PNN - Pacifican News Network

The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
An oil train derailed near the Port of Alika spilling 1,000 Barrels worth of fuel into a residential area. A radius of 2 miles has been declared a temporary exclusion zone, with 2 million people living in the soon-to-be erected exclusion zone. The Royal Alika Police have started evacuating citizens in the area. Kalaki has asked the international community for aid in cleanup and humanitarian aid.

Candidates Clash Over War, Economy, and Alliances in Pivotal Final Krauanaet Debate

Concluding on Saturday evening, the final debate for the Krauanaet election provided a crucial platform for the top candidates to outline their strategies in the wake of incumbent Lyra Zharan’s sudden withdrawal. First Magistrate Taaayya Lithin of the Left Coalition (LI) presented herself as a reformist voice advocating for military oversight and transparent governance, while Magistrate Lurik Taarek of the Democratic Federation (ML) maintained a hardline stance prioritizing defense and security. Thalira Renkara of Soliranas te ti Venis (SV) capitalized on her momentum with calls for citizen-focused policies and a “reassessment” of the nation’s alliances, particularly with Emerald. The debate, marked by sharp exchanges and competing visions for the war-torn and economically strained nation, sets the stage for an intense final campaign stretch ahead of the Saturday election.

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Partial nationalization of Marinex is completed


Draconic Media (Vrignyan State TV):

BREAKING: Minister of Defence Joseph Balein has announced the start of a “hopefully” brief military intervention in the Republic of Firest. Claiming that, since the country’s leadership did not respond to any of the Vrignyan demands, and that the Fourth Republic has reached a point where it can no longer tolerate the human rights abuses and war crimes of the Firestian regime, such military intervention is the only way for Firestian-Vrignyans and Stukk people alike to finally find peace after centuries.

Explosions have already been reported throughout the Republic of Firest, with the main objectives being Firestian military and logistical facilities. It is estimated that around 60 SRBMs were fired in a short period of time. It is unknown how many of these managed to successfully hit the desired military objectives, but due to the lack of a proper anti-missile and anti-air system in Firest, these missiles were not intercepted in any way by the Firestian military.

Several Vrignyan mechanized, motorized and armored regiments have also crossed the Vrignyan-Firestian border in less-mountainous areas. These Vrignyan regiments seem to be heading directly towards the Firestian cities of Karxen and Xintin in a quick, spearhead manouver. Due to the absolute majority of Firestian forces being concentrated in the front with Aldestukk, Vrignyan forces have enjoyed a very peaceful advance so far, only being opposed by some small untrained militia regiments which were most likely only formed since the Vrignyan ultimatum.

The Vrignyan Air Force has also mobilized a large portion of its aircraft; mainly tactical bombers and ground strike aircraft. With a clear focus on Firestian military and logistical infrastructure, the Vrignyan forces seek to make the relocation of Firestian forces from the north-western front with Aldestukk to the new two southern Vrignyan fronts. Due to the incomplete military modernization program, the Air Force is reportedly employing ground strike aircraft with napalm munition. Still, Secretary of the Air Force Erik Vonen has assured to the public and the international community that: “Vrigny is only interested in tactical military targets”.

The response from the Vrignyan population has been mixed so far. Some are surprised that the Green Government accepted such a military intervention. Many voters and members of the Green Party are mostly trying to convince themselves in Vrignyan social media that the Republican Party of Vrigny and the International Syndicalist Party for Worker’s Liberation are the ones who influenced the Government and Parliament to bring Vrigny to this war. RPV and ISPfWL members do, after all, support the intervention, mainly due to hatred of the Firestian regime. Some anti-war protests have already been organized and are expected to begin later today in the main cities. The Government has officially responded that it will not intervene against the protests in any way, as these protests, just like most others, must be respected and are protected by Vrignyan freedom of speech laws. Meanwhile, parties like the Z-D Kresbo and Conservative Party of Vrigny are currently in a state of internal confusion, as they have continuously supported the Firestian regime. Some claim this support was only due to possible Vrignyan gains; mainly a possible annexation of Firest if the Z-D Kresbo were to win an election, but now that Vrignyan forces are already in Firest, both parties have shown their full support to the Vrignyan Military, most likely only due to militarism or jingoism.


BREAKING— Krauanagaz has announced a “temporary pause” in combat operations near Lumayyaratal in Zuhlgan. According to our affiliates on the ground, allied forces have dropped leaflets across large swathes of the Eastern Prira region warning of an impending major operation. The leaflets urge Zuhlganis to evacuate the area, and show routes towards the Krauanagazan and Zuhlgani fronts which have been designated, “evacuation corridors.”

Krauanagaz also responded to Zuhlgan’s allegation that allied forces struck a medical convoy with Defense Secretary Darius Korin saying the Defense Department is actively investigating the allegations.


Montwælda Rombold calls for ceasefire talks between Zhuglan and Kruanagaz, offering the USI as a safe neutral ground for negotiations.


