Draft Bill “On Public Works and Construction Offerings”
- Head of Government, Speaker: Syd G. Patton (leader of “The Center” Party)
- Head of HM Shadow Cabinet: Nowell Riley Trenton (leader of “Opportunity Party”)
Independent Agency for Documentation:Department of OPAL
Prepared by: Ayala Moran
Lower House Support Declared Unconditionally: 262
Lower House Substantive Support Declared: 0
Lower House Active Objectifying Declares: N/A
Lower House Passive Objectifying Declares: 0
Upper House Voting Full Support: 365
Upper House Voting Substantive Support with Formal Disagreements: 248
Upper House Voting Against: 0
Date for Final Vote in Upper House: 04.02.2024.
Date for Final Vote in Lower House: 03.30.2024.
Date Bill is enforced: ?
Scope and space covered:
The legislation regulates this particular state project.
This project covers public works and association agreement between the state and private or public entities financing them.
The space of this legislation (public works) encompasses specifically infrastructural renovation and creation of international rail, road, airport and port constructions.
Temporal and overextents of public officials regulations:
This legislation nullifies itself into non-existence upon completion of the projects and mutual fulfillment of obligations by all involved partaking parties.
Public officials may not call upon this legislation to validate concurrent or future legislations which may contain same matters, such as association agreements and public offerings.
This legislation does not regulate all association agreements nor public offerings within Nasphilitae, it is limited to this project alone.
Conditions, rights and rules of associated firms:
Associated firms are those which have been chosen, in accordance to Chapters 4 and 5 of this Bill, to finance or otherwise provide necessary human and material goods needed for efficient completion of public works in this project.
Public offerings include the opening of applications for the fullfillment of this project, there may be more than one chosen applicant.
Public offerings are limited to entities without a history of corruption, embezzlement, insider trading, connections to state officials, abuse of workers rights, and abuse of customer & consumer rights.
Limitations described in Chapter 3 Rule 3 of this Bill are the Conditions for entities to register as applicant for the public offering.
Associated firms must cooperate with one another, and jointly inform both the state officials and the general public of Nasphilitae, in matters regarding progress towards completion of these projects.
Upon completion of the public work(s), the associated firms are guaranteed the right to 75% of revenue generated by expenses such as road tolls, airport expenses, docking rents (…)
Associated firms may rely on intern/student labour in manual completion of these projects, conditional that they enjoy the same workers rights as usual employees.
Financial expenses for additional (non-intern/student) employees’ salaries will be covered by the Regional Government and Collective State budgets.
Financial expenses for additional materials will be covered by the associated firms themselves, which may request additional public offering to the State or Regional Governments, as to include financial associated firms within the project.
Financial expenses for additional training of human capital needed for completion of these projects will be covered in Chapter 4 and 5 of this Bill.
Rules regarding the transparency of public offerings:
Public offerings begin the day this Bill is voted into Act, which is to say the day is comes to force.
Public offerings close within fourteen days since their initiation.
Public offering conferences are presided by Regional and State Public Official delegates.
Public offering conferences are held every day from 0800AM to 2100PM.
Public offering conferences are open to be observed by the general public and media, participation of which is limited by prohibition of filibustering and obstructing the process.
Delegate opinions regarding the apincceptance and decline of applicants announced during public offering conferences must be reasoned, noted and passed to the National Parliament and respective Regional Assemblies.
The municipial councils are tasked to increase plurality in the presiding delegates, by changing each member(s) every day for the fourteen days.
Final acceptance of applicants are announced upon completion of the public offering conferences on day 15 by the authors of ths Bill.
All notes and reasons for applicant acceptance or declination are to be archived and freely accessible to the general public, including the final decision.
Rules covring the association agreement:
Association Agreements are drafted during the public offering conferences, and come to force the day after final declaration of accepted applicants.
Association Agreements must require associated firms to begin the public works upon the association agreement coming to force.
Association Agreements must include details of each association firms which is relevant for this project, such as inventory of necessary goods, expertise, estimated completion times (…)
Association Agreements which note lack of trained experts for the completion of this project are prohibited, thus such applicants are automatically rejected, as expertise is seen as pre-requisite.
Association Agreements must be freely accessible to the general public and all public officials.
Physical areas covered, budgeting and timeline of works:
Renovation Plan RR-4/2 (International Railroad and International Highway "Fort Masontown-Suhavenster-New Sorthane).
Renovation and Creation Plan ATRR-2/2/1 (Agorport-Coastline International Railroad and Highway).
Renovation and Creation Plan NPW-01 (Magistral Road and Railways in “The inlands” Regions).
Upkeep and Renovation Plan “Orangefield Coastline” (7 International Ports in Agorport, 9 International Ports along the Coastline, 11 Ports in Agorport and the Southern Coastline).
Reconstruction Plan “Mason Airport” (International Airport in Suhavenster).
Construction Plan “PortAirPort” (International Airport in Agorport).