[2505.CN] Cabinet Nominations


Hey all,

Thanks for your confidence in me as Prime Minister. We have some great ideas in mind for this term, and I can’t do it alone. This term, the Cabinet I’m appointing consists of X ministers.

  • @ProfessorHenn as Minister of Culture. No stranger to the Cabinet, Henn will lead the charge on creating a culture of everyday fun — bringing the ‘party,’ as they like to say — with events available across our three platforms and involving our diplomatic partners.
  • @UnitedDisneyStates as Minister of Integration. UDS will help continue our foray into recruitment and coordinate its incorporation into our broader integration processes, as well as helping to publicize opportunities for involvement on the executive job board.
  • @Banexet as Minister of Trading Cards. Drew brings personal experience with farming trading cards to our fledgling cards project, and will take aim this term at turning that program into one with defined methods of contribution, incentives for participation, and guides to farming.
  • @ConcreteSlab as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Slab returns to this position with broad name recognition among our diplomatic partners, and will help to coordinate our diplomatic communications with our allies and partners as we seek to inject some cultural dynamism into our foreign affairs portfolio.

Separately, I’m pleased that LordNwahs has indicated their interest to me in staying on in OWL Director, and I’m excited to see them stay in office. I look forward to working with them this term.

We’ll have more opportunities for involvement opening up soon. Keep an eye out for opportunities to get involved, and if there’s anything you’d like to volunteer for, feel free to contact me at any time. We’ll do our best to advertise new opportunities, but don’t feel any need to wait for us before reaching out.

None of these roles should be very different from what I described in my campaign, but I’m happy to answer any questions. Looking forward to hearing from y’all!


Do you plan to search for any MoD? Or will you try to look after defence for the rest of the term?

No, for pretty much the reasons I mentioned in the debate:

I ask out of genuine interest, so apologies if this comes across as snarkier than intended, but why is cards being elevated to a ministry?

I don’t know if I’d say it’s being elevated to a ministry, because I don’t think we have a clear answer about where it’s actually being elevated from. Our cards project has been in limbo for a long time. In some sense, it exists — the 883 cards we have in storage have to belong to someone, but it’s not entirely clear in what sense the cards program is really a ‘program’ as opposed to a series of occasional discussions and events. It’s hard to place exactly where in the government the cards program actually resides. In these circumstances, I think it is natural to try and establish a clearer leadership structure and overall direction. A ministry structure offers a point of contact (a minister), an agenda (to define how and why folks should contribute cards), and a defined structure (the ministry). I don’t think it’s necessarily a ministry we need to have forever, but our ministry structure is flexible for a reason, and that allows us to create ministries with term-long projects without having to shoehorn them into a separate ministry that isn’t really working on the same thing.

Let’s bring the motherfucking party, boss.

We’re gonna do hockey. We’re gonna do VCs. We’re gonna do a host of other events with friends, allies, and partners that I couldn’t tell you about right now because the invite’s getting sent in a month.

The head honcho is bringing a jobs board along with them. I’ll use it too. I can run some events on Discord, but other folks might want to try running things on the RMB, on the forum, and we need to capture them.

We have a Cultural Act defining official things of the Coalition, let’s promote their use on the RMB, the Discord, the forum, the sense that folks get when they think about this grand community of ours.

As always, open to questions.


I am also open to questions as well. Want to get some conversation in this thread!

Could either you or UDS (or both) update the Assembly on your plans for recruitment? A general outline of the status quo and future plans would be helpful, but I do have a few specific questions:

  • Do you plan to retain the current set of recruiters?
  • Are you seeking more people to work as recruiters? If so, what qualifications or criteria are you looking for in prospective recruiters?
  • Do you have a planned recruitment telegram and, if so, could it be shared with the Assembly?
  • Are the current recruiters actively utilizing the recruitment bot and, if not, when will those efforts begin in earnest?
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The main challenge is formalizing recruitment — by that I mean defining how exactly the initiative operates (a limited group? a public opportunity? a chance to earn rewards?) and thinking about where we want to direct people from that telegram the same way our other integration resources offer defined pathways. Yes, the telegram has a button to move to the South Pacific, but our goal here is to recruit active community members, not to recruit residents.

I wish I could offer more specific details, in all honesty, I’ve only recently gotten access to internal Cabinet communications regarding recruitment and am still trying to piece together the reasoning for a limited set of recruiters and the materials we received about how to actually use the bot. I don’t have any issues with our current recruiters and think our current telegram are fine as a starting point but we’ll take a closer look at the term progresses.

What I do know in terms of specific work to be done is that, from personal experience, we’ll need a how-to guide if want to expand the program. As far as I can tell, that’s one of the items left over from the former Ministry of Recruitment, alongside drafting multiple recruitment telegrams to compare or organizing promotions if/when the program is opened up more broadly.


