.

    It’s likely to see two opposing bills dicussed in the upcoming week; As the same Agenda was formed by Officer for Economy, Madison Carson (MP of SRP) and by Head Committee of Monetary Affairs, Eda Nifterick (MP of the Opportunity Party).

    3.1. Reporter of RAFI: former industrial designer rewarded

    The Reporter for RAFI will be the young Derrick Mayviolet, a former industrial designer from Agorport, more widely known for his critical posts on the “Stream” social network. The HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs claimed that (paraphrasing):

    "Three reasons lie behind this choice:
  • Firstly, Mayviolets design of a functional encryption & decryption mechanism, which is being implemented inside the Country for confidential documents.
  • Secondly, his online activities and public notoriety for being sardonically critical of ongoing events in the country.
  • Lastly, one of his online posts openly show his desire for employment into the T.M.C."

  • HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs, SIGNED: Earl Quinlan Emmerson

    3.2. HM Cabinet agendas: consulate re-opening & “institutes for cross-cultural studies”

    The Head of the HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs, Earl Quinlan Emmerson, has also noted that the HM Cabinet (which includes the Grand Duke, Head of HMCFA, Head General of the AFN, Chief of Joint Staff of the AFN, Chief Commanders of AFN-RAF AFN-RA abd AFN-RN, the Directorate of the Agency for Documentation and Identification and partially, the Head of Government) that they will begin working on two tasks:

  • Re-opening of Consulate Offices
  • Creation bilateral Institutes for Cross-Cultural Studies within the Consulate Offices
  • To the question of why Consulate Offices are being chosen over Ambassadors, the Head of State & Grand Duke of Nasphilitae (Peer Dawson Ernst), did not give an answer.

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    Table of Content:

    1. Economy

    2. Internationalisation of law roadblocked

    1.1. Deadlock of monetary policy in the Lower House

    Chairs of the Houses envision a deadlock in regards to this weeks agenda regarding monetary reform and restructuring. “The Government majority of the Lower House” proposed a Bill concerning the setting of exchange rate parity, “but it likely won’t pass, as the Lower House Opposition (Opportunity Party, UML, ADLA and NNP) hold enough seats to object the bill”.
    Likewise, the Chair of the Upper House (in which the Government MPs hold marginally more than the needed 1/3 majority) say that a similar situation is expected to happen. “To an even greater extent, given that the Opposition parties hold a near-supermajority in the Upper House”.

    Namely, the Liquidity (or cash flow) crisis necessesates a monetary restructuring. The Nasphiliti Pacifian Sterling Pound was hard pegged to the Empires Pound Sterling until the reign of of “Queen” Dorothy Atkinsons (1852-1901), or during the peak of the Silver standard. With the decline of the Empire, the Nasphiliti Pacifican Sterling Pound pursued the exchange rate it initially had in 1851. It has been active to this day, which over time created absolute confusion regarding the exchange rate parity which the domestic currency has to the Pacifican Dollar.

    1.2. Government proposes inflantory devalue

    The Government Bill, coming from the Executive Officers for Finances, Customs & Logistics (Evelyn Mies from the SRP party) and Economy (Madison Carson of the SRP party), envisions depreciation of the domestic currency through pressuring the Royal Mint into devaluation.
    This endangers Nasphilitae of being subject to anti-dumping measures from other countries, says Oppositions Head of Committee of Monetary Affairs (Eda Nifterick of the Opportunity Party). Once trade barriers are lifted, this would give Nasphiliti products absolute advantage on foreign markets.

    1.3. Opposition suggests defaulting & hard pegging

    The HM Shadow Government, during todays talks concerning the proposed Bill (after strucking it down with the aforementioned argument), suggests defaulting the currency. The Bill will likely be presented in the ordinary Sitting of the Upper House expected this Thursday. Its substantive contents suggest a procedure of “defaulting the domestic currency, upon which it would be hard-pegged 1:1 to the Pacifican Dollar”.
    This option was quickly shut down by The Plenary Committees Commission & Working Group for litigation, procuration and rumuneration. Reason given is that “it’s unfeasable, due to lack of Nasphilitaes membership to the World Forum, as such no reason exists as to why this would be considered legitimate”.

    1.4. The Plenary Committee begins drafting a Mediating Bill

    The Representative of The Plenary Committee (Claire Renske, MP of the Praxis-Unionist UML) said that the Commission & Working Group for litigation, procuration and rumuneration will begin working on a compromising draft Bill on Thursday. This is conditional on no compromise reached by then (the ordinary Sitting of the Upper House).
    They envision that “Nasphilitae can afford creating cash flow through public debt”, given the high production factors & forces, as analysed in the Cohens papers.

    2.1. Formalist roadblock in Resolution 7

    Internationalisation, which is nearly complete (according to the Supreme Court) is roadblocked by “the formal language of WF Resolution 7”. Namely, the following is needed for internationalisation (domestic application of international law and customs).

    Section B - Mandate
    1. To train and prepare all relevant services effectively and under the recommendations set forth by the ESCA.
    2. To collect numerous data regarding the performance of emergency services among member states and process it for recommendations on increasing efficiency and response capability.
    3. To inform the World Forum on an annual basis the status of all member states’ emergency services.

    While this can be interprated at “members of ESCA”, the Resolution explicitly mentions:

    Section C - Power

    The ESCA shall have the power of the World Forum to carry out and enforce its mandate on all member states, and will enlist the assistance of its parent organisation as required.

    “mandate on all member states” is further ambivalised by the following:

    Section E - Membership

    Membership in the ESCA is offered to all member states of the World Forum unconditionally, and to all external states under the conditions as set forth by the Directorate.

    However, the Supreme Court says that “The envisioned observer status merely creates formalist confusion in application of this Resolution.”

    2.2. Roadblock in “ambivalence” of Resolution 8

    A greater issue is posed by WF Resolution 8.

