Stream - social media

Spencer Fritz

Who am I? Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll never stop bragging about how he's better at it than you.
Damn, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize respecting religions was indecent. I feel ashamed on behalf of my government. Please, forgive us.

With all due respect, FiHami isn’t the only country in the world, and between your announcement and the recent controversy in Vrigny (one that went unadressed for far too long), it is absolutely rational to react to this issue. Yttria has had a complex relation with the balance of church and state. Hell, the ysttists almost got wiped off the face of the planet back in the days of the Fishermen Kings. As you can now understand, our history gives us great cause to be invested in this matter. PM F. didn’t even call you out, he just reassured his own people. I’d wager that means he was at least a smidge informed about FiHami’s past with arsfanism.

I must also point out the abysmal phrasing of your recent announcement only stated that you hoped to eradicate a minority religion. You understand how bad that sounds, right? It is not our responsibility to research the complex culture of others every time they make an announcement. It is our responsibility to call you out on those announcements and give you a platform to address the criticism and clarify what you meant.

#Yapping, #Political_Rant

1.7K Comment

Hana Kiwanai

Who am I? Wannabe Football Extraordinaire from Hani Shahashana, now playing for the Huah-Huah Sailfish.

Do y’all think a 4 year old can run a country better than some old Finixi priestess who wants to throw everyone she can into a volcano?

#frihani #democracyforfihami #ilikebrainwashing

3.7k Comment

Marko Müller

Who am I? Proud Efladian, President of the Democratic Union
The greens are becoming more absurd every time one of them opens their mouths! Am I the only one to hear that they want to change the constitution to push their ideology‽ I mean come on, it doesn't get more fascist than that! What's next, banning free speech? This government is walking on very thin ice, believe me, we will hold them accountable!


11,5k Comment

Kenta Vulkai

Who Am I? A former Secretary of State of Krauanagaz, serving from 2013 to 2023 under Krauanaet Drayus Korrin.

So glad to see Zuhlgan, the beacon of peace and stability, leading ceasefire talks in Mitallduk. What could possibly go wrong? Their mediation will surely bring peace to Mitallduk, just like their border policies have brought stability and compassion to Southern Cordilia… this is a joke, right?

#totallybelievable, #mitalldukceasefire, #zuhlgan

122.7k Comment
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John Hatu

Who am I? Premier for Lutra. Litradi First Party Leader. Future Ruler of Litradi. 51
How can one election take this long. This is the third time they have postponed it. How is it this hard? Can't we just hurry up and say I'm the winner. Seriously, the electoral commission must be siding with the greens, they are helping them stay in government. We need to rise against this and get this election over and done with.

#LitradiElection, #LitradiFirst, #LutraElectoralCommission

64.8k Comment

Ameh Sicincin

Who am I? Popular pop singer, part of the Sicincin clan, married with pop singer Rancak Sikumbang. Born, raised, and lives in Biduak Pincalang.
Manga pulo badai tibo CIEK HARI sabalun debut album baru?!

(Why should the typhoon have to hit us ONE DAY before my new album debut?!)

Ikolah gamba-gamba yang den ambiak di dakek rumah.

(These are the pictures i took near my home. )

#BiduakPincalang, #Storm, #NaturalDisasters, #Flood, #Minangrayo, #PrayforBiduakPincalang

624,8k Comment

Aloe Román

Who am I? Deputy Prime Minister of Cadiz. Dad. Lawyer. Former Mayor of Sociedad.
I am in constant communication with the doctors at Francisco Arbanne Hospital. I am being told that Prime Minister Solaya is slowly stabilizing. I ask all to pray for her speedy recovery.

In the meantime, we have work to do. I’m calling on the Legislature to pass the JOBS Act so we can deliver high-paying, union jobs to the communities that need them most.

Let’s rebuild our economy, folks.

18.8K Comment

PM James Caliderei Pelidi

Who am I? Current Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of New Altnavia
It is almost two years since his majesty the late King Laleikiya’s death. A museum about his life will open soon. Sometimes I think of the time when I served as PM under his rule. I’m sure he went to heaven, he was one of the greatest leaders in our history.

