SDR Starcraft Production Terminal

Space Superiority Fighters
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Space Superiority Fighters are starcraft designed to attain Space Superiority. As such, they are as maneuverable as possible, while retaining some characteristics for in atmospheric flight. It is noted that Space Superiority Fighters should not be used in atmosphere due to the usual lack of lifting surfaces or other mechanisms required for atmospheric flight. Space Superiority Fighters use the prefix of “SSF.”

SSF-294 “Fighting Phoenix” Series

SSF-294A “Fighting Phoenix”
The SSF-294 “Fighting Phoenix” called so for the uncanny resemblance to a Phoenix, a mythical creature of Rosecordi and other species folklore. The A variant is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class II

SSF-294B “Training Phoenix”
Training Variant of the SSF-294. The B variant is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

**Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry. **

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class I

SSF-294C “Phoenix’s Roost”
Two seater variant. Known as the Phoenix’s Roost, had a WSO (Weapon Service Officer, pronounced Wizz-o).

Seating Arrangement: Dual seat, one in front, one behind.

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, and Lighthouse Guided Munitions.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class II

SSF-308 "Savant" Series

SSF-308A “Savant”
The SSF-308A “Savant” is a multi role Space Superiority Fighter designed to fight new threats, and is named after a person who does multiple jobs, and is good at most of them.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, and Augment Self Guided Mines. 12 Dart 4 ASMs, or 24 Dart 3, or 48 Augment Self Guided Mines.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class II

SSF-294B “Savant’s Training”
Training Variant of the SSF-308. The B variant is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class I