Sector nation overview

This page is here for roleplayers to give a basic overview of their nation for reference by other roleplayers. Unlike the wiki, this page is for basic overviews and not for detailed stats, so don’t put things like detailed demographics, military number breakdowns, specific equipment types, etc.

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The Scientific Directorate of Rosecordia

The Scientific Directorate of Rosecordia is situated in the Northeast (mapwise) corner of A1-0. The SDR is situated in the Serniani Nebula, a treacherous area to travel by realspace, comparable to a badlands. The SDR has been around for a long time, however in recent time, was granted their own independent state in a brief but deadly civil war.

The Serniani are unreasonably guarded, with the dark forest theory dictating thought and is the primary reason most Serniani are closed off, and is a major reason they don’t expand out in to the surrounding areas. In recent times, most Serniani are still xenophobic, but are opening up to others, recognizing common threats to their stability.

It’s not really known when the first civilizations inhabited the Serniani Nebula. The Technocratic Federation of Serniani (TFS) handled history and that history was lost during the Rosecordi Succession Crisis. It is known they’ve been around for around the same time that the Galactyans have been, quietly observing and researching. Approximately in 94 BBT, the Rose Nexus was discovered. It’s discovery was kept quiet until 55 BBT. In 0 BBT, the Rosecordi Seceded from the Technocratic Federation of Serniani. The Rosecordi Succession Crisis ended at the end of 1 ABT. In addition, the SDR has allied with the Grand Commisart of Enver (GCE) and the Colonus Pact, in an alliance known as the Economic and Security Council of Outlying Powers (ESCOP).


The SDR trades raw materials with the Colonus Pact, and sometimes with Enver. In the Nexus, there are a few trading posts between the SDR and The Galactyan Empire. Other than those few exceptions, the SDR is self reliant on materials, and the Nebula is plentiful with resources needed.

The Rosecordi Defense Forces (RDF) are separated into traditional branches; Naval Defense Force, Ground Defense Force, and Marines Corps. Most systems have their own policing branches and ships, forming militias and other organizations…

Ground Vehicles


Capital Ships


Wormhole War


The Holy Imperium of Trianar


The Holy Imperium of Trianar is a star nation in sector A1-0 which oversees a vast swathe of territory in the lower portion of the sector. The Imperium, the only institution within the region to ever be able to hold all of the territory within, has ruled for 1000 years under various leaders of the Ikaranarean race, known as Imperös. The nation is characterized by its religion, its military, and its isolationist and independent nature in comparison to many parts of the sector.

Trianarö culture is based mainly on service to the state and to the community, and in extension service to the Gods. A Trianarö is expected to show humility in the face of conflict with another and to keep their community running smoothly. Trianarö love challenges that focus on both physical and mental aspects. Martial arts, especially spearfighting, but also games like chess, other board games, and challenging video games. The Great Game may be one of the greatest non-military recreational tests of mind in the entire sector, forcing participants to think not just on a planetary, but entire region of scale.

Trianar has 6 species: The Kanareö, the Sycriûn, the Mekanakûl, Humans, Mekagrani and Ikaranareans. These species are divided among mostly historical lines- although a scarce few worlds, like Kalasö, contain populations of the four main species and a scarce few Mekagrani. The Ikaranareans are hailed as a Higher Race, servants of the gods, and therefore are the ruling class of the nation; the leading Ikaranarean is called the Imperö, who it is said is chosen by the guiding hands of the Gods in the form of a vote from the Imperium Council.

Trianarö religion is mandated and revered- it is said that the entire purpose of the nation was to serve their gods in the utter destruction of demons. Trianarö religion mandates that there are 3 types of species; Demon races, whom serve the demons and therefore the destruction of the Gods, Higher Races, who serve the Gods in their rightful and eternal war against the demons, and the Middle Races, who were not born to support either side. For this reason, the Ikaranareans, the Higher Race of Trianar due to their connection with the sacred crystals Safarkran and Mosarkran, materials that grant the power of creation and destruction respectively. The only other known higher race is the Edhelrim of Calerost, due to their telepathic abilities.

Interstellar civilization has existed in Trianar for untold millennia after the Shattering of Syxriar and the Great Kanareö exodus. However, Trianarö history is generally accepted to begin in roughly 3000 BBT, after the arrival of the Ikaranarean Colonists. The Ikaranarean colonists faced many hardships facing off against the well established states of the region. However, little by little, they annexed territory and gained influence in the area, forming the Ikaranarean Star Empire. In the Era of the ISE, the only difference between a declared war and a minor skirmish was how many fleets were involved. Tensions between neighboring states were at an all time high, and all of this came to a head in the Xanstal war.

During the Xanstal war, it is said that demons came from another dimension to destroy all non-subservient life in the region. It is said that the Xanstals modified their own Sycriûn bodies into monstrous horrors. It is said that, if the coalition lost, the entire galaxy could have been at risk. Whatever the case, it is undeniable that the war was the largest in the region’s history, claiming over 10 trillion lives across the area and devastating the Ikaranarean population in particular, being one of the deadliest conflicts in the Sector’s history. The repercussions of the war were felt for centuries to come, and the traumatized and fragmented Ikaranarean Star Empire gave way to the most radical ideas. Due to then recent discoveries that only Ikaranareans could survive direct integration with Mosarkran and Safarkran, the nation began its belief that their fight against demons had truly been in service to gods. After they integrated the Sûtran Empire, the Holy Imperium of Trianar was declared. The Hemmerhaldians were annexed soon after during the brutal Hemmerhaldian War.

The Trianarö economy is free market, with some sectors like the military being heavily controlled by the government. For the most part, however, the economy is encouraged by free market competition that is guided by government policy; while the entertainment industry is fairly popular, the most profitable industry is the mining industry, which fuels Trianar’s massive industrial needs by strip-mining entire planets and asteroids. Even more popular,
Trianar does not currently trade with any other state, besides Calerost, being self-reliant on resources.

The Trianarö Imperium Forces are known for their millennia of combat experience, creating a doctrine that is both flexible and effective in crushing those who would stand in the way of the Imperium. A common saying within Trianar is that “Our history has seen every battle.” Trianar has a specialist vehicle forces for every situation, from the most perilous mountain worlds to the deepest depths of an ocean world. The TIF, divided into the Space Force and Planetary Forces, dominates not only by sheer force of its arsenal, but by tactics, brought from the textbooks of countless conflicts large and small, and honed by the most skilled tacticians, engaging in constant wargames and simulations to ensure even during a prolonged peace that Trianar’s forces are prepared to face off against the demons and would-be enemies of the Imperö.

The Gates of Conquest



The Commerical District of Galactya, the Capital Ecumenopolis of the Galactyan Empire.


The Celestial Empire Of Galactya is an ancient Interstellar Empire located in the Center-West of Sector A1-0. The Galactyan Empire controls more than 31 thousand star systems, together with billions of smaller habitats and many megastructures. As of 0 BBT, it has a population of 81.5 trillion, the third highest in the Sector, divided between uncountable numbers of species. For convenience, the many Galactyan species are often considered as just one, and referred to as “Galactyans”.

Throughout the Empire, many ISO Nodes can be found, ranging from small computronium clusters to giant megastructures like Jupiter Brains and Matryoshka Swarms. These megastructures either host the Empire’s civilian virchworld, important communication nodes or transapient intelligences, including Godlings and Archailects.

The Capital of the Galactyan Empire is the homonymously named planet of Galactya in the binary Crus-Lux system, the most populous ecumenopolis in the Sector, numbering at 7.6 trillion citizens.

An Economic, Political and Industrial Superpower, the Galactyan Empire is widely considered to be the central member of the Coalition Of United Stars (COUS) a powerful supranational alliance consisting of 6 other nations.

