SDR Starcraft Production Terminal

Directorate Starcraft Production Center Terminal
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Starcraft Production Department, Phoenix Design Bureau.

Space Superiority Fighter

Space Air Superiority Fighter

Planetary Assault Gunship


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This section intends to be a catch all for Terminology that Serniani use.

ETFS System

ETFS System

Element, Team, Flight, Squadron System is an operational acronym for Rosecordi Starcraft.

An Element is two Starcraft. (2 Starcraft)

A Team is two Elements. (4 Starcraft)

A Flight is three teams. (12 Starcraft)

A Squadron is two flights. (24 Starcraft)

"Cold" Launch

“Cold” Launch
Technical Meaning

A Cold Launch is where a missile is ejected out of the Launcher reorients towards the target/cruise points, before activating the main thruster. The Callsign for Cold Launches is “Camper.”

"Hot" Launch

“Hot” Launch
Technical Meaning

A Hot Launch is where a missile’s primary thruster is ignited in the launch tube, leading to it exiting quickly. The Callsign for Hot Launches is “Brawler.” Most Starcraft that have missiles are hot launches



IFE stands for Ion Force Engine. An Ion Force Engine maximizes efficiency, and Thrust to Weight Ratio. It might not be the fastest or most maneuverable engine in the sector, but makes up for modularity in being able to equip a battlecruiser or a starcraft with the same engine with a few minor adjustments.


Space Superiority Fighters
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Space Superiority Fighters are starcraft designed to attain Space Superiority. As such, they are as maneuverable as possible, while retaining some characteristics for in atmospheric flight. It is noted that Space Superiority Fighters should not be used in atmosphere due to the usual lack of lifting surfaces or other mechanisms required for atmospheric flight. Space Superiority Fighters use the prefix of “SSF.”

SSF-294 “Fighting Phoenix” Series

SSF-294A “Fighting Phoenix”
The SSF-294 “Fighting Phoenix” called so for the uncanny resemblance to a Phoenix, a mythical creature of Rosecordi and other species folklore. The A variant is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class II

SSF-294B “Training Phoenix”
Training Variant of the SSF-294. The B variant is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

**Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry. **

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class I

SSF-294C “Phoenix’s Roost”
Two seater variant. Known as the Phoenix’s Roost, had a WSO (Weapon Service Officer, pronounced Wizz-o).

Seating Arrangement: Dual seat, one in front, one behind.

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, and Lighthouse Guided Munitions.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class II

SSF-308 "Savant" Series

SSF-308A “Savant”
The SSF-308A “Savant” is a multi role Space Superiority Fighter designed to fight new threats, and is named after a person who does multiple jobs, and is good at most of them.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, and Augment Self Guided Mines. 12 Dart 4 ASMs, or 24 Dart 3, or 48 Augment Self Guided Mines.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class II

SSF-294B “Savant’s Training”
Training Variant of the SSF-308. The B variant is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single seat

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, able to take Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry.

Shielding: Phase Shielding Class I


Space Air Superiority Fighters
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Space Air Superiority Fighters are traditional fighters designed for atmospheric engagement. As such, they have lifting surfaces, tail wings, and some have jet engines, more efficient for atmospheric usage. Since it’s more likely to be detected, most SASF have electronic warfare components. Space Air Superiority Fighters use the prefix of “SASF.”

SASF-409 "Dagger" Series

SASF-409A “Lone Dagger”
The SASF-409A, also known as the Lone Dagger, called for the way it’s engines have been modified to be near silent, in atmosphere, being able to catch enemies by surprise. They also barely leave a wake, allowing for a Dagger to penetrate into enemy airspace via jamming and avoiding visual detection. The A variant is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, Archer Pod, APPGB, SHAGM
(4 Dart 4 ASMs, 8 Dart 3, 1 Archer Pod, 12 APPGB, 4 SHAGM)

Shielding: Phase Class II

SASF-409B “Training Dagger”
The SASF-409B is the training variant of the SASF-409A. It is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single

Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, Archer Pod, APPGB, SHAGM
(4 Dart 4 ASMs, 8 Dart 3, 1 Archer Pod, 12 APPGB, 4 SHAGM)

Shielding: Phase Class I

SASF-412 "Balisong" Series

SASF-412A “Balisong”
The SASF-412A is a next generation space air superiority fighter. It’s a VTOL craft, being able to hover in place and fire. It’s engines are also modified to leave no wake and can operate perfectly in a saturated EW environment.

Seating Arrangement: Single

Hard Point Arrangement: IWB – 12x CSM-1XX Series, any, 24x Precision Guided Bombs, 1x Archer Pod

Shielding: Phase Class III

SASF-409B “Bali Trainer”
The SASF-412B is the training variant of the SASF-412A. It is a single seater.

