Automated information generated by the Joint Service
FULL NAME(S): [surnames], [names], [repeat until for all passangers]
Non-permanent terms are subject to higher scrutiny. Contact the Consulary Office of Nasphilitae in [CROAKTIA] 7 days ahead. Fill the following form there, five copies will exist upon completion. Archived by the two Consulates; Original which passangers will receive upon return to incoming country [CROAKTIA]; One which passangers will present to the authorities upon arrival to [NASPHILITAE]; One which is strongly advised passangers carry with them at all times instead of their passports or other forms of ID’s.
All boxes must be checked for automatic approval.
I consent to:
- Luggage and contraband checking [ ]
- BIometric and biomechatronic data gathering [ ]
- Being subject to the same rules and laws as citizens of Nasphilitae [ ]
- Seizure of illegal contraband and or monetary outsourcing by authorities [ ]
I understand that:
- Knowledge and usage of Austral is mandatory [ ]
- Public expression of specific religious adherence is prohibited, as is lacking to any religious adherence [ ]
- Alcohol is prohibited outside of medicinal use [ ]
- My countrys' Consulate in Suhavenster serves as my guide [ ]
- Once on Nasphiliti soil and upon border passage; I enjoy the full freedoms and rights as all citizens do [ ]
- I am subjected to supervision by authorities during my stay and may request to be informed on data gathered at any time before my departure [ ]
- Upon arrival and prior to accessing the soil, all monetary funds will be converted to Nasphilitaes' domestic currency, as will happen upon my departure as well; I am strictly prohibited from outsorcing domestic funds [ ]
- As a non-permanent resident, the total amount of days I may legally remain in Nasphilitae is 185.
- I may at any point in time seek permanent residence on my own volition, which is administered by the local Public Offices of the Home Secretary [ ]
—> Architecture. Plays. Open theaters. Cinema. Carnival festivals. Circuses.
–>Exceptions [Medium]: Outskirts of Western Suhavenster, the City of Agorport.
→ For Further Information, Contact the Mutual Consulates ←