How do you plan on bringing more people to TSP, and making sure they feel welcome here?

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I have lots of experience in the Integration world. I am Minister of Integration at a region called Starlight and also Head of Citizen Engagement and Data at The Region That Has No Big Banks. I also help out in the recruitment world as well for Starlight. So I hope that I can make a new and better recruitment template if the current one is being used. I also have Poll powers at NBB and I hope that I can use that to my advantage here if allowed so I can keep people engaged and welcome them in. Also redoing the Welcome TG may help by really convincing them to stay including all the opportunities TSP has to offer. I also did at a time at Starlight do welcome posts to new nations by pinging their nation. Also another way is to also show where everything about TSP by pinning on the WFE and also copying and pasting important dispatches so they can visit them. I want them to feel welcome here and want everyone to welcome them in as well.


I don’t want to rush the process along, but it’s been almost five days, so I’ll be motioning this to vote tomorrow unless there are more questions or discussion in the meantime.

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Hi everyone, and sorry for the delay. I’ll start this post by saying: I congratulate @Pronoun on his election as Prime Minister, and am grateful that he has given me the opportunity to serve as Minister of Trading Cards.

Over the next few months, I will be tasked with establishing a card program here in TSP. This program will take inspiration from the TNP cards guild (which I believe to be the model cards organization in NS), but will also have plenty of unique features that will make it distinct. Here’s some of what I am proposing for our new card program:

  • Program-owned card farmer nations: I already have 100 of these set up, and these nations will ensure that we receive a consistently positive stream of cards for our program.
  • Card gambling program: Nations donate legendaries to the program in order to get a chance at a high-value legendary card. The average value of the cards received is higher than the average value of the cards donated to keep people participating, and each player that donates a legendary gets a guaranteed legendary card.
  • Giveaway events: Periodically, we will have giveaways of legendary cards to keep people in the program. This will be similar to what The Wellspring currently has in their Discord server.
  • Collection contests: This is for when the program gets big enough to have a sizable cards base. We will host collection contests based on a specific theme, and the winer gets a high-value prize.

If there are any questions, I am free to answer them.


Should we really be encouraging gambling?

Does this mean your events and activities will be primarily focused on the forum and discord, without any MoC-run RMB culture activities?

What I’m personally running, largely yes. What I will help with running, no. My area of expertise has always been more Forum/Chat than RMB but as an institution we can offer jobs to run events for a certain time or on a certain subject.

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So if by chance, there are no people interested in hosting an event, the RMB will have nothing?
The Cabinet should do everything possible to integrate all areas of the game, and not turn a blind eye to one of them that many governments seem to ignore.

I’m not sure what you feel that ‘blind eye’ would mean in practice. What does it even mean for the RMB to ‘have nothing’? Frankly, we have held exceedingly few events on the RMB. We have advertised plenty of events with regional telegrams, dispatches, and RMB posts. And as I stated in my campaign, we’ll publicize our events across all our platforms.

Sometimes, those events might not literally take place on the RMB — in fact, they might not literally take place on any platform. If I host a skribbl game or something, and share the invite on all our platforms (including the RMB), would you still say the RMB is getting ‘nothing’ just because we also hold a voice chat on Discord during the game?

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This doesn’t stop you from creating an “exclusive” RMB event, or something that has RMB as the main local.

What makes you think the NS mods would be happy with TSP encouraging gambling for younger people who use NS?

I don’t think any of our events should be exclusionary. If we’re going to the effort of holding an event, there’s no reason to exclude South Pacificans who want to participate because they weren’t previously active on the right platforms or aren’t from the right ‘locale.’

That doesn’t mean we don’t want any events on the RMB, but what you’re asking for is still really quite rare — the only vaguely recent thing that comes to mind are debate days, and that was over a year ago, and it still had polls here on the forums to decide the topics. As another example, just this last term, Ray ran a scavenger hunt event with clues posted on the RMB — but submissions were done by telegram, not by RMB post, and frankly I think very few people who logged in hours after the clue was posted would ever find it if the link to the clues wasn’t posted on other platforms. It’s perfectly natural for our events to span multiple platforms instead of being exclusive to a single one.

We’ll workshop this, including the naming — this is good feedback! — but what I’d say here is don’t judge a book by its cover. There isn’t one casino or bookie in the real world that tries to offer you a positive expected value. Maybe a ‘trade-in’ program would be better?

Even without a positive expected value, at a fundamental level, I don’t think this is any different from saying, “please donate cards to us, and we’ll gift some back to you.” Viet was talking about ‘donator rewards’ a year ago and nobody complained :stuck_out_tongue:

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