Alcoalitania has declared neutrality on the situation regarding the Gulf War and the WF intervention. However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Alcoalitania has said that Alcoalitania supports the WF’s decision to intervene in the Gulf War. He also said that Alcoalitania will lift the sanctions on the participating countries if a diplomatic solution were to be achieved.
BREAKING— According to sources inside Zuhlgan, allied forces have again dropped leaflets across large swathes of the Eastern Prira region warning of an impending major operation. The leaflets urge Zuhlganis to evacuate the area, and show routes towards the Krauanagazan and Zuhlgani fronts which have been designated, “evacuation corridors.”
This comes despite the recent passage of a resolution in the World Forum condemning actions that endanger civilian populations in conflict zones. The resolution, backed by several Cordilian nations and international allies, called for an immediate cessation of escalatory measures and urged all involved parties to ensure the safety of civilians. However, reports from Eastern Prira indicate that tensions are escalating, with increasing deployments along both the Krauanagazan and Zuhlgani fronts.
Humanitarian organizations have expressed alarm, with the International Federation for Humanitarian Aid warning that the operation could exacerbate an already dire situation. Cordilian Human Rights Watch has also called for a pause in hostilities to allow safe passage for the estimated 180,000 civilians still trapped in the region.
Allied officials have not disclosed specific details about the nature or timing of the operation, but sources suggest that the goal may be to secure strategic towns and infrastructure in the volatile Eastern Prira area. The Krauanagazan and Zuhlgani governments have advised residents to follow evacuation protocols, while local leaders urge all factions to respect the designated corridors to prevent further civilian casualties.
The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
The Kalaki Ministry of Emergency Management and Response Ministry has announced cooperation with the People’s Emergency Response Department (San Marsico), and The Department of the Republic Emergency Response (Marica), including the Air Forces of both nations to start humanitarian aid drops over Zhulgan. This comes as Zhulgani cities are bombarded by Allied forces, and death counts start to sharply increase.
Draconic Media (Vrignyan State TV):
Update on Operation Supernova:
32 hours have already passed since the beginning of the Vrignyan Intervention in Firest. The intervention has been given the name of “Operation Supernova”, due to the sun being Firest’s most prominent symbol in its flag.
The operation has been characterized by an extremely quick Vrignyan spearhead advance towards “the closest cities and objectives possible”. Despite this main focus of occupying Firestian cities, Vrignyan military forces have already occupied around 12,000 km^2 of Firest, this is around 20% of the country’s total area, not counting the currently occupied Stukk territories.
Minister of Defence Joseph Balein has listed several achievements of the operation so far, which have been:
- The occupation of the cities of Karxen and Xintin, the latter of which is Firest’s second most populated city and is located in the direct route towards Soryn, the Firestian capital. MoD Balein has stated that Firestian civilians have mainly been cautious about the situation, but he claims, through military sources, that a large group of Firestians have came out to the streets to support the Vrignyan advance.
- Complete air supremacy; considering that the Firestian Air Force is outdated, and has nothing in comparison to the Vrignyan Air Force, this is no surprise. The Vrignyan Air Force has been playing a really active paper of ground support and logistical strike against the few Firestian forces that have opposed the Vrignyan advance.
- A successful airborne assault of the Soryn airport/airbase. A relatively small task force of Vrignyan airborne troops managed to land and take control of the Soryn airport. This has allowed the further transport of Vrignyan troops to the city, which are now assisting on the takeover of the Firestian capital with Vrignyan ground forces which are currently on the outskirts.
The fall of Soryn, the Firestian capital city, is predicted to be imminent, due to the very low number of Firestian troops in the area, widespread Firestian mutinies as well as logistical issues of the Firestian Armed Forces. A very low number of Firestian troops have been managed to be mobilized from the Aldestukk front towards the hastily advancing Vrignyan front.
