PNN - Pacifican News Network

Several clashes between the Visrodin military and the National Republican Front have occurred in the mountainous provinces of the peninsula. With their rule somewhat solidified over the more populated provinces of the country, the military now seeks to put an end to the anarchy-like state most of the rural regions of the country find themselves in.

Due to the collapse of the public sector and previous government, the situation on many baronies of the country is practically unknown. Public services and security forces have been on hold or missing from the rural baronies. This situation could possibly have given the NRF plenty of influence on rural regions, as members of the organization could have been the only force present to give basic services to the population.


Holy Tiribtallan Republic Faces Early Challenges as Krauanagaz and Red K-MOT Implement Landmark Agreement

Kevpríg Province, Krauanagaz — The Holy Tiribtallan Republic, the newly established semi-autonomous zone in Southwestern Kevpríg, is already facing significant challenges just weeks after its creation. The landmark agreement between the Krauanagazan government and the Red K-MOT alliance, which granted the coalition semi-autonomous control over the region, was hailed as a step toward peace. However, the transition has been marked by logistical hurdles, political tensions, and skepticism from both local residents and international observers.

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Okhoa on Edge: Protests, Refugee Tragedy, and Regional Tensions Threaten Stability

Varekko, Okhoa — Tensions in Okhoa continue to mount as separatist protests show no signs of abating after nearly two weeks of unrest. Sparked by the expulsion of four Krauanagazan diplomats accused of espionage by the Okhoa Regional Council, demonstrations have spread to every major city, including Varekko, Ka’atria, and Med Ka’liivar. Protesters accuse the Regional Council of acting under the influence of the Zuhlgani Divine Committee, undermining Okhoa’s autonomy and democratic governance.

In Varekko, clashes between security forces and demonstrators escalated today after protesters erected barricades and blocked a major roadway in the city. Reports indicate that security forces deployed tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowds, leading to dozens of injuries on both sides.

A protest leader in Varekko, Amari Lendik of the Okhoa Independence Party (OIP), condemned the heavy-handed response, “The people of Okhoa are fighting for their freedom from foreign control. We will not back down.”

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Ex-Prime Minister Texeteti and recently-reinstated Ha’Coron’ Puani Kokostali announced their wedding date for April 1st, 2025.

The Ruling Power of FiHami has officially disolved the old FiHami government. In its place, Puani Kokostali will serve as Ha’Coron’ with unlimited power. High Priestess Huahasi has declared that the highest head in FiHami will be passed through family lineage due to “new light” from Ha’Fi-Nix. Ki Ha’Coron’ has also declared that the Coron’shi Finix Fi’Shi is her child, miraculously born to her without a father, and is the heir to the Highest Head.

A condensed list of the current orders from the Highest Head are available below.

-Appointing the Court. The Advisory Court declares the Advisory Court consist of Texeteti’ Kokostali, Jon Huahasi, Menani Ikuri, Uwaki Hastofi, and Fi’Shi Hama. Should these representatives be unable to serve, the heirs to their titles will serve as advisors.

-Abolishment of Antarchi Genders. Female, Male, and X gender markers on FiHami identification will no longer be recognized. Anyone currently possessing identification with these gender markers have 30 days to update their gender or face immediate arrest.

-Understanding Social Reality. Matriarchs are to be given preferential treatment and are dominant over all other genders. Artists and scholars are considered to be preferred over providers and warriors, who are considered to be the bottom of the social order and should only be considered for jobs unbefitting of others.

-The Antarchi Question. All citizens with more than 2 Antarchi grandparents, excluding the Highest Head, are to be sent back to Antarcha immediately. Any Antarchans still present in FiHami are to be deported as well.

-The Antarcha War. Antarcha will immediately surrender all Finixi peoples currently being held hostage by the Antarchan government, including criminals Kai Hastofi, the Harris Family, Kilaui Kuri, and Benjamin Garrison. The Antarchan Government will also release Coron’shi Finix Fi’Shi back to her family. Failure to do so within a week will result in further retaliation.


Chairman Anton Todorov has finally finished to appoint several military officers to the new military government’s cabinet. All of the members of the cabinet are high-ranking members of the military, and all previous serving government officials have been officially discharged (although their government had already been dissolved several weeks ago).

The Secretary of Foreign Relations, Ivan Artsik, has released a statement about Visrodin’s new foreign policy and the status of all existing embassies: “The newly established, legitimate, military government of Visrodin seeks to distance itself from any foreign interference or influence. With this, Visrodin wishes to keep its neutrality. Due to the loyalty conflict of many Visrodin ambassadors in other countries, all existing Visrodin embassies in foreign nations are no longer officially recognized and will be dismantled. Embassies will have to be re-established if any country desires to re-start any sort of relations with the Kingdom.”

On another hand, the Secretary of Finance and Economy, Stat Spasov, has officially declared that: “due to Visrodin’s large gold and currency reserves, sanctions will not affect the country that much”. Spasov, who has little prior experience in economics, has also stated that, if possible, Visrodin should pursue the establishment of autarky.


Zuhlgan Signals Support for Military Regime in Visrodin Amid Regional Tensions

Cordilia — Today the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan issued a carefully crafted statement signaling tacit support for Visrodin’s newly established military government, led by Chairman Anton Todorov. The announcement, delivered by Zuhlgan’s Foreign Ministry, praised Visrodin’s recent efforts to, “restore stability and sovereignty,” without explicitly endorsing the regime.

Zuhlgan’s chief diplomat, Autark Kula H’kara, speaking on Zuhlgani state media, emphasized the Dominion’s respect for Visrodin’s political autonomy. “The Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan respects Visrodin’s right to determine its own political future. We laud steps taken to ensure national security and reduce foreign interference,” H’kara stated.

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BREAKING — The Ludoraiya has passed a highly controversial bill prohibiting the use of fire in Kalutir Fireball matches for individuals under the age of 20. The legislation, which narrowly passed with 157 votes in the Ludikiari and 56 in the Zhirveniayyaka, cites growing health and safety concerns over burns and respiratory risks associated with the traditional flaming ball.

Supporters argue the bill will protect young athletes from long-term injuries, while opponents— including cultural heritage groups and professional Fireball associations— have condemned the move as an attack on Krauanagazan tradition.

Several demonstrations are already being planned by Fireball enthusiasts across Alkantara and Tatallap, with critics calling the ban an unnecessary overreach into cultural sports. The bill now awaits Krauanaet Thalira Renkara’s signature or veto.


The authoritarianization of the Kingdom of Visrodin continues, as all Visrodin TV channels have stopped being transmitted, except the newly established, government-run, “Channel One”. Most big newspaper publishers have also been shut down, and replaced with government-approved sources.

Several Visrodin citizens have reportedly also been arrested over the use of VPNs, as the military government is trying to establish firm control and restrict internet access to the citizens of the Kingdom. The government has not released any statement about it, but social networks “Stream” and “Pasture” are reportedly down in the country.

It is not known exactly the extent of the previously royal, and now military, repression. Some journalists estimate that around 20,000 citizens have been arrested, and 3000 have been executed. The sources for this are not that trustworthy, however.


Keira Pearson has stepped down as Deputy Prime Minister. Reacting to the change, the Prime Minister said, ‘Keira’s so good in the role but she is having a turbulent time for the moment so we just have to be patient and work around her.’