Office of the Cabinet

Drafted the following recruitment telegram for use with Asperta. Leaving it up for feedback for a few days before using it.

Hi %NATION%, and welcome to NationStates!

I'm [nation=short]Sporaltryus[/nation], longtime resident of [region]the South Pacific[/region], here to make a brief case for you to join us in our community.

We have a lot to offer, with a [i]lot[/i] of people involved, to include the following:

[*]Join the political fray, run for office, debate laws, and more by applying for citizenship in the oldest democracy still standing today. Check it out: [u][/u]`

[*]We host various events on our Discord server, including with our friends and allies in other regions! Check it out: [u][/u]`

[*]Want to run your own nation more precisely than what NS can offer? we’ve got just the place for you in our Pacifica canon, along with two other universes, a magical fantasy setting and a sector of the galaxy. Check it out: [u][/u]`

[*]Our regional military actively defends other regions from invaders. Check it out: [u][/u]/list]

You've likely got loads of questions, and that's perfect. Feel free to send me a telegram back with any you have!

I hope to welcome you to the party!

Yours Truly,

[region]The South Pacific[/region]