NPE (OPEN): Joint Service for Foreign Interaction and Agreements of Nasphilitae

Joint Service for Foreign Interaction and Agreements of Nasphilitae

About the Joint Service

The Joint Service for Foreign Interaction and Agreements of Nasphlitae provides a channel for official state and private entity communication with foreign states and businesses. It includes links to the (most recently updated): Collective Security Documents; Intergovernmental Initiatives; Forms for arranging cross-cultural, economic or security agreements; Nasphiliti Industrial Classification Standards and Listed Publicly Offered Inventory Invoices; Exchange Market Data; Stocks of Five Largest Domestic Companies; and Forms for Portfolio Investments.

Quick Links:

  1. Nasphiliti ICS and Inventory Listings
  2. AGPSE (top 5)
  3. Foreign Forms:
  4. Active Intergovernmental Initiatives
  5. Planned Intergovernmental Initiatives


Collective Security Document

PART I: Assessing the present order of domestic and foreign situations naturalistically.

Section A. Domestic indicators: advantages & challenges.

Inheriting past pursuit of isolationist policies, the focal challenge in international relations during the 21st century, include appropriate domestic policies which address foreign liberalisation. Domestic indicators predetermining available policies comprise capabilities within three dimensions, cultural or diplomatic-political dimension, economic or financial dimension, security dimension. Historically, strategic advantage of Nasphilitae revolved around its’ cultural dimension, serving as the baseline for the economic dimension and subsequently the dimension of security. Stressed are openness in mutual co-operations when faced with global challenges and adoption of structural reforms within customs-trade policies, as methods of deriving means to provide ontological security for its constituent-citizens. Supply of fundamental and intermediary products is brought to attention as an intersection of the economic and security dimensions. Moderate militarisation policies contextualized within increased strategic capabilities of production and design, heightened responsiveness and readiness when engaged with mutual or global threats and natural disasters, and amplified research interconnection with other international state actors.

Section B. Foreign indicators: global changes & challenges.

Global threats of the 21st century include as of now: organised criminal groups, terrorist organisations, internal state political instability, international financial crimes, WMD’s, and environmental catastrophes. Looming non-espoused possible threats regarding poverty, vast populations of critically malnourished people, biological viral or bacterial agents, and other, ought to be regarded as imminently possible as well. Key obstacles in multi-state reactions to global threats, stemming from lack of multilateral institutionalisation of their relations, has been re-framed by recent creation of the World Forum. Issues which arise come from the statutory nature of international law, subjecting its’ codification to non-imperative clauses, with limited means of enforcement. Significant advancement has been made in the global threat of WMD’s, largely attributed to TPNW, alas noting its’ lack of regulation regarding biological and chemical weapons. Inclusion of non-state international actors (regional organisations, trans-national alliances, inter-dependence of private entities, and other) will contribute to future progress in decreasing global threats. Future arrangements with other international state actors ought to be normative methods in achieving prosperity, stability and peace,

Section C. Examination & Comparation of Regional situations.

In spite of historical instability, the Continent of Crabry has progressed significantly in achieving prosperity, stability and peace during first quarter of 21st century. Threat of conflicts between state actors among each other has all but diminished. Internal political instability, providing dissidence and opportunity for expanding influence and pressure, on regional state actors has potential to be a hazardous threat. Further inter-regional integration and harmonization, as well as institutionalisation of influence on countries of Crabry, are stressed methods in pursuit of common interests.

Section D. Examination & Comparation of Regional & Great Powers.

Definitions of Regional, Great and Super Powers:

A Regional Power is hereby defined using the RANASA textbook definition of: “The dominant economic, military and/or cultural power vested by a sovereign state entity in one or more political regions, whose influence does not extend greatly, beyond more than two continents” .
Likewise, a Great Power is defined as: “A dominant economic, military and cultural power vested by a sovereign state entity whose influence extends across the South Pacific, with possible territories on more than one continent”.
There exists a definition for a Superpower, though the only example given is the Austral Empire in mid 16th century (1550s) to the early half of the 19th century (1800-1850s). A Superpower is defined as: “The globally dominant sovereign state entity with territories on all continents, of de facto omnipotent economic, military and cultural power, which it exercises de facto in omnipresence across the South Pacific.”
Eleven countries which classify as a Great Power in 2024. include: U.S.I., Sedunn, Pelinai, The Frost Empire, Gianatla, Ryccia, Huawan, Weisserstein, Besern, The United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver and Technaget.
By Continent, countries which classify as Regional Powers in 2024. include:
Cordilia: Karnetvor, Valkyria, UPRAN, Ikaranara, Eflad, Holy Free (disputed) .
Bailtem: Dacian Federation, Andrendia, Vrigny (disputed).
Bareland: Ubesii, Fatiniyya (disputed) .
Keyli and Rainbow Islands: Berustrug.
Crabry: Esfalsa, Kliegme.

Controversies surrounding further comparisons:

For a total of 24 countries which classify as either Regional or Great Powers in 2024. Additionally, they may be classified by which of the three (economic, military, cultural) powers the respective country seems to prioritise. An example of this would be the focus of Gianatla on cultural power exercised through the World Forum, international sports participation and the influence it has among Alman speaking countries; Which in aggregate greatly contribute to its’ position as a Great Power.
However, deeper exploration of this classification by focus is subject to controversy among RANASA scholars due to questions which arise of its’ implications. For instance, “Can a country with little to median influence be considered a Regional or Great Power by mere metric of cultural power it projects, with only the aspect of its’ language being widely spoken?” arises in the question of present-day Austra.
Conversely, “Does influence on a language speaking group from a Great Power contribute to countries of the same language group being classified as Regional Powers?” arises most notably in questions related to Arnchow.
Another example would be, “Can a country with high indicators of military or economic power be considered a Regional or Great Power if it lacks any recognition or influence which comes from cultural power projection?” example which is usually given being the NAGB. There is no definitive consensus surrounding these topics.

Section E. Dimensions of Cultural, Economic and Security.

