PNN - Pacifican News Network


NAACNs text response

→ NAACN released an update concerning the Codified Constitution and the completion of 2/3rds of the Infrastructural Renovation Project set to be complete on November 1st. The latter deals with the re-opening of expanded international air hubs of the Cities of Agorport and Suhavenster (as well as the operating Airline of NSBB-Transport), as well as international airports of the Cities of Ft. Masontown and New Sorthane (likewise operated by NNTS-Road-Air). Both private firms are flag carriers of Nasphilitae and utilise manufactured airplanes by the domestic company of NAEROBUS. NAACN will be releasing a text concerning the history of air travel in Nasphilitae on November 1st.

First Order of Mobilisation Initiated by Deputy Head of HM Cabinet proposed by the HoG before the Parliament

→ Due to what will be described in the upcoming paragraph, the Deputy Head of the HM Cabinet, High General David Artkinsons, had issued First Order of Mobilisation of the Royal Armed Forces of Nasphilitae.
→ The issue was accepted by the Head of Government, Speaker Syd G Patton, which forwarded the issue to The National Parliament. 2/3rds approval is required in both Houses for the mobilisation to pass. The voting will conclude by Saturday in both Houses.

The Mobilisation and Increased presence in “Vital Geostrategic and Mercantile Routes”

→ The issue cites “increased tensions in vital geostrategic and mercantile routes” as reason for the order. It calls upon the Collective Security Documents active foreign policy pursuit for legal basis.
First Order of Mobilisation in Nasphilitae covers the Royal Armed Forces standing troops, as well as its reserves, comprised of the nobility of the country until the age of 45 which have served in the mandatory 3-year conscription. It also includes volunteer civilian mobilisation of the Rapid Reaction Forces and the Disaster Relief Dispatchment Forces. That is, the RRF and DRDF reserves.
“Vital geostrategic and mercantile routes” include: The Oceanic coastline (western Crabry), The Cental Islands coastline (northern Crabry), Sea of Kringalia (where patrolling is already occurring), Transcrabrian Sea (also), and the Gulf of Good Omen.

Relation of the Mobilisation to the situations in Termina, NAGB and South Cordilia

→ The issue does not specify operational expansions of the already existing patrol routes. According to the Head of State and Grand Duke of Nasphilitae Dawson Ernst, this is intentional, as passage of the issue as well as diplomatic coordination need to take precedence prior to operation expansion of what is concluded.
→ Simply put, the First Order of Mobilisation for now merely envisions the triple increase of Naval and Aerial presence of the Royal Armed Forces in these areas.

Diplomatic statements regarding the situations in Termina, NAGB and South Cordilia

The Head of State and Grand Duke of Nasphilitae Dawson Ernst has (for now) merely publicly declared support for the Okhoa Protectorate and their interests in Zuhlgan. ( @Kobegr01 )
→ The Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs Earl Quinlann Emmerson has expressed positive reaction to Kliegmes and Sedunns response to the situation in Termina. He had also notified them that Nasphilitae is willing to provide support if necessary to ensure stability on the continent. ( @Kliegme , @Qwert ).
Earl Quinlann Emmerson had also requested a meeting with the U.S.I.'s foreign minister Scarlet Blanc, on order of the Head of State Dawson Ernst. The reason cited is "coordination of responses in Operation Turqoise Sea, in relation to the exiled oppositions to NAGBs current government hosted by both Nasphilitae and U.S.I., as well as the crisis in South Cordilia." ( @Izaakia , @Nicholas )
L.R. of the AID Central, Peeress Maddison Edwards, on order of Head of State Dawson Ernst, had expressed willingness to aid: Emerald, Kraunagaz and the Okhoa Protectorate by offering operational support against cyber attacks from Zuhlgan. However, it is noted that this support is conditional on Zuhlgan continuing its relations with the NAGB and on the Okhoa issue. ( @Kobegr01 , @Nicholas , @KingTEM ).