PNN - Pacifican News Network

Keanu and Hurley estimates that the rugby World Cup has generated $5.4 billion for the country, doubling the 2024 GDP figures for the nation. Nihoa the Chancellor described the additional revenue as a fund to rebuild Keanu and Hurley after the Cyclone late last year, and to build a stronger future for the country. However, she also warned (tongue in cheek) that Keanu and Hurley is a about to enter the largest recession of any country in recent history as the economy is expected to shrink by almost 50% in Q3 of 2024.


This morning, 200 km away from the town of Veryn, a similar experience has occured in the very small village of Karien. The small village, situated on the northern coast of Berxen lake was one of the towns most heavily affected by the Stratocracy’s resettlement program. With its population of 24 on the last census, it is nothing compared to its previous population of 3k four decades ago.

Police were called this morning by a young child, whose identity has been protected under the initials MJ. With most of the remaining populated houses in the village’s center broken into, the police officers have found pretty much the same scene as that found in Veryn. So far, 16 bodies, victims of the killer have been found, with their heads missing once again.

The parents and sibling of MJ found themselves in the same fate, however, MJ was somehow not targeted by the killer. They have stated: “It was during the night, I was sleeping but I woke up once I heard something hitting the floor very hard. I hid under the bed because I saw the news about a killer. I think I saw one or two very tall figures with shining green dots on their face and something that looked like horns, but it was too dark to tell… I don’t know why they didn’t get me as well…”

In another of the affected houses, a bloodied note was found shoved into what would be the neck of a victim, but it is very difficult to read and it seems to be written in an unknown script. No fingerprints have been found in the note or any possible surfaces, so the Vrignyan police are still clueless about the identity of the killer, or killers.


Akarinan News Network
Recently in the Karvenator channel, there was a friendly fire incident between IAN Nakano (BBN-20) and IAN Allard (CVN-26). During the incident, the crew of IAN Nakano mistook IAN Allard as a Zuhlgani vessel and fired at IAN Allard. At 2:16 am local time, IAN Allard was hit twice by Nakano’s 18 inch guns, 2:22 am, IAN Allard was hit by 3 anti-ship missiles, by 2:25 am the crew of the Nakano realized their mistake and ceased fire.

In the end 343 of Allard’s crew were killed (Admiral Suzuki was also killed in the incident).


Jakub has joined the international criticism of the situation in Vrigny. The Jakubian Department of Foreign Affairs and Vice President has joined the criticism of Vrigny’s handling of their situation with the Department of Foreign Affairs, “The right to practice religion is an inalienable and undeniable human right that belongs to all men and women of the globe without question.”


BREAKING— Mitallduk’s Ministry of Elections announced today that due to, “concerns of political violence,” during the early voting period leading up to the May 20 election that “state security” would be present at vulnerable polling stations across the nation. The BICLU claims that the Mitalldukish government will effectively be deploying Mitallduk Defense Forces to polling stations to intimidate voters.

Mitallduk’s Foreign Ministry has denied the claims saying, “there are serious concerns of violence occurring during this year’s election. To dismiss a basic security measure as ‘voter intimidation’ is ridiculous.”

A spokesperson for Krauanagaz’s Human Rights Commission said the development was, “concerning,” and that the Commission was inquiring about the specifics. Krauanagaz State Department officials declined to comment on Mitallduk’s decision.

However Krauanaet Lyra Zharan stated, “Krauanagaz stands by Mitallduk and its internal security decisions. While this move is somewhat irregular, we live in somewhat irregular times. I’d prefer not to cast definitive judgements until our governments have had a chance to communicate.”


Following the popular repeal of the refugee moratorium on Referendum Day, the Valkyrian Immigration Service has restored its refugee office that has been deactivated for nearly five years. Refugee applications will now be processed again.


Roiwek Times | Worldwide (OOC: Worldwide is a new version of International Happenings)

San Marsico joins in - San Marsico has joined in the international criticism of the situation happening in Vrigny. The recently renamed Ministry of International Affairs, along with the President, has said that, “Taking away the right to practice religion, is undeniably an offense.” // Uni Padik


(OOC Pinging: @Vrigny)


The votes for the East Romordian independence from Aberstopia referendum have been counted up, with over 70% voting to become independent. East Romordia will transition into a separate country over the course of the next few days.


The Akarinan ministry of defense has ordered the construction of the “Arata line” on the Kaleara - Zuhlgan border with the same intentions as the Corvus and Austro lines before it.
This is also said to be purely defensive.


A peaceful rural area of East Dholok is in shock after a brutal murder was uncovered at a remote farmhouse late last night. Neighbors reported strange activity and loud noises coming from the usually peaceful property, prompting the authorities to respond.

