The results of the consultation poll regarding the full legalization of organized religion in Vrigny have been published. With a relatively low turnout of 47.23% of eligible participants, Vrignyan citizens have chosen the following answers for different questions:
- Should the “Purple Article” be completely withdrawn and substituted with a “Religious Protections” article?
79% No
11% Yes
10% No Answer
- Should the “Purple Article” be modified to allow the public practice of organized religions?
62% No
32% Yes
6% No Answer
- Should religious institutions be able to freely establish buildings of worship?
74% No
14% Yes
12% No Answer
- Should the establishment of buildings of worship be controlled by the Government?
65% No Answer
26% Yes
9% No
- During the Stratocracy (previous to 2014), did you ever recieve any sort of education that talked about “the dangers” of religion?
52% Yes
38% No Answer
10% No
- Is atheism an inherent part of Vrigny’s culture and nation?
62% Yes
32% No
6% No Answer
- Do you think the GPV Government is following its electoral promises for the time being?
59% No
38% Yes
3% No Answer
The poll has also seen a slight increase of religious among younger generations, in contrast of the generalized opposition of the legalization process by older generations. The GPV is still working on a plan that wouldn’t result in some major international or national backlash.
It is also something to note, the possible effect the “Headless Killer(s)” might have had over the poll’s results, considering one of the most widespread theories about their identity is one of a Zarkanxiz zealot.