Seating Arrangement: Single

Hard Point Arrangement: IWB – 12x CSM-1XX Series, any

Shielding: Phase Class I

SASF-412C “Double Edged Balisong”
The SASF-412C is a next generation space air superiority fighter. It’s a VTOL craft, being able to hover in place and fire. It’s engines are also modified to leave no wake and can operate perfectly in a saturated EW environment. It is a dual seater

Seating Arrangement: Dual 1x1

Hard Point Arrangement: IWB – 16x CSM-1XX Series, any, 36x Precision Guided Bombs, 1x Archer Pod

Shielding: Phase Class IV


Planetary Assault Gunships
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Laying siege to a celestial body? Need to conduct Search and Rescue? Space Air Land Battle? Need to insert operators? Close Air Support? The Planetary Assault Gunship has what you need to lift an MBT, a contingent of Operators, a missile platform, or anti armor specialists. PAGs specialize in getting objects in contested space down to the celestial body’s surface. Planetary Assault Gunships use the prefix “PAG.”

PAG-192 "Scimitar" Series

PAG-192A “Scimitar”
The PAG-192A “Scimitar” is a Planetary Assault Gunship designed for S&R, CAS and OI. It has room for 12 soldiers and two pilots, it has a spot for hitching up cargo, a back door, and two side doors.

Seating Arrangement: 2x1 Pilots, 6x2 Soldiers

Hard Point Arrangement: 2x 25mm “Nova” Chaingun, 1x 75mm “Atlas” Gun, 2x Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry.

Shielding: Phase Class III

PAG-192B “Dull Scimitar”
The PAG-192B “Dull Scimitar” is a training variant of the PAG-192A “Scimitar.” It replaces the 6x2 Soldier area with space for sensors and other training equipment.

Seating Arrangement: 2x1 Pilots

Hard Point Arrangement: N/A.

Shielding: Phase Class I

PAG-232 "Shortbow" Series

PAG-232A “Shortbow”
The PAG-232A “Shortbow” is a Planetary Assault Gunship designed for CAS. It has room for two system operators and two pilots. It carries weapons and additional shielding incase it takes direct fire.

Seating Arrangement: 2x1 Pilots, 2x System Operators

Hard Point Arrangement: 4x 25mm “Nova” Chaingun, 4x 75mm “Atlas” Gun, 1x 210mm Mortar, 108x SGM-192 Anti Tank Missiles

Shielding: Phase Class IV


Space-Ground Transportation Craft
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Alright, so maybe you need to carry more than a single tank down to the surface of a planet. Shame, but we at Phoenix Design Bureau gotchu. Space-Ground Transportation Craft carry anything and everything. These bad boys, at the expense of a lot of hanger space, and the ability to not be launched out of a RCL, carry LMBS, a regiment of tanks, literally any form of cargo, at the cost of being a really big target. Space-Ground Transportation Craft use the prefix “SGTC.”

SGTC-227 "Hempen" Series

SGTC-227A “Hempen”
The SGTC-227 “Hempen” is a Space Ground Transportation Craft designed for heavy lifting assets, be it a Land Mobile Basing System, a squadron of tanks, 4 Squadrons of Infantry. Be advised, Commander, these don’t have a lot of protection, and will be easily downed. It’s recommended to use these to supplement backline bases, and use PAG’s when needed to transport units to Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) or Frontline Refueling/Arming Points (FARPs). The A Variant carries LMBS, other variants carry Vehicles and Infantry.

Seating Arrangement: 2x2 (2 Pilots, 2 Support Officers) 4 Loadmasters

Shielding: Phase Class I

Hard Point Arrangement: Pick One: 2x “Arquebus” Prefab’d Artillery Bases, 4x Modular Command and Control Facilities, 2x Analysis Complex, 4x Barracks, 4x CIPDS

SGTC-227B “Hempen”
The SGTC-227 “Hempen” is a Space Ground Transportation Craft designed for heavy lifting assets. The B Variant carries only Vehicles, while other variants carry LMBS and Infantry.

Seating Arrangement: 2x2 (2 Pilots, 2 Support Officers) 4 Loadmasters

Shielding: Phase Class I

Hardpoint Arrangement

Pick Two or double the amount
12x MRA-39A “Artificer”
10x SA/SMN-87E
6x BT-47A “Technical”
15xLT-62D “Attache”
15x LT-62E “SUBB”
1x AAV-1A “Building Leveler”
6x ARV-96A
15x IFV-154A - Archer Armored Fighting Vehicle

SGTC-227C “Hempen”
The SGTC-227 “Hempen” is a Space Ground Transportation Craft designed for heavy lifting assets. The C Variant carries only Infantry, while other variants carry LMBS and Vehicles.

Seating Arrangement: 2x2 (2 Pilots, 2 Support Officers) 4 Loadmasters

Shielding: Phase Class I

Hardpoint Arrangement: 96 Seats

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