›››››04.14.2024‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue: 04142024#01‹‹‹‹‹
•••••••Politics•••AID News••••••••Joint Service and AGSE News ••••••••••
The Speaker and Head of Government, Syd G. Payton, announced today in his annual report before The National Parliament that he has managed to convince:
- William Reynders (Executive Officer for Constitutional Codification) of the SDVP
- Elian Aitken (Executive Officer for Energy, Environment and Transport) of the SRP
To put differences aside with their opposition counter-parts (the UML and NNP) and actually work on fixing issues.
IMPORTANTLY! This came after a two-week discussion which Syd G. Payton had with Head of HM’s Shadow Government, Nowell Riley Trenton. The talks revolved around constructing a plan of “Swift, time-lined, dead-lined, assertive, and effective efforts towards reformation.” According to Nowell R. Trenton.
Said Syd G Payton on a press conference last night.
Likewise, The Head of HM’s Shadow Government, Nowell Riley Trenton, announced yesterday during a press conference before The National Parliament convention that he has managed to mediate heat between both:
Annabella Fleurette Hayden (Head of Committee for Telecommunications and Media) of the ALDA and Clem Irvin (Head of Committee for Education) of the UML within his own ranks;
As well as convince Lauren Fairclough (Head of Committee for Justice) of the UML & Ella R. Stewart (Head of Committee for Public Health and Housing) of the NNP
To comply with what he called, near the end of the Conference:
→ The Investigation case has been passed from Avery Kidling of the Plenary Committees Head of Commission for Public Protection, Appraisal, Inquiry & Scrutiny.
—> The reason cited was that “The RD of the AID had practically taken over the investigation […] To reiterate, by that I mean that the only means of conducting operational duties is by information provided to us by the AID itself…”
→ The Investigation case has been passed to Claire Renske, Head of the Plenary Committee.
→ Given that the Representative-Director of the Agency for Documentation & Identification (AID), Peerress Madison Edwards has been encouraging the work of The Plenary Committee, some have began speculating that the aid had infiltrated the investigation into itself through means of taking over the investigation themselves.
Both Claire Renske
and Peerress Maddison Edwards
have denied these accusations as meaningless.
AGSE Stock update has been released:
Since last time (February W2), Kons has been rising steadily. It should be noted that Kons had won the Infrastructural Public Offering Plan, increasing their revenue and market worth.
Consequences of this include that they’ve nearly surpassed the “eternal giants” of MXCHA and PrototAutomaton.
Another notable boost came from @Eflad portfolio investment into the Infrastructural Plan (via buying shares into Kons). The financial capital was much needed and it is expected that the investment (due Aug W3 and Oct W3) will be a worth-while investment.
Similarly, the Joint Service had signed the following cross-cultural and student exchange programs with:
Cross-Cultural Exchange:
@Qwert (Sedunn). With the Sedunnic Institute being situated in Agorport, Nasphiliti Institute being situated in Troma.
@Eflad (Eflad). With the Efladian Institute being situated in Agorport and/or Suhavenster, Nasphiliti Institute being situated in Münnen.
@Kliegme (Kliegme). With the Kliegmian Institute being situated in New Sorthane, Nasphiliti being situated in Yatagaras.
Student Exchange Program:
@Eflad (Eflad).
Field: [Methodology], [Discrete Mathematics].
University: [Agorport].
Number of Students: [500].
Field: [Law].
University: [Münnen]. -
@ZeroXz (UPRAN)
Field: [Regional Strategic Studies]
University: [Suhavenster].
Number of Students: [200].
Field: [Anthropology]
University: [Rouketa].