Cultural Dimension Indices of Capabilities in 2024 and Recommendations for the future:

61% of citizens speak two other languages fluently, while 92% of citizens speak at least one other language fluently. These include, from most to least fluently spoken (percentage of citizens):
Alman (21%), Cimbrian (21%), Montacian (17%), Friean (15%), Aegean (14%), Gara (12%), Pelinese Hinomoto (12%), Kotomoto (12%), Karnetvorian (9%), Sedunnic (8%), Esfalsan (2%). There is obviously a cross-over between knowing these languages (Ex: Alman, Cimbrian & Friean are likely fluently known by mostly the same group of citizens). The previous advantage serves to elaborate its naturally preceding advantage, which is human capital, specifically within the diplomatic corpus and in the private entity lucrative transactions. It is recommended that the Royal Academy of Natural and Art Sciences Association (RANASA), which serves as an exclusively Nobility channel for training the diplomatic corpus of Nasphilitae, harmonise its’ program & training with the Universities of Suhavenster, Agorport, and New Sorthane.
It is imperative that a protocol be enacted by which the administrative staff of diplomatic corpus and/or private (economic) entities are provided clear criteria & channels for employment by non-Nobles.

Economic Dimension Indices of Capabilities in 2024 and Recommendations for the future:

Nasphilitae is undergoing a transition from import substitution re-industrialisation to re-liberalisation & restructuring of its’ macroeconomic policy. The largest (by employment and capital) domestic companies specialise in sectors of: Mechanical instrumentation & engineering; Mechanical & Industrial design & research-and-development; Automation research-and-development; Biochemical production of bio-fuel; Biochemical production of food processing & nutritive research; Resource industries in Refinement & Distribution; Construction industries in Housing, Logistics & Infrastructure; Chemical industries in textile chemistry; and Agriculture in production & distribution (limited to Nobility only). These sectors are perfectly in concordance with the discussed desire for restoration of foreign activity by methods discussed regarding the Economic and Security dimensions.
It is recommended that the Mechanical, R&D, Construction (Logistics & Infrastructural), and Instrumentation sectors create and/or incorporate militarisation branches once economic liberalisation is complete. This is possible as the human capital already exists due to the nature of these specialisations. Said militarisation branches are to be mostly export-oriented, as to comply with the discussed Economic Dimension and its’ aid in the pursuit of foreign policy restoration and achievement of goals. It is also recommended that the Financial Services sector, once revitalised, spearhead policies of bilateral co-operation within monetary & currency exchange mechanisms. Although inherited human capital for the Financial Services sector exists, it is also recommended that Nasphilitae actively pursue bilateral arrangements, nature of which is exchange of knowledge & expertise.

Security Dimension Indices of Capabilities in 2024 and Recommendations for the future:

The projected share of annual spending on the Armed Forces is 2.5% of total nominal GDP. It is also financed privately by the Nobility, though this does not fall under National spending. As such, Noble estimates of “high readiness-responsiveness-reaction” and “high professionalisation & specialisation” regarding the Armed Forces hold some merit in spite of restrictions to Active service.
Active service in the Armed Forces, membership which is restricted to the Nobility and nominated gifted non-Nobles (through the Royal Scholarship Program), requires training and education within RANASA. Active soldiers of the Armed Forces are required to train and profess until reaching criteria of a Commanding Officer or a Commanding Lieutenant. The Royal Primogeniture grants the Peerage (without the Earldom) supreme Right of Initiative to declare an Alarming War State of Collective (National) Emergency, a procedure required for Collective Citizen Mobilisation to be called. Collective Citizen Mobilisation is a set of Program Protocols which ensure quick and adequate call to arms, training, and deployment of civilians in the event of an Alarming War State of Collective Emergency. The Officer Corpus of the Armed Forces ensures that, in case of (external or internal-civil) war, Nasphilitae is highly prepared. The aforementioned private financing by the Nobility provides Nasphilitae with advanced equipment, R&D and design of vessels & weapons. However, ownership of weapons by civilians (including non-service Nobles, not including the Police Force) is strongly prohibited. Recommendations for the Armed Forces include two-to-three key concepts. A section for Natural Disasters is to be created, legislated and regulated by separate laws than those concerning the Armed Forces. Another section for Global Threats is to be created, legislated and regulated by separate laws than those concerning the Armed Forces. The purpose of which is combat against global threats, including (but not limited to): organised criminal groups, terrorist organisations, human trafficking rings, international high organised financial crime, and other. Both of these sections are to cooperate with international actors in accordance to international law, multilaterally or bilaterally.

PART II: Defining domestic goals.

Section A. Desired Projection of Domestic Values onto Foreign.

Projection is hereby to be defined as: “Representation of structures containing traits on a different plane of existence, which seeks to reconstruct its direction, by attribution of such traits on it viainjection.” Insofar, “traits” may be termed “domestic values”. Desired projection of these traits onto the “plane” of “foreign existence” is justified in its limited scope as a “Method of mechanisms which are utilised for ontological security including ones own existence which is co-dependent on the existence and attributes of others.” These desires are prosthetic undertones which are observable in all living things. To fully define desired projection is to limit human desire and attempting to do so islimited by the confines of human knowledge.

Section B. Intersecting Maximal Desires with Naturalist Situations.

The naturalistic position seeks, at most, a minimalist desire to be fulfilled. Common human minimal desire is the will to continue existing. The subliminal position seeks, at least, a wide and unclear list of all imaginable maximal desires to be fulfilled. “Pragma” intersection, in this context, is confined within: “A numbered set of broad desires which are able to be manifested into the real plane of existence within a reasonable time-frame, given the realities of current space-time.” Manifestation is thus: “The realisation of desired projections which have the form of a tangible object, expanding infinitely into the direction of a goal, or the perceived point of infatuation which may be requited.”

Section C. Domestic Goals & Hierarchy of Importance

  1. Continued existence of Nasphilitae as a country and its constituent-citizens.
  2. Ontological security of its constituent-citizens provided by holders of public offices.
  3. The natural intrinsic rights to private life, political arrangements and inclusive public participation.
  4. Intrinsic human desire for inter-dimensional perception as exemplified by cultural cross-understanding.
  5. Desire for constructing reality to accommodate betterment of life conditions pronounced in a material
  6. Security or freedom from anomic ambiguity by accounting for procedural clarity.
  7. Tranquility of life to the extent by which it can be publicly provided for.