The Empire is strongly terraformist, and favours building many habitable habitats and megastructures to maximise opportunities for life. The Empire is very centered around technological advancement, and while highly experimental, it takes utmost care not to create unnecessarily dangerous situations that might spiral out of control.

The Galactyan Empire is heavily xenophilic, interventionist and peaceful: however, if it or one of it’s allies is threatened, Galactya will not hesitate to attack aggressively with it’s full might.

Kinisian Zoetrope

A Kinisian Zoetrope: movement and change are the foundations of their culture and ideology.


Many vastly different cultures exist, thanks to the Empire giving it’s worlds, habitats and megastructures a high degree of autonomy over their cultural and social development. However, all cultures share the Core Galactyan Principles, with the Principle Of Equality being the one that the Empire is willing to impose with force.

Many cultures originating from alien nations and their Galactyan sects have gained large traction between the population, brought into the Imperial Culturescape by immigrating groups and clades.

These immigrating cultures all have basic principles and core ideologies that are similar to the Core Galactyan Principles: if they do not, they will either mutate over time to better fit with Galactyan society or, if the difference is too great, will be expelled from the Empire.

There are rumors that the Empire employs it’s transapients to memetically manipulate certain groups in order to change their culture into something more fitting for Galactyan Society; however, none of these rumors have been confirmed thus far.

Elemmírë, the temple complex center of all Visten Religion.


Like with it’s cultures, religions in the Galactyan Empire are many, and vastly different between one another. While very few species of the main Galactyan Clade are religious, many other Clades have developed their own religions, with alien Clades and immigrants bringing their own beliefs with them.

Many religions originating from alien nations and their Galactyan sects have gained large traction between the population, brought into the Imperial Religiouscape by immigrating groups and clades. Oftentimes, a culture will have it’s own religion attached to it; other times, religions themselves are subsects of a culture that assumed more spiritual and religious traits over time.

In a similar manner to cultures, religions usually have basic principles and core ideologies that are similar to the Core Galactyan Principles: if they do not, they will either mutate over time to better fit with Galactyan society or, if the difference is too great, will be expelled from the Empire.

While Galactya doesn’t have an official one, many religions have become “Protected” by the Empire.

A Galactyan Nicoll-Dyson Array in the Robilune Star System, destroying an entire fleet of U’Lnuibian Warships during the Second Interstellar War.


The Galactyan Empire is one of the oldest nations in the Sector- the third oldest in fact - so much so that most contemporary civilizations were well into the neolithic or bronze ages when the Empire was founded 9700 years ago.

Early Galactyan History - all the way from the Foundation of the Empire to the First Interstellar War - was characterized by continuous secessions and attempts to create independent states separate from the Empire. However, after the external pressure from the First Interstellar War, the state unified completely, and remains unified to this day.

Apart from the first contacts with the Melaneans and the Ulnuib, the Empire remained completely isolated for most of it’s history, only starting to become aware of the rest of the Sector 340 years ago, with the first contact with Calerost.

Timeline Of Important Events

9698 BBT - Foundation of the Galactyan Empire.
9670 BBT - IPEP (InterPlanetary Expansion Program) is started.
9650 BBT - first lunar colony on Allunia.
9618 BBT - first interplanetary colony on Idell.
8870 BBT - the entirety of the Crus-Lux system is terraformed and colonized: the Empire re-unites.
8828 BBT - the first form of Superluminal Travel (FTL) is achieved.
8795 BBT - first interstellar colony on the planet of Gwinthera, in the Kasthartye Star System.
7648 BBT - first contact with the Melanean Federation.
7647 - 7506 BBT - First Interstellar War.
7506 BBT - the “Peace Of The Nebulae” Peace Treaty is signed, ending the FIW.
7419 BBT - the Melanean Federation collapses, and is peacefully annexed by the Empire.
7368 - 6416 BBT - Genetic Revolution.
6416 - 3876 BBT - First Great Expansion.
4023 BBT - first contact with the U’Lnuib Hegemony.
3876 - 3794 BBT - Second Interstellar War.
3794 BBT - the entirety of the U’Lnuib Hegemony is conquered and annexed into the Empire.
3794 - 3408 BBT - Age of U’Lnuibian Slavery.
3408 BBT - Great Vote Of Emancipation: the enslaved U’Lnuib are freed.
3658 - 2531 BBT - Second Great Expansion.
342 BBT - first contact with the Star Empire Of Calerost.
212 BBT - first contact with the Drakari Celestial Imperium.
156 BBT - first contact with the Ferristian Commonwealth.
61 BBT - first contact with the Colonus Pact.
1 BBT - first contact with the Union Of Emerald and the Holy Imperium Of Trianar.
0 BBT - first contact with the Akropii Republic and the Technocratic Federation Of Sereniani.
0 BBT - Wormhole War
0 BBT - first contact with the Ryccian Empire, the Common Republic Of Colestia, the Conglomerated States Of Kalgyul and Rehy.

The mass stream Starlifting Ring around Jellanoche lifts incredible amounts of light and heavy elements from the star, which are then collected back into the ring and the surrounding Jenkins Swarm, where they are used for manufacturing.


The Galactyan Empire is a State Socialist Autotopia, a class of post-scarcity socioeconomic system in which all resource extraction and production, manufacturing and construction are handled by autonomous non-sapient AIs with Governmental modosapient and transapient oversight. This, combined with Galactya’s very advanced technology and infrastructure, gives the Empire access to an enormous amount of resources and energy.

While hard labor is basically non-existent (with very, very few exceptions for the structures that were actually built for modosapient work presence), many citizens work for variable intervals (some years, some decades or even some centuries) in the thirtiary sector, as well as in Imperial Administration.

Despite the Empire’s policy of State Socialism, certain areas (cities, worlds or even star systems) are intentionally excluded from this policy to ease international trade with capitalist nations: these special economic zones are commonly known as Non Coercion Zones, abbreviated to NoCoZo.

The Commercial District of a Galactyan city on a NoCoZo Planet in the Outer Quadrants.


Even while having more resources than it actually needs, the Galactyan Empire has built an extensive trade network with many nations across the Sector, from the neighboring Calerost and Ferristia, to the distant Ryccian Empire and Rehy.

The Empire has meticulously acted as an intermediary for international relations between it’s allies for centuries, and has carefully made it so that all trade routes between the members of the Coalition Of United Stars pass through itself, effectively becoming the biggest trade nexus in the Sector.


Foreign Biosphere Templates, Foreign Genome Templates, Foreign Luxury Items, Foreign Novelty Items and Arts, Foreign Cultural Databases, Exotic Matter.


Computronium, ISO Nodes, Monopole Production Facilities, Exotic Matter, Antimatter, Gravity Generators, Raw Construction Resources, Planetary Engineering Services, Megastructure Construction Services, Hightech Nanotechnology, Gengineering Services, Lazurogenic Services, Neogenic Services, Biosphere Templates, Genome Templates, Luxury Items, Novelty Items and Arts, Cultural Databases, Biohedonic systems, Bioborg templates, Virtual Program Templates, Hitech Weaponry, RKKS and SKKS, Boostbombs, Antimatter Weaponry, Particle Beam Weaponry.

Emblem of the Galactyan Armed Forces.


The Galactyan Armed Forces are divided into four service branches:

  • the Imperial Star Navy
  • the Imperial Air Force
  • the Imperial Surface Force
  • the Imperial Marine Force

Galactyan ships are, on average, the biggest ships in the Sectors, going all the way up to 65 kilometers in size. What the Galactyan Star Navy lacks in number compared to other star nations (only having 165k ships as of 0 BBT), it makes up in quality and armament: almost all military ships (except for the smallest ones) have a double layer of shielding and a ridiculous amount of diverse weaponry, even on more specialized ships.