When police arrived, they discovered the body of 45-year-old David K. Roscoe, a longtime resident of the area in question. Roscoe had many stab wounds, and the scene reflected a brutal struggle. Evidence suggests that the murder was organized, although the reason is unknown at this time.

Maria Welles, the East Dholok Police Chief, commented, “This is an extremely upsetting situation for our community. We will use all available resources to investigate this awful crime and bring the offender to justice.” She asked locals to be vigilant and report any unusual behavior to police.

The murder stunned the close-knit neighborhood, as violent crime is uncommon within this rural area. Roscoe was known as a friendly and hardworking guy by friends and neighbors, making the crime all the more difficult to understand. Local authorities are collaborating with local forensic teams to collect evidence and are asking the public for any information that will help with the investigation.


The results of the consultation poll regarding the full legalization of organized religion in Vrigny have been published. With a relatively low turnout of 47.23% of eligible participants, Vrignyan citizens have chosen the following answers for different questions:

  1. Should the “Purple Article” be completely withdrawn and substituted with a “Religious Protections” article?

79% No
11% Yes
10% No Answer

  1. Should the “Purple Article” be modified to allow the public practice of organized religions?

62% No
32% Yes
6% No Answer

  1. Should religious institutions be able to freely establish buildings of worship?

74% No
14% Yes
12% No Answer

  1. Should the establishment of buildings of worship be controlled by the Government?

65% No Answer
26% Yes
9% No

  1. During the Stratocracy (previous to 2014), did you ever recieve any sort of education that talked about “the dangers” of religion?

52% Yes
38% No Answer
10% No

  1. Is atheism an inherent part of Vrigny’s culture and nation?

62% Yes
32% No
6% No Answer

  1. Do you think the GPV Government is following its electoral promises for the time being?

59% No
38% Yes
3% No Answer

The poll has also seen a slight increase of religious among younger generations, in contrast of the generalized opposition of the legalization process by older generations. The GPV is still working on a plan that wouldn’t result in some major international or national backlash.

It is also something to note, the possible effect the “Headless Killer(s)” might have had over the poll’s results, considering one of the most widespread theories about their identity is one of a Zarkanxiz zealot.


Coalitanian President Dawod Durnat has been actively involved in the ongoing legislative efforts in Vrigny aimed at restoring freedom of religion. Durant highlighted the fundamental importance of religious freedom in a recent interview, saying that “Religion is a basic human right, and every citizen is entitled to it.” The timing of his involvement is significant because it coincides with Vrigny’s discussion of the legal and social ramifications of lifting the long-standing prohibition on religion.


Roiwek Times | In San Marsico

Accidental dynamite explosion severely injures 6 - During a controlled landslide detonation along San Marsico National Route 1 along the Sikal Viy-Deldit Coastline near Sikal Viy, a worker (who shall not be named) “accidentally” pushed the detonate button as 2 workers were working on laying dynamite on one of the unstable cliffs, the detonation wiped out 2 work trucks, along with barriers, and 3 civilian vehicles. All of the 6 severely injured were swiftly brought to Marsico National Hospital Sikal Viy, where all of them recovered from the incident. The worker who supposedly “accidentally” pushed the detonate button will see a trial in 1 week. // Patrick Dalfold


During the Questioning, a weekly session of the Valkyrian storting in which members can question the government, Valkyrian Prime Minister Steffan Bennett avoided criticising Vrigny concerning the country’s enforcement of state atheism, prompting condemnation from religious rights groups.


Developing— Massive demonstrations are taking place across Mitallduk as the verdict of the court martial of 5 Mitallduk Defense Force (MDF) soldiers who have been charged with crimes related to the shooting at the Coastal Crossing is expected to be delivered later this evening. Police in Med Karazh and Ta’ana have deployed riot police to control rapidly expanding crowds. Ya’oran Gallai is expected to appear in Ta’ana outside the MDF’s Headquarters to address the demonstrators.

Mitallduk National Police have announced an 11 pm curfew in all major urban centers of Mitallduk, including Ta’ana and Med Karazh.

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Breaking— Police in Ta’ana have arrested hundreds of demonstrators after declaring the demonstrations to be ‘unlawful.’ Police launched tear gas into crowds outside the Executive Mansion and MDF Headquarters in downtown Ta’ana.

BICLU claims that Mitalldukish authorities are brutalizing peaceful protestors, and escalating the already volatile situation. Protestors described scenes of chaos as authorities disbursed the tens of thousands of demonstrators in the city’s streets. Ta’ana’s Public Safety Ministry stated that 81 police officers had been transported to local hospitals with various degrees of injury, in addition to at least 173 demonstrators.

Early reports from BICLU and Kraudukra Human Rights Watch (KHRW) indicate that police across Mitallduk arrested more than 3,000 individuals throughout the day as demonstrations took place against the court martial of 5 MDF soldiers charged with the killing and injury of several Krauanagazan refugees at the border earlier this month.



