PNN - Pacifican News Network


→ The former political exiles of NAGB’s opposition have, according to LR Peeress Madison Edwards of AID Central, completed their training. The Head of State and Grand Duke of Nasphilitae, Dawson Ernst, has expressed that the following is in the ruling government of NAGBs interests:
“The protestors are willing to negotiate with the government of NAGB for ‘steady reforms’ with the goal of lifting international sanctions against the NAGB, if presided by an official from Nasphilitae.”

→ Furthermore, this statement by East Romordia has been reported as “Untrue and likely falsified” by the Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs of Nasphilitae.

→ The High Court for International Law of Nasphilitae has called the International Court to investigate state-sponsorship from Aberstopian officials to East Romordians rebels. No sanctions, other than prohibition of entering Nasphilitae by Aberstopian public officials, have yet been enacted.

–Reported by: The HM Cabinet of Nasphilitae.


BREAKING: Krauanagaz Declares War on Zuhlgan After Razor-thin Zhirveniayyaka Vote

In a historic and tense session, the Zhirveniayyaka has approved a war resolution against Zuhlgan by a narrow margin, formally declaring Krauanagaz at war. This comes after a lengthy filibuster by the sole YKK Lupriari , who had fiercely opposed the resolution as a member of a historically pacifist party. Massive protests surround the Capitol as the nation braces for the next steps.

Krauanagaz’s leader, Krauanaet Zharan, signed the resolution into law shortly after the vote. The government is set to address the public soon, outlining the military strategy and diplomatic efforts moving forward.

This declaration marks a pivotal moment in the Cordilian Crisis, with the potential to reshape the geopolitical landscape of the region and wreak devastating destruction across the Cordilian Peninsula.


Okhoa Protectorate in State of Emergency as Militants Strike Zuhlgani Forces

BREAKING— The Okhoa Protectorate has declared a state of emergency following intense clashes along its northern coast near Dead Man’s Strait. The conflict has escalated rapidly as Zuhlgani forces reportedly reinforced their military presence in the strategically important coastal region, facing off against Okhoa militants who have vowed to continue their fight for independence.

According to local sources, the fighting erupted earlier today following news of Krauanagaz’s likely declaration of war against Zuhlgan, emboldening militants to attack Zuhlgani positions. Dead Man’s Strait, a key maritime passage, has become the epicenter of the conflict, with both sides vying for control over its strategic access point to the interior Okhoa coastline.

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An emergency cabinet meeting has been called for tomorrow 10.00am, owing to the southern Cordilian crisis, and following the recent development of a Krauanagaz-Zuhlgan war, as well as the nearing of a Zuhlgan-NaGB trade deal.


BREAKING: Zuhlgan, NaGB Enter Into ‘Transcrabrian Partnership’

Drivinrio Enargigarzi, Zuhlgan— The Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan has officially finalized the Transcrabrian Partnership with Nicholas and Great Britain (NaGB), securing a landmark agreement involving an 8.5 billion Pacifican Dollar loan and a significant trade deal.

Key aspects of the agreement include:

  • A 15-year loan to support NaGB’s economic recovery and public debt repayment, with a 3-year grace period and a 2% fixed interest rate.
  • A military procurement deal in which Zuhlgan will purchase warships, industrial machinery, and steel from NaGB, totaling at least 2 billion Yalas over the next two years.
  • Zuhlgan’s commitment to lobbying against international sanctions on NaGB and facilitating new trade routes for its exports.

This deal solidifies Zuhlgan’s strategic partnerships amidst the growing tensions in Cordilia, further fueling concerns of a prolonged conflict in the region.


The interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Aberlil Berlyne, has stated that “the Zuhlgan-NaGB deal has not only cemented their withdrawal from the Besernian economy, but has also cemented NaGB’s withdrawal too. No lobbying will work against the human will to speak up, contend and act when something’s bust.”


Both Akarina and Velaea have placed sanctions on Nicholas and Great Britain (NaGB).