Another important event to mention is the flight of Firestian Chairman Maxim Vireat and his leadership from the military war bunker in Soryn towards Gristen, one out of the two Firestian cities which are not currently contested by Vrignyan forces. It is thought that the Firestian leadership has the plan of escaping from Firest, to not get captured by Vrignyan forces and face an International Tribunal. Due to the fall of the Soryn airport/airbase, they chose to head to Gristen to escape. However, in a relatively unpopular decision, Vrignyan tactical bombers have struck the Gristen airport and any close airbases to stop the Firestian leadership’s escape to another country which may accept their exile.
This attempted flight has not been unnoticed by Firestian forces, which is most likely causing the widespread mutiny throughout the Firestian military. Some Vrignyan soldiers which have had to face Firestian soldiers have stated that: “they only hope to see us to surrender in behalf of their country”.
A further detail to note about the situation so far is the Z-D Kresbo’s militants betrayal of some of the loyalist, non-mutinied Firestian forces. At the beginning of the conflict with Aldestukk, the Z-D Kresbo illegally agreed to send Vrignyan volunteers to fight alongside Firest. A group of around 600 (half of the illegal volunteers) have suddenly started an attack against Firestian forces in the Aldestukk front, while the others keep fighting with Firestian forces due to their “illegal status” in Vrigny.
Something that is very important for the operation is that Vrignyan and international medical and other NGOs have been allowed to head into Firest, in order toeffectively deal any possible negative effect from Operation Supernova on the Firestian populace.
Finally, MoD Joseph Balein has tried to calm the public and international community by claiming that the Vrignyan intervention is most likely going to end in “a matter of days”, and that military observers are welcome to see that the Vrignyan intervention is truly a much more peaceful alternative to the Firestian population compared to the Firestian ultranationalist regime.
On another hand, the Vrignyan Government has officially declared that it is impartial about the possible impending WF intervention in the Gulf War. Vrignyan Minister of Foreign Relations, Alexandra Shinser, has claimed that, Vrigny’s military intervention in Firest is only a last scenario event.
She has defended that all fighting parties in the war should instead manage to find a ceasefire agreement with, or without WF diplomatic help. If this is impossible, however, she has stated that, Vrigny is the only country that can’t say that they don’t have the right to intervene now, again, due to the Vrignyan intervention, and the approved WF resolution.
PYNN - Breaking News - The Federation has announced that there will be a Military Intervention in the War in the Gulf de Good Omen
Breaking, Office of the Delegates of the World Forum, l’Isle de Parliament au Nord, Aal-Adhan Cherkhyre - After the crucial news from the Speaker of the World Forum Andreus Savvids, Pyhdon has gotten word that they may do an interventon.
Milita will be coming out of Malheureuesement Port and going through the Cordilia Superhighway later this week. We will also drop of aid and money.
Clocktowners report hearing gunfire outside their homes on social media.
The Daily Penguin -Kalaki
The Kalaki Defense Ministry has started working with hacking group “Kopahiginig” to intercept military communications in the Northern Crabry region.
The Besernian government has announced that the Besernian Armed Forces will participate in the WF Intervention, with accord to Resolution 25.
The Ministry of Trade and Industry will introduce new sanctions, as part of Resolution 25, tommorow; that will apply from their attached date.
FiHami Idols rally support for Prime Minister Candidate Kai Hastofi to the public.
All Triangle Alliance Members have announced participation in the WF Intervention, including the Autonomous Duchy of Olasta. On social media, multiple battleships and destroyers from San Marsico and Marica were reported to have been moved to Kalaki in preparation.
Guild officials have broken the communication blackout surrounding Clocktown reporting news of heavy fighting in the city-state. Although parts of the report have been cut off leading to speculation as to who is fighting in the city state.
