“Death of Public Life and Parapacynical School”

Authored by Robert Stenhouse

Alumni:Professor at the University of Suhavenster in Department International Relations within the Faculty for Political Sciences. Founder and former Chairman of the aforementioned Department. Formerly censored by four different regimes (1996-2024).

Published via the IaN project, fully and freely available in electronic form on the Open Public Access Library catalogue.

NAACN Code: Pending, as the author had not submitted it for codification.

Resume and Abstract:

This work before you is short, as of 19th September 2024. Given that the infamous Robert Stenhouse is its author, content might be revised with additions but never subtractions, this paragraphs sentence here serves to notify if and when new content be added.

  • In Introduction, I congratulate myself and my enemies for victory against them and me respectively, as the concept of Nasphilitaes Polyarchy in constant institutionalised civil war intoduced by me, has had this tremendous effect of killing public life instrumentalised by those who disdain me.
  • In Defense Before The Inquisitors, the concepts of “Public Life” and “Parapacynical School” are introduced, defined and contextualised, with the central thematic of death being elaborated and demonstrated, as to avoid answering before the Grand Inquisitors of Academia.
  • In Exlusive Dynamic Sphere, International Relations and foreign policy is noticed as a dynamic sphere, though participation is as in most spheres of policy, inclusive only to institutions and therefore the public is excluded; This should be seen as admittance, rather than new development.
  • In the closing section of this work which is Necromance of The Parapacynical School, this author performs a necromance of the ancient “Parapathetic School” in a contemporary format, it deals with the individual and provides practical guidance to life in the era of post-truth.


Viewing that the public life is no longer living, I’ve made preparations for the waking of this open casket. Embalmed, I now present contents of the casket to you, some of which are responsible for it now being a corpse, for the sake of funeral initiation. As with all caskets, this one has been kept in my home, so there is just one pleading request of all attendees; Please, let us begin, do not mourn nor grieve, for we have all seen such remorse often enough that all value in them is reduced to self-pity. Let us just acclaim the death and begin.

From all my caskets both finished and undone, which you’ve now presented as being all caskets known to man, I’ve buried this corpse in the most beautiful. Far from luxurious, far from impoverished, yet too avoiding the perfect strike and appearing bestowed by beauty from its oddities. It is, therefore, perfect. All good casquets are adequate, in that describing their aesthetics, one describes its contents… Expression that is unnerved and offended? Perhaps what unsettled some is the exclamation of responsibility, as if this is the only life you have killed. Murder is not unknown to you but with this one, you have murdered all other which depend on its living for their spontaneous emergence. There is no need to be anxious of prosecution, as organisations and the subset of institutions, cannot be trialled.

To feel offended is understandable but not sympathetic, better yet, I congratulate you! In days to come, when this casket is carried to its open grave, I will show you the autopsy. It seems that your constant insistence on my own Polyarchy manifesting itself, is one of major or the major factor in this death. Afterwards, as we all will listen to the commemoration of a boring to the point of bothersome other institution, I shall explain why remorse to most others ought not to be felt, either. Finally, I’ve prepared a eulogy for another gravestone, which lies 291 steps south of this ones open grave, as our death custom traditions insist.

Defense Before The Inquisitors

In the context of what you are reading (which is the Post-Industrial Society), the term “Public Life” includes in itself the principle notions of “Public participation”(def) or “Popular involvement in the discourse, influence or decision-making of government policy, with non-exhaustive emphasis on public policy.” We are not witnessing the death of public participation nor public policy, those are not what is being addressed. Public life is dead as a result of many things, none which are public trust, accountability, nor efficiency in applying policy. In my previous censored paper and throughout, I’ve crticised the deceitfully termed “democratisation of policy” for its dependence on the median voter. The Reform Party has utilised inefficiency and lack of transparency with this criticism as empty rhetoric in the past. This isn’t an anathema against the liberal principle of the right to assembly and such, quite the contrary, my criticism towards popular democratisation of policy were out of fear that precisely those would be trampled upon by the mass populace itself.