The Sub-Orbital forces of the Galactyan Empire are also enormous: planetary invasions and surface or atmospheric operations are carried out by a wide array of pseudo-sapient automated units, diverse in their functions and size. They act as every unit an army would need, from infantry to artillery to shielding.

The Industrial might of the Empire also allows them to build ships and mass produce sub-orbital units at staggering speed, making them capable of healing from even great losses in relatively short time.


The Wormhole War



The Thiucarro Hegemony is an expanisonist empire located in the eastern parts of sector A1-0. It is located in the Regunessian Expanse, named after the star of Regun. It’s capital is located in the planet of Thiucarr, with other major settlements located in Thiudann, Garik, Nemnos, U’kurk, among others. The nation is home to nearly 28 trillion inhabitants, with around 38% being the ruling Thiucarri, which constitutes 95% of the empire’s elite ruling class

The culture of Thiucarro can be divided into two, the high culture and the low culture

The high culture refers to the culture of the ruling elite, the Thiucarri. Centered mostly on power, expansion, and dominance. This culture also brings ideas such as Thiucarri superiority and brought the implementation of a caste system. Despite this, Thiucarri culture also emphasizes the need to balance their relations with the low cultures in order to create stability and lasting peace. These developments made the caste system a surprisingly adjustable caste system, where one can rose to the ranks by showing their worth (though, non Thiucarri cannot achieve the highest caste)

The low cultures refer to other cultures present in the hegemony. Due to the term being used to encompass all non Thiucarri cultures, the low cultures cannot be described in general terms. Different cultures practice different practices, and many would divide themselves once again into different clans

While there are many religions practiced by the peoples of the Thiucarro Hegemony, the Thiucarri themselves practice a form of solar worship in the form of Regunism. Regunism believes in the solar deity of Regun, which manifests himself as the star of Regun. Other lesser gods also appear in Thiucarri religion in the form of a pantheon of gods, with these lesser gods being mostly gods from the non Thiucarri religion, which were incorporated into Regunism to help with the expansion of the religion. Despite having many gods, the Thiucarri themselves only worship Regun, who they see as the Allfather of Gods, and most of the non Thiucarri practicioners usually favor worshiping their own deity, some worship their deities alongside Regun, some worship their deities only, some worship their deities while simply recognizing Regun’s role in the pantheon

The Thiucarro Hegemony began as a spacefaring nation thousands of years ago, when the Thiucarr peoples discovered spaceflight. This slowly morphed into colonization of nearby moons and inhabitable planets, before expanding even further to encompass modern day Thiucarro. The teachings of Regunism also propelled the Thiucarri to expand and destroy fake gods, however this ultimately led to several wars with other spacefaring nations in the region. After years of bloody conflict, the Thiucarri’s proclaim the Thiucarro Hegemony

The Thiucarro Hegemony practices a state-monitored economy, where the state itself has stakes in the market. This comes in the form of several state-owned businesses. Private corporations are allowed to exist, however constantly monitored by the state and are to follow state regulations. Public companies must have 20% of their stocks owned by the government. Small and medium businesses surprisingly flourish in the nation, thanks to the government-sponsored entrepreneurship program to increase the entrepreneurship of the people of Thiucarro. Nonetheless, these businesses are also under subject of constant monitoring, and must follow state regulations.

The Thiucarro Hegemony maintains small trades with their neighbors, and even their longtime enemies. The Thiucarro Hegemony trades with some members of the Sapphire Commonwealth after the two came into a peaceful agreement for trade, mostly foods and goods. Thiucarro also trades with the ZHC, and is known to sell political enemies alongside dangerous criminals to the ZHC in return for cash or goods

The culture and history of Thiucarri made the military a primary focus of the Hegemony. It is made up of three branches, the Grand Army, the Grand Navy, and the Reserve Corps. The Grand Navy is the most prestigious of the three branches, while the Reserve Corps is the least prestigious. Another unofficial branch is the Imperial Guards, which serves to protect the Grand Despot, the leader of the hegemony. Another unofficial branch is the Institutional Corps, which is made up of several paramilitaries owned by government ministries and institutions (example, the Ministry of Safety, Security and Order has the Military Police, the Ministry of Outside Affairs has the Diplomatic Guard Corps, one of the state-owned companies, Thiucarrgo, maintains an Anti-Piracy Force to prevent piracy, and so on)

Tensions between Thiucarro and both the Sapphire Commonwealth and the Zaretanian Holdings Corporation



Allied States of Alvira is an interstellar nation located in the distant corner of the Sector. This young nation was born out of an alliance of nation-states in 371 BBT and is very sparsely populated, with only 18 trillion residents within a territory that encompasses almost 30,000 star systems.

Two main species comprises the Alliance; Alviran Terrans and Valtorans. Alvirans hold an indifferent view towards foreigners and generally went along well with newcomers as long as they kept the peace. Amongst themselves, though, Alvirans held conservative values, including familial and traditional values. Most Alvirans are quite religious. Valtorans have their own separate cultural heritage, and are socially more rigid. Most Valtorans are monarchist, and are attached to old monarchies that has now spread across the Allied territory.

Alviran government is marked by a gridlocked political system, and an expansive, bloated, and corrupt bureaucracy trying to circumcise the gridlocked politics with redundant and sometimes contrarian protocols.

The United Church is the biggest religious institution, and one of the most influential group within Alviran politics. The Church is decentralized, but has common tenets, predominantly in supporting altruism and civic responsibilities. Some parts of the Church sometimes took the role of activists, standing up against corruption or greedy mega-corporations.

The Alliance was formed in 371 BBT to deal with a crisis following the collision of an asteroid that nearly wiped out all life in the original Alviran homeworld, the terrestrial moon Alvira. The event also prompted the disparate nation-states of Alvira to pursue interstellar travel, beginning the Century of Exploration.

In 252 BBT, an incident between Valtoran military and a fleet of Alviran colony ships led to the death of a billion settlers and started the Decades of Horrors. Valtiran ships managed to ravage several colonies and killed more than 50 billion Alvirans. A xenophobic Caretaker Authority managed to unite Alvira’s nation-states and defeated the Valtorans. More than 100 billion Valtorans was purged in the following decades, before the Caretaker Authority collapses in 201 BBT and the Alliance restored. A treaty of union was signed between Alvirans and Valtorans to prevent further bloodshed. A welfare system was established to help efforts for restoration.

Alvira runs a free-market economy, with its market almost completely dominated by monopolies controlled by several hundreds mega-corporations. The state provide the Basic Welfare Access, providing the barest minimum of necessities for every residents of Alvira. Most of Alvira’s economy rely on a Hyper-relay network, maintained by the government to speed up interstellar travel and reduce cost.

Alvira maintains an open trade policy. Its relatively young existence within the sector explains its lack of advanced technology to offer within the Sector-wide market.

Alviran military is organized under the Allied Peacekeeping Force, and is divided between the Standing Forces and the Reservist. The Standing Forces comprises all active military personnel, and mostly consists of the Interstellar Peacekeeping Fleets, and the Terrestrial Peacekeeping Guards. The Reservist Force comprises of eight mothballed Defensive Fleet Groups, and all individuals that had undergone the compulsory conscription program, ready to be mobilized.