Section D. Domestic Goals & Hierarchy of The Three Dimensions

Goals 1 and 4 belong under the jurisdiction of what has been called “inter-governmental”, “international”, “global” and like-wise. Within our contemporary political system, this area is exclusively under the primogeniture of Royal Supremacy.
Goals 2, 3 and 6 belong under a broad and controversially (termed) category of “first generation human rights of political and public participation”. They’ve been corner-stones of Nasphilitae which have been endangered (two-to-three) times in the past century, in avoiding a recurrence, a vigilant public is required. Media and close-proximity socialization hold highest accountability in fulfilling this task. They fall under the “cross-cultural” dimension.
Goal 5 is explicitly addressing the “economic” dimension.
Goal 7 suffers from lack of clarity. We will assume that (such as goal 1 and thus entering recursion) it is attempting to reference the “security” dimension.

PART III: Manifesting domestic goals, Defining Key Strategic Partners & their Classification.

Section A. Key Strategic Partners in the Region.

Performing difference of multiple (six) sets of means will be used and subsequently compared in arriving to this conclusion. The Cultural Dimension will factor in mean internal stability (1.5) and mean domestic public view of said country (1.5); the Economic Dimension is comprised of overall performance through estimated nominal GDP (1) and compatibility of economic sectors relative to domestic (1); the Security Dimension includes estimations of readiness (1) and conduct (1).
Esfalsa (5.5, lacking domestic knowledge of Esfalsan and sector incompatibilities); NAGB (3, derived from high GDP, sector compatibility and readiness of forces); Jakub (4, combined overall); Kliegme 5.5 (federal semi-presidentialism creates skepticism in its’ future stability, sectors are minimally compatible for comparative advantage in trade); Phanama (4.5, combined overall, difference from Jakub in political stability); Tepertopia (6, federal structure in combination with small size which attributes to overall lower economic mean and skepticism towards security readiness).

Section B. Key Strategic Partners among Regional & Great Powers.

Austra and Karnetvor exhibit key challenges in approaching a re-reconstructioned relation, due to general inertia, as well as divisive domestic public opinion. Highest potential risk endangering goal #6 is in future re-emergence of disagreements between Almanophonic countries and U.S.I. This sets a pre-determination of NPE’s foreign policy as an active participant, not alike historical positions. Re-occurrence of conflict in the Mediterranean and Cordilia Proper are not expected in the foreseeable future. Noted is that the lack of compatible trade partners on Crabry will subject foreign policy to revitalization efforts within its mercantile maritime industry.

Section C. Cultural Dimension Key Strategic Partners.

Internal political stability (accountability of foreign officials in respect to the culture and exercised by their population) are mutually vital for the existence of foreign relations. Multiplication-amplification is factored in physically (…by exchange and travel…) connectivity between domestic and foreign citizens. In aiding this fundamental, cross-cultural institutes and education exchange programs ought to be designed. Freedom of information and the responsibility of media in shaping public opinion is advised to be addressed multilaterally.

Section D. Economic Dimension Key Strategic Partners.

Autonomy and predictability of domestic production factors aid the formation of “brand trust” with their future partners. Automation of invoices and investment, with transparent state policies, are viable mechanisms for pursuit. The economic dimension will be challenged by internationalisation clauses which a priori restrict domestic entities from partnerships with foreign actors violating international law and customs. Hoping that such offering will be by-itself compensated in the future, without an active role of domestic public officials in promoting international prosperity, is a risk which should not be left fostering.

Section E. Security Dimension Key Strategic Partners.

An array of preventive measures exist, which have not been utilised fully, within this dimension. Information, both in procuring and securing access of-to it, is the gravitational center of contemporary security. Co-operation in the phases of prevention must be subject to thorough prior vetting of chosen foreign public officials and experts.

Section F. Multilateral Organisations & Participation.

Creation o multilateral organisations have been concerned with: global issues (W.F.), military alliances of mor than two partners, sports, and space explorations. Structures within W.F. Committees (e.g. EYCA) lack clear regulations both in regards to their relations with the W.F. as well as the W.F. Committee which “they are a part of”.
Economic multilateral organisations or arrangements are being worked on.
No progress has been made towards non-military alliances which do cover security.
MOST notably, there are no organisations nor agreements regarding ANY standards addressing units of measurements across multiple countries.

Earl, Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs of Nasphilitae, Quinlan Emmerson

CSD:Security and “Active Approach”

System of International Relations:

No system of relations is precise without some ground rules and procedures in their conduct. Within each era, members of an international system consciously put in place and modify these rules, elaborated through institutions.

Two Possible Systemic States:

These [institutions] then serve to manage relations, which could be in a state of war and diplomacy, or in peace and transaction. In this supporting document, the former will be assumed. Postulates of relations are: power, defence, and ethical conduct.


Within this [international] system [of relations], multiple cells of actors compete, aiming to “secure their own (internal) rules and impose (favorable to them) manner by which relations are exercised” onto others.
The winning cell determines natural progress, dictating its’ version of history and values onto the rest.

Hierarchy of priorities:

Comparative power of such a cell is derived from technological superiority. Ideas and normative morality can only exist within (some) imposed rules.
Noble ideas such as: human rights, privileges and responsibilities of great power actors, civilisationary standards, aid, intervention, rule of law (…) Must follow this hierarchy of priorities:
Power → Defence —> Ethical Conduct.


Defence means “minimising risks to the state itself and also to the international community in which it operates”, definition derived from patterns of behavior.
For instance, if (x) action from another international actor was promised that such action would be rewarded by (A) reward, the state (y) must ALWAYS ensure that (x) is received (A) upon the completion a desired action.

Ethical conduct:

Or, “legitimacy of a state in proper selection of actions adequate for state (y), in accordance to international community ethics, irrespective of the states’ own relations to (y) state itself.” This increases prestige (which is a close substitute for power) of the state and allows for future possible impositions onto state (y) by influencing internal dissidents.