    Section C - Organisation
    1. IACO consists of voluntary member nations.

    2. IACO is headed by a director-general who is elected by a simple majority vote in the Committee for International Law. The term length of a director-general shall be 12 months.

    3. An IACO Investigation Team’s duty is to conduct investigations on a matter decided by the Assembly or by the request of the issuing nation.

    4. An IACO Response Team’s duty is to help national forces enforce World Arrest Warrants.

    Section D - Definitions

    1. A World Arrest Warrant (WAW) is issued by an international arrest warrant issued by a member nation requesting international assistance for an arrest.

    2. An Investigation Request (IR) is issued by a member nation requesting international assistance for an investigation.

    3. An Investigation Order (IO) is issued by the Assembly launching an investigation.

    Section E - Authorities

    1. The IACO has the international authority to conduct investigations when instruced by the Assembly or requested by nations and help nations pursue WAWs when requested by the incoming nation.

    2. All investigation relted materials gathered by the national investigation force must be handed to the IACO investigation Team immediately after the launch of an IACO investigation and when requested by the investigation Team

    Two issues arise from the IACO in the process of internationalisation:

    1. Once again, ambivalence on “voluntary member nations”; As to whether it includes Observers.

    2. Extradition envisioned of WAW to the International Court which would nullify the entire internationalisation process of Nasphiliti law.

    2.3. Head of HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs assures public of circumvention possibilities

    The Head of HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs, Earl Quinlan Emmerson, had assured both the public and the Judiciary that “these incompatibilities do not pose more than a formal issue”. Elaborating, he responded with the following points:

    1. Resolution 7 is substantively not crucial due to the competence of domestic security forces. However, I am sure that the Observer status permits the ESCA from inspecting the readiness of those forces.
    2. The internationalisation of international law & customs into domestic law includes that Private Acts (those regulating the prosecution of domestic physical and private entities) recognise the breaking of international law & customs.
    3. Issues relating to the WAW and extradition of foreign residence in Nasphilitae to the International Court is not envisioned to be covered by the internationalisation process.
    4. Issues relating to an observer state extraditing foreign WAR criminals is a non-issue.

    He further elaborated these statements by saying that “The entire internationalisation process serves two substantive purposes. First is sovereignty over jus soli of its citizens, related to sovereignty of Nasphilitae to prosecute its own criminals. Second is cotnributing to international stability, which I am sure an Observer state can contribute to.” (paraphrasing)

    2.3.1. Preliminary statement of the HMCFA

    Notably, the HMCFA has made a binding public preliminary statement (which is to be processed into a Royal Act):

    "THE Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae, through exercise of its sovereignty in external matters via the HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs, incorporates all international law and customs into domestic law.

    1. As such, it abides to non-obligatory and mandatory provisions as set by the World Forum and other international customs.
    2. Henceforth, will prosecute physical entities with the status of its citizens and private entities with the status of registry within its territories, in accordance to domesticatd international law.
    3. Such prosecutions may be attended by institutions of the World Forum in assessment that the correct procedure is conducted.
    4. Until further necessary changes are processed into domestic law, including formalisation of relations to international organisations and bilateral relations, as to avoid conflict of laws in situations where foreign physical citizens or foreign private entities are envisioned to be prosecuted by the International Court of Justice; Border control of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae will be heightened and its policy of open border for refuge (exercised by the right to soil) is temporarily suspended.
    5. To ensure proper conduct of this policy, condemnation and exercise of it through sanctions, by physical, private or state entities is automatically enforced, without the need for legal codification nor statements on the matters.
    Head of HM Cabinet for Foreign Affairs, Earl Quinlan Emmerson. Signed: High Duke and Head of State of Nasphilitae, Dawson Ernst.
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    Table of Content:

    1. Economy

    2. Politics and Culture

    1.1. The ‘Simulacra Package Bill’ presented by The Plenary Committee

    The Plenary Committees Commission for legislative consultation, deliberation ad excogitation presented a mediating draft Bill regarding the ongoing crisis of liquidity.
    The Cohen sisters of the IaN institute have dubbed the bill “Simulacra Package”, due to its contents.

    1.2. Kamala Cohen on the Bill

    "The State is simulating confidence (utilising the mechanisms of EDI invoicing, closed-voucher socialisation via Evaluated Receipt Settlements, SGN's which allow trade entities to issue pro forma invoicing to the international markets, Keeping low interest rates & incentivising the same policy to commercial banks by greater tax exemptions which take on crediting of lower-value & acquiring brackets...)

    Though, above all, it has shown readiness & confidence in points related to the free float of currency, the re-opening of the Agorports National-International Currency Stock Exchange, in removing the national debt ceiling and even guaranteeing (through the SGNs), that, in case of capital returns on foreign portfolio investments isn’t met, it will be paid back by the State.

    I foresee that the government is filtering out successful from unsuccessful Innsbolts projects and it wishes to nationalise the unsuccessful onnes by making them rely on SGNs. I foresee a period of volatile monetic movements until a sovereign reserve fund can be created from international transactions. Likely a 50% of future trading partners currencies in a basket with parity to one another and 50% of the Pacifican Dollar. This will likely be how the Government envisions to create real parity of the Nasphiliti Pacifican Pound Sterling."

    – Alright, thank you Kamala for the dispositive. I’m still puzzled regarding the term you’ve chosen. Why “Simulacra”? How about Candice, you?

    1.3. Candice Cohen on the Bill

    "First, the term itself. Simulacra of the market activities initiation of which is by simulating symbolic financial instruments, coupled with simulated over-confidence on capital (production) output. In this entire set of propositions, only the latter (production forces & factors) are actually tangibly high. It is gambling on continually rising production force, at least in this financial year, though given our analytical paper this is a low-risk gamble but it has been totemised and over-valued.

