NAACN (Nasphilitae Aggregate-Articulate-Critical News)


›››››04.16.2024‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue: 04162024#03‹‹‹‹‹

The Temporal Triumvirate:

With the public officials kept buy by preparing institutional reformation & consolidation; The Grand Duke visiting Austra; Earl Quinlann Emmerson assembling and preparing the diplomatic staff for consulate office; Claire Renske & Sinclair Houthem playing a cat and mouse game over the AID investigations → Matters of Nasphilitae have been delegated temporarily to the Head Commander-General Peer David Atkinsons. At least initially.

Austra Visitation and the Coral Red Letters:

The visit is expected to last longer than initially planned, as this is the first contact made between the two states since 1928. with the death of King Carl Darzens. Mutual Embassies will be constructed: Nasphilitis’ in Nessex, Austras’ in Fort Masontown. Permanent consulates for cultural and commerce matters as well: Nasphilitis’ in Vixbridge, Austras’ in Agorport. Further discussions will revolve around mutual airline and satellite-broadcast cooperations.

Dawson Ernst has delegated “The Temporary Triumvirate” to General Peer David Atkinsons, Peeress Madison Edwards and Md. Adrianna Rolston with HM Cabinet matters, on the request from Rolston. Dubbed “Coral Red letters”, Rolston had expressed criticism towards passive inactivity of Nasphiliti officials. The exchange concluded with Dawson Ernsts’ approval of “Operation Noble Doorhole”, drafted by Adrianna Rolston. An exert of this exchange is available, in which Rolston says:

“It is imperative for Atkinsons to form Rapid Reaction Forces, crucial is their role not found within the duties themselves but in monitoring AID staff members.”
With Dawson responding that: “Espionage indeed requires a double-edged sword of personnel in it, they require to be overlooked, to avoid needless operational errors.”

Operation Noble Doorhole:

For General Peer David Atkinsons:

  1. Formation of Rapid Response Forces and Disaster Relief Deployment Forces.
  2. DRDF is to be deployed in two locations: south-west Bailtem and the Transcrabrian Sea.
  3. Deployment in the Transcrabrian Sea is tasked with providing humanitarian relief for refugees and asylum seeker from Zuhlgan.
  4. Deployment in S-W Bailtem is tasked with providing natural disaster relief responses for surrounding countries if it is requested.
  5. The RRF is to be deployed in three locations: Karnetvorian Channel-Gulf of Omen; North Cordilia; along the South Pacific Ocean.
  6. The former two RRF forces are tasked with potential quick peace-keeping response in events of possible future calamities caused by Zuhlgan and Akarina.
  7. All three RRF forces are tasked to overlook adequate reportings of their attached AID personnel.

For Peeress Madison Edwards:

  1. AID: Department Eight and AID: Department Ten will provide sufficient personnel needed for informational procurement and subsequent concealed informational security reportings.
  2. AID Personnel will be attached to RRF forces in Karnetvorian Channel-Gulf of Omen and North Cordilia.
  3. AID Personnel, dispatched in this operation, temporarily are under the supervision of the RRF.
  4. AID Personnel in Karnetvorian Channel-Gulf of Omen is tasked with procuring information regarding abuses of power and plans for border conflicts from the Zuhlgan government. It must relay all gathered information to the surrounding countries and the International Court.
  5. AID Personnel in North Cordilia is tasked with procuring information on possible systemic discrimination against civilians of the Ito Island from Akarinas’ government. It must relay this information to the International Court, the EYCA and the WF.

For Adrianna Rolston:

  1. Request to the IaN institute members of: Sera Clayton, Robert Stenhouse and Ayala Moran; to send expertise staff in the fields of Geo-Ecology, Political Systems and International Law to the offices of Adrianna Rolston in the HeadQuarters of the World Forum.
  2. Claytons group is tasked with investigating recent environmental disturbances in south-west Bailtem (namely in Vrigny and K&H Islands within two months).
  3. Stenhouses group is tasked with exploring causes for and solutions to ongoing humanitarian issues in Zuhlgan and Akarina.
  4. Morans group is tasked with monitoring and summarising legal procedures of the International Court in the case against Akarina.
  5. The meetings will be held on floor -2 and open to other participants.