PNN - Pacifican News Network


Head Ambassador of Nasphilitae to the WF contacts Head of State regarding Akarina:
Md Adrianna Rolson, Head-Ambassador for the Observer mission of Nasphilitae in the World Forum had contacted the Head of State, Grand Duke Dawson Ernst, regarding Akarinan activities. In particular, those regarding restrictions of air-space and arising threats of intervention.
The transcript is unavailable, though involved questions of whether the Embassy should initiate the ISCMETA and RICOBIJ plans envisioned by the Joint Service. Contents of these plans remain unknown, though likely attempt to rationalise WF procedures in mediation, prevention and universality of its laws.

National Holiday “Sola Victorem” begins
Nasphilitae enters the two-week celebration dubbed “Sola Victorem”, seemingly celebrating the end of summer (as NAACN had suggested).
In actuality, the holiday dates back to mid 1600s, it was a gloom-mocking statement directed towads the three-to-five “Solae” among Austral Empires’ protestants.
“Sola Victorem” translates to “through victorious interpretation alone”, by which authority over divine interpretation is held by those who are capable of enforcing it [their interpretation] onto others. !See below for more!

OOC reference:

“Sol Victor” is a phrase written in the treatise of Westphalia, specifically the Munster Treaty of the two. It precedes “whoever rules the land decides the lands religion” clause. Note that the the treatise ended the 30 Year War.