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H.H.E. Turners Domicium citandi in cimbur:

Background (Long, 4 links, April events)

—> During the one week Temporary Triumvirate; when Earl Emmerson was world-touring consulate office openings, Patton and Turner were discussing The Agenda, Edwards-Renske were investigating the AID hash trip rumble, and our (other one) H.H.E. Rolston called Moran, Cohen and Stenhouse to the WF for (?) reasons; The Grand Duke was opening our (second) High Ambassadorial mission in Austra (of course). By the way, this was when David Atkinsons formed the RRF and DRDF for the Ito Island/Akarina and Zhulgan situations. H.H.E. Turner (not the navigator of 1589. nor the buccaneer but probably somehow related) was chosen for the position.

→ High Ambassador Turner on the 27th of May sent a legal notice regarding (supposedly) that RRF-AID cruise around Ito Island, to the Grand Duke. ( @isurvivedurm0m , and tangentially involved @Kobegr01, but not really).
—> The general public has no idea what the notice contains, since the triangle of this countrys’ judiciary is still arguing over what to do with it. All we know is that it concerns: "The finding out of a source accrual or arisal to a formerly regarded matter being 'debellatiod'." …While obvious what it refers to, the Courts seem to be going for a “Duress of Circumstances”, which is a good P.R. move, for them.

Randice and the “design”:

->Randice released part II via IaN and mentioned, in the first part, some minor errors.
→ The Reform Party did enforce enterprise networking in all public administration; Separated from one another because all of them were given their own DHT’s. This did annoy Palmer. However;
→ While working in PrototAutomaton in the 2010s, DHT’s had already been connected through the hyphanet overlay. Innsbolt specifically, not Palmer, wanted KBR’s for this entire convulsion. (Note that nearly all end-user available devices had a Twofish cipher on the hardware AES instruction set.)
—> Now, and think about why, or don’t, besides KBR’s; Innsbolt wanted a separate I2P nearly-PURB layer which maintained authenticity and integrity. A person infamous for using a typewriter when publishing his decrees…
I designed the latter layer only, not the former; Or rather provided one design approach of it to P-Automaton… Since two were already in use…

— Reporter: perennialistDeconstructor, or Lumen. I guess. Oh and none of the second header had anything to do with your download speed, Randice.