Rosecordi Defense Forces Database [150-0 BBT]

Rosecordi Defense Forces
Traditional: Forces de Défense de Rosecordia
Open Source Database

The Forces de Défense de Rosecordia (Austral, Rosecordi Defense Forces) is the de facto military for the Scientific Directorate of Rosecordia. Established in -4800 SIY, the RDF consists of three major Defense Forces (Naval Defense Forces, Ground Defense Forces, and Marine Expeditionary Force), which compose Rosecordia’s professional armed forces. Minor components of the RDF are local System Defense Forces, which maintain their own Ships and Ground Forces, which can be called up in a system known as Federalization. Executive Authority over the RDF is given to the Director-General, who serves as the Commander-in-chief, who is assisted in her duties by Directorate Naval Command.


Starcraft Database

SDR Vessel Database

Military Ranks


Directorate Naval Command
Traditional: Direction du Commandement Naval
Callsign: Mothball Alley

“Ash to Ash, Glass to Glass.”

-Common Motto among DdCN Personnel, post Federation.

Direction du Commandement Naval (Austral, Directorate Naval Command) often abbreviated as DdCN or in Austral as DNC, is the active command in charge of protecting the sovereignty of the SDR post Federation. DdCN operates the Ship Registry, Marine Registry, the Merchant Marine, and the Draft System, if needed. Command is subordinated throughout the Directorate via Sector allotment, with Atlia Reach having the most active Task Forces and Verticia Periphery having the least. DdCN also procures equipment, distributes funding, and is the Supreme Command Outfit of the Directorate.


Directorate Ship Registry
Traditional: Direction du registre des navires

“Someone’s gotta keep track of this.”

-FLTADM Natasha Tseliadan

Direction du Registre des Navires (DdRdN), or better known in Austral as the Directorate Ship Registry (DSR), is the combined military-civilian code system using a unique number discriminator. This discriminator to identify the ship, the Drive Yard it’s from, and other smaller specifics.

First Number -- Drive Yard Origin

1 – Cascade Drive Yards
2 – Horizon Drive Yards
3 – Frontier Drive Yards
4 – Kronos Drive Yards
5 – Vanguard Drive Yards
6 – Lorentz Drive Yards
7 – Laswell Drive Yards
8 – Toril Drive Yards
9 – Atlia-Fiat Drive Yards
0 – Unknown / Not Available

Second Number -- Classification

1 – Military Frontline
2 – Military Reserve
3 – Military Auxiliary
4 – Military (General)

5-0 – Civilian

Third Number -- Vessel Designation / First Discriminator if Civilian

1 – Picket
2 – Ewar
3 – Command & Control
4 – Supply & Sustainment
5 – Gun/Missile Ship

6-0 – Civilian Discriminator

Fourth-Tenth Number -- Discriminator

1-0 – Discriminator

Hull Codes

Clipper Shuttle – (Hull Code: CS)

Tugboat – (Hull Code: TB)

Cargo Monitor – (Hull Code: MN, CM)

Bulk Liner – (Hull Code: BLN, BLNS)

Cargo Liner – (Hull Code: CLN CLNS)

Corvette – (Hull Code: FS, FFL)

Littoral Naval Vessel – (Hull Code: LV, LNV)

Frigate – (Hull Code: FF, FFG, FFM)

Cargo Monitor – (Hull Code: MN)

Destroyer – (Hull Code: DD, DDG, DDM, DDC)

Cruiser – (Hull Code: CC. CCG. CCM)

Battlecruiser – (Hull Code: BC, BCG, BCM)

Carrier – (Hull Code: CV, CVG)

Lineship – (Hull Code: LN, LNS)

Example: CS-25608
Clipper Shuttle, manufactured in Horizon Drive Yards, classed as a civilian Vessel, six-hundredth-eighth vessel in the pattern.

Example: BCG-51398
Battlecruiser Gun, manufactured in Vanguard Drive Yards, classed as a Military Frontline, Command and Control, 98th Vessel in class.


Phase Shielding and Phase Weave
Traditional: Blindage de Phase et Tissage de Phase

“Kept me from blowing into the void, neat stuff.”

-FLTADM Natasha Tseliadan

Phase Shielding is the primary shielding system used in the Directorate, using a Phase Weave as a base for shielding. As such, it forms a yellowish-pinkish “Shroud Hull,” that protects the vessel from impacts.

Phase Shielding can have up to multiple layers of Phase Weave, a mix of pure energy and tungsten, which is thrown into a Cascadium Reactor, which comes out as Phase Weave, which is thrown into a Phase Weaver, that allows for the “Shroud Hull” to form.

Phase Shielding Layers

Phase Shielding Layer 1 - Basic Micrometeor Protection, no defense

Phase Shielding Layer 2 - Light Protection from 120mm or equivalent Rounds

Phase Shielding Layer 2 (Flak) - Light Protection from 120mm or equivalent Rounds, with additional flak and spall protection layers

Phase Shielding Layer 3 - Medium Protection from 250mm or equivalent rounds

Phase Shielding Layer 4 - Heavy Protection from 250mm or equivalent rounds

Phase Shielding Layer 5 - Light Protection from 450mm or equivalent rounds

Phase Multilayer Shielding 1 - Light-Medium Protection from 450mm or equivalent rounds

Phase Multilayer Shielding 1 (Flak) - Light-Medium Protection from 450mm, or equivalent rounds, with additional Flak and spall protection layers

Phase Multilayer Shielding 2 - Heavy Protection from 450mm or equivalent rounds

Phase Multilayer Shielding 3 - Medium Protection from 550mm or equivalent rounds

Phase Multilayer Shielding 4 - Heavy Protection from 550mm or equivalent rounds

Phase Multilayer Shielding 5 - Light Protection from 750mm or equivalent rounds