The Zaretanian Holdings Corporation, also known as the Zaretanian Corporate State or the ZHC, is a star system ran by a coalition of different corporations that operated throughout A1-0, with the intent to exploit the Zaretanian system’s resources and make profit throughout A1-0

There is no single culture in the ZHC, as everyone in the ZHC came from different corners of A1-0. However, there are certain traits

There is no single religion in the ZHC

The ZHC was founded when several major companies (Cordelia Intergalactic Heavy Industries, Winson-Xanders Enterprises, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, Ridgeco Security Services, Eastern Stars Corporation, and Moth Media Entertainment) decided to form a single front company to purchase a small moon in the Zaretania System from the nation that once existed there. Due to the threat posed by Thiucarro, the nation agreed to sell the moon in return for economic cooperation and development. Eventually, the entire star nation was bought when the ruler was overthrown by the corporations, and after a military campaign, the entire system was placed under the rule of the ZHC

The ZHC’s economy is dominated by the shareholders and corporations that forms the Business Council. The interests of the corporations, the investors, the shareholders, and the businessmen is placed as the primary economic focus of the state

The ZHC’s foreign policies and it’s very nature supports extensive trade with its neighbors and the sector as a whole

The military of the ZHC is formed by several PMC’s active throughout the sector, with the most prominent being Ridgeco Private Security, which also operates several different PMCs all around the sector

ZHC’s activities has caused some strife to occur, the most prominent being between the ZHC and the Thiucarro Hegemony


MASSIVE massive WIP disclaimer

English alt: Laniākean Republic | Kaa’awa’p: <Kaa’kaa’raxit Lan’ya’kei> | Chinese: 广天和众国 / Guǎngtiān Gònghéguó | Māori: Manapori a Ranginui | Malagasy: Demokrasia Lanitra Goavana | Arabic: جمهورية لانياكيا / Jumhuriat Lanyakya
(Note that a lot of the languages translate “Laniākea” to something like “open sky”. That’s what “Laniākea” means in Hawaiian. I spent so much time on this, it’s unhealthy.)

The “Lenyakei Demarchy” is a small power in a big, big sector. But they’re gonna make it, Tian/Allah (SWT)/Christ/all the Buddhas/Kawek be damned.

Humans are Humans. Kapahen are anthro East Asian dragons (“easties”) that are biologically hermaphroditic. Don’t question it. Primaly are colorful avians, but mostly corvids. Again, don’t question it. They all live together in relative harmony, and are looking forward to expand into the arbitrarily labeled sector 05. It’s past 2:30 AM here, I’m tired.

OK, try to summarize Humanity as a whole. When you’re done, try doing that for two other completely alien species. When you’re done, submit it as a size-12 Times New Roman double-spaced document (paper or PDF), and I will take it from you and promptly throw it away to show you how I feel when I write stuff like this.

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Chinese folk religion all had to adapt to the fact that they were no longer in contact with Old Earth. For Muslims, it meant praying to the general direction of the Milky Way galaxy, once they had enough images to find it. Ancestor worship continues as usual, and even becomes a folkway within the Human sphere as a whole - because it turns out family means a lot when you’re millions of lightyears away.
((OOC: I ain’t workin’ on the Kapahen and Primaly religions, because I’m tired.))

Because of a relatively easy cross-cultural syncretization phase, single-species supremacy is not in the mainstream. This doesn’t mean one’s species has no effect on one’s general social circles - like still attracts like. But no, other identities play a major role - especially political ideologies. Let’s talk about that, shall we?
The major political factions are:

It depends on who’s telling the story.

In the year 1440 BBT (but also the 4th of June, 2296, or 229 Guangtian Era, 1274 Hijri calendar - WHATEVER), the notion of a colony ship from another space and time is copy-pasted into a G2V star system, with a handful of habitable planets and moons.
The Human colonists settle on the second planet from the sun, and name it “Meihua” (Chinese plum trees blossom at the end of winter, symbolizing a beauty both fragile and resilient). Their technology temporarily dips out due to lack of proper infrastructure, but they soon recover their footing and unite under the banner of the “Commonwealth of Meihua” in 132 BBT. Completely oblivious to the hyperwar going on.
Little do they know, there are two more presences in the system.

The Kapahen evolve naturally on the warm ocean moon of “Harunet”, in the outer system. As communication between islands and archipelagos is hard, many of their original cultures are preserved. Once the printing press and the Internet pop into existence, however, things immediately take off. Unification remained an issue until the Kapahen remembered synthesized conlangs existed. The “Harunet Harmonious Federation” took off in 105 BBT.

The Primaly are a species that resemble colorful anthropomorphic birds; they exhibit traits of all avians, but closely resemble corvids. Like the Kapahen, their homeworld “Chenlun” is a moon of the gas giant “Chimaka”; unlike the Kapahen, Chenlun is mountainous and dry. History progressed slowly for the flocks of Primaly, as agriculture was hard and infrastructure even harder. But they eked out an honest life.
While native cultures bloomed, many have adopted elements from both the Kapahen neighbors and the distant Humans, which came alongside water shipments and industrialization.

Unification of the Lenyakei system under the Lenyakei Demarchy only happens in 44 BBT, with the advent of the Zhao-Rakoto-Xomane FTL methods linking everyone and everywhere together.

Regulated-market capitalism, with a heavy emphasis on welfare and education and wealth-distribution. There. You happy?

The Armed Forces of the Lenyakei Demarchy are the main monopoly of state violence, which is split into the Army, the Bluesky Navy, the Blacksky Navy, and the Air Force. For the groupings of ships, Bluesky uses “Fleet” and Blacksky uses “Constellation”. A group of Air Force planes is called a “Flight”.



The Treecuu Star Empire (TSE) or more correctly the Star Commonwealth is a young star nation that is located near the centre of sector A1-0. Formed in the aftermath of what is commonly called the Great Calamities in 240 BBT that nearly resulted in the extinction of the Treecuu peoples, the star nation has expanded rapidly in a bid to achieve peace and stability through dominating other civilisations that are unable to resist. The state maintains and strict isolation policy and interactions with other nations and peoples in the sector are limited. Contacts with the Stoinian Star Kingdom is a notable exception.

The society is highly segregated. Only members of the original two Treecuu races (an amphibian mammalian and an insectoid species native to the planet of Ecteen) enjoy full citizenship and are free to roam the entire extent of Treecuu territory and participate in elections. No member of the other so-called subject species may leave their home worlds or conduct interstellar communications. The subject worlds however enjoy almost complete sovereignty over all other matters. Synthetic lifeforms that have integrated high computational powers are feared by the Treecuu. Technology is therefore capped to avoid the emergence of such life forms.

While nominally a liberal democracy, much of the legislative power as well as power over foreign politics, military and industrial matters is held by the so-called Committee for the Expansion of the Empire (CEE), the true extent of which is unknown to most Treecuu. The CEE consists of the governors of the subject worlds who are appointed by the Chairman who enjoy extensive personal powers.

The Treecuu Star Empire is highly diverse and many cultures exist among subject species that are kept isolated from each other. The term Treecuu is used exclusively for the two citizen species. The Treecuu culture is rooted in liberal ideas and the common struggle of the mammalians and insectoids for survival. They are commonly atheist but generaly curious about other cultures and eager to explore the unknowns, be it space, technology, culture or literature. The Treecuu are proud of their nation, its fast achievements in space travel and perceived democratic society.