    Secondly, the term of ‘packaging’ refers to satisfying the interests of every political party & their socio-economic base. As it was seen, only SRP and NNP have staunchly voted against the Bill in both Houses. The reasons for which will be covered by Sera later. Namely, Internal voucher privatisation for the UML; Inventory leasing through EDI invoicing for the CGC; Foreclosures’ inventory stock re-management via self-billing invoices satisfies the SDVP; Low interest rates and free floating probably made the ALDA salivate. Opportunity Party, might have been the authors of the ‘Confident Volatility Policy’ section in the removal of National Debt ceiling and re-enforcing of anti-trust laws for all."

    :::mumuring::: “Reformed Dorothians… The Package is half-yearly, right?” :::murmuring further, then smirks:::

    – Candice? Is there a loophole we aren’t seeing which would explain your unusual humour?

    “Dorothians” (…-Pause-…) This Bill comes from Jonas Val of the UML, as opposed to the officially self-declared Reformed Dorothians of Syd G. Paytons “The Center” leading government (…)
    Thing is, this Bill is nearly identical to the one passed by ‘Queen’ Dorothy Atkinsons in 1852. upon her inauguration. It fiscalised our duties to the Empire and allowed for early industrialisation. It’s the reason mercantilism stopped being a burden and why we had to begin issuing our own currency in the first place."


    – …Alright, any advice or foresight?

    1.3.1. Candice Cohen Forecast and Advice

    "Overall, spend all your saving on anything, diversify them if you can, because that same currency from 1852. is being revaluated for the first time since Queen Dorothy Atkinsons this February 20."

    2.1. Codified internationalisation & WF

    Codification of International Law & Customs Has finally been completed. Nasphilitae has also applied to be an Observer State to the World Forum.

    – Now, we’ve been hearing about the “skeptical” attitude Nasphilitae has towards international organisations and multilateralism in general. The Royal-Judiciary Act, by which citizens of Nasphilitae are subject to prosecution in case of breaking international law & customs, but by domestic courts. Despite this, it has opted for an Observer status.
    – What do you two think is the reason for this solution?

    2.2. Robert Stenhouse and Sera Clayton on Nasphiliti culturo-political paradigm

    "It’s in the banned essay which wrecked havoc on me for the institutionalised perpetual civil war theory… All I’ll say is that the application of international law into domestic was paramount; Otherwise it wouldn’t be considered legitimate by the Nasphiliti, thus not practiced.

    This Act further rationalised that to citizens, we need an Observer status as to comply to what was presented as out own domestic law.

    -Pause- :::Deep Sigh:::

    …It’s related to the unwritten zeroth clause of Nasphilitae. Freedom of religion but keep the confession private. Jus Soli but keep the ethnic background and heritage to yourself. That’s as far as I’ll go."

    Robert Stenhouse.

    – How insightful. Sera, you?

    2.3. Sera Clayton on leading cause of death & further culturo-political analysis

    "All of these topics are ephemeral after a peer-reviewed study revealed that pollution is the leading cause of death & low life expectancy. This is why SRP and NNP, despite their differences, refuse to vote in favour of an economic packaging act which does not address environmental issues…

    I do agree with Stenhouse that this “skepticism” is best observed in religious architecture or architecture and design of cities in general. 93% respondents say that religion plays a vital role in their life but all refused to publicly declare their confession. Religious architecture also shows this.

    If one pays attention they can notice how all churches, synagogues and the few mosques are urban planned as to be “hidden” from the public view of a rural or urban landscape, despite the vast number of them and high attendance rates.

    I can’t be more explicit than this, sorry."

    – That’s fine, I’m surprised we got this much unmasking in one entry. The study Sera Clayton mentioned can be seen below.

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    Table of Content:

    1. Politics, Economy

    2. International, Culture

    3. National Registry Updates

    1.1. Simulacra Package Enacted After Agenda Negotiations with SRP & NNP

    The (minimally revised) Simulacra Package was enacted on 19th of February after negotiations between the opposing environmentalist parties (SRP & NNP) regarding agenda-setting.
    The Agenda Negotiations were lead between:

    • The Lead Representative of the Plenary Committee: Claire Renske, also the leader of ADLA who wrote the Bill.
    • Elian Aitken of the SRP as well as Executive Officer for Energy, Environment & Transport; on behalf of the SRP.
    • Avery Kidling, the Head Commissioner for Public Protection, Inquiry & Scrutiny in The Plenary Committee, as well as leader of the NNP, on behalf of the NNP.

    The negotiations were also attended by Head of Government (Syd G. Payton as leader of “The Center”) and the Head of HM Shadow Government (Nowell Riley Trenton as leader of “Opportunity Party”).

    The agreement was reached by placing the following two weeks of Agendas for both the Lower House and the Upper House to be revolved around enacting anti-pollution measures & protocols for private entities (all lucrative entities regardless of ownership).

    2.1. Joining the World Forum

    The Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae was admitted to the World Forum on the 21st February, gaining the envisioned status of an Observer.
    The Ambassadorial Mission of Nasphilitae to the World Forum will be lead by Md. Adrianna Rolston.

    2.2. HM-C-FA Public Announcement

    The Head of HMs Cabinet for External Affairs (Earl Quinlan Emmerson), announced on the 22nd of February that it began working on a “Collective Strategy Document”. So far, it is known that it will include the mentioned re-opening of consulates (presumably also embassies) and the creation of “Institutes for cross-cultural studies”, latter of which will include a public polling, though further elaboration regarding its contents is unknown. Same goes for the Document.

    3.1. Categorisation of business entities

    The National Registry has released a publication in which it categorises business entities of Nasphilitae. It did so as to aid the economic transitioning-restructuring process.

