NAACN (Nasphilitae Aggregate-Articulate-Critical News)

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                           ›»»10.14.2024. ««‹×›»»Issue:ℕ0329900000000««‹


Economy: Infrastructure Update & Airlines

As we are nearing the completion of the second infrastructural renovation project, set for week 4 ofOctober, the second out of three porjects enters its testing phase. For reminders, the infrastructural project was among the first initiatives undertaken by this years elected government of HoG Syd G Patton. The first part inolved renovation & expansion of existing domestic rail and road transportation was completed on August 20., providing high speed rail connection from the City of Agorport, through the City of New Sorthane, to the capital of Suhavenster. Elevating the earlier motorway into an international highway, it connects the three Cities, along with 42 regional Earldoms in the interior of the country.

The long-awaited second project is most notable for expanding and revitalising domestic air transportation. Namely, the renovated & expanded hub-and-spoke system airline hubs of Agorport and Suhavenster Airports, as well as point-to-point system airports of New Sorthane and Ft. Masontown. The railway system was also further enhanced as to include the deeper internal “Inclinelands” of the country. As for the most difficult of these three phases, the final one is estimated to be complete in the given initial date of mid-December. It focuses on mass revitalisation of the “Brownfield” post-industrial coastline, dockyard expansions and railway connection along the Ocean shore.

Public auctioning was held for financial liquidisation of this project (as per the respective enacted legislation), most of which were won by the newly created (through acquisition) Kons Incorporated. NSBB-Transport traditionally operated airhub services, as well as maritime cross-oceanic cargo. It currently has a fleet size of 175 wide-body airliners with 180 passanger capacity and 25 single-aisle airlines with 270 passanger capacity, with the latter being amplified by an additional 75 ordered vessels from NAEROBUS. Likewise, NNTS-Air-Road operated the New Sorthane and Ft. Masontown Airports, with a fleet size of 105 narrow-body airliners of 240 passanger capacity and 50 in order also from NAEROBUS. It’s worth mentioning that both NSBB-Transport and NNTS-Air-Road share official national flagging, with both being formerly Chartered companies, which throughout their history became privatised.

Upon initiation of their operations, we will report on the history of air transportation in Nasphilitae more extensively. It will include the history of dometic aviation, airfields, NNTS-Air-Road, NSBB-Transport, and the manufacturer NAEROBUS.

Economy: Liberalisation Update & Granhalia

Economic liberalisation was gradually introduced over the past 9-10 months, with trade liberalisation enacted fully on the 20. of August. Of the re-industrialised import substitution companies (2002-2019), the closed voucher privatisation approach, to the surprise of some economic forecasts, created more public (worker cooperative) enterprises than fully private ones. From major companies, merely three remain in full state ownership and management; EnGEN Inc., KRYPTOS Inc., and FTMST Armoury.
While each of the three state-owned companies are faced with fierce competition in their market share (MXCHA, PrototAutomaton, and PrivateseC Inc., respectively), the status and fate of the largest domestic enterprise remains unknown. Namely, Granhalia is the sole noble-owned legal monopoly operating on the agricultural sector. With no publicly available information regarding any plans regarding Granhalia, it remains an open question.

Both the HoG and Head of HM’s Shadow Cabinet (Patton and Trenton) are in agreement that the greatest macroeconomic challenge in the upcoming fiscal year will be of monetary nature. More specifically, the major remaining challenge are conducting appropriate operations on the FX market, which had been a historically re-occurring challenge. While there is disagreement among the expertise regarding possible viable solutions, there is agreement that the problematic factor is in historically inherited extensive liberties and self-governances of the Central Bank and Royal Mint, at least compared to other public offices.
The parity value of the Nasphiliti Pacifican Pound remains uncertain. It will likely take a pivotal position in the upcoming year.

Codified Constitution Receptions

Codification of the minimalist Constitution has been complete, as per the electoral campaign promise of the ruling coalition led by Pattons “The Center” party. It has received approval from all the relevant parties, which includes: 2/3rd approval in both Houses of The National Parliament, unilateral approval from both the ruling Government Cabinet and HM’s Shadow Cabinet, as well as approval from the HM Cabinet of the Head of State.
Criticism regarding the Constitution mainly deals with the procedure in which it was adapted, with some describing it as being “decreed by the Judiciary branch”. Although influence (and pressure) of the Central Judicial institutions was definitely a determining factor, the contents themselves were actually drafted mostly by the Lord Chancellory office.
Ayala Moran of the IDA, a non-practicing legal expert, has described the Constitution as “Very odd”. More extensively; “As if it is parodying itself in certain aspects (…) Positive sides include that it is fully functional, though at times it reads as if it wishes not to be (…) The best fitting description would be that it is most certainly… innovative, in unexpected ways.” said Moran, focusing on solutions used in the Constitution as to avoid conflict of laws.

The full text is available here.

(Funded by North South Bridge Briefs)