Peerress, Representative-Director of Nasphilitaes’ Agency for Identification and Documentation, Madison Edwards

CSD:Economy and “Vendor-Conglomerate Approach”

Madisons “peace and transactions”

Madison briefly mentions “peace and transactions”, when equating war with diplomacy, implying that these two “states” are binary, enclosed situations (though they re-iterate that both exist simultaneously).
All systems of relations, and all actions of international actors rely on the “fuel of finances”.

“Fuel of Finances”

Analogous to fuel, which is: extracted → refined → packaged → shipped → supplied → distributed → sold : For a non-great power state to control (part of or in total) the shipping, supply, and distribution of (n) article – Aids greatly in its power, defence, and prestige. This is NOT a novel nor foreign concept, only merely new in the cotext of an “active approach”.

“The Intermediary State”

This “Intermediary State” must apply the following order of operations: demand detection, supply search, transactional assurance.

“Demand detection”

Demand detection: every “Action of another international actor (z) requires some (R) resources of (N) number.” Regardless of whether this action originates in (z) government or other entity within it. This neccessetates that the “Intermediary State” ALWAYS look for SCARCITY in all levels everywhere.

“Supply search”

Supply search: Autarkys’ impossibility, negative relations of an (R) supplier and (z) actor, (N) size, quality of (R)… Are all favorable factors. They allow the Intermediary State to “Take the role of an ex machina in manifesting the needs of another first party actor and desires of another second party actor.”

“Transactional assurance”

Transactional assurance: “For a third party (Intermediary State) to consistently provide the desires or needs for the second (R-t) party or the first (z) party, in accordance to agreement.” This concept is closely related to Madisons’ “prestige”, as it is merely a method in procuring it.

Peer General, Head Commander of the Armed Forces of Nasphilitae, David Atkinsons

ICS Inventory Invoice Listings

"Available as the first board message together with the Forms!"

AGPSE/AGPE Investment

Here you can find the overall return on investment of the top five most profitable companies. You will also find the price of one “Article” and its’ conversion rate, as well as the “form” you need to submit for the transaction to be registered. They are listed at the end of the week

Do keep in mind that until the 20th of August, you are buying stocks of these companies, limited to 20% of the entire capital asset it has. As you have no share in the company of investment, some are covered by the SGNs, which are Sovereign Government Notices that - In case of lower return on investment than the one you’ve received - The government of Nasphilitae will compensate you for the total amount of investment with 1.75% of additional interest for opportunity cost.

The difference between investment in AGPSE or buying invoice from the SIC Listed companies is in unit (currency) used, as well as safety, since invoice transactions (due to the ENV policy) are immediate. It is for this reason that the government recommends buying invoices first.

Performance Until MarW3 (Top 5):

« FebW4 MarW1 MarW2 MarW3 MarW4 AprW1 »



You purchase the articles in 60% of your domestic currency and 30% of the Pacifican Dollar. The prices will always be listed in Pacifican Dollar values per article. Your investment returns will be, at minimum (because of Sovereign Guarantee Notes issued by the Government) the total of your investment duplicated by the 1.5% rate of the total investment, which gives the numper that is additioned to your total investment. Please calculate this yourselves, using the Notes at the Forms end.


Occassionally, companies will SIC list invoices they already have and new ones they wish to export. You will be asked to input the sector which seeks to purchase them, whether they want a service (unavailable) or a product, the product(s) tought after separates by commas, how many products you wish to purchase, and whether it is a one-time shipment of a repeat one.
The KEY difference is that you are purchasing these in Nasphiliti Pacifican Sterling Pounds. This form will not be automated until parity of our domestic currency to the Pacifican Dollar is determined.

Write all whole numbers WITHOUT COMMAS, decimal, space or dot separators. A comma is used for later processing and treats it as two separate sets.

Foreign Forms:

"Remember to copy and answer below forms when submitting on the board btw"

Active Intergovernmental Initiatives

  1. (O)AGSE Investment:
  2. (O)Invoice-ISC Trade of Products:
  3. (O)Student-Exchange-Program Education Form:
  4. (O)Cross-Cultural-Institute Request Form:
  5. (O)Security-Co-operation-Agreement Request for Agreement:

Planned Intergovernmental Initiatives

  1. ISCMETA (W.F.)
  2. RICOBIJ (W.F.)
  3. WTATC (Multilateral)
  4. CFTATC (Regional)
  5. ITPBCW (W.F.)

ICS Inventory Invoice Listings

Sector Invoice Type: Amount: Price per Amount:
Mechanical Machine parts 350 per Day ∮973
Biofuel Engines 20 per Week ∮720
PC Input Devices 2 per Week ∮120
Crypto-Devices Disclosed. ∮7500 (1)
Agro-Gathering Mushrooms 75000351 (Total) ∮70 (5)
Hazelnuts 4329810555 (Total) ∮540 (30)
Biochemicals Biofuel Disclosed. ∮1351 (50Gal)
Dyes 25 Buckets per Week ∮750


(P)Name Nation:

(O)AGSE Investment:
(O)Invoice-ISC Trade of Products:
(O)Student-Exchange-Program Education Form:
(O)Cross-Cultural-Institute Request Form:
(O)Security-Co-operation-Agreement Request for Agreement:


Investment Form with Example:

***Name Nation:*** Testlandia

***AGSE/AGSPE Portfolio Investnent***
**Number of Assets Total:** 7
**Total Value of Them:**  298
**Companies Invested In(Assets):** MXCHA(4), PrototAutomaton(3)
**Total Price (in Pacifican Dollar):** 289000
**Total Price paid in Pacifican Dollar:** 115600 (40%)
**Total Price paid in Your Nations Currency:** 173400 (60%). \NOTE: Example uses Pacifican Dollar. Write your own currency in instead. You determine the parity. Simplest way is $1=4.55, then just duplicate 60% of the Total Price with the parity\
**Minimum Expected Return on Aug 20 (due to SGN cover): ** 332350 \NOTE: Formula is: 289000•1.5%=4335+289000\

Trade-Invoice Form with Example:

***Name Nation:*** Testlandia

***Invoice ISC Trade of Products***
**Your business type:** [Military(R&D)]
**Product or Service:** Product \NOTE: Services are unavailable until August 20.\
**Products you're looking for:** [Biofuel][Biofuel Engines for  MBTanks]
**How many products?:** [50 Gallons][1  BE for MBT]
**Price in Nasphiliti Pacifican Sterling Pounds:** \NOTE: We will tell you in the reply. In this case: 1351,6000 \
**One-Time or Constant Shipment?:** One-Time \NOTE: Constant Shipment is available on a weekly, monthly or trimester basis\


Student Exchange Form:

***Name Nation:*** Testlandia

***Student Exchange Program for Education***
**Your Name Nation:** Testlandia
**Number of Years:** [0.5],[1],[4] \NOTE: 4 means full and is not recommended due to higher standards NPE has\ /
**Number of Applicants:** [500],[250],[200] \NOTE: Capacity for foreign students of below universities, respectively\/
**Specify University within Nasphilitae:** [Agorport],[New Sorthane],[Suhavenster]
**Specify Field [Agorport]:** [Economy,Political Economy,Methodology,Discrete Mathematics].
**Specify Field [New Sorthane]:** [Philosophy of Law,Legal Studies,Comparative Legal Studies, STEMs].
**Specify Field [Suhavenstter]:** [Political Science, Organisational Science, Systems Theory,Regional Stategic Studies].
**Specify Year of Application:** [10/01/YYYY]
**Conditional:** If [0.5] was chosen, between the first and last simester of the 4 year program, specify the students performance, year, curriculum. \NOTE: This one is paid.\/
**Financial De-Conditional:** If [0.5] was chosen on Freshman or Senior year student, they might be invited to work in the Cross-Cultural Institute. \NOTE: This one is paid for by Nasphilitae.\/
**Additional/Optional:** If [1] was chosen on Senior year student, they might be invited for an MA in RANASA in Fort Masontown. If accepted, they are granted a specific Visa. \NOTE: Both of these are paid for by Nasphilitae.\/

Cross-Cultural Institute Form

***Name Nation:*** Testlandia

***Request for Cross-Cultural Institute***
**Select your country group:** [Austral][Karnetvorian][Almanophone][Montacian][Hinomoto-Kiromoto][Aegean][Esfalsan][Cimbrian][Sedunnic]
**Select your countrys political region:** [Crabry][South Cordilia][Cordilia Proper][Fristania][Rainbow Islands and Keyli][Crabry][North Bailtem][Bailtem Proper][Bailteam Coast West][Bailteam Coast East][Mediterranean][Bareland Coast West][Bareland Coast East][Bareland Interior]
**Title Name of your Institutes Head in NPE:** [Title][Name(Person)][Title(Institute)][Name(Institute)]
**Place where your Institute is located:** [Agorport][New Sorthane][Suhavenster][Fort Masontown ! RESERVED]
**Nation and Place where Nasphilitaes Institute is located:** [Testlandia][Burghtownhire]
**POST-REQUIRED: Further Discussion on Topic which the Institutes cover are an agreement made in the comments on this board**

Security Co-Operation Agreement Form

***Name Nation:*** Testlantia

***Request for Security Co-Opeation Agreement***
**Include in the request:**
  1. Reason:[Natural Disaster][Sharing Knowledge][Combatting Global Threats][Other...]
  2. Type:[Multilateral][Bilateral]
  3. Class of Security:[Military][Quick Reaction Force][Police Force][Intelligence]
  4. Elaboration: Motive, reason why, threat, etc. \NOTE: This is the least automated form.\/

Name Nation: Sedunn

Request for Cross-Cultural Institute
Select your country group: [Sedunnic]
Select your countrys political region: [Bailtem Proper][Bailteam Coast West][Mediterranean] (OOC: not sure. Rastilia could be added as an option similar to Frastinia. Bailtem proper would be the flat lands between Stoinia and Vrigny)
Title Name of your Institutes Head in NPE: Chairwoman Ynn Tarienn, (Association) Sedunnic Overseas Maritime Community Nasphilitae
Place where your Institute is located: [Agorport]
Nation and Place where Nasphilitaes Institute is located: Sedunn, Troma
POST-REQUIRED: Further Discussion on Topic which the Institutes cover are an agreement made in the comments on this board


Further Discussion:

→ Accepted.
—> Due to ongoing plans for infrastructural improvement within Nasphilitae
—> And your interest in Sedunnic Overseas Maritime Community in Nasphilitae, particularly Agorport.

→ We recommend:

A: Exchange of knowledge and/or expertise, in matters relating to aerial and maritime infrastructure(linked above) plans.
B: This exchange could date the forms of:

Mutual Expertise and Student Exchange Programs
The mission itself sending a dispatch group, which would be of mutual benefit
Mutual Cross-Cultural Exchange Institutes, in which Nasphilitae would participate in some sort of Agreement by which it would set up a temporary Programme. Contents of this Programme would involve sharing civilian, mercantile and tecnical expertise and human capital between Nasphilitae and Sedunn, for an agreed time period.

OOC: I apologise for the late reply.

1 Like

Name Nation: Republic of Eflad

Student Exchange Program for Education
Your Name Nation: Eflad
Number of Years: [0.5]
Number of Applicants: [500]
Specify University within Nasphilitae: [Agorport]
Specify Field [Agorport]: [Methodology], [Discrete Mathematics].
Specify Year of Application: [10/01/2025]
Conditional: In Eflad, the university is divided into bachelor (6 semesters) and Master (additional 3 semesters). The exchange would be placed in the 5th semester (Bachelor phase). The conditions are GPA of 5.5 [Efladian grades go from 1 (worst) to 6 (best)], 3rd year, standard curriculum
Financial De-Conditional: If [0.5] was chosen on Freshman or Senior year student, they might be invited to work in the Cross-Cultural Institute.
Additional/Optional: If [1] was chosen on Senior year student, they might be invited for an MA in RANASA in Fort Masontown. If accepted, they are granted a specific Visa.