Press Release: Cordilian Human Rights Watch Condemns Vrigny’s Bombing of Gristen Airport, Calls for Immediate Halt to Attacks on Civilian Infrastructure
In light of recent developments in Firest, Cordilian Human Rights Watch (CHRW) strongly condemns Vrigny’s bombing of Gristen Airport, an apparent attempt to prevent the Firestian leadership from fleeing the country to seek political asylum. The bombing has left Gristen Airport in ruins, potentially endangering civilians in the surrounding area and obstructing vital evacuation routes. CHRW views this escalation as an alarming and deliberate attack on civilian infrastructure, in direct violation of international law, which forbids targeting facilities primarily used for civilian transport in conflict zones.
“The destruction of Gristen Airport represents a clear breach of Vrigny’s obligations under the laws of armed conflict,” said Leira Dascen, Director of CHRW’s Legal Division. “Attempting to trap political leaders inside Firest’s borders—regardless of any accusations against them—denies them the fundamental right to due process and endangers countless innocent lives who may rely on Gristen Airport as an escape route from the conflict.”
CHRW underscores that the strategic bombing of civilian infrastructure in Firest is inexcusable, regardless of Vrigny’s stated intention to bring peace to the region. Such actions risk further destabilizing an already tense situation and compound the suffering of ordinary Firestians. Reports from the region indicate widespread fear and confusion, with Firestian forces disintegrating in mutiny and civilian populations left uncertain about evacuation routes amidst the ongoing assault.
Vrigny’s Ministry of Defense has defended “Operation Supernova” as a rapid intervention aimed at replacing Firest’s ultranationalist regime, assuring that international NGOs and medical personnel have been allowed access to mitigate harm to civilians. However, the bombing of Gristen Airport casts serious doubt on Vrigny’s claims of a “peaceful alternative,” raising fears that civilian safety is being disregarded in pursuit of political objectives.
CHRW calls on Vrigny to immediately cease attacks on civilian infrastructure and to prioritize the safety and well-being of Firest’s civilian population. Additionally, we urge the international community to intervene diplomatically, ensuring that Vrigny respects international humanitarian law and allows safe, unimpeded evacuation for civilians. Further aggression toward non-military sites risks escalating the conflict, increasing civilian casualties, and creating long-term regional instability.
As Firest’s capital and key cities face imminent occupation, CHRW stresses the importance of protecting civilians, maintaining open evacuation corridors, and safeguarding medical facilities and evacuation routes. Vrigny must answer for this violation and make clear its commitment to lawful conduct in this rapidly unfolding crisis.
The USI imposes Level 3 sanctions on Kruanagaz and Zhuglan. Level 3 sanctions freeze all assets and block trade in all goods except for Emergency Aid and Medical Supplies.
The USI has additionally imposed Level 5 sanctions on Emerald. Level 5 sanctions include a total freeze on all assets and trade, and will involve legal consequences for multinational companies that operate or do business with both countries. The USI trade secretary said that he is confident most multinationals will choose the USI over Emerald due to its enormous consumer market, economic stability and continued growth.
Izaakian Foreign Secretary Scarlet Blanc has said that Izaakia will continue to follow international law, the rules based system and back a nations right to self determination and sovereignty.
She went on to call Emeraldian naval threats as “mightily optimistic”, and went on to guarantee safe passage for 16 year old Jessie Blossom who is about to pass through the Gulf of Good Omen as part of her bid to become the youngest person to complete a solo sail powered circumnavigation under the New Mako Rules. Her Izaakian flagged ship the Indefatigable is set to be escorted by the destroyers Sword Fish and Marlin.
Keanu and Hurley to launch an international campaign on its flag in a bid to avoid confusion between its flag and the USI flag on the high seas.
The Sedunnic foreign minister Gjieramm has held a press conference making several statements concerning recent developments in various nations.
- Sedunn will seek a role as mediator in the Gulf Conflict following its ‘nay’ on the WF resolution, while continuing to guard maritime traffic in the region, being “ready to retaliate against any and all who attack third party [vessels]” that “are performing innocent passage”.
