Recommendation on formation of an ad hoc framework Committee
- Utilising legal means made available to observer parties in the World Forum and to members of the WF Committee of International Law, as had been outlined in the RAFI11052024;
- On the behalf of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae, at the request of its representative justices in the aforementioned Committee and justices in its domestic High Court for International Law;
- Recommends the following:
Formation of an Arbitration Committee by second party participants:
→ An ad hoc Arbitration Committee be formed, whose mandate is to provide a detailed legal framework for the realisation of goals outlined in WF RES 25, Section A.
→ The Arbitration Committee would consist of justices from participants and other parties as defined in WF Res 25, Section B-5.
→ The Arbitration Committee serves as a formal channel of communication between participants in the conflict (non-external entities) and the International Court.
→ The Arbitration Committee requires consent from non-external entities to be formed.
→ The Arbitration Committee is limited its mandate, serving only to provide consistent and clear details regarding WF Res 25, Section C-2 (International Court) and C-5 (Peace-keeping mission).
→ It would provide all parties mentioned a framework by which the situation is ASSESSED.
→ It would provide parties in conflict means of COMMUNICATING clear issues which caused the crisis to appear in the form of reports.
→ It would provide all other parties means of LEGAL FRAMEWORK for determining which is the internationally legal status of parties in conflict.
Procedural Operations:
→ ASSESSMENT: The Arbitration Committee is to first be informed of the ongoing situation by independent representatives of directly involved entities, in the form of reports. These are to be taken as statements de facto, regardless of their legitimacy.
→ COMMUNICATION: The independent representatives are to provide questions regarding the legality of their particular goals and interests, upon which the Arbitration Committee, in consultation with the WF Committee of International Law and the International Court, would provide FACULTATIVE answers to.
→ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Upon the completion of its work, FACULTATIVE DOCUMENTS OF THE COMMITTEE are to become the guidelines by which International Court and the Peace-keeping mission is to be conducted.
These are to be treated as facultative for parties involved, IFF this is accepted by the involved entities.
These are not to be treated as facultative statements of the international community as a whole, due to the non-binding nature of WF Res 25.
Initiating prerequisite requests for this recommendation:
- Request for recommendation to be considered by other parties ( @Besern , @Qwert , @ZeroXz , @riditekhstudios , @ThePRSM , @KingTEM , @Izaakia , @RobbyTheSeal , other)
- Request for the Arbitration Committee to be accepted by entities ( @Kobegr01 )
- Request for the International Court and the WF Committee on International Law to provide consultative, non-binding involvement to the Arbitration Commitee ( ? )
High Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae to the World Forum: Md Adrianna Rolston.