Table of Content:
3.2. List of major internal & portfolio domestic companies by employment
3.3. List of major internal & portfolio domestic companies by estimated fixed capital value
1.1. Simulacra Package Enacted After Agenda Negotiations with SRP & NNP
The (minimally revised) Simulacra Package was enacted on 19th of February after negotiations between the opposing environmentalist parties (SRP & NNP) regarding agenda-setting.
The Agenda Negotiations were lead between:
- The Lead Representative of the Plenary Committee: Claire Renske, also the leader of ADLA who wrote the Bill.
- Elian Aitken of the SRP as well as Executive Officer for Energy, Environment & Transport; on behalf of the SRP.
- Avery Kidling, the Head Commissioner for Public Protection, Inquiry & Scrutiny in The Plenary Committee, as well as leader of the NNP, on behalf of the NNP.
The negotiations were also attended by Head of Government (Syd G. Payton as leader of “The Center”) and the Head of HM Shadow Government (Nowell Riley Trenton as leader of “Opportunity Party”).
The agreement was reached by placing the following two weeks of Agendas for both the Lower House and the Upper House to be revolved around enacting anti-pollution measures & protocols for private entities (all lucrative entities regardless of ownership).
2.1. Joining the World Forum
The Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae was admitted to the World Forum on the 21st February, gaining the envisioned status of an Observer.
The Ambassadorial Mission of Nasphilitae to the World Forum will be lead by Md. Adrianna Rolston.
2.2. HM-C-FA Public Announcement
The Head of HMs Cabinet for External Affairs (Earl Quinlan Emmerson), announced on the 22nd of February that it began working on a “Collective Strategy Document”. So far, it is known that it will include the mentioned re-opening of consulates (presumably also embassies) and the creation of “Institutes for cross-cultural studies”, latter of which will include a public polling, though further elaboration regarding its contents is unknown. Same goes for the Document.
3.1. Categorisation of business entities
The National Registry has released a publication in which it categorises business entities of Nasphilitae. It did so as to aid the economic transitioning-restructuring process.
It includes seven categories of classification for private entities operating in Nasphilitae or private entities of Nasphilitae operating abroad. A private entity in Nasphiliti law includes all business entities, regardless of the
By Ownership category, whose classifications can be:
- Private
- Public/Workers Co-operatives
- State
- Noble
By Creation category, which encompasses only corporations, whose classifications can be:
- Statutory (corporate structure and company itself by legislative procedure, usually includes former Import Substitution companies).
- Chartered (corporate structure and company itself by royal procedure). De facto inexistent until August 20.
- Statute Registration (corporate structure by company or companies enacting a registered Statute of self-governance).
By Liability category, whose classifications can be:
- Limitation by shares.
- Limitation by SGN (same as limitation by guarantees, though these are usually government guarantees due to the Simulacra package).
- Unlimited. De facto inexistent until August 20.
By Share openness category, whose classifications can be:
- Unlisted (limited participation completely).
- Internal (limited participation to employees).
- Portfolio (limited participation to shares without stocks).
- Unlimited. De facto inexistent until August 20.
By external control:
- Domestic.
- Foreign.
By internal control:
- Holding.
- Subsidiary.
- Associated.
- Central (Holding with Subsidiaries which enjoy self-management in employment but not in capital control).
3.2. List of major internal & portfolio domestic companies by employment
ENGeN: 120,000 employees. Sector: Instrumentation/Upkeep Machinist.
Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Private. Limited by Share. Statute Registration. -
MXCHA: 110,000 employees. Sector: R&D, Industrial Design. Machinist.
Holding. Domestic. Internal. Public. Limited by SGN. Statute Registration. -
Protota-Automata: 97,000 employees. Sector: Automation, R&D. Machinist.
Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by Share. Statute Registration. -
DyeDyes4All: 90,000 employees. Sector: Textile chemistry, Distribution-Supply Chain Conglomerate.
Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by Share. Statutory. -
AmpoChem: 82,000 employees. Sector: Biochemical.
Central. Domestic. Internal. Public. Limited by Share. Statutory. -
Kons: 80,000 employees. Sector: Construction, Infrastructure.
Central. Domestic. Portfolio. State-owned. Limited by Share. Statutory. -
Kons-REC: 70,000 employees. Sector: Resource refinement, Distribution Chain.
Subsidiary. Domestic. Portfolio. State-owned. Limited by Share. Statutory. -
AmpoChem-FYW: 65,000 employees. Sector: Biochemical.
Subsidiary. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by Share. (Initially) Statutory (Later) Statute Registration. -
Grahnalia: 40,000 employees. Sector: Biochemical, Agricultural.
Holding. Domestic. Unlisted. Noble. Unlisted. Chartered. -
ReNov: 38,000 employees. Sector: Infrastructure, Retail.
Holding. Domestic. Portfolio. Public. Limited by SGN. Statutory.
3.2. List of major internal & portfolio domestic companies by estimated fixed capital value
Fixed Capital Value ≊ By Capital Equity
MXCHA (Inc): 88.22 billion ∮ (44.11 bil. $)
Protota-Automata (Inc): 81.54 billion ∮ (40.27 bil. $)
Kons (Inc): 78.92 billion ∮ (37 bil. $)
ENGeN (Inc): 74.31 billion ∮ (33.15 bil. $)
AmpoChem (Inc): 71.65 billion ∮ (30.30 bil. $)
Funded by the North South Bridge Briefs