(Syd G Patton thumbs ups infrastructural projects on Crabry, Dawson Ernst issues a mission to AID Central led by Peeress Madison Edwards, Ian Zachary covered by Axiology project)—The Speaker(Head of Government) of Nasphilitae, Syd G Patton thumbs ups Jakub and Kliegme
—>Former Law Enforcement Officer, Leader of LE Department in the City of Agorport, Criminologist and leader of the ruling “The Center” political party – Syd G Patton – commends Jakub ( @Gibbus ) and @Kliegme for…“a continental infrastructural focus […we are…] expressing willingness for deeper integration in fundamental economic sectors of the continent.” Cool. Nothing was said.
—HSH, Grand Duke(Head of State) Dawon Ernst…I guess trolls? The AID
—>HSH Ernst issued Peeress Madison Edwards of his HM Cabinet (as Lead Director of the Agency for Identification and Documentation), on a “mission to monitor the situation revolving Romordians.” …NGBSS ( @Nicholas ) and AID together can only bring good things to the continent!..
—>…Given that the Lead Director/ate nor AID Central has any operational powers, I might’ve…underestimated Ernsts’…competence.
—>I really wish this was covered by Stenhouse FROM THE (!) University of Suhavenster, whose graduates also include:
—Ian Zachary finally covered by the Axiology Project
—>Bartlett finally covers Ian Zachary, and does so well. I was actually worried for both Zachary and Dinbar because…they’re the only ones worth reading. Honestly.
Whetstone just copies Zachary; Xor just copies Days cipher. Before that, you have Day, Brand (I guess), and maybe Protoiridine. We’re not sure if he wrote half the thing.
—>But I do actually like both Zachary and Dinbar.
—Alright that’s it for now
—> Let’s end this story and move onto ~/Documents/PacificaTwo/Project_Nasphilitae/PartFour_Beginfun/
…Well that’s a bug in NUS.
— Lumen (Reporter)