    It includes seven categories of classification for private entities operating in Nasphilitae or private entities of Nasphilitae operating abroad. A private entity in Nasphiliti law includes all business entities, regardless of the

    • By Ownership category, whose classifications can be:

      • Private
      • Public/Workers Co-operatives
      • State
      • Noble
    • By Creation category, which encompasses only corporations, whose classifications can be:

      • Statutory (corporate structure and company itself by legislative procedure, usually includes former Import Substitution companies).
      • Chartered (corporate structure and company itself by royal procedure). De facto inexistent until August 20.
      • Statute Registration (corporate structure by company or companies enacting a registered Statute of self-governance).
    • By Liability category, whose classifications can be:

      • Limitation by shares.
      • Limitation by SGN (same as limitation by guarantees, though these are usually government guarantees due to the Simulacra package).
      • Unlimited. De facto inexistent until August 20.
    • By Share openness category, whose classifications can be:

      • Unlisted (limited participation completely).
      • Internal (limited participation to employees).
      • Portfolio (limited participation to shares without stocks).
      • Unlimited. De facto inexistent until August 20.
    • By external control:

      • Domestic.
      • Foreign.
    • By internal control:

      • Holding.
      • Subsidiary.
      • Associated.
      • Central (Holding with Subsidiaries which enjoy self-management in employment but not in capital control).

    3.2. List of major internal & portfolio domestic companies by employment

    1. ENGeN: 120,000 employees. Sector: Instrumentation/Upkeep Machinist.
      Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Private. Limited by Share. Statute Registration.

    2. MXCHA: 110,000 employees. Sector: R&D, Industrial Design. Machinist.
      Holding. Domestic. Internal. Public. Limited by SGN. Statute Registration.

    3. Protota-Automata: 97,000 employees. Sector: Automation, R&D. Machinist.
      Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by Share. Statute Registration.

    4. DyeDyes4All: 90,000 employees. Sector: Textile chemistry, Distribution-Supply Chain Conglomerate.
      Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by Share. Statutory.

    5. AmpoChem: 82,000 employees. Sector: Biochemical.
      Central. Domestic. Internal. Public. Limited by Share. Statutory.

    6. Kons: 80,000 employees. Sector: Construction, Infrastructure.
      Central. Domestic. Portfolio. State-owned. Limited by Share. Statutory.

    7. Kons-REC: 70,000 employees. Sector: Resource refinement, Distribution Chain.
      Subsidiary. Domestic. Portfolio. State-owned. Limited by Share. Statutory.

    8. AmpoChem-FYW: 65,000 employees. Sector: Biochemical.
      Subsidiary. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by Share. (Initially) Statutory (Later) Statute Registration.

    9. Grahnalia: 40,000 employees. Sector: Biochemical, Agricultural.
      Holding. Domestic. Unlisted. Noble. Unlisted. Chartered.

    10. ReNov: 38,000 employees. Sector: Infrastructure, Retail.
      Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by SGN. Statutory.

    3.2. List of major internal & portfolio domestic companies by estimated fixed capital value

    Fixed Capital Value ≊ By Capital Equity

    1. MXCHA (Inc): 88.22 billion ∮ (44.11 bil. $)

    2. Protota-Automata (Inc): 81.54 billion ∮ (40.27 bil. $)

    3. Kons (Inc): 78.92 billion ∮ (37 bil. $)

    4. ENGeN (Inc): 74.31 billion ∮ (33.15 bil. $)

    5. AmpoChem (Inc): 71.65 billion ∮ (30.30 bil. $)

    Funded by the North South Bridge Briefs

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    Table of Content:

    1. Foreign re-opening

    2. Plebiscite Results

    1.1. ‘Joint Service for Foreign Interaction & Agreements of Nasphilitae’ to be launched

    The Heads of the HM Cabinets (for External Affairs, Armed Forces, and the intelligence Agency for Identification & Documentation), Earl Quinlan Emmerson, General Peer David Atkinsons, and Peerress Madison Edwards (respectively);
    Have announced on the 28th of February a plan to launch the “Joint Service for Foreign Interaction & Agreements of Nasphilitae”(hereby known as the Joint Service).

    It will include both the full texts of the “Collective Security Document” and its’ methodical (but separate) supportive files of “Collective Security Document:Economic Dimension” and “Collective Security Document:Security Dimension”.

    It will also serve as the official channel for interaction with both Nasphilitae as a state actor and its’ private (business, cross-cultural) entities, with other international actors (state or business/cross-cultural alike).

    It is safe to assume that the reason behind the decision of a Joint Service launching is to rationalise the systemic transition in matters related to external (or foreign) policies overall.

    The given estimated date for Joint Service launch is 3rd to 5th of March.

    1.2. ‘Collective Security Document’ Outline publication

    The HM Cabinet for External Affairs shared with us the outline of “Collective Security Document” on the 27th of February.




    2.1. Domestic public opinions of other cultures & countries

    The HM Cabinet for External Affairs, with the help of The National Registry, conducted between the 20th and the 27th February, a Plebiscite regarding the Domestic Public opinions of other countries or “lingo-cultural groups”.
    The National Registry provided statistics on fluency of foreign languages among the domestic population.
    Results of both are graphed below:

    (Domestic Public Opinion of Other Countries & Fluent Speakers of Languages among the Domestic population in Percentages)

    2.1.1. Top three countries

    The citizens still have the highest rating for Austra (98%), followed by (a relatively new) high rating of U.S.I. (86%). The third place (82% positive) is shared by a collection of countries grouped into “Almanophonic group countries” which includes those whose primary official languages are either Alman or Cimbrian, though excludes the Friean-speaking countries. This includes countries from Frastinia (such as Eflad, Gianatla, Besern…) and other regions (such as Weisserstein, Tepertopia, Emerald…)

    It is estimated that a leading factor in high ratings of the top three is the lingo-cultural connection and some historical, mercantile interactions after Nasphilitae received Home Rule in 1661.