#KingLaleikiya #AltineivioKingdom

142K Comment

Association of Frastinian Federalists (Berscheland)

Who are we? Wir sind dar welle; dar welle Bersches i Frastilisches, ist und werde miteineanders flug.

We are the currents; the Besernian and Frastinian waves, who are together, and shall thus fly together.

We can do it; a Frastinian federation for all the Frastinian peoples!

Want to make this happen? Support our campaign for the 51st Fedinschtag!

Get to know our New Deal at

#besern #frastinia #northcordilia

299 Comment

Maxmilian Cipsmaler

Who am I? Transsunerias innenminister - Interior minister of Transsuneria
"Becutt an Diening"
@ Association of Frastinian Federalists (Berscheland) Frastinia havt nok ein vernallians: Concordia-Antant. Ik denke dok das ein mitglidcaft for Berceland ist velkommt ;)
Translate?@ Association of Frastinian Federalists (Berscheland) Fristinia already has a defensive alliance: Concordia Entente. However, I believe that a membership for Besern would be welcome ;)

#Frastinia #CE

2.4k Comment

Hejerr Opalen

Who am I? Founder and CEO of Stream and Ep. Among other things. Qwerty.
Introducing Project DINOS: Deflection and Interception of Notorious Objects in Space. What we do today both will and won't have an impact (if you get what I mean).

PS: This image was generated with #Ellib.

#DINOS, #Ellib

153k Comment

Elvira Jufitienn

Who am I? A girl in Flikamm
@Hejerr Opalen I'm getting classical spy movie villain vibes from all you'r project, please don't be evil :O

#DINOS, #Villain

52k Comment

Elvira Jufitienn

Who am I? A girl in Flikamm
@Hejerr Opalen Only Sedunn and Kliegme members of your project? I guess they are about to become the only safe spots on the Planet in the future


12k Comment

Hana Kiwanai

Who am I? Wannabe Football Extraordinaire from Hani Shahashana, now playing for the Huah-Huah Sailfish.

Ok when I asked if a 4 year old could run a country better than some old Finixi priestess I was not inviting the universe to make it happen, please Ha’Fi-Nix make it stop! What next, a coup d’etat???

#frihani #democracyforfihami #AbolishTrains #MonkeysPaw #ilikebrainwashing

3.7k Comment

Robert Stenhouse

Who am I? (The "institutionalised domestic civil war" guy) Formally part of IaN/OPAL Project. University of Suhavenster graduate in Political Sciences IR. Most known for "Institutionalised War In Nasphiliti Elites:Polyarchy, Democracy and Pluralism". Censored by the Reform Party, Innsbolt, Palmer, LP Taylors transition government. Uncensored only now.

Delivering this promise to (@/Randice) and (@/Lumen). Here is the final public work which I have published, that is not planned to be post-mortem. Titling it “Death of Public Life and Parapacynical School”.
Aversion mentioned earlier still loomed over me, hence the lack of NAACN codification. The Inquisitor of scientific academic work envisions works which are, in my taste, stylistically inferior. It is written in second-person for a reason.
With this complete, I am satisfied, so much as I can be.



Hejerr Opalen

Who am I? Founder and CEO of Stream and Ep. Among other things. Qwerty.
Nice comet you got there, @ISA. Would be a shame if someone... deflected it...


55k Comment

PM James Caliderei Pelidi

Who am I? Current Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of New Altnavia
The accident this morning in western Luxeiligalia didn’t just affect a few, it affected all of us. The speed limit related laws will be changed and will be enforced soon. Rest in peace— and let’s hope that a tragedy like this doesn’t happen again.

#SpeedLimit #Pray4Kostenili22

262K Comment

Cordilian Human Rights Watch

Who are we? A human rights and humanitarian aid organization founded in 1978 by the families of and survivors of the [Morotalis Prison Camp](
🚨 CHRW is calling for an IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE in Northern Cordilia as clashes between Losraval forces and militants escalate. Civilians are trapped, essential services disrupted, and reports of atrocities are mounting. Both sides must halt the violence and allow aid through—lives are at stake.

#CeasefireNow, #HumanRights, #CordiliaCrisis

37.3k Comment
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