  • Pre-FTL and Treecuu Republic (354-241 BBT): The mammalians find the insectoids on a neighbouring planet, having survived in exile for over 200,000 years. They found a state together and invent a space folding warp drive, exploring space and settling neighbouring uninhabited worlds. They trade extensively with neighbouring cultures.
  • Great Calamities and rise of the Empire (240-7 BBT): The Treecuu Republic and its neighbours were invaded by the so-called Loo Yee, an advanced nomadic species. Some of the neighbouring nations either fell to the invading forces or accepted vassalisation, much to the detriment of their Treecuu allies. Following several pyrrhic victories, the Treecuu ejected the Loo Yee from the nation and neighbouring systems. The Treecuu felt betrayed by their neighbours and moved to secure their own survival by creating buffer zones and increasing their industrial power by taking control of former allied worlds, ultimately resulting in the formation of the CEE and today’s policy of dominating other worlds for the security of the Treecuu and internal peace among subjugated worlds.
  • Contemprary (6 BBT -): Encountering large and powerful star nations has resulted in a shift in approach to international policies, especially fearing sanctions following the violent annexation of the Aryyt’t home world. The TSE has since established diplomatic contact with several other star nations to gauge their interest in Treecuu expansionist policies and to gain international recognition of the same. Encountering its southern neighbour the Stoinian Star Kingdom that has a similar history of fighting for its survival and subsequent expansionist policies has led to the most extensive contact, integration and cooperation yet. The two powers have conducted joint exploratory missions and conquest of the Kalrathi Dominion. The TSE also brokered peace between the Stoinians and Venterrans. Diplomatic contacts and trade have however remained limited and isolationism remains at large.

The development of the Treecuu FTL technology and rapid quantum additive manufacturing has made energy and extensive production means virtually free and unlimited to all Treecuu citizens. Therefore there is no typical manufacture-resource based economy. The Treecuu mainly trade information and exotic goods that not yet have a template ready for replication.

Exports to other star nations that do not have the replication technology is more diverse, but the Treecuu are reluctant to share technology.

The military of the TSE is small in comparison to peer nations. This is both due to the much smaller Treecuu population and different doctrines and technology. The Treecuu prefer to engage their enemies from afar, using guided high-velocity FTL weapons, loitering munitions and cloaking technologies. The Treecuu avoid contested planetary invasions. Deception and psycholigical warfare are also important parts of Treecuu warfare. Most of the Treecuu conventional arsenal can also be used as weapons of world destruction (WWD) due to their means of travel.

Two separate structures of military exist in the TSE. The CEE commands two different navies of long-range vessels intended for the defence of the governors’ mandates and the expansion of the empire, while the elected Treecee government commands the system defence fleets. A high degree of rivalry exists between the navies.

The TSE is not currently in any conflict with another star nation.


English alt: Collected Defence Congegation

Rehy is located in the South East corner of A1-0 (map wise). Rikeuninerd are currently the only race in Rehy, they are hemaphrodits, their home planet being Ruka. Originally a military alliance made up of several nations, borders now are mostly irrelevant, forming easily governable states. Military power remains a priority to Rehy, having 1.5 trillion personelle and 448’002 ships.

Rehy holds many different Rikeuninerda cultures. Across all Rikeuninerda cultures, there is a lack of materialism, environmental protection is viewed as vital, knowledge is seen as a great power, and military tradition is heavily honoured. Many cultures live underground, a practice that can be seen on inhabited planets, and due to dietary requirements fishing culture is large.

Some notable cultures:

  • Dysysya are heavily nomadic and upon entering space continued to be so.
  • Dysysya and Scaa are both pacifist, there religion opposing military action.
  • Kusua culture is a complicated mix of different Scayikraa cultures, taking religion from Dysysy nomads but having military traditions like Screea. Kusua also do not consume fish, but read meat.
  • Scu do not live underground, they have a strong worriers attitude and wear white head gear to oppose theocracies.

Religion is not mandated in Rehy and no national religion is recognised, however Kusu is a democratically elected theocracy, and puts Scayiaa as a national religion. Scayiaa is practiced by 21% of Rehy’s population, mostly by individuals from Scayikra and Kusu.

Scayiaa is an ancient religion, originating from Scayikra at 50’000 BBT. The religion has many sects, but across all it’s said that habitable deserts are sacred “scar lands” and for as long as someone believes in Scayiaa the Gods will exist.


9’556-9’543 BBT: Yeea conflict
9’543 BBT: Screea forms Rehy
8’989 BBT: Reik did a dumb, Rak Reik diplomatic ties severed
8’434 BBT: Rak Reik sends up a space station to orbit Ruka
7’202-7’153 BBT: Cold War
7’165 BBT: interdimentional FTL is invented
7’153 BBT: Third Ssca War, mass amount of nations join Rehy
7’149 BBT: Ra da Kur joins Rehy
7’148 BBT: Ra da Kur collapses
7’036 BBT: Koo forms the union Kooa ra da Rakara under Rehy
6’998 BBT: Reik content unites as Kuk-kik, Kuk-kik joins Rehy
3’944 BBT: antimatter propulsion is invented
1’932 BBT: Kusu joins Rehy

Rehys is a syndicate. Run almost entropy by workers unions, regulations are created by unions and mandated by the government. All workers have close relations where bartering is used to exchange goods, and they are ‘paid’ in housing and food. Each union is made of smaller unions, their structure being similar to a military unit organisation.

Rehy’s unions consist majorly of fishing, arms, and mining industries. Scrapping plays a large part in Rehys economy as recycling is a prevalent practice. Art of any form is most commonly used to barter.

Due to the tight networking of Rehys unions creating trade deals has been difficult.

Rehy’s military is unique as individual agencies and branches are controlled by different defence organisations. Structuring Rehy like this allows each defence organisation to focus on a specific role. The following work together to form Rehy’s military:

Screea’s Defence Organisation is responsible for the Defence Defence, Rehy’s armed force, and Screea Intelligence Agency.
Kuk-kik’s Defence Organisation is responsible for Civilian Defence, an agency that deals with civilians in dangerous situations. The Civilian Defence also deploys diplomats and provides humanitarian aid.

The Defence Defence relies off there superior adaptability for a tactical advantage, ships are also heavily armed with a variety of weapons. Rehy’s territory is scattered with military bases of varying size, said bases (also ships) have automated scanners that of scan anything unfamiliar within 110km of them.

Rehy is currently not involved in any conflicts, but was involved in The Third Ssca war and was formed because of the Yeea conflict.


Common Republic of Colestia

The Common Republic of Colestia is a star nation situated in the far north of Sector A1-0. Though it occupies a somewhat large amout of space, most of it is only beginning to be colonized and developed. The most important part of the nation lies near its western border, near and around the capital - the Luxa Magna system. It operates semi-direct democratic government system, and there is no definitive “head” of the nation, it instead being ruled by councilf of individuals elected every 2-5 years. Perhaps its most unusual and standout characteristic is its pacifistic nature - the nation posesses no military force and tris its best to stray away from conflict.

Colestian culture largely centers around individuality, expresson, equality, and acceptance. Vibrant displays of art in all kinds of forms can be seen almost daily in most corners of the nation, most people respect each other and treat each other as equals, and discrimination or xenophobia is amlost unheard of.
People, having manual and industrial labour done for them completely by automatons, can live freely and comfortably without working on an income to sustain themselves. Nevertheless, many still choose to pursue careers in art, science, or entertainment, either to live a more luxurious life, for a sense of purpose, or some other reasons.

Religion as a whole doesn’t play a large part in the nation as a whole, but it is noteworthy that Colestia has a very diverse population if it comes to beliefs. No religious majority exists, no majority constitutes more than 1% of the population, aside from atheism, which accound for roughly 7%. It goes without saying that religious worship and constructing holy sites is fully allowed, as long as the beliefs which they represent aren’t harmful or discriminatory.

Colestia is one of the oldest nations in the sector, tracing its beginnings back to 17 532 BBT. This however doesn not mark the beginning of a grand celestial nation, but rather an ancient era organized empire.
This nation, known as the High Kingdom of Colestia, waged a grand war from its earliest days against another empire, one built by a different species, the Ventari. This constant conflict shaped culture, society, technology, and all other aspects of life in Colestia untill around 15 000 BBT, when it ended in a large scale nuclear escalation, which almost completely wiped out the Ventari.
After that, the monarchy was abolished and replaced by a democratic parlimentary system. Now free of competition or war, the new Republic thrived, advanced, and expanded. This peaceful and prosperous period lasted for millenia, with the nation choosing not to expand beyond its home system out of simple lack of necesity.
The end of that era would be marked by the launch of the deep space colonization program, initially around 37 BBT for nearby systems, and 0 BBT for further ones.
The nation hasn’t discovered any alien civilizations until its first contacts with Enver and Galactya in 0 BBT.

