—Fundamental rights position:Criticism of Vrigny by Jonas Val
Jonas Val of the radically liberal ADLA party had criticised abuse of fundamental rights in @Vrigny, being the first public official of Nasphilitae to do so. Interestingly, he criticised Vrignian reliance on plebiscite to legitimise the codification something as foundational as right to free conscience.
In the complaint, it’s stated that the use of plebiscites and referendums are signs of ochlocracy and warned that “in the past, it was often abused as a source of legitimacy by authoritarian governments […] While using it to gauge public opinion on a particular policy, as @Besern has done in the past months, is fine […] An administration cannot rely solely on such an instrument for fundamental rights”
—Adrianna Rolstons response to Pelinai and Chancellor Sanddorn on WF
→ High Ambassador of Nasphilitae to the WF, Md. Adrianna Rolston, criticised the structure of The Pelograd Apostle article; calling it “incorrect in logical process, correct in logical conclusion”
Namely, the lack of WF enforcements instruments is noted as a correct assertion, with the exclusion of the International Court. An example cited was @Ryccia rejection of the TPNW in 2019. It was further mentioned that the WF set a “self-sabotagign precedent, in condemning @Izaakia when it intervened into the NAGB”.
→ Chancellor Sanddorns’ position on the matter had also been criticised, namely on the grounds of “Overly obsessive textualism, which as is now evident, falters on its’ own contradictions […] It contradicts the principles of either human or natural rights semantics, as well as sabotaging the pillars of Gianlucian foreign policy […] What good is […previously mentioned…] if it is not exercised and put into action?”
Ending the statement by agreeing with KPHA’s Archduke Ikaros VIII stances mentioned in GIN. ( @LordGianni )
—End of AID Hash investigations
Full article here
—Political party polling standing
Full article here. NNP is claimed to have taken a decisive lead in popularity among the citizens.
-Reporter: perennialistDeconstructor