    2.1.2. Great power skepticism

    Among other global countries, the citizens seem to view all of them positively but with high degree of skeptcism (ranging from 21% to 10%), with Karnetvor (76% positive to 21% negative) being the most controversial.
    Following Karnetvor are: Sedunn (66% to 11%), Pelinai (64% to 11%), UPRAN (47% to 10%), Huawan (35% to 11%) and Ryccia (32% to 11%).

    The noticed trend is that, lest for Karnetvor, the skepticism appears to be evenly shared. Another trend is that of physical distance and knowledge of the language. As such, the three key factors which can be observed in shaping the domestic public opinions are:

    • General skepticism towards Regional & Great powers.

    • Domestic knowledge of the culture and language of those countries.

    • Physical distance between Nasphilitae to those countries.

    2.1.3. Crabry countries

    Speaking of physical distance, the Plebiscite included a separate ballot concerning Nasphilitae’s neighbors and other countries on Crabry.

    Regionally, Tepertopia (belonging to the aforementioned group at 82%), Esfalsa (74%) and Kliegme (72%) enjoy the highest ratings.

    2.1.4. NAGB

    Evidently, all countries have a higher positive than negative rating, with the single exception being the NAGB; standing at 82% negative and mere 11% positive rating among the domestic public.

    This isn’t a surprise when factoring in the proximity & general political instability within NAGB, coupled with the contrasting high approval rating of U.S.I.

    It is also worth mentioning that the general domestic public did support U.S.I. intervention in the NAGB.

    Funded by the NSBB:North-South Bridge Briefs


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    Table of Content:

    1. AID Hash Inquiry

    2. Deadlock Bills

    1.1. R.D. of AID backs Plenary Committee Inquiry

    Representative-Director of the AID, Madison Edwards, supported re-initiating inquiry began by the Plenary Committees’ Working Group within the Commision for Public protection, Appraisal, Inquiry & Scrutiny of Avery Kidling began earlier this month. The Inquiry began as reaction to public official statements related to security and privacy of online documents, namely mentions relating to hashing of illicit images. Initially, the questions of: 1) How frequent is hashed data in comparison to regular data in usual traffic; and 2) Is the content of hashed images purely illicit. Given responses revolved around technical difficulties in answering both questions, to which Madison stated:
    “The provided reasoning for legal incompatibility regarding exchange of information internally” (…) “Is circular, as it implies, presumption of undue influence in all cases initiated (directly or indirectly) by AID-provided evidence.”
    Due to the lackluster timing and oddity of the subject, a reasonable suspicion which arises is tha this issue might be exploited as a catalyst for conflict resolutions within the AID itself.

    2.1. Constitutional Codification Stalled by Coalition Disagreements

    Despite being on the Agenda since formation of the Cabinet on 9th of February, codification of the constitution has been stalled since, namely due to disagreements between the governing coalition over its contents. Namely, the ruling coalition (comprised of: The Center, SRP, SDVP and CGC) is internally disputed over the scope which the codified constitution should cover.
    While The Center and CGC are(due to campaign) known to be in favour of codification, they believe it should be of limited scope, encompassing a comparative overview of the current political and legal system; The SDVP is positioned to be “maximalist”, in which the contents ought to be a general normative and substantive overview. The SRP takes a compromising view, under which the comparative contents are appended with broad, general goals aspired to be fulfilled in the future.

    2.2. Public Housing and Healthcare Disagreements

    If you recall, an agreement regarding the last major Act to pass was a key reason for its sucess, which had fixated the coming Agenda as to include discussions regarding environmental issues as to gain non-obstructive approval from SRP and NNP MPs. It has also been on the Agenda for ~1 month, though progress in these areas has been stalled, as a result of (formerly comprising “Praxis” wing in the P3) UML-SDVP disagreements.
    This general obstruction is the result of mutually-sabotaging activity from Executive Officer for Public Health and Housing (Mark Bourke of the SDVP) and HM Shadow Governments Head of Committee of Education (Clem Irvin of the UML). While this arrangement might seem obtuse, a key reminder is that filibustering is not prohibited by any legislation enacted since the inauguration of this Parliament on 9th of February.

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    Table of Content:

    1. Infrastructural Renovation Plan

    1.1. Railroad, Highway and Magistral Road Plans

    Head of HM Shadow Government Committee of Climate & Infrastructure (Dellan Embrose of the UML) and Executive Officer for Energy, Environment & Transport (Elian Aitken of the SRP), together with Head of Government Syd G. Payton and Head of HM Shadow Cabinet Nowell Riley Trenton have reached an agreement to jointly draft a Public Works Project, contents of which will are estimated to be presented on the 28th of March
    Although we have divided this into two sections, the same rules will apply in both.

    Here is the current state of railroad, highway and magistral road and plans:

    1.2. Maritime Ports and Airport Plans

    Head of HM Shadow Government Committee of Climate & Infrastructure (Dellan Embrose of the UML) and Executive Officer for Energy, Environment & Transport (Elian Aitken of the SRP), together with Head of Government Syd G. Payton and Head of HM Shadow Cabinet Nowell Riley Trenton have reached an agreement to jointly draft a Public Works Project, contents of which will are estimated to be presented on the 28th of March
    Although we have divided this into two sections, the same rules will apply in both.

    Here is the current state of Maritime ports and Airport Plans::

    1.3. Impact on the Joint Service

    These projects will likely heavily impact the Joint Service, and the public officials have “Strongly encouraged domestic businesses to be on the look-out for the possibility of public work plans”
    As for interested foreign entities, "It is likely that the upcoming changes in this project will significantly impact the increase of value for domestic company revenue in the near future, as such we strongly encourage other countries and their businesses to consider portfolio investment

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    Table of Content:

    1. Politics

    2. Culture

    1. Politics.

    1.1. Draft Bill regarding Infrastructure presented

    The Head of Government & Speaker Syd G. Patton and The Head of HMs Shadow Cabinet Nowell Riley Trenton, leaders of the two largest political parties in Nasphilitae (“The Center” and “Opportunity Party”, respectively). Today presented the joint Draft Bill on Infrastructural renovation before the Lower House.