The death of Public Life has been killed upon its self-proclaimed “evolution” from Local participation and deliberation to Citizen participation and deliberation. Other murderers include: Propaganda Espionage and the Media (state and private respectively), Participatory culture, Emergence of organisational captivity, and Self-expressive pseudo-living. We will not dwell on workforce organisation, as it is not my subject. Instead, we are witnessing a self-perpetuating cycle which leads to nothing but free loading of ritualistic festivals, though has potential to be escalated if internal strife is needed. Unknown citizens participate in discourse and influence within the public life through institutions, expressing propaganda or media values in the form of organised attitudes. This is observable as in the process of elections, so in the process of any physical or network deliberation regarding the public, shared sphere.

The modernist industrialist societies are characterised by grandiose narratives, which are themselves redundant xerox of public assembly and great council deliberation clubs, such as fascism, communism and other perverted forms of totalitarian systems. It is important to note that the post-industrial society of today is an improvement over the modernist industrial societies of yesterday. Reasons for which were mentioned in this chapters first paragraph. However, the post-industrial society requires “guided democracy: administrative overhead, overbearing education, over-qualification, articulated and aggregated media focus groups.” These conditions lead to participatory subcultures, filter bubbles and conditions described in the previous paragraph.

I apologise for this “intermezzo”, though it is required by the academic inquisition, which ought not to be blamed for any of this as they are not aware of how separated they’ve become from the average person. My initial fears of the population committing self-extinction were misplaced. Instead, what these 30-40 years have brought is the end of public life. The self-extinction came in the form of atomic, self-contained individuals, which suffer from self-knowledge biases.

Exclusive Dynamic Sphere

When we are young, we are courageous, but only in old age is that when care of prudence is the height. When authority of internal political affairs is marked with post-truth speeches of no meaning, like pirates, we are lost unless we are discovered. A voyage lies ahead, friends share in common what they have, and I will satisfy their demands if they will only get others which are lost to plead their cause. If they inquire, “Among whom and whence are you?”, our father was a freedman who butchered the Buckeneers for gold. We are natives of the Marcellist Nasphalitae, with no faces to show, only writings as token of their severity. It is time to burn these books, this is the stock and blood of which we have sprung.

What is left to be said, of the exclusivity to foreign affairs and its two offspring which are to be kept separate, that I already have not sung and been regulated for? A honeyed draught thought; “Here comes the old man, infallible, wishing to mentor the people and in voice. He is to be proclaimed as banished from this Academy.” Those which made this proclamation, on the part of this here public audience, speedily assembled and dispersed. With such experience, how am I not to vigorously support that they be excluded from the HM Cabinet matters?

Heed my warning, for unlike those of flock, I do not take any adventurer with a flagged ship to be of divine authority. Beware the oracle, the spectre, the film tapers. They are masters of the human mind and soul, not to the insult of the AID but you know methods which have been declassified, while the printing machine is yet a craftsmanship for mystery. These lighthouses have grown immensely, whatever is projected by one reaches the whole of mankind, successfully in every case.

No words evoke a pure idiotic self-deception than “I am free from media bias!”, exclaimed by the a rhetorician whose awareness of free thinking songs was composed to him, by apparently him.

Necromance of The Parapacynical School

Retire now and thither away from this carousel. All that once could be changed on the town square, has become deluded, regardless of which flock you choose to fly with. All that once could be gained from banter on the marketplace traps you; “Even the Noble Hearts, Will Taint With Gold”(a popular proverb from 1930-1962 Marcellist rule) All that once studied and gifted the only virtue of prudence to the world, detached itself from it to such a comedic extent, that the world does not understand their findings of the world. Instead, I call all who seek study to throw themselves into the world and allow the vibrancies of physical experience to take over, only upon doing so can speculations and cohesive thoughts on it be formed.

All is futile under the Public sun(references Ecclesiastes), happiness is the use of reason coinciding with the universal logic that governs, as Perennialists claimed. While the human mind ought to be morally indifferent in matters of controlled emotion (or “affect”), they aren’t of no value. It serves reciprocity of relative value in proportion to self-preservation. Pursuit of virtue is all a single atom in this era of post-truth ought to yearn for, if happiness is sought.

Alternatively, if possessing great will and adequate labour, one may seek to lead a flagged ships voyage. Such ambitions are welcome if their applicant bears in mind the sorrows of venturing above and beyond the Public. If, irresponsible to oneself, they freefall into what is more akin to an opium dream, desire for greatness will truly cause a freefalling crash into endless remorse. That is all.

– Robert Stenhouse.

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