Ex-Prime Minister Texeteti and recently-reinstated Ha’Coron’ Puani Kokostali announced their wedding date for April 1st, 2025.
The Ruling Power of FiHami has officially disolved the old FiHami government. In its place, Puani Kokostali will serve as Ha’Coron’ with unlimited power. High Priestess Huahasi has declared that the highest head in FiHami will be passed through family lineage due to “new light” from Ha’Fi-Nix. Ki Ha’Coron’ has also declared that the Coron’shi Finix Fi’Shi is her child, miraculously born to her without a father, and is the heir to the Highest Head.
A condensed list of the current orders from the Highest Head are available below.
-Appointing the Court. The Advisory Court declares the Advisory Court consist of Texeteti’ Kokostali, Jon Huahasi, Menani Ikuri, Uwaki Hastofi, and Fi’Shi Hama. Should these representatives be unable to serve, the heirs to their titles will serve as advisors.
-Abolishment of Antarchi Genders. Female, Male, and X gender markers on FiHami identification will no longer be recognized. Anyone currently possessing identification with these gender markers have 30 days to update their gender or face immediate arrest.
-Understanding Social Reality. Matriarchs are to be given preferential treatment and are dominant over all other genders. Artists and scholars are considered to be preferred over providers and warriors, who are considered to be the bottom of the social order and should only be considered for jobs unbefitting of others.
-The Antarchi Question. All citizens with more than 2 Antarchi grandparents, excluding the Highest Head, are to be sent back to Antarcha immediately. Any Antarchans still present in FiHami are to be deported as well.
-The Antarcha War. Antarcha will immediately surrender all Finixi peoples currently being held hostage by the Antarchan government, including criminals Kai Hastofi, the Harris Family, Kilaui Kuri, and Benjamin Garrison. The Antarchan Government will also release Coron’shi Finix Fi’Shi back to her family. Failure to do so within a week will result in further retaliation.