    It should be noted that the draft was authored by the two of them, while idea for the Bill was brought forth by Dellan Embrose (of HM Shadow Government and member of the UML party) and Elian Aitken (of the ruling Government and member of the SRP political party).
    This explains why most opposition towards the Bill in the Upper House revolves around formal wording within it, since Embrose and Aitken weren’t co-authors, as the Upper House Seating is yet to be called this week.

    The Draft Bill is available here.

    1.2. AID Inquiry begins Investigation with plan of action presented

    Avery Kidling (Plenary Committees’ Head Commissioner for Public protection, Appraisal, Inquiry & Scrutiny) which initiated the Inquiry, and Madison Edwards (Representative-Director of the AID, function which is equivalent to Director of AID:Central) have created a plan for Investigating the Hash Controversy of AID today.
    The Plenary Committee will be aided by AIDs Department for Law Enforcement, while AID:Central will be aided by Unit 8 of AIDs Department 9. The plan is graphed below:

    2. Culture.

    2.1. “Sola Victorem” Holiday in Nasphilitae begins

    Today begins the two-week National Holiday of “Sola Victorem” in Nasphilitae. It is one of the oldest holidays celebrated domestically, beginning every 27th of March and lasting for 14 days, first celebrated some time during the 1650s.
    Reasons behind it remain unknown, though it’s estimated that due to the season of when it occurs, to be celebrating the end of Summer and beginning of Colder Seasons.
    This reasoning is further supported by the fact that public celebrations mainly include feasts on squares of previous Summers harvests.


    ›››››04.14.2024‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue: 04142024#01‹‹‹‹‹

    •••••••Politics•••AID News••••••••Joint Service and AGSE News ••••••••••


    The Speaker and Head of Government, Syd G. Payton, announced today in his annual report before The National Parliament that he has managed to convince:

    • William Reynders (Executive Officer for Constitutional Codification) of the SDVP
    • Elian Aitken (Executive Officer for Energy, Environment and Transport) of the SRP

    To put differences aside with their opposition counter-parts (the UML and NNP) and actually work on fixing issues.

    IMPORTANTLY! This came after a two-week discussion which Syd G. Payton had with Head of HM’s Shadow Government, Nowell Riley Trenton. The talks revolved around constructing a plan of “Swift, time-lined, dead-lined, assertive, and effective efforts towards reformation.” According to Nowell R. Trenton.


    "This is a big victory for Nasphilitae"

    Said Syd G Payton on a press conference last night.

    Likewise, The Head of HM’s Shadow Government, Nowell Riley Trenton, announced yesterday during a press conference before The National Parliament convention that he has managed to mediate heat between both:

    • Annabella Fleurette Hayden (Head of Committee for Telecommunications and Media) of the ALDA and Clem Irvin (Head of Committee for Education) of the UML within his own ranks;

    • As well as convince Lauren Fairclough (Head of Committee for Justice) of the UML & Ella R. Stewart (Head of Committee for Public Health and Housing) of the NNP

    To comply with what he called, near the end of the Conference:


    "Big things coming for the people of Nasphilitae: The society as a whole, as well as the individual, and their communities. To be able to live their life as they please, without fear of the state being there to trample on their aspirations. Rather, being there to help them."

    AID News

    → The Investigation case has been passed from Avery Kidling of the Plenary Committees Head of Commission for Public Protection, Appraisal, Inquiry & Scrutiny.
    —> The reason cited was that “The RD of the AID had practically taken over the investigation […] To reiterate, by that I mean that the only means of conducting operational duties is by information provided to us by the AID itself…”

    → The Investigation case has been passed to Claire Renske, Head of the Plenary Committee.

    → Given that the Representative-Director of the Agency for Documentation & Identification (AID), Peerress Madison Edwards has been encouraging the work of The Plenary Committee, some have began speculating that the aid had infiltrated the investigation into itself through means of taking over the investigation themselves.

    Claire-Renske Both Claire Renske
    Peerress-Madison-Edwards and Peerress Maddison Edwards
    have denied these accusations as meaningless.

    Joint Service and AGSE News

    AGSE Stock update has been released:

    Since last time (February W2), Kons has been rising steadily. It should be noted that Kons had won the Infrastructural Public Offering Plan, increasing their revenue and market worth.
    Consequences of this include that they’ve nearly surpassed the “eternal giants” of MXCHA and PrototAutomaton.

    Another notable boost came from @Eflad portfolio investment into the Infrastructural Plan (via buying shares into Kons). The financial capital was much needed and it is expected that the investment (due Aug W3 and Oct W3) will be a worth-while investment.

    Similarly, the Joint Service had signed the following cross-cultural and student exchange programs with:

    Cross-Cultural Exchange:

    • @Qwert (Sedunn). With the Sedunnic Institute being situated in Agorport, Nasphiliti Institute being situated in Troma.

    • @Eflad (Eflad). With the Efladian Institute being situated in Agorport and/or Suhavenster, Nasphiliti Institute being situated in Münnen.

    • @Kliegme (Kliegme). With the Kliegmian Institute being situated in New Sorthane, Nasphiliti being situated in Yatagaras.

    Student Exchange Program:

    • @Eflad (Eflad).
      Field: [Methodology], [Discrete Mathematics].
      University: [Agorport].
      Number of Students: [500].

      Field: [Law].
      University: [Münnen].

    • @ZeroXz (UPRAN)
      Field: [Regional Strategic Studies]
      University: [Suhavenster].
      Number of Students: [200].