The Gulf at War: Hostilities Between Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan Spark Regional Chaos

Alkantara, Krauanagaz— The ongoing conflict across the Cordilian Peninsula and now Western Keyli has taken a sharp and dangerous turn, with the declaration of war between Krauanagaz and the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan sparking massive demonstrations and a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian and geopolitical situation.

In Krauanagaz, citizens are deeply divided over the government’s decision to declare war on Zuhlgan. In the capital, huge crowds have gathered in a display of both solidarity and dissent. Thousands of pro-war demonstrators are marching in support of the government, waving Krauanagazan flags and chanting slogans backing the military’s decision to confront Zuhlgan aggression head-on. The government’s narrative highlights Zuhlgan’s military buildup in the Gulf of Good Omen and the occupation of key areas of the Okhoa Protectorate as provocations that cannot be ignored.

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Roiwek Times | Worldwide

San Marsico, Marica, and Kalaki to start testing, and deliveries of LA-100 Air Defense Systems - The Triangle Alliance, made up of the People’s Republic of San Marisco, the Republic of Marica, and the the Kingdom of Kalaki, held the Triangle Meeting in Alika, Kalaki, which 62% approving the delivery of 6 of these new systems. These air defense sytems will be manufactured in Kalaki, with the potential extra being delivered from San Marisco and Marica as well. The delivery of these systems is said to start within the next month. // Yannick Foze

The Daily Penguin, Kalaki

Kingdom of Kalaki evacuates citizens - The Royal Kalaki Air Force is set to evacuate 200 San Marisco, Marica, Akarina, and Kalaki citizens with the help of Akarina (via the Okhoa Protectorate) from Krauanagaz and Zulghan, admist a war declaration by Krauanagaz. // Mattias Klik


Draconic Media (Vrignyan State TV):

Today, President Anneliese Bow, as well as Vicepresident Leonard Hustigs and Minister of Defense Joseph Balein, have stated some new courses of action and budgets for the incumbent Government. The main change we will highlight in this news report is the large increase of budget for the Vrignyan Armed Forces.

As is stands, the Fourth Republic of Vrigny is the country in Pacifica with the lowest military spending (in % of GDP): 0.8%. Now, the GPV Government has suddenly changed course, and has stated that Vrignyan military expenditure will reach at least 2% of GDP; the Armed Forces would recieve almost 4 times more budget than currently. Clearly, we are talking about yearly spending here, and this increase on spending for the Armed Forces is not expected to be fulfilled until at least 3 years from now.

All this funding is expected to be destined towards the modernization of parts of the huge, but now relatively old, arsenal the Fourth Republic inherited from the Second Stratocracy, as well as to increase recruitment and training of soldiers and military officers.

Nowadays, the only branch of Vrigny’s military forces that has enough organization to do any military operation at all is the Air Force. Clearly, large sums of the budget will go to this branch, but a plan is already divised to restructure, and essentially “refound” the Army, and to lesser extent, the Navy. One goal of such plan, for instance, is to increase the number of active soldiers in the Army from 120,000 up to 230,000. Minister of Defence Joseph Balein and Commander-In-Chief Micael Xocen will be the main Persons in Charge of setting the plan in motion and ensuring it is being implemented effectively.

This, of course, is a clear change in policy for the Green Party of Vrigny. The GPV had always maintained a policy of pacifism and anti-militarism, especially due to the Vrignyan Armed Force’s history during the Second Strategy. However, as President Anneliese Bow stated: “The Fourth Republic has to be able to effectively defend itself and its interests across Pacifica, as well as to ensure that democracy and freedom are respected all over the world”. Another factor which has most likely influenced this increase of funding to the Armed Forces is the conflict to the north of Vrigny: The Firest-Aldestukk War. Some of Vrigny’s politicians are starting to think that Vrigny should, in fact, intervene in said War to either stop the conflict, or to “liberate” the two dictatorships and establish two democratic independent republics.


The Sampaguita
September 21, 2024

Government Falls After No-Confidence Vote, Coalition Crumbles

The government of Prime Minister Oliver Thorne collapsed today after losing a dramatic motion of no-confidence in the National Assembly. The vote, which was supported by both the opposition Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF) and a faction of reformist members from within Thorne’s own coalition, resulted in a 91-29 defeat, plunging the country into political uncertainty.