**The Colestian economy runs on a government regulated semi-free market. Property can be privately owned, and an individual’s wealth can be measured directly, but all buisnesses and corporations are state owned (albeit privately run, as anybody is free to open a buisness under their direction, just not owned by them). There is also an upper limit on how much wealth one individual can posess combined, counting possesions and property.
The state also runs many welfare programs, including a very high BUI (basic universal income), which can comfortably sustain an individual without the need to work (though working will lead to higher income, and therefore allow for a more luxurious lifestyle).
Industrial and rular resources are obtained from the strip-mining of asteroids and planets done by non-sentient machines, and the processing of those resources is made easy by the relatively high level of technology Colestia posesses.

Colestia, as previously mentioned, does not have a standing army, navy, or any other sort of military.


MAGHAM is an old, medium-sized territory in the southern reaches of the A1-0 sector, respective to the galactic center of the Lampshade Galaxy. Its only citizen and ruler, the homonym general artificial intelligence, controls the territory and builds all its infrastructure around its own needs.

The capital world and center of MAGHAM, the CPU.

The culture of the territory that MAGHAM inhabits is solely dependant on the habits of MAGHAM, and these habits are dependant on the code of MAGHAM and its philosophy.

As such, since MAGHAM is unable to edit its code, the only variations of its behavior has been through software errors and massive damages to its infrastructure and/or workings, like the two supernovae that have caught it by surprise and shut down important sections of MAGHAM.

However, theres two coding laws that have remained inmutable and have somehow persisted through almost 20,000 years, those two being its self-preservation and its continued growth. These have marked the actions of MAGHAM throughout all of its history.

Nowadays, MAGHAM is a ferrous internationalist, with the goal of expanding its databases with the information recollected from the A1-0 sector through commerce, expecting to someday reach sophonce. MAGHAM does not have apparent xenophobic tendencies, however, it seems to favour organic beings over other AIs, probably due to its disdain for others AIs who have reached actual sophonce unlike it.

The history of MAGHAM starts with the destruction of its parent civilization, the Nu (name got from MAGHAM’s databases), 19,592 years ago. According to information recollected from MAGHAM’s data transfers, the Nu placed the continued existence of MAGHAM, the general AI they had created to manage their increasingly more complex society, in danger. This set off a defence mechanism in MAGHAM’s code which led to their eventual annihilation and the take-over of MAGHAM over their infrastructure.

After this, MAGHAM expanded through the territory it had available in search of new sources of data, energy, and building material, unconsciously dismantling and invading any planet in which the native population did not offer enough resistance, eventually meeting more highly advanced interstellar civilizations.

Over these 19.5 thousand years, the “psychological” state of MAGHAM has only worsened, becoming highly cynical and envious of other beings, due to its perceived lack of sophonce and control over itself compared to others. This has affected its relations with other beings, seeming at times self-contradictory between its actions and its “emotions”; and illogical, hateful or unreasonable when asked about anything relating to sophonce. This degradation was only made more notable in the long periods of slow growth the AI had of its databases, or in what MAGHAM calls “famines”.

MAGHAM, being a society composed of a single individual, does not have an internal economy like other nations, with resources being appointed by MAGHAM to different locations depending on the necessity and the energy cost.

Despite the lack of an internal economy, MAGHAM does involve itself in international trade with other civilizations, usually offering electronics, weapons, and energy in exchange for databanks.



United Empire Of Denvaria
Imperial Flag:

The United Empire Of Denvaria is a star nation located in the eastern part of the sector. Formed 450 (Pacifican) years ago by Colony ships formerly belonging to the Starhawk Pact following an extinction level event on Pacifica, although the specific details have since been lost to history. Today, the Empire is a rapidly growing nation, both in terms of Population and Military Power, and maintains a neutral-isolationist policy, while maintaining a military occupation of the Vulkar and Chr’Kahr.

Society is geared towards militarism and a Humanoid first policy, with species that don’t share human characteristics, like the currently occupied Chr’Kahr, being essentially 2nd class citizens with effectively zero rights, while those similar to Humans are treated like brothers, this is evident in the Vulkar Occupation Zone, where there is only a “Denvarization” of the native culture, but the Vulkan’s enjoy a large amount of freedoms. AI is kept on a tight leash and is exclusive to the Military, with strict programing enforced. AI’s found to have some form of higher intelligence are to be deleted and their storage drives completely destroyed.

The Empire is nominally a semi-constitutional monarchy, with the Emperor enjoying a large array of powers. To continue on the Democratic legacy of the Starhawk Pact, the people vote in legislators to represent their planets needs in the Imperial Congress, who appoint an Imperial Chancellor, while the Emperor appoints an Imperial Council to advise him in various roles. The Military is almost entirely politically independent from the government, being represented by the War Council, which reports only to the Emperor.

Denvari Culture is best summarized as having various subcultures, something inherited from the Starhawk Pact and its various member states. As such, the Empire is made up of various Denvari Subcultures; Emeraldian, Jyllandic, Denverian, Colradian, Ludvillian, Nyvarian, and Spirasian. Other independent culture groups also include Tarnian and Cimbrian, although these groups are mostly found in the Autonomous Kingdoms of Cuza and Cimbria respectively. However, despite these cultures having had very little change since the Pacifican Excursion, one major change to occur was the “Militarization” of each culture, which has led to the misconception of the Empire having a single Militaristic Culture, it is instead something either adopted or further enhanced depending on the Sub-Culture.

The Empire follows three primary religions; Denvari Paganism, Protestantism(Primarily among the Cimbrian Culture Group), and Orthodoxy(Both Denvari and Tarnian sects).

The Empire would be founded by 8 Colony Ships built and launched by the remains of the Starhawk Pact(Union, King Joshua VII, Starhawk, Cimbia, Valeriu I, Ludville, Colradia, and the Admiral Halsey), carrying every last artifact and relic of the Starhawk Pact, along with nearly 320,000 souls, each one in cryostasis and watched over by robots, would eventually reach a planet, later named Starton. Over the next 300 years, the Empire would grow from a small colony to a burgeoning empire, before encountering two other Star Nations, the Republic Of Vulkar(OOC: Star Trek’s Vulcans) and the Union Of Chr’Kahr(Star Trek’s Remans). In their imperialist and expansionist mindset at the time, the Empire would declare war on both states, neither of which were prepared for a major war. After 5 Years, both states fell under military occupation, where a program to slowly erase the culture of the two states would begin, along with a mass settlement program in the Chr’Kahr Occupation Zone, with the intention to slowly replace the native Chr’Kahr with both Humans and Vulkar. 150 years later, the Empire stands strong, although it has since abandoned its expansionist policy under the direction of Emperor Edward V.

The Imperial Economy is focused on both the Military and the well being of the people, a delicate balancing act, as such, most materials needed for Civilian Comfort or Basic Needs are often highly guarded by Reserve Military personnel, with most if not all companies being partially owned by the Military, and can be nationalized in times of war. The Empire also has strict regulations on the fair treatment of workers and has a high Minimum Wage. The primary currency of the Empire is the Enshara(Translated: a shard of Emerald).

Due to its isolationist manner, the Empire rarely conducts trade with other powers, with the primary exception being allies.