      Field: [Anthropology]
      University: [Rouketa].



    ›››››04.15.2024‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue: 04152024#02‹‹‹‹‹

    Politics (Domestic) | Politics (Foreign) | Culture

    The Grand Agenda

    Codification of the Constitution will be preceded upon completion of “The Grand Agenda”, pictured below:

    It has been agreed that the Constitution will be minimalist in scope, as per request of Syd G. Payton and the ruling “The Center” party.
    In turn, the codification will begin subsequent to fulfillment of institutional reformation & consolidation encompassed in “The Grand Agenda”. This was the request of Nowell Riley Trenton and the leading party of opposition “Opportunity Party”.

    Foreign Acceleration

    The HM Cabinet for External Affairs has released its’ plan of opening consulate-trade offices and ambassadorial missions in every region of the South Pacific. Pictured below, the target countries are divided into a total of seven groups and 12 sub-groups, by criteria of geographic location.

    Of the listed, the bolded ones are given “priority”, meaning ambassadorial status.

    The Grand Duke and Head of State of Nasphilitae, Dawson Ernst, has also presented a list of countries which he plans on formally visiting soon. Which do seem… a bit random? Here is the list:

    1. Austra 
    2. Phanama 
    3. Weisserstein 
    4. Karnetvor 
    5. Brodlancia 
    6. Cimbria 
    7. Tepertopia

    The Banalities of Anomie I

    Randice Mal Ruminrood has released a prequal to an autobiography today.
    The autobiography deals with his upbringing in times of Innsbolt and Palmer. However, this prequel seems to be showcasing both Innsbolts and Palmers lives, as well as the general social atmosphere, unbound by time.

    Most criticism directed towards the work is focused on jumps in both style and flow, leading to constant fluidity and confusion.
    You can access the free online version here, by clicking on the blue IaN - OPAL mark, as they’ve provided an electronic access to it:

    1 Like


    ›››››04.16.2024‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue: 04162024#03‹‹‹‹‹

    The Temporal Triumvirate:

    With the public officials kept buy by preparing institutional reformation & consolidation; The Grand Duke visiting Austra; Earl Quinlann Emmerson assembling and preparing the diplomatic staff for consulate office; Claire Renske & Sinclair Houthem playing a cat and mouse game over the AID investigations → Matters of Nasphilitae have been delegated temporarily to the Head Commander-General Peer David Atkinsons. At least initially.

    Austra Visitation and the Coral Red Letters:

    The visit is expected to last longer than initially planned, as this is the first contact made between the two states since 1928. with the death of King Carl Darzens. Mutual Embassies will be constructed: Nasphilitis’ in Nessex, Austras’ in Fort Masontown. Permanent consulates for cultural and commerce matters as well: Nasphilitis’ in Vixbridge, Austras’ in Agorport. Further discussions will revolve around mutual airline and satellite-broadcast cooperations.

    Dawson Ernst has delegated “The Temporary Triumvirate” to General Peer David Atkinsons, Peeress Madison Edwards and Md. Adrianna Rolston with HM Cabinet matters, on the request from Rolston. Dubbed “Coral Red letters”, Rolston had expressed criticism towards passive inactivity of Nasphiliti officials. The exchange concluded with Dawson Ernsts’ approval of “Operation Noble Doorhole”, drafted by Adrianna Rolston. An exert of this exchange is available, in which Rolston says:

    “It is imperative for Atkinsons to form Rapid Reaction Forces, crucial is their role not found within the duties themselves but in monitoring AID staff members.”
    With Dawson responding that: “Espionage indeed requires a double-edged sword of personnel in it, they require to be overlooked, to avoid needless operational errors.”

    Operation Noble Doorhole:

    For General Peer David Atkinsons:

    1. Formation of Rapid Response Forces and Disaster Relief Deployment Forces.
    2. DRDF is to be deployed in two locations: south-west Bailtem and the Transcrabrian Sea.
    3. Deployment in the Transcrabrian Sea is tasked with providing humanitarian relief for refugees and asylum seeker from Zuhlgan.
    4. Deployment in S-W Bailtem is tasked with providing natural disaster relief responses for surrounding countries if it is requested.
    5. The RRF is to be deployed in three locations: Karnetvorian Channel-Gulf of Omen; North Cordilia; along the South Pacific Ocean.
    6. The former two RRF forces are tasked with potential quick peace-keeping response in events of possible future calamities caused by Zuhlgan and Akarina.
    7. All three RRF forces are tasked to overlook adequate reportings of their attached AID personnel.

    For Peeress Madison Edwards:

    1. AID: Department Eight and AID: Department Ten will provide sufficient personnel needed for informational procurement and subsequent concealed informational security reportings.
    2. AID Personnel will be attached to RRF forces in Karnetvorian Channel-Gulf of Omen and North Cordilia.
    3. AID Personnel, dispatched in this operation, temporarily are under the supervision of the RRF.
    4. AID Personnel in Karnetvorian Channel-Gulf of Omen is tasked with procuring information regarding abuses of power and plans for border conflicts from the Zuhlgan government. It must relay all gathered information to the surrounding countries and the International Court.
    5. AID Personnel in North Cordilia is tasked with procuring information on possible systemic discrimination against civilians of the Ito Island from Akarinas’ government. It must relay this information to the International Court, the EYCA and the WF.

    For Adrianna Rolston:

    1. Request to the IaN institute members of: Sera Clayton, Robert Stenhouse and Ayala Moran; to send expertise staff in the fields of Geo-Ecology, Political Systems and International Law to the offices of Adrianna Rolston in the HeadQuarters of the World Forum.
    2. Claytons group is tasked with investigating recent environmental disturbances in south-west Bailtem (namely in Vrigny and K&H Islands within two months).
    3. Stenhouses group is tasked with exploring causes for and solutions to ongoing humanitarian issues in Zuhlgan and Akarina.
    4. Morans group is tasked with monitoring and summarising legal procedures of the International Court in the case against Akarina.
    5. The meetings will be held on floor -2 and open to other participants.

