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RAFI-Temporal Triumvirate Updates

Conclusion of Operation Noble Doorhole

Akarina, Zuhlgan & Rimordian escalation

Since Akarina (@isurvivedurm0m) and Zuhlgan (@Kobegr01) tensions seem to have de-escalated (or re-focused), the DRDF and RRF-AID task forces have been demobilised. Contributing factor is the Rimordian tension in NAGB; Which is also why the missions return will be re-routed to pass along the east and south Crabry route instead.

Morans Group report to Adrianna in the WF

Ayala Morans’ legal expertise group in the WF HQ has finished analysing the procedures conducted by the International Court in relation to Akarina. Briefed by Md Adrianna Rolston states that:
“While Nasphilitaes adoption of International law and Customs into domestic court practice is successful; The consolidation plan set by ‘The Grand Agenda’ will face other difficulties, outlined by Bartletts essay, published about a month ago.”

Interest, in investment into Eflad and re-opening of Izaakian Free City around Agorport due to Rimordian escalation, expressed

Eflad Rail Line

Requested by Executive Officers for Finances-Customs-Logistics (Evelynn Mies of the SRP) and Energy-Environment-Transport (Elian Aitken of the SRP), General Peer David Atkinsons had expressed interest in investing into Eflads (@Eflad) rail infrastructure renovation.

Eflad Security Cooperation

Lead Director of the Agency for Identification and Documentation (and one of three in the Triumvirate), Madison Edwards, expressed willingness to cooperate with informational security as well, though this was quickly rejected by both Adrianna Rolston and David Atkinsons.
However, due to rising tensions in NAGB, Executive Officer for Home Affairs-Police-Public Safety (Sinclair Houthem of The Center) managed to reach a compromise, wherein cooperation from AID:Law Enforcement Department only, was expressed.

Izaakian Free City & Rimordian escalation

Due to rising tensions in the NAGB (@Nicholas) over Rimordians and (more-so) seeminly to calm the domestic public, the Temporary Triumvirate have unanimously and with the retroactive approval from the Head of State, formally expressed “Existing plans, hopefully materialised upon visitation to Brodlancia, of re-instating USI’s (@Izaakia) historical Free City at Agorport, though this time, as we are independent today, not of commercial nature.”
This seems to have calmed concerns of the domestic public.

End of visiation to Austra, preparation for visitation to Weisserstein, and Conclusion of the Temporary Triumvirate

Austra Visitation Results

HoS and Grand Duke Dawson Ernst had finished the visitation to Austra. In it, the following plans were agreed upon: mutual embassies, mutual cultural & commercial grand consulates, international direct airline Ancia-Suhavenster, international direct maritime route Nessex-Agorport.

Weissertein Preparation & Arrival

Leaving for Weisserstein (@Weisserstein) on Tuesday 0300 AM Pacifican Central Time, Ernst had states that “It will involve, among others, Nasphilitae joining the Alman Group, a long-term economic arrangement, as well as arrangements related to Earls of the Peer House Fieldler.”

End of Temporary Triumvirate due to Morans Group report

Due to Moran Groups report, Ernst has called the HoG and HMSC (Syd G. Payton & Nowell Riley Trenton) on resuming their work on non-judicial reform instead. This ends the Temporary Triumvirates’ mandate on Thursday, 0900 AM Pacifcan Central Time.