Breaking Down the Vote

The no-confidence vote was supported by a diverse coalition of lawmakers, including key defectors from the ruling Patriotic Alliance, members of the Popular Pact, and the entire opposition bloc.

Voting Results:

  • Yes (91 votes)
    • Patriotic Alliance (19)
      • The Voice: 4 votes
      • Nationalist Party: 4 votes
      • Justice Party: 3 votes
      • Nationalist People’s Coalition: 3 votes
      • Conservative & Unionist Party: 2 votes
      • Republican Party: 2 votes
      • Liberal-Conservative Party: 1 vote
    • Popular Pact (12)
    • The United Front (31)
    • Liberal League (29)
  • No (29 votes)
    • Patriotic Alliance (29)
      • Liberal-Conservative Party: 9 votes
      • Conservative & Unionist Party: 8 votes
      • Republican Party: 8 votes
      • Freedom Party: 3 votes
      • Innovation Party: 1 vote

The Popular Pact, a junior partner within the ruling Popular Patriotic Alliance (PPA) coalition, sided with the opposition, as did 19 members of the Patriotic Alliance itself. These defectors came from smaller factions within the alliance, such as The Voice, the Nationalist Party, and the Justice Party, as well as dissenters from the traditionally loyal Conservative & Unionist Party and Republican Party. Their support of the motion was enough to ensure the government’s downfall.

The Collapse of a Fragile Coalition

The defeat in the no-confidence vote marks the collapse of Thorne’s fragile coalition, which had been struggling to maintain unity as internal divisions grew. Disagreements over key policies, including the government’s stance on economic reforms, climate action, and social issues like same-sex marriage and abortion, had deepened rifts within the coalition.

Prime Minister Thorne’s Conservative & Unionist Party, while still one of the largest factions in the ruling alliance, saw some of its members vote against the government, a clear sign of dissatisfaction within party ranks. The Liberal-Conservative Party also experienced defections, with one of its members breaking party lines to support the no-confidence motion.

Opposition Unites Behind No-Confidence Motion

The Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF), comprising the United Front and the Liberal League, capitalized on the internal dissent within the government to push through the motion. Opposition leader Elisa Hartmann, head of the Democratic Party, hailed the vote as a victory for democracy and accountability.

“This vote represents the will of the people,” Hartmann said in a statement. “The Thorne government has lost its mandate to govern, and it is time for new leadership to steer this country in the right direction.”

What’s Next?

With the government having lost the confidence of the Assembly, Prime Minister Oliver Thorne is expected to tender his resignation to the President, triggering either the formation of a new government or the possibility of fresh elections. Political analysts are already speculating on potential successors, though no clear candidate has yet emerged.

There is also the possibility of an extended political deadlock if no party or coalition can muster enough support to form a majority. The Popular Patriotic Alliance will need to regroup quickly if it hopes to retain power, while the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom may look to capitalize on the moment to push for early elections.

The collapse of Thorne’s government has sent shockwaves through Lusadao’s political landscape. The country now faces a period of uncertainty as the parties regroup and the race to form a new governing coalition begins.


The Sampaguita
September 21, 2024

Patriotic Alliance Expels Rebel MPs as Popular Pact Breaks Away from Ruling Coalition

The political turmoil in Lusadao deepened today as the Patriotic Alliance expelled several members who voted against Prime Minister Oliver Thorne’s government in yesterday’s no-confidence vote. At the same time, the Popular Pact, a key component of the ruling Popular Patriotic Alliance (PPA), formally announced its departure from the coalition, leaving the government in complete disarray.

Expulsion of Rebel MPs

In a swift and decisive move, the leadership of the Patriotic Alliance voted to expel 19 members who supported the no-confidence motion that brought down Thorne’s government. These members, representing various factions within the Patriotic Alliance, were accused of betraying party unity and undermining the government at a critical moment.