Amrica Dagreata does the same, offering the One Pacifica Trade Center as a possible place to meet at and shows a picture:

Here, she says

Izaakian Foreign Minister Scarlet Blanc urges restraint by Vrigny in Firestian, asking them to pursue limited goals and a diplomatic solution. She has gone on to offer the leaders of Firestian refuge in Izaakia if they surrender on the Vrignian and Aldestuk fronts and surrender control to Vrignian forces within the next 24 hours and prevent a catastrophic battle for the country.


Lithin Campaign Rally in Alkantara Draws Record-Breaking 700,000 Supporters to Alkantara Commons

Alkantara, Krauanagaz — In an unprecedented show of support, over 700,000 people gathered on the Alkantara Commons yesterday afternoon in what has become the largest rally in Krauanagazan history. With just four days remaining until the November 9 election, First Magistrate Taaayya Lithin’s campaign is drawing national attention for its sustained capacity to mobilize massive crowds. Lithin, representing the Left Coalition (LI), took the stage to thunderous applause, presenting her vision for a new direction in Krauanagaz amid a wave of political and social discontent.

As drones hovered above, capturing sweeping aerial views of the record-setting crowd, Lithin addressed her supporters with an impassioned speech focused on economic revitalization, military oversight, and greater investment in social welfare programs. “Today, we make history together,” she declared, her voice carrying over the sea of rally-goers. “We are more than voters— we are the force that will rebuild Krauanagaz into a country for everyone, not just the powerful few.”

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BREAKING— The governors of Kevpríg, North and South Lupriyra, Krauana, and Lutavaras Arkas have endorsed SV candidate Thalira Renkara for Krauanaet leading up to this Saturday’s election. The group is a smattering of political affiliations including LI, LS, and SV.

The governors in these provinces hold approval ratings of 57% or more, and their endorsements are expected to carry weight with late-deciders and across party lines.

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Communication between Clocktown and the rest of the confederacy has suddenly ceased. This is a developing story.


Satellite imagery shows Kliegmean military buildup near the border with Termina. MoD officials have refused to comment at the moment.


*The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
The Defense Ministry of Kalaki has warned Kalakian citizens to evacuate Kliegme in preparation for a war. Kalaki has also asked for international partners to the same as well in Termina.

FiHami Votes!

The race to the Prime Minister seat continues as FiHami opens voting for the week.

On the ballot, Patrik Anasta represents the Antarchi Repts Paoelritz (Antarchi Right Party), who was under fire earlier this year for his views on mental health and misgendering fellow candidate Kai Hastofi of the FiHami Unity Party. Hafi Kahashi is also on the ballot as a minority party Finixi Rebirth Party. Texeteti’ Kokostali is also on the ballot from federal prison on behalf of the 'kotai FiHami Parti.

In current polls, Kai Hastofi leads at 45%, followed by the Finixi Rebirth Party’s Hafi Kahashi at 29%. Patrik Anasta had 24% of the projected vote. 2% of FiHami will vote Texeteti’.


The World Forum formally condemns the use of military force in the waters of the Gulf of Good Omen by Mittalduk, Krauanagaz, Zuhlgan and other nations involved in the Gulf War, in accordance to the recently passed Resolution 25.


Roiwek Times | In San Marsico
San Marsico announces temporary halt to aid packages - Following the decision of the World Forum, San Marsico has announced a temporary halt to Air Defense packages for Krauanagaz, stating concerns with economic losses tied with blockades. //// Quin Gruyaka

The speaker of the WF, Andreus Savvidis, released a message in behalf of the WF:

"We regret to hear this from a well-respected nation such as Emerald. Under a peacekeeping mission by the WF, we can assure that the Emeraldian Government will still be able to participate in the negotiations between the parties of the war to achieve their interests without meddling by external powers. A confrontation between the navy of Emerald and the navies of at maximum 10 World Forum members, beyond being regrettable as a conclusion to the war, would also needlessly wear away everyone even more than what the war already did.

We ask of the Emeraldian Government to rethink their decision, help the WF to reduce the Zuhlgan Navy behind the coastline, and to follow a diplomatic approach that doesn’t strain the region more than the war has already."


The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
The Alika Oil Spill Exclusion Zone has decreased in size as teams work around the clock to clean up.

Kalaki has suffered a decrease in humanitarian aid drops, citing the lack of donations. The Kalaki Emergency Management and Response Ministry has started opening up donation centers in embassies across the South Pacific region of Pacifica to keep up with demand for humanitarian aid.

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Termina Commerce Guild officials based in the other city-states and abroad have been unable to answer any questions regarding the black out.


The USI announces its intention to facilitate and fully enforce the provisions of WF Resolution 25. Montwælda Rombold has asked Clara Storm the Head of the Armed Forces to prepare to host WF peacekeeping forces and patrol vessels.

The Montwælda condemned Emerald for inflammatory rhetoric and unreasonable conditions for peace. He said that he will instruct the Izaakian Navy to respond with overwhelming force if the WF mission is fired upon.