- Sedunn is closely monitoring the situation in Vrigny-Aldestukk-Firest. The minister criticised the unilaterally conducted invasion by Vrignyan forces without a WF mandate.
- The western entrance to the Mediterranean Sea will remain open to Izaakian-flagged vessels passing through Sedunnic territorial waters and “no interference in sovereign Sedunnic waters will be tolerated”.
- Sedunn is closely monitoring the situation in Clocktown and is seeking consultations with fellow CE members.
Experts believe that Grovne is seeking to remain on friendly terms with the Starhawk Pact in anticipation of an escalation in Reizen-Rekina, calling it “realpolitik”.
The Alika Pact News
(A news Network dedicated to the Triangle Alliace a.k.a. the Alika Pact)
The Alika Pact imposes Level 4 Sanction on Krauanagazan and Zhulgani assets - The Alika Pact, made up of San Marsico, Marica, and Kalaki, have imposed sanctions on Krauanagazan and Zhulgani assets, including a freezing of assets and trade. San Marsico, and Kalaki have both announced a decrease in Air Defense packages, while Kalaki has continued normal humanitarian aid drops over Zhulgan and Krauanagaz. No comment has been made yet on Emerald-Denver assets in the Alika Pact’s nations.
Nasphilitae & WFR25:
→ The Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae will fully comply with the WFR25. It will, as a third party observer in the World Forum, binding itself as a participant in the process of stabilisation within the Gulf of Good Omen. Likewise, it will cease its proactive military activities, in all forms except in the defence of non-military vessels. However, it will not decrease its presence overall.
→ Its participation will be limited within the scope of mercantile protection and International Public Law, as a member of the WF Committee on International Law. In this sense, the following actions are performed:
Recommendations and legal sources:
→ In accordance to Chapter 6 or Articles 33 to 38 of fundamental international law, in particular: It calls on Article 35-2, 36-3, and 37-2 to bring attention the specific means in which this intervention is to be conducted.
→ It recommends, in accordance to Chapter II of the International Court Statute, specifically Article 36 and Article 38 be further implemented.
—> Specifically, it is recommending, by powers vested in the Convention on Representation of States…, that Part II of the convention, which is to say Article 7, that all remaining articles of this Convention be specifically defined and agreed upon by participating member-states.
→ Furthermore, it reminds all second-party participants in the International Intervention, that direct intervention without an agreement among them on what it means to achieve(specific differentiations of a mediation, which are found in the aforementioned Statute but in Chapter III)with the aim of implementing WFR25s Objectives, will render their participation null.
→ Likewise, it reminds all sides involved in the conflict, that they may seek legal opinion from the International Court.
—> Finally, all of these provisions are merely an extent of the foundational WF Charter.
Arbitration Commission Formation Recommendation:
→ As such, Nasphilitae recommends that second-party participants in the WF Intervention, adapt an already existing precedential procedure, in a similar case of severe violation of the Charter.
→ It envisions the formation of an arbitration Commission, wherein the affected entities in the region may legalise the procedure for peaceful conflict resolution.
→ Likewise, Nasphilitae reminds all second party participants, that entities or countries in the Gulf of Good Omen, must agree to follow the ad hoc Contract of the Commission. As a reminder, “following” the Commissions answers to political and legal questions submitted by entities engaged in combat, ARE NOT LEGALLY BINDING WITHOUT FULL AGREEMENT OF ALL PARTICIPANTS.
( @ZeroXz @Kobegr01 @Izaakia @KingTEM @Besern @riditekhstudios @?allelse )
The Marica Jorunal
Artificial Intelligence laws have been implemented following a spike in AI supply and demand.
The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
The Royal Kalakian Army has recently bought 90 ART-90s from San Marsico, making it one of the largest orders for foreign artillery that Kalaki has ever bought since the start of the Gulf War in Southern Cordilia. The Kalaki Ministry of Defense has made no comment on what the ART-90 will be used for or when it will be used in active combat.