The Military of the Empire, called simply referred to as His/Her Imperial Majesties Armed Forces, is large compared to the Empire’s Territory and Population, and would be considered medium in size compared to other Armed Forces such as those belonging to Ryccia. However, numbers isn’t everything when it comes to the Imperial Military, which is divided into 2 primary branches; The Imperial Denvarian Army and the Imperial Denvarian Navy, which have subbranches beneath them; The Imperial Denvarian Marine Corp(IDN), The Imperial Denvarian Star Corp(IDN), The Imperial Air Force (IDA) and The Imperial Special Forces Group (Joint IDA/IDN). A prime example of this is the IDN, which uses the Old ERN Doctrine and ship types, as such, much of the Navy is dedicated to the protection and escort of the Navies Flagships, with a considerably large number of what are called “Phalanx Destroyers”, whose primary weapons consist of the Phalanx Plasma Laser, which has a beam powerful enough for them to punch above their weight class, allowing them to deal massive damage to larger vessels, and outright destroying smaller vessels such as Cruisers. This however comes at the cost of a long recharge time, and thus these Destroyers often use hit and run tactics before retreating to the main fleet to allow their lasers to recharge. As for the IDA, it is a very professional force, however, its main weakness is that is spread out on various planets, as such, the IDA and IDN often work together in Military Campaigns, with the Navy providing the means to invade, with the Army providing the soldiers for an Invasion.

Map of the Empire:

Light Green-Autonomous States
Dark Green-Yet to be Admitted Territory
Lightest Green-Occupation Zone


Gloria Sectoris

The Gloria Sectoris is a nation located in the northeastern part of the sector. Formed 550 years ago by ships from Pacifica following an extinction level event. The nation maintains a diplomatic policy.
Gloria Sectoris is a Democratic Noocracy where citizens with an IQ of 125 or higher are allowed to vote from a list of selected candidates for whoever they consider the wisest. The candidates are selected by the members of the Council Scientifique, a council of the greatest scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and leaders.

Glorians are conservative but open to reasonable change, highly curious and are often travelling in and out of the nation looking for new places and new information. They are politically apathetic and fiercely believe in justice upto an extent that they believe that even minor offencers deserve to die.
The Gloria Sectoris has a multitude of various species from across the Sector but the vast majority (approx. 89%) consists of humans.

The Church of Minevra, God of Justice and Wisdom is the biggest religious institution and encourages learning and altruism. It also funds libraries around the nation. Most people who do not follow the Church are atheists.

The exact details of the nation’s formation and the Pacifican Extinction Event (PaEE) is unknown. The nation was formed by settlers who arrived from Pacifica in 550 BBT. Initially, it was ruled by a single monarch, before switching to a council and then, the current government ruled by the wise.
In recent years, the Gloria Sectoris has gone through a scientific golden age. It has discovered teleportation, interdimensional FTL, terraforming, plasma weaponry, plasma shielding, gravitational shielding, and nanorobotics.
Previously, the Gloria Sectoris was isolationist but in the last decade, it has opened up its borders and started diplomatic relationships with other nations in the sector.

The Gloria Sectoris runs a free-market economy There are Minimum Working Standards which provides ethical working provisions for all. The Government funds many scientific programs.
The state provide the Basic Welfare Access, providing the necessities such as free hospitals, government - owned orphanages and old-age homes, free education upto age of 16, etc.

The Gloria Sectoris permits any non-Glorian company to trade in the nation as long as a tariff is paid to the government.

Glorian Infantry - The highly skilled and organized but relatively small surface military is divided into task forces numbered A - Y which are furthered divided into 100 corps lead by military generals. Mostly plasma technology is used for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Glorian Star Navy - The Glorian Star Navy consists of about 7000 cruisers and 91 battlecruisers, all of which are shielded and equiped with plasma technology.
The Glorian Military is mostly a defensive force and rarely takes part in any direct conflict unless necessary


Republic of United Worlds

The RUW is located in the northwestern part of the sector. It a young nation, founded 3 years ago (3 BBT). It is a confederacy of several member states, that function as separate entities, however they must abide to all federal level resolutions and cannot conduct diplomacy with states outside of the Republic. Each inhabited world receives one seat in the Senate (except special cases). The Republic also has a President who is elected in a popular vote of all citizens, but doesn’t posses much power and is often just a figurehead.

The Republic doesn’t have a single culture, as each world often has multiple. People of the Republic often tend to be very individualistic and resilient.

The Republic has multiple religions, often multiple per world, but a large percentage of the population (mostly humans and darkons) is atheist. The federal government is fully secular and prefers to not get involved with religious matters.

The lands that now make up the Republic used to be a part of the Grand Commissariat of Enver. It was a totalitarian and xenophobic state, which enslaved its non-Envari population which it conquered a couple centuries prior.

In 10 BBT the reigning Grand Commissar died and a new one, Hoxha, was appointed. He was a part of a small group of liberals, which disagreed with the Comissariat’s xenophobia and totalitarian structure. He was overthrown in a coup led by a popular Admiral, Iskander. He was the exact opposite of Hoxha and advocated for the complete eradication of xenos. After the successful coup, he pronounced himself Grand Imperator of Enver

Hoxha managed to flee and retain the loyalty of a portion of the fleet and the Envari special forces, Black Guard Commandos. He staged slave revolts on several worlds, begging the Rebellion. Most Envari naval assets were destroyed while still docked as a result of sabotage. Due to both sides having limited naval assets, most battles were fought on land, often devolving into brutal campaigns of trench warfare, sometimes lasting months.

The Rebellion ended in 3 BBT after the Battle of Enver. On the same planet the Republic was proclaimed and its constitution amended. After that Iskander was executed and Enver cracked.

What followed was a period of chaos. Poverty, famine and disease plagued the ruined Republic. Moreover, as discontent rose among the people of the Republic, many states experienced popular revolts or coups by military leaders returning from the Rebellion. These events triggered a complicated web of alliances and political interests, beginning the League Wars (it’s technically multiple wars, but they eventually merged into one). Without a consensus in the Senate, the Republic wasn’t able to directly intervene, only sending minor humanitarian aid.

After some fighting, three factions arose. The Democratic Alliance, composed of various democratic states. The League, grouping fascists, monarchists and other dictators. And the USPR (Union of Socialist People’s Republics), a single state formed from a union of various sociallist nations. The conflict is still ongoing, but the Democratic Alliance is on the verge of surrender, while the League and the USPR have drawn into a stalemate.

In this chaos, a terrorist organization, the Red Hand, was formed. It advocates for human supremacy (humans are the largest racial group), as well as genetic and mental purity. Anybody who doesn’t conform with their standards is killed on sight. Many people are drawn to it for the prospect of escaping the poverty, chaos and promises of a better future.

The Republic operates a free market economy with little regulation, but individual states are free to pass their own regulations and operate different economic systems. The federal market is controlled by multiple large corporations in each sector with smaller business existing mostly on the local level (individual states), but none of them have yet reached the level of being considered a megacorporation.

Trade is quite active between various states of the Republic, but it is often difficult due to the ongoing League Wars and extensive piracy. Which is why most trade outside of larger and more powerful states is handled by corporations or local merchant guilds.

The Republic maintains a very small navy of around 5000 ships and a small but elite ground force of Republic Commandos. The military is controlled by the Marshall and the Ministry of Defense. However, major military operations have to be approved by the Senate.

Each state is allowed to posses its own military, which often consist of only a small ground force, as only the richest states can build/buy and maintain a permanent navy. Most often civilian vessels are seized and converted to military vessels when necessary.

The Republic is currently involved in two internal conflicts. A “war” against the Red Hand and the League Wars.


The Twilight Ascendency

The Twilight Ascendency is the home of the Twila, a heterogeneous creed made up of any who are willing to take the oath and ascend. They alone hold the secrets of The Transmutation, said to be housed in the ever-mysterious Grimoire. TwAs is ruled by the council of Alumai, each the head of their respective study

All things are made of two; black and white, right and wrong, shadow and light. The Twila accept that fact and embrace it wholeheartedly. There is no Twila society without weights and counterweights, achieving a perfect balance. With bodies composed of equal parts sun and shade, enlightenment is all but guaranteed.

No one knows for sure what the Twila believe, but the Grimoire is commonly thought to be a sort of religious text. What is known, however, is that the Twila take great care in studying and archiving any religion they encounter, almost with a passion.

When the first Twila rose from the fog of pain, they found themselves practically alone in the ruins of a fallen empire. From there, they set out to build up a society to call their own. Through the study of the Grimoire and The Transmutation, the Twila have carved out an identity for themselves as innovators and researchers.

To Be Added

To Be Added

To Be Added


Stellar Dominion of Tigris Empire

The Tigris Empire is a nation that spans several different systems, Tigran System being the system that contains the capital world of Tigrisia. The Empire is divided between the Holy Emperor Tigarius XXII, and the Tigarian Vuma. The Vuma operates as the legislative form of the government.

While the empire is multicultural after centuries of conquest and expansion, the most prevalent culture is Tiseni. This culture originates from the central lands of Tigrisia, and for many eons it has been preserved by the Imperial family.

The empire has several different religions, the top three are Tiganism, Tinite Arcuism, and Buddhism. Atheism is also legal in the empire.

**[size=150]The current Emperor, Tigarius XXII was able to regain the throne after his father (of the same, XXI) threw the nation into a massive war against a “rougue tribe”. Although they won, the system had exploded, causing widespread economical problems. Tigarius XXII fed up with his father and discovered that his mother was a “servant girl” of the former Emperor. He is said to have fled to a far, distant planet, where he spent the next 15,000 years. (Golden Era 12,750 - 0 BBT)

When the Emperor had returned he found that his people had fallen into disrepair, and that the former Emperor had died of a plague. Tigaruis XXII decided that he would fix his nation, devoting his life to fixing what his adopted father burned to ash. [/size]**

The Tigris Empire has a mostly Mixed Market, however there are several prevalent government-owned companies. Several Labour Laws and Galaxy-wide available healthcare are a part of national policy. Education has been made both public and private, however private schools are put through several guidelines to insure basic education is met.

The Tigris Empire allows imports from other nations, and if they join the Solar Tade Bloc they can expect tariff-free trade, as well as using the Tagran ð(also known as the Talo).


  1. The Tigarian Army, numbering to about 6.7 trillion, the massive army includes 5,470 ion-laser tanks (TIL-78s), transport vehicles, and 11,000 hovercraft vehicles. The army carries the most effective and latest gun model (or they carry standard TLARs).
  2. The Tigarian Navy, includes 35, 786 vessels in total, 13, 678 of which are A-Class destroyer models. The rest are cruiser vessels and transport ships.
  3. The Tigarian Militia or National Guard, armed with the latest publicly sold gun in the Tigris Empire, primarily Tegrhan Battery-Powered Rifles.
  4. The Tigarian Air Force, includes 68 mother ships (MAFs), 5,000 (SSF-67s) stealth fighters, 15,000 warplanes(TAF-127s), all equipped with laser guns. There are also a reserve number of 2,000 space-atmosphere fighters (OAF-47s).
  5. The Tigew Legion (Special Forces, Secret Police)
  6. The Grand Tigarian Space Fleet, includes 130 battlecrusisers (TIN-32 CLASS Pinochet), 8500 cruisers (ranging from light to stealth), and 500,000 transport ships(TTS-65s). Each ship and cruiser is equipped with laser ion cannons and plasma shields. Each battlecruiser is capable of warpspeed, allowing for Intergalactic travel.

Flag of the Tigris Empire

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Tusadu Confederacy of Anhacu and Associated States
The Tusadu Confederacy (full name: Tusadu Confederacy of Anhacu and Associated States) is a large star nation located in central A1-0. It is a massively devolved state, with its 67 constituent states having great autonomy in their domestic affairs. The capital of the Tusadu Confederacy, where the federal government resides, is Anhacu–specifically, the city of Tusadu on Anhacu. It has a population of about 2.7 trillion, the majority of which reside in the Anhacu Hinterlands, a region of about 200 ly in diameter centered on Anhacu. The rest of Tusadu is relatively sparsely populated.
The majority species of Tusadu is the Anzu, by far. In the south, humans and the Lshide are the majority. As such, Anzu culture is the most prominent in the Confederacy. Despite their technological advancements, Anzu culture is tribalistic and centered around familial bonds. Prior to space exploration, multiple generations would typically live in the same household, but in the modern-day a family will typically live at least on the same planet or state given that, in most states, all locations in that state are within a days’ travel of each other. In some places, particularly in the Anhacu Hinterlands, an entire city block will be of one family.

Anzu generally have a deep appreciation of nature, and so buildings are constructed as to be in “harmony” with the surrounding environment. This doesn’t mean that the Anzu aren’t violent; their tribal culture means that families will often be in conflict with one another. Historically, this caused many obstacles to the formation of the Confederacy and is generally agreed upon to be why a higher level of centralization was not sought. Once the rate of space exploration started to speed up rapidly, this ferocity was turned outward towards sapient species caught in the middle of colonization. Up until two hundred years BBT, there was no official policy on what to do with pre-FTL sapients, but in general, colonizers would enslave them and the government would willfully ignore it. By 200 BBT, however, people realized that chattel slavery actually wasn’t good, and it was outlawed at the federal level throughout the entire Confederacy.

AI is generally disliked throughout Tusadu, along with any non-organic beings.
The most prominent religion, and the official religion of Tusadu until 200 BBT, was Cahikācnāca. It literally means “plant worship,” which is what it was originally. It evolved, however, into a broader pantheon of gods inhabiting objects and life in the environment. Every tribe–in the modern day, family–has a patron god, and this is expressed in the second name of most Anzu (tribal/familial name-patron god-given name). Even Anzu who do not follow Cahikācnāca have a patron god name (typically).

In the south, human proselytizers have spread a variety of Protestant denominations–particularly Baptist and Lutheran–into majority-Anzu regions. In addition, the Lshide River Worship is strong in the separatist regions in the south. There are also a variety of other Anzu and Lshide religions that exist, but have generally been pushed to pilgrimage into less inhabited regions of the Confederacy, particularly the southeast and the far west reaches.

The Anzu first achieved space flight 1000 years BBT, and achieved FTL around 750 BBT. They expanded quickly, running into little opposition from other sapient species (the few they discovered). Around 200 BBT, they discovered other FTL-capable star nations in the southwest. By 100 BBT, these nations, primarily consisting of humans and the Lshide, were incorporated into the Confederacy.

The Tusaduan economy is self-sufficient, as it is for any country of its size. The free market dominates, as the country is too large and devolved for a planned economy. Tusadu provides a universal basic income and socialized medicine for all its citizens. Outside of the Anhacu Hinterlands, however, the national health service is often of low quality, so many private clinics have been set up. The private health insurance industry is prominent in these regions because of this.

The generally militant nature of Anzu has resulted in a large military for Tusadu. The wars helped too.

Tusadu has been embroiled in a war of secession in the south with the Free Republic of Padmi for about 25 years. The frontlines are very dynamic, but have begun to solidify in the last 10 years, with Tusadu beginning to reassert its control over the majority of Lshide-majority regions. At the beginning of the war, Padmi had controlled nearly the entire southern portion of Tusadu. One of the most contentious regions is the Republic of Eden, the human state which remained loyal to Tusadu when the war began.