Constitutional Bill on workplace reformation presented by Opportunity Party

---- Leader of the Opportunity Party and Head of HM Shadow Cabinet (Nowell Riley Trenton) presented a Hybrid Constitutional Bill today before the Lower House.
---- The Hybrid section repeals the previously enforced suspension of anti-trust laws.
---- Furthermore, it introduces national-level representation of employees, employers and investors.
---- The High Chancellor is instructed with the creation of a Department of Labour, which is to act as a mediator in negotiating employee-employer disagreements in each workplace facility.
---- The Bills appendix legislates labour rights to: paid leave, paid vacation, swift employment, national pension re-adjustment in accordance to inflatory changes, and more.
---- The Department of Labour is additionally tasked with the creation of the RDESI, which is instructed to draft environmental criteria, and later inspect each workplace facilitys adherence to them.

Divison in the High Court for Administrative Crime

---- The High Court for Administrative Crime is divided on the Bill, despite the Supreme Courts approval.
---- Opposition cites Chapter VI of the Bill as problematic; as it implicitly grants political notions to The High Chancellor (itself an ambiguous institution).
---- Further, the oppositions disagreement stems from the fact that, solely by The High Chancellor implying political institutionalisation being in the same legislation, could prove worrisome in later Court decisions on the Associations of Employees and of Investors and Owners.

-Reporter: perennialistDeconstructor


The investigation into the Romordian camp fire has been moving slowly. The police department said that they haven’t been able to identify any suspects. There have been several incidents during the investigation, the most prominent is that before the cameras were formatted, police officers made a copy of the SD-card. However, this SD card was then damaged and the files were not retrievable. Luckily several files had been backed up, but not all.


The Green Party of Vrigny has published the following draft for the modification of the Purple Article, which will be renamed to: “New Laicism”. However, some of the policies of the Purple Article will continue to exist without change. The new article’s preamble will be changed in the following way:

"Vrigny is an atheist (secular) country. The Government’s policies and State institutions shall be free of any religious influence. Any sort of religious practice is outlawed and punishable by law, depending on the severity of the infraction. (Citizens may practice any religious beliefs, without intervention from the Government.)

Some of the policies that will be included in the new article are:

  • Any sort of religious practice is outlawed. Those who practice it will be punished according to active laws → Vrignyan citizens will be allowed to practice any religion privately or publicly.

  • The establishment of any sort of temple or church is not allowed. → The Government has the authority to grant religious institutions the permission to construct houses of worship.
    ** The Government may not provide funding to the construction of said houses of worship.
    ** All houses of worship will be subject to a Government tax.

  • Any sort of religious celebrations or holidays are outlawed. → Religious celebrations are allowed.
    ** The Government may not provide funding for the organization of said celebrations.

  • The teaching of religious values or fundamentals is prohibited.
    ** → Public schools may not instill or teach any sort of religious values or thoughts. (Note: Private schools are not allowed in Vrigny)
    ** → The teaching of any religion will have to be done by the religious institutions or religious followers themselves to those who consent to it.

  • There shall be no political party with religious values or goals.

  • The reproduction, importation and sale of Holy Scriptures is outlawed.

These policies, which may seem strict compared to those in other countries in Pacifica, are still an improvement to the outright prohibition of religion in Vrigny. Despite the very low number of Vrignyan citizens which have been prosecuted in recent years, with this modified article, they will be able to practice their beliefs without risk. Of Government intervention, at least. There’s still a bunch of staunchly conservative groups in Vrigny regarding this part of Vrigny’s “culture”, which could easily go after those who may want to preach or practice their beliefs in public.

This article is still being discussed and debated by members of the GPV. Other political parties have simply expressed their disapproval or have proclaimed that: “Vrigny has much more pressing matters”. The leader of the opposition and Liberal Party of Vrigny has even stated, that: “It will be much, much more easier to revert the GPV’s current changes in the future in comparison to the trouble they’re having right now to change it when they have the clear majority in Parliament.”


The Coalitanian People’s Union Senate agreed to reduce the legal drinking age from 25 to 20 after the Coalitanian Nationalist Party proposed this new reform. Following lengthy discussions and public meetings, the government changed its stance on alcohol consumption and public health policy, as seen by this law reform.

Proponents of the new rule contend that it recognizes the maturity and responsibility of younger adults while bringing Coalitanian regulations into line with worldwide norms. They also draw attention to the possible economic advantages, since the shift is anticipated to strengthen the hospitality and beverage industry.

On the other hand, opponents voice worries about the possible rise in occurrences involving alcohol and health problems among younger people. The public has been reassured by the government that more money would be allocated to preventative and education initiatives, and that current laws against alcohol abuse will be strictly enforced.

Beginning in January of next year, the new law will provide businesses and regulatory agencies with time to adjust to the changes.