Name Nation: Eflad

Request for Cross-Cultural Institute
Select your country group: [Almanophone]
Select your countrys political region: [Frastinia]
Title Name of your Institutes Head in NPE: [Dr.][Anna Sörensen][Efladian Culture Exchange]
Place where your Institute is located: [Agorport]
Nation and Place where Nasphilitaes Institute is located: [Eflad][Münnen]
POST-REQUIRED: Further Discussion on Topic which the Institutes cover are an agreement made in the comments on this board


Student Exchange:

Context: The Courses/Modules listed are chosen by students before enrollment. They are what is sometimes referred to as a (e.g: “Faculty of/for Economics”).

→ Specify the number of students attending Methodology and the number of students attending Discrete Mathematics and the number of students attending Methodology.

→ Importantly, due to difference in education systems, the tuition need not be paid. A prerequisite of this is that Eflad accepts these students as BAs upon their completion of the Senior Year in NPE. Furthermore, this is conditional on the fact that they are either:
(A) Apply for an internship program post-graduation in NPE.
(B) Are provided an intern employment within NPE-Eflad relations, within NPE.

Discrete Mathematics Tuition:

Hourly rate of tuition is 30 PSD (Pacifican Dollars). The Senior year has 3x2h (3 hours in 2 different days) This lasts 13 weeks or 710 total hours, which amounts to PSD 2,340 per student.

Methodology Tuition:

Hourly rate of tuition is 45 PSD. The Senior year has 2x5h (2 hours in 5 different days) This lasts for 13 weeks or 130 total hours, which amounts to PSD 5,850 per student..

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Cross-cultural exchange:

→ Accepted.
→ Due to Agorport specialising in “financial sciences” and your aspirations being supposedly? medicinal; we STRONGLY encourage the location to be in the Capital of Suhavenster.

Head of Nasphiliti Institute in Eflad: Mst. Fristanias Regional Studies, Bachelor of Comparative Political Sciences; John Watson, former assistant to Robert Stenhouse.


Name Nation: Kliegme

Request for Cross-Cultural Institute
Select your country group: [Karnetvorian]
Select your countrys political region: [Crabry]
Title Name of your Institutes Head in NPE: [Dr.][Yuri Min][President][Huideok Institute of Culture]
Place where your Institute is located: [Agorport]
Nation and Place where Nasphilitaes Institute is located: [Kliegme][Yatagaras]
POST-REQUIRED: Further Discussion on Topic which the Institutes cover are an agreement made in the comments on this board

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Cross-cultural Institute/Exchange:

→ Accepted.
→ Due to Agorport specialising in “financial sciences” and your aspirations being supposedly? culturo-linguistical; we STRONGLY encourage the location to be in the New Sorthane.

→ Heads of Nasphiliti Institute in Kliegme:

  1. Chairman: Andrew Wightt. Professor for Comparative Crabrian Systems (University of Suhavenster).
  2. Secretariat: Clevis Stoflore. Professor for Lingo-culturology of Gara(University of New Sorthane).
  3. Deputy-Intern: Vincent Hanbrooke. Mst. of Karnetvorian studies, Specialisation: Karnetvorian architectural impact on Crabry. (University of New Sorthane).

After recommendations from Nasphilitiae, New Sorthane has been newly chosen for the cultural institution.


Name Nation: Republic of Eflad

Invoice ISC Trade of Products
**Your business type:**Railway infrastructure
Product or Service: Railway renovations in Plan ATRR-2/2/1 and RR - 4/2
Products you’re looking for: -
How many products?: -
Price in Nasphiliti Pacifican Sterling Pounds: -
One-Time or Constant Shipment?: One Time


Name Nation: The United Provinces of Rhayna, Alla-gy and Nea-gy

Student Exchange Program for Education
Your Name Nation: UPRAN
Number of Years: 1
Number of Applicants: 200
Specify University within Nasphilitae: Suhavenster
Specify Field [Suhavenster]: Regional Stategic Studies
Specify Year of Application: 10/01/2016
Additional/Optional: If [1] was chosen on Senior year student, they might be invited for an MA in RANASA in Fort Masontown. If accepted, they are granted a specific Visa. \NOTE: Both of these are paid for by Nasphilitae./

(If i used any part of the template wrongly please let me know)


(((Pretend this was on time)))

Closest AGSE denominator firm: Kons [as most common contractor]
Available investment: 49 PDS [1] – 125,000 PDS [20] | Market trend (Mar W4-Apr W1 difference): 40 → 49 PDS [PPS]
Time of investment return: Aug W3/Oct W3

Minimal investment return [Sovereign Government Fund]: 61.25 PDS [1] – 152,500 [20]

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(((Pretend this was on time, also no)))

Student Exchange Program:


Re-Exchange field of interest: Anthropology.

Re-Exchange faculty of interest: University of Rouketa.


Name Nation: Krauanagaz Federation

Request for Security Co-Opeation Agreement
Include in the request:

  1. Reason: Sharing Knowledge, and combatting global threats - particularly militants in Southern Krauanagaz.
  2. Type: Multilateral, Emerald and Denver, and Mitallduk have committed forces to the South Cordilian Joint Counter-terrorism Task Force (SCJCTF)
  3. Class of Security: Military, and intelligence
  4. Elaboration:
Introduction and Reasoning

As Krauanagaz faces escalating militant activity and security threats in Southern Cordilia, the need for robust international cooperation and collaboration in counter-terrorism efforts has become increasingly imperative. The South Cordilian Joint Counter-terrorism Task Force (SCJCTF) serves as a pivotal mechanism for addressing these challenges, pooling resources and expertise from multiple nations to combat extremist groups and safeguard regional stability.

Reasons for Requesting Security Agreement

  1. Mutual Security Interests: Krauanagaz and Nasphilitae share common security interests in combating terrorism and promoting stability in the Cordilian and Gulf regions. By formalizing a security agreement, both nations can strengthen their collective ability to respond effectively to security threats and prevent the proliferation of extremism and piracy.

  2. Enhanced Intelligence Sharing: Collaboration between Krauanagaz and Nasphilitae would facilitate the exchange of critical intelligence and information regarding terrorist activities, enabling more proactive and targeted counter-terrorism operations. This shared intelligence framework would bolster the capabilities of both nations in identifying and neutralizing terrorist threats.

  3. Resource Mobilization: Nasphilitae’s participation in the SCJCTF would contribute additional resources, expertise, and manpower to the task force, augmenting its operational capacity and effectiveness. By leveraging Nasphilitae’s strengths in intelligence analysis, and strategic planning, the SCJCTF can enhance its overall impact in combating extremist groups in Southern Cordilia and beyond.

  4. Regional Stability: A unified approach to counter-terrorism through the SCJCTF promotes stability and security across the Cordilian and Crabrian regions, safeguarding the interests of all participating nations. By coordinating efforts and sharing responsibilities, Krauanagaz and Nasphilitae can help prevent the spread of terrorism and mitigate the risk of further conflict and instability in Southern Cordilia.

Benefits for Nasphilitae and Conclusion

Benefits for Nasphilitae

  1. Regional Influence: By actively participating in counter-terrorism initiatives in Cordilia, Nasphilitae can demonstrate its commitment to global security and stability, enhancing its reputation as a responsible and proactive member of the international community. This engagement could strengthen Nasphilitae’s diplomatic standing and influence in regional affairs.

  2. Access to Intelligence: Joining the SCJCTF would afford Nasphilitae access to valuable intelligence and a growing information-sharing network, enabling more informed decision-making and proactive measures to address security threats within its own borders. This enhanced intelligence cooperation could significantly bolster Nasphilitae’s counter-terrorism capabilities and improve its overall security posture.

  3. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with Krauanagaz and other regional and international partners in the SCJCTF offers Nasphilitae opportunities to forge strategic partnerships and strengthen relations with key allies. By working together towards the common goal of combating terrorism, Nasphilitae can foster stronger ties with the international community and contribute to broader efforts to promote peace and stability at home and abroad.


In summary, a security agreement between Krauanagaz and Nasphilitae represents a mutually beneficial arrangement aimed at enhancing regional security, combating terrorism, and promoting stability in Southern Cordilia. By formalizing their cooperation within the framework of the SCJCTF, both nations can leverage their respective strengths to effectively address the evolving security challenges facing the region, ultimately contributing to a safer and more secure environment for all.

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Response: Part I:

Institution Responsible: Grand Duke of Nasphilitae – Head of State
Person Responsible: Dawson Ernst

“There are a few mistakes in your request.
These include: a military class of security::: As Nasphilitae is militarily non-interventionist with exceptions of the WF Resolutions, International Law Customs Breach, Endangering the Well-Being of Civilians.
These include: ''sharing a common security interests in combating terrorism […] in the Cordilian and Gulf Regions , , ::: As Nasphiliti national interest is combating terrorism on Crabry. ::: As Nasphiliti security-espionage combatting of terrorism is handled by the Agency for Identification and Documentation (or the AID)”

Regarding 2 and 3:

“These are Good and acceptable if the previous mistakes would be fixed.”

Regarding IV:

==>>>> Our Mhm… Interesting. This will depend on @ZeroXz , @Kliegme @Pronoun, @anjo, @Eflad , @Qwert , and likely @Izaakia. As all have a keen interest in Crabry. [/font]


Military Class of Security:
—>Reasoning: [font=Tahoma]"The Collective Security Documents place an emphasis on some key aspects. These aspects, written in CSD-02, place an emphasis on informational security.

Sharing a common security interests in combating terrorism.
–>True. Combating terrorism on Crabry
However, the choices are true, half-true, and false.


1. We suggest we expand the multilateral approach to include;

1-a. We suggest it include all relevant countries (including, but not limited to: @Kliegme , @Phanama , @Qwert , @Gibbus , @anjo , @Eflad , @Nicholas, @ZeroXz -- @EmC -- @ikonen , @Pronoun , @Weisserstein , @RobbyTheSeal , @Izaakia , @Ryccia , @Weisserstein and hmmmm @Tin(the free). Together with @KingTEM .

2. Or, we could create a bilateral agreement, instead.

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AGSE Listing Update (end of Q2; First trimester of “Simulacra Package”).

Which Reads as following; Values (In Pacifican Dollars) included:

February 3 (Government formation)

March 3 (Simulacra Package adoption; Portfolio Investment opening)

May 4 (end of Q2 and first tri-mester of the Simulacra Package):

Important (once again): 20% (which is the “per 1” 20%, not “per 20”) shares is the maximum until the end of the full 6-month period of the Simulacra Package which foreigners may invest in.

  • ENGeN: [31 billion per 1] → [44 billion per 1] → [70 billion per 1]

  • AmpoChem: [33 billion per 1] → [34 billion per 1] → [37 billion per 1]

  • PrototAutomaton: [35 billion per 1] → [47 billion per 1] → [54 billion per 1]

  • MXCHA: [31 billlion per 1] → [44 billion per 1] → [61 billion per 1]

  • Kons (Inc.): [38 billion per 1] → [36 billion per 1] → [82 billion per 1]

The success of Kons (Inc.) is linked to the Railway Revitalisation Plans, in which they’ve gained most of the Public Offerings.

Notifying foreign investor(s) [ @Eflad ]:

Invested: 7.54 millionCurrent return share value: 17.44 million Pacifican Dollars.


  • ATRR-2/2/1 ends when the Simulacra Package ends (August W4)
  • RR - 4/2 ends upon completion (~est. October W3)

External Affairs Cabinet of Nasphilitae updates.

Joint Service Reports on: Cross-Cultural Institutes, Student exchange programs, and Portfolio investments.

Important Event: Spill-over effects (positive and negative externalities).

  1. As per the commercial liberalisation transition course chosen by the Assembly government, the market trade restrictions have been lifted on August 20th. This includes the free passage of goods and services. Essentially, it means tht trade is now fully liberalised and foreign entities may operate in Nasphilitae (including Foreign Direct Investments or FDI). Services are subject to 20% tariff by half-yearly net income or 15% yearly taxation of gross revenue + 18% land lease rent. Goods are subject to 10% tariffs upon import, based on the price of where the produce originates from, accordingly to the Pacifican Dollar.

  2. Creation of the RFEDI under the Lord Chancellory requires ecological standards be met by November.

  3. The gradual abolition of formerly enforced media and academic censorship had been complete. This means that the student echange programs are effective to 100% of what each host country offers.