The expelled members include representatives from:

  • The Voice (4 seats)
  • Nationalist Party (4 seats)
  • Justice Party (3 seats)
  • Nationalist People’s Coalition (3 seats)
  • Conservative & Unionist Party (2 seats)
  • Republican Party (2 seats)
  • Liberal-Conservative Party (1 seat)

“These individuals have shown complete disregard for party loyalty and the stability of the nation,” said Oliver Thorne, who remains the leader of the Conservative & Unionist Party despite his government’s collapse. “Their actions were a direct assault on the government, and we cannot tolerate this kind of disloyalty.”

The expulsions effectively reduce the size of the Patriotic Alliance in the National Assembly and further weaken its already fragile position.

Popular Pact’s Exit from the PPA

In a separate but equally significant blow, the Popular Pact, a coalition of center-right and Christian democratic parties, announced that it would be leaving the Popular Patriotic Alliance (PPA). The Popular Pact’s departure comes after all 12 of its members voted in favor of the no-confidence motion.

The Popular Pact consists of:

  • People’s Party (5 seats)
  • Christian Democratic Party (3 seats)
  • United Democratic Party (2 seats)
  • National Unity Party (2 seats)

Berto Feixa, leader of the People’s Party and the Popular Pact, stated that the decision to leave the PPA was motivated by a lack of consensus within the ruling coalition. “Our values and priorities have increasingly diverged from those of the Patriotic Alliance, and yesterday’s vote made it clear that we can no longer be part of this government,” Feixa said during a press conference.

The Popular Pact has hinted at joining forces with the opposition Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF) in upcoming negotiations to form a new government. This shift dramatically alters the balance of power in the Assembly and leaves the PPA without a majority.

Consequences for the Popular Patriotic Alliance

The combined impact of the expulsions and the Popular Pact’s departure leaves the Popular Patriotic Alliance in an extremely vulnerable position. The PPA has lost a total of 31 seats in the National Assembly, effectively reducing its presence from 60 seats to just 29. This development means that the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF), which holds 60 seats, now holds a commanding position in the Assembly.

Political analyst Rosa Almeida described the situation as a “near-complete collapse” of the PPA. “Oliver Thorne and the Patriotic Alliance have lost their grip on power. The combination of internal rebellion and the Popular Pact’s departure leaves them with little chance of forming a new government.”

What’s Next?

The fallout from the no-confidence vote continues to send shockwaves through Lusadao’s political landscape. With the Popular Pact and the Patriotic Alliance now fractured, both major political alliances in the Assembly are jockeying to form a new coalition.

The Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF), led by Elisa Hartmann, is now in the driver’s seat and is expected to begin negotiations to either form a minority government or seek new allies, potentially including the Popular Pact.

Meanwhile, Oliver Thorne’s Conservative & Unionist Party faces an uphill battle to recover from the defections and maintain its political relevance in the aftermath of this crisis.

With no clear resolution in sight, Lusadao is bracing for further political instability and the possibility of early elections, as the nation’s leadership struggles to navigate the fallout from the government’s collapse.

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RAFI: Tripartite Negotiations


->Estimated time for the completion of negotiations, since 20. September presided by HHC for External Affairs Quinlann Emmerson, is 72 hours. Additional modifications and choice, upon formulating a minimum of five overall goals and operational applications for their realisation, by the Head of State is set to a time limit of 24 hours.
->Two concurrent negotiations are held within members of the “United Opposition for Transition of NGB” (UOT-NGB) and between two factions of the domestic HM Cabinet (the AID and the Military). Topic of the former is formulating a clear set of goals, whereas the latter is a set of operations to be undertaken as to achieve those goals.
Nasphilitae has pulled it’s Consulate from Aberstopia and has placed “light” sanctions in the form of increased tariffs and excise of trade between private entities of the countries.

