PNN - Pacifican News Network



->You’ve heard about wars on different things; terror, drugs, indiscipline, gangs, poverty, and other windmills. Well we were feeling left out.

—>Namely, the Grand Duke himself had called for an urgent session with HoG Syd G Pattons government. Also present were the 100-something chemical, biological, biochemical, pharmaceutical (…) company stakeholders. Sounds exciting.
So, the Pattons Executive Public Officer (ministry/secretary) for Public Health (which we do not have) and Housing (Mark Bourke of the SVDP) and the EPO for Energy, Environment and Transport (Elian Aitken of SRP) have elaborated how we will defeat this enemy, on a press conference:

“…Essentially, the Grand Duke has heavily incentivised mass production of antiprotozoal drugs such as Buparvaquone, Nitazoxanide, Eflornithine, and even Aminoglycosides […] Which will be distributed en masse directly by Granhalia nation-wide.”, said Bourke.
When…asked whether they were being serious, after hesitation, Aitken responded:
“…The Grand Duke is taking this VERY seriously, even going so far as to directly finance the entire operation.”

—>Ok, so I guess I’m supposed to elaborate? Protozoan infections are pretty serious and hard to eradicate. However, I speculate that the reasoning isn’t so much human-related as it is related to the fact that Protozoa are also parasitic to a lot of species of fungi (which we all know and love) and algae.
—>The latter is actually nationally important because we rely on about 85% energy production (I assume consumption as well because no one is importing this) relies on Biofuel which operates on some weird generators using a convoluded mechanism created in 2014.
