Austral / Αιγαίο
Partial nationalization of Marinex is completed
NIKOLAS MAKRELIS COSTA Ploio, Kydontum, Rhayna
Published Monday, November 4, 2024
Since the government session of October 25, in which the decision to nationalize Marinex was made, the process was finally finished, with the buy of a controlling share of the company amounting to just 15 million due to its fall in the market.
The central government has released a plan for the company, with the first stage centered on the control of the prices and the prosecution of the past owners. Next steps involve its reform and subsequent division into smaller companies that will be released back into the private market.
The governent also passed in a recent session a temporal tax cut in the drilling and sell of oil in Rhayna with fines to any underproducting company to try to fill the gap left by Marinex, and subsidies for the oil and gas sold to reduce the prices for consumers.
However, the government reminds the population and companies that all these measures are temporal and the government won’t be able to keep them indefinitely.