Qaweritoyu: Police were seen entering Dr. Joanna Barrett’s house this morning.
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"BORTLE CLASS I" · Infrastructure Failure
Globally important information is bolded - Responses to them (and their effect) is voluntary
It has been revealed by an unknown agent that Viliakmon kept a database about all of it's citizens. The user interface relied on "Sessioned Data Security Program", built on a modified version of an archaic Assembly Programming language.
The Interface was the only way to get access to "Universal Microdata Index Inquiry After Keynum" and its highest security layer, now revealed to be called "DLA-8". DLA-8 Key would allow the user to see all information kept in the Index. Lower security layers (From "IDKEY" of an average resident to what was thought to be the highest, DLA-5) was known earlier to exist. Security layer of DLA-8 Key would have access to the most sensitive personal information on all citizens, including (speculatively), detailed and modifiable biological data.
- GLOBAL CPU SECURITY FAILURE (11 Dec) Radio-Electronic Grid Falure - NOSQL
The Black Flag Army openly admitted to be behind the radio-electronic grid attack. Traren Skandergrof pridefully criticized Pacifican electric corporations; "Multi-cored CPU's are built with a security disaster in their microchips. They allow 'sleeper agent' scripts to be kept in inactive RAM. From there, because of infrastructural reliance on shared access and cloud services, anyone could write the simplest loop and self-validation scripts and place it on the internet. It takes one computer, which is connected to any cloud service nowadays honestly, to interact with a network where the script is placed for something like this to happen." explaining the process but not the motivation behind coordinating the attack.
BFA's script would keep large databases in a constant shut-down loop. Personal electronic devices, once fixed, would display a message saying "RIM IS A PSY-OP!", supposedly making fun of RIM for not coordinating such an attack sooner.
As the Civil War seems to gone from conventional combat to an EW-focus, Merimang Group responded with their own counter-attack. Using a process called "APRES", the Merimang Group seems to have permanently disturbed the magnetic field around mainland Viliakmon. The process is yet to be understood, but its effects rendered all radial and electronic devices unreliable. The mainland is kept in complete darkness during the night. Civilians don't seem to be bothered as they prefer this over earlier war crimes (such as the bombing of civilians in Aelbasan) some sardonically saying "I can finally see all the CPSC satellites!...At least until they enter our stratosphere and crash down".
Anticipating the arrival of International Intervention forces, an independent infrastructure was built on Merimang Island. Sadly, the residents there cannot see the nebula at night.
The Izaakian Troll Hunting Festival begins in The Southern Trollfjellet Range. The tradition is centuries old, and although there has been no confirmed troll sighting in over 200 years the festival remains popular, and is the largest wild camping event in the Izaakian calendar.
A satellite has taken a image of a unidentified submarine in thalapadian teritorial waters. The submarine doesn’t match any known to be in the Thalapadian fleet. Experts suggest that it is a possible new submarine model. Some are going even as far as saying that it is a ballistic missile sub. The thalapdian government has denied that the vessel is theirs and has seemingly sent search parties to try to find it
Humania Government Announcement
A new law has been acted, all citizen of Humania must report to local ration stations to get a scientific exam of there bodies physically needs in order to survive. This will be done in order to help reduce the amount of rations given out.
The Chancellor has resigned. More information is to follow.
Humania Government Military Advancements
Since it’s beginning, the Humania Military Research Institute has strived to improve upon military technology for the *Humania Ground Military *, and today a breakthrough in military science has been revealed.
The “MCU-Vemon” tank is a tank designed to use chemical warfare to its full extent. Designed with a special nozzle, the tank spews a dangerous hydrochloric acid mixture that can spray up to 50 feet.
The tank is cover in acid proof metals in order to avoid getting burned itself, it still maintains a very agile and mobile characteristic.
However, due to high fuel intake, limited crews to man it, and a high cost to build and maintain overall, the tank has not been mass manufactured.
Currently, a dozen MCU-Vemon tanks exist within warehouses located in Samia.
Some rouge news outlets have called this a “serious criminal offense” and “A monster of machine”, including the high controversial and anti-government news source, * “The Outlet”*, calling it, “A war crime on wheels.”
The Humania government fully justifies its actions stating “If you can use bombs, planes, tanks, ships, bullets & more, you can use some chemicals”.
High-ranking officials within Humania Ground Military are jolly with this latest advancement, it’s expected a drill with these tanks will be conducted under the guide of general Karr.
The president of the congress of thalapadis has made a official statement on Humania’s new tank
“This is a violation of multiple international treaties and apsolutely inhumane. We will not tolerate something like this on our borders. I call on the Humanian government to stop the program and destroy the existing tanks, or we’ll have to intervene”
The Vice-Chancellor, Klaus Neumann-Frank has temporarily assumed duties as the Acting Chancellor proper, holding both the powers and the office of the Chancellor until a new Chancellor is inaugurated.
The Imperial Frost Army Air Corp has selected the Sedunnic VOT 14 Hotvemm swing role fighter to replace its aging fleet of F16M fighters. The Ministry of defense stated that the VOT’s excellent performance during the Reizen Civil war had left an impression on Officers deployed on the ground. Meanwhile the Imperial Navy has turned to domestic manufacturers develop a replacement for the A8M “Phantom” currently in use by the Imperial Navy.
The “Open Inetez Council” (OIC), an executive agency of the federal Inetezi government, announces the launch of “Registry of Inetez (International/Austral Version)” program today. It’s purpose is to provide:
- Easy access to general information about and/or reporting ongoing events in Inetez.
- Automated, simplified approach for reaching out to either private institutions of Inetez and/or the federal Inetezi government.
New Humania Seatbelt Law
The Humania Safety Council has recently worked together with the Humania Road Safety Institute in order to improve the quality of life for the average Humania citizen.
Summarized, the new law states, “Anyone over the age of 18 years and has a driver license, that said person may choose to wear a seatbelt or not.”
This change is an attempt by the Humania government to boost personal freedoms and happiness, so far, 72% of drivers in Humania say they are happy with this change.
Beth Fukumoto has been inaugurated into the office of the President, succeeding Troy Cayetano. Fukumoto, a moderate democrat, plans to rebuild the economy by creating jobs, enforce environmental and eco-friendly standards, and to create a government-run healthcare system, one previously abolished by former President Kehaulani Komono.
The Ministry of Trade and Industry has decided to completely and unconditionally sanction all Humanian goods and services in light of the fiasco about Humania’s inhumane use of chemical weapons in its new armoured vehicles. They will last indefinitely until further notice.
The NA has unanimously declared Humania a Rogue State, putting full economic sanctions on it and taking a no-tolerance approach to Humanian breaches on things like Ikaranara’s territorial waters. stating that “A state that uses WMDs in a conventional matter should widely be considered a state worth keeping down.” No Humanian citizens are allowed to enter Ikaranara under any circumstances, and Ikaranareans have been advised to not travel there themselves.
The Ryccian government has condemned Humania’s “obscene and inhumane” weapons development. All borders with the country are now closed.
The Federal Government has ordered the seizure of all Humanian government and related accounts in Besern and the freezing of their funds.
Valentinos antonides spoke again:
"After Humania refused to anwser our message it is clear that they do not want to colaborate peacefully.
The congress has declared humania a rogue state. I’m calling on all thalapadian citizens in humania to travel back home and instituting a travel ban. A full embargo of Humania is also to follow, all trade with it is to stop, active now. All humanian assets in thalapadis are to be frozen and government and related accounts frozen.
As the closest member of the LoC in the region we’re taking a hardline aproach to this. Any future breaches of international law, agressive actions, violation of territory and similar shall face further and stronger measures.
We will not compromise on the removal of Humanian chemical weapon tanks. It’s a ultimatum. If the tanks aren’t removed from production and service soon we will intervene further in any way we see necessary. International law shall be respected in Cordillia, and especially in our home region."
The Federal Government has started an operation agaimst Humanian assets in Besern, codenamed *School Laboratory".
The Jakubian government has enacted an embargo on all exports and imports to and from Humanian. President Ruskowski called for a “World Forum response” to the violation of humanitarian law.