    𝒩𝒜𝒜𝒞𝒩 logo-of-NAACN



    1. Constitutional Bill on workplace organization and High Court caution

    2. End of AID hash investigations

    3. Position on fundamental rights:Jonas Val criticism of Vrigny

    4. Position on World Forum: Adrianna Rolstons’ response to Pelinai

    5. Party standings 3 months after elections:NNP decisive winner

    1 Constitutional Bill on workplace organization presented, High Court for Administrative Crime cautious

    Nowell Riley Trenton of the Opportunity Party and Head of HMs Shadow Cabinet had presented on the regular session of the Lower House a first reading of a Hybrid Constitutional Bill.
    The Hybrid nature of the Bill comes from its’ contents dealing with two separate matters and utilizing two different instruments: Repeal of the “Act suspending anti-trust laws”, established in 2011. during the Innsbolt-Palmer reign; as well as the establishment of “Associations of Unions and of Investors and Owners”.
    The Bill was by in large welcomed by other MPs of the Lower House, in particular those of the Unionist-Socialist UML and of the radically Liberal ALDA, while the environmentalist parties of SRP and NNP were not shy to voice their support either.

    Strangely enough, MPs of the ruling Center Party, a natural opponent to the Opportunity Party, have also voiced their support. This is likely an effect of the Patton-Trenton agreement from a month ago, dubbed “The Agenda”. In it, the opposition was willing to support the Center Party (as well as others in the ruling coalition) in proposing a minimalist codification of the Constitution; in return for the Center Party supporting reform in the area of social justice and environmental regulations.

    The Bill grants extensive social benefits to both workers and business owners, particularly in Chapter VI of the Bill; Which guarantees the right to housing, fair living wages, swift employment procedures, right to paid leave, among others.
    It had also envisioned the materialization of environmental de-pollution regulations; by creation of an independent Research Department on Environmental Standardisation and Inspection. However, citicism of the Bill is focused on who the RDESI is responsible to.

    Namely, the High Court for Administrative Justice is still reviewing the judicial nature of this Bill. Target of this uncertainty, they claim, comes from Chapter V of the Bill: Which envisions the creation of the RDESI and the State Office of Labour, within the Lord High Chancellory. It is claimed that the Bill, as it stands now, implicitly grants the High Chancellory a political connotation. As such, it could be used, in future Court decisions, as justification for treating other organisations introduced in this Bill as being of political nature.

    2. End of AID hashmap investigations:

    The AID Hash investigations, initiated more than two months ago by Executive PO Sinclair Houthems reckless remark regarding hashmap trips on illegal photography being laid online the the Agency for Identification and Documentation, has finally concluded.

    After encouragement from the Lead Director of the AID (Peeress Madison Edwards), The Head Representative of The Plenary Committee and leader of the Nasphilitae National Party (Claire Renske), jointly devised a plan of action for investigating possible breach of privacy by the AID on citizens of Nasphilitae.

    Although no evidence of malice was found regarding possible over-extent of the AID in countering crime within their cyber divisions; Two AID agents were found in possession of cryptographic technology used to backward engineer hashtrip codes. These devices were found kept within the two agents’ private residences. Further judicial inquiry might reveal whether the technology could’ve been or has been used for malicious activity.

    For now, they are being charged for Conflict of Interest. Regardless of outcome, proactive work and vigilance of The Plenary Committee in this affair has raised public opinion of Claire Renske and of her NNP. It has also increased citizens’ confidence in institutions, even if limited to The Plenary Committee, at the moment. Further on this later.

    3. Positions on fundamental rights:Jonas Vals criticism of Vrignys’…methods?

    The ongoing international debate regarding fundamental rights (or lack thereof) in Vrigny, a country recently admitted as member of the World Forum, was incepted by a protest note from Pelinai delivered to the International Court of Justice.

    Nasphilitae’s officials’ positions on the matter has not been vocal. This is because the fundamental right which was/is endangered in Vrigny is prohibitive measures on religious affiliation for its’ citizens. Particularly problematic in this policy is that Vrignys’ former legislation seems to over-extend state authority to the point of endangering freedom of thought, insinuating that private religious adherence is prohibited as well. While this cannot be enforced, it is telling of how Virgnians view law in general.

    Jonas Val of the radically liberal ADLA party is the first Public Official in Nasphilitae to publicly criticise Vrignys’ governments, on the grounds of method it decided to use. Namely, Val has criticised Vrignys reliance on plebiscite to justify legalizing something as basic as fundamental right to free conscience, warning that institutions such as plebiscites and referendums are resemblances of ochlocracies (or rule by the mob).

    4. Positions on Pelinese criticism of WF:Incorrect but correct, by Adrianna Rolston

    Head Ambassador of Nasphilitae to the World Forum, Md. Adrianna Rolston, has called Pelinese criticism:
    “Structurally flawed, incorrect in details, overly presumptive of implications […] from a legalese perspective.”
    However, she’s noted that: “While the criticism is incorrect by the logical procedure, it is correct in its’ illogically-arrived conclusion. Namely, the underlying argument seems to be insinuating that the World Forum lacks measures of enforcement. Apart from the International Court, this is correct.”

    5. Opinion polls of political parties:

    Center Party: 15% :arrow_up_small: 21%
    Opportunity Party: 14.5%:arrow_up_small: 24%
    NNP: 7.5% :arrow_up_small: 13%
    ADLA: 9% :arrow_up_small: 12%

    UML: 12% ▬ 12%

    SRP: 14% :small_red_triangle_down: 8%
    SVDP: 9%:small_red_triangle_down:5%
    CGC: 7.5%:small_red_triangle_down: 3%