  4. “War against protozoa” and the free movement of people (subject to laws of each country) yet has no negative externalities. Positive externalities simplify the acquirement of studen, work, and travel visas.

  5. Signing of the Pelograd Institute Accords between research centers and universities by Nasphilittae, (@RobbyTheSeal) Pelinai, and Sedunn provides cross-research capabilities between the signatories.

  6. Nasphiliti interference in the Zhulgan-Akarina Crisis and strive for regional multilateralism by the Head of HM Cabinet for the Royal Armed Forces David Atkinsons had solidified the performance of “irregular” armed forces (RRF-Rapid Reaction Forces and DRDF-Disaster Relief Dployment Forces).

  7. Public release and adaptation of NAPA-OS-XX has increased all net profit of Kons Inc. infrastructural renovation projects by 18%, including those of Potfolio investments limited to 20%. Furthermore, “Southern renovation plan” linking Agorport-New Sorthane-Suhavenster by rail and toll, with renovation of their respective airports (Plan ATRR-2/2/1) had been complete. However, the NUS Artificial Entity remains unpredictable in its future endeavours, as the manner in which it operates remains closed source and unknown.

  8. From whatis known of the Codified Constitution, it will remove the prohibitive clause 17 of the Home Rule Act 1661/1662. This means that it will no longer be necessary for an act to be deemed legal for it to be legalised.



Information: Kons Inc. value upon investment in April Week I: 53. Kons Inc. value upon August Week 4: 119+18% from NAPA-OS-XX implementation (119+21=140)
Returns (1): (20% of 119 + 20% of 140); **Total Return on portfolio investment: 51.8 billion SGN (Sovereign Government Notation ↔ Transferable to Pacifican Dollars).


  1. Take return.

  2. Re-invest into another ongoing portfolio project (Other ongoing one due October Week III; available one due December Week IV).

3. Re-invest into the Agorport Dockyard Expansion Plan (Requires Sedunn choosing option 4).

  1. Re-invest into another company (Specify which).

  2. FDI into another AGSE-listed company (Available above, limited shared stake to 10%, paid annually).

@UPRAN (@ZeroXz )

Bonus and event (UPRAN): Exchange students wish to open a course on System Theory in Rouketa. Expertise gained in interdisciplinary fields in the UPRAN education. Five students wish to continue their research under mentorship of Kamala Moran (sister of Ayala Moran) in systemic macroeconomics.
Bonus (Nasphilitae): Archeologry course major opened in Suhavenster. Expertise gained, helpinng in discovery of indigenous folklore and culture.


  1. The two Universities (Rouketa and Agorport) sign a constant co-operation agreement (Possibility of students acquiring financial services expertise).

  2. Twin City sister agreement is signed with emphasis on education (Higher possibility of acquiring financial service human capital in UPRAN; will get media attention).

  3. Students continue mentorship (Requires payment).

4. Permanent Cross-Cultural Institute is open (Requires Kliegme choosing option 3 in their choices; exposure to Nasphiliti culture is magnified; exposure of Aegean culture and language is magnified).


Bonus and event (Kliegme): Acquired understanding of biofueld technology but without expertise/human capital to reproduce it. Kliegmian education acquired Comparative legal studies in its program. Students are fascinated by the “Living Tree Doctrine” of Nasphiliti Judiciary, supported by Huideok Institute of Culture and President Dr. Yuri Min. Knowledge of Austral increased in the general population.
Bonus (Nasphilitae): Knowledge and expertise on electrical engineering acquired, aiding to the development of infrastructural and software-hardware component manufacturing.


  1. Permanent agreeement on mechanical-electrical engineering is signed between the two countries (Media exposure; bilateral co-operation increased; free flow of human capital; higher exposure to Nasphiliti culture and Austral language; Might cause consequences with Alman population in Kliegme).

  2. Ending of educational co-operation in favour of opening a Cross-Cultural Institute (High chance of acquiring technology innovations in Nasphilitae; high chance of acquiring R&D information from the Pelograd signatories; increased Nasphiliti-based clergy scholarships gifted to Kliegmian students).

3. Twin City agreement signed with New Sorthane and Yatagaras (Requires UPRAN choosing option 3 in their choices; amplified mutual cultural influence; public opinion in both Kliegme and Nasphilitae gradually grow in desire for further regional/continental integration).

@Sedunn ( @Qwert )

Bonus and event (mutual): Chairwoman Ynn Tarienn overseen RDEFI ecological changes coming into effect. /Name/ acquired knowledge regarding contemporary dockyard construction methods, though lacks human capital in Nasphilitae for replication. Sedunn is privy on both David Atkinsons’ aspirations for regional/continental integration and the developments of Nasphilitae’s “Third Digital Revolution” spearheaded by PrototAutomatons NAPA-OS-XX, and ENGeN’s & MXCHA’s hardware, due to being signatories of the Pelograd Research Agreement.


  1. Utilise the consulate in Ft. Masontown to support development of David Atkinsons gradual militarisation and regional integration (Increased influence on Nasphilitae; public opinions increase in favour of regional integration; bilateral relations between Sedunn and Nasphilitae increased).

  2. Support further Cross-Cultural development (Nasphiliti and Sedunnic cultural influence co-amplified; Austral and Sedunnic proficiency co-increased; Nasphiliti-based clergy might spread foundations of international scholarships in Remetull Islands).

  3. Support for further open intelligence sharing (Requires Embassy opening; anti-counter intelligence technical intelligence espionage mutually increased; the AID gains influence in domestic Nasphiliti politics, including higher resource allocation; Nasphilitae is more prone to CE influence).

  4. Support the business class and economic revitalisation (Requires Eflad choosing option 3; Agorport dockyard revitalisation modernised further; Sedunn gains intelligence regarding R&D and computing systems innovations; high businness classes of Nasphilitae and Sedunn become mutually inter-connected).

ALL: Processing will take up to two weeks, ending on September 9th. You may submit responses in the mean-time. Cooperative planning is highly encouraged in the mean-time. The approval of selected options will take place on September 10th automatically.