Further information on the ongoing negotiations

Following the consolidation of Nasphilitae’s involvement in the 2024 NAGB riots and the Romordian conflicts, protesting refugees-turned-operatives have been organised into the “United Opposition for Transition of NGB”; Negotiations between the initial and latter wave of operatives regarding formulation of goals is being held.
Concurrently, internal disagreements on operational-level approach taken to achieve these goals, namely between the LD of AID Central (Madison Edwards) and the CC of the Royal Armed Forces (David Atkinsons) exist and are being negotiated.
Initially presided over by the Head of State (Dawson Ernst), since the 20. of September, they have been devolved to be presided over by the Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs (Quinlann Emmerson). Emmerson had been tasked with utilising Consulary Offices of Nasphilitae in Aberstopia and third party countries which have diplomatic offices in both NAGB and Aberstopia to gather information. Upon return, the Consulary Office of Nasphilitae to Aberstopia has been closed.


Known information regarding the UOT-NGB (READ THIS)

Former protestors which were given refuge and training by the AID following the August protests in the NAGB are known to be mostly Austral-speaking Britolasians with some Nicholasians. Initial wave (27. August to 30. August) includes members of the Britolasian Civil Liberties Union and Nichaloasian Movement for Emancipation. During training, they’d form “United Transitionary Government of NGB”. However, upon directive from the HM Cabinet of Nasphilitae and cooperation of AID with NGBSS and of the Royal Armed Forces with the NGBAF regarding Romordian rebellions, the second wave (31. August to 3. September) included members of the ruling Socialist Nationalist Party. This prompted the semantic change to “United Opposition for Transition of NGB”.
What is known of their backgrounds is that the initial wave were members of local administration for the Ministry of Civil Service and Lord High Chancellor, while members of the latter wave were members of the NGBSS FID and PAD, lower ranking members of the Commission of the Police Force, as well as officers of the NGBAF’s airforce.

General goals of the UOT-NGB and Nasphilitae align in NAGBs favour, though specifics of these goals and means to achieve them are disputed (READ THIS)

Dissatisfactions are related to: lack of economic freedoms, lack of political freedoms, further fuelled by the fact that neither of these resulted in stabilising internal rebellions of Romordians, Kalinskians, nor the expected economic growth. As of 20. September, it’s known that they wish to separate the SNP structure from the state structure, as well as separation of powers from within constituent Commissions of the Council of Directors.
The main goal of Nasphilitae in part speculated due to the growing influence of the business class, is economic liberalisation and internal stability within Crabry countries, though disagreements exist on ways to achieve this
Whereas the AID wishes to achieve a gradual change by reinforcing UOT-NGB through clandestine operations against the NAGB, the Royal Armed Forces wishes to stabilise internal strife of the NAGB against Romordian rebellions by direct intervention.

-Reported by: The HM Cabinet of Nasphilitae and the ruling Government of Syd G Patton.


The Izaakian Aid Agency to begin rolling out the Dr MIA (Medical Intelligence Automation) AI to developing nations that have shortages of doctors. In Izaakia where the system aids and assists physicians the system has significantly improved heath outcomes, particularly in cancer diagnosis where the AI can identify cancer risk up to 2 years before the cancer develops.


Krauanagaz State Dept. Warns of ‘Unintended Consequences’ in Accepting Izaakian AI Program

The Krauanagazan State Department has raised alarms over the international adoption of Izaakia’s “Dr. MIA” AI-driven healthcare program, citing potential security risks amid unresolved suspicions surrounding Izaakia’s involvement in the Veridyan container ship explosion. Krauanagazan officials warn that the program, while framed as humanitarian, could grant Izaakia backdoor access to sensitive data, allowing for possible data collection or cyber manipulation. These concerns, coupled with broader geopolitical tensions in the Gulf of Good Omen, have intensified international scrutiny of Izaakia’s expanding role in critical sectors like healthcare. Izaakia has denied the assertion, and labeled Krauanagaz’s claims as “baseless.”

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The Izaakian Foreign Minister, and Former WF Speaker Noor Aqaba summoned the Krauanagazan Ambassador to reprimand the nation over dangerous and conspiratorial rhetoric from the Krauanagaz State Department over the Dr MIA program. She described the rhetoric as cynical, disgusting, and putting millions of lives at risk in the developