World Forum Applications


[Image: Wf-emblem-smallest.png] Office of the Speaker

As the Speaker of the Assembly, I have received a pending application for observership from the Grand Duchy of Naspilitae.
Per Resolution 1c, this vote will be open for five (5) days and will close at 2024-02-21T13:00:00Z. Member states may may vote for, vote against, or abstain from voting for each application. A simple majority is required to proceed with the approval process.

Observership Application of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae
  • Aye
  • Abstain
  • Nay
0 voters

Dear Members, the votes have been tallied and I am happy to announce that with nine (9) votes Aye, one (1) vote Nay and no (0) abstentions, the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae @genericsequencealias has been accepted as Observer of the World Forum! I am happy to announce, that you have been granted a seat on the above mentioned committees. The addition on the main page will follow shortly after! Congratulations and welcome!

Jan Saats
Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad

OOC from 2024/04/27: since realisation kicked in that @Weisserstein is only an observer, their vote has been discounted