PNN - Pacifican News Network


On this entry of “Why did I leave my old job for this?”, we cover 4 topics: Joint Service Opening; The ongoing investigation into The AIDs hashmapping of online images; and (both s consequence of the CSDs): Wild-fire in Montacia and Beserns Bill on Narcotics. Importantly, it does not cover the Gulf Crisis, as the HoS has nearly unilaterally declared it to be "Of minimal threat.

The Joint Service: is finally operational. The Forms are given and are now open for all countries and their private entities to fulfill and apply for: Portfolio Investment or buying of Available Invoices; Cross-Cultural Institutes or Student Exchange Programs though the form seems kind of ambiguous; and Security Co-operations. The government also published What initiatives it plans to bring forth. Together, these two thankfully lead nicely into the next topics.

U.S.I. Wild-fire The Grand Duke and Head of State of Nasphilitae (Dawson Ernst), exercising the legal power he holds as the Chief Commander of the Royal Airforce of the Armed Forces of Nasphilitae, has mobilised, within hours seven flights of anti-wildfire helicopters and three tankers…
However, these will be issued to Montacia. The rationale given was that:
"This manifests our readiness for what we’ve described in the CSDs.Importantly, while mobilised and ready, we will wait for approval from the U.S.I. government on combatting the natural disaster.

Narcotics, TPNW and Besern: The Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs (Quinlan Emmerson) has remarked on a press conference this afternoon that:
“Besern is free to legislate these matters as they wish. They are one of our key strategic allies, as the polls of popularity have clearly shown. To risk partnerships over a mundane policy disagreement is neither practical nor normative for us to pursue.”
He’s also applauded the efforts of Besern in pushing the nuclear de-proliferation efforts.

The Carousel of AID! As I’ve predicted, The AID, when asked by the Plenary Commmittee about the amount of hashed data on different typologogical layers on networks and whether the hashed data actually contains illicit material, had this to say:
"It is impossible to answer these questions. Legally, we are prohibited from cooperating within the AID, due to Sector 9 precedence and restructuring. Even if such restrictions were irrelevant, this is impossible to answer practically.
Namely, due to the sheer number of traffic, packets, data, hashmaps and different cryptographic methods constantly being delivered. Some of which belong to Sector 8 and are used against Sector 9 of the AID, though we believe this will be fixed.

…So how do you manage to have 5 run-off sentences which don’t say anything? The AID never disappoints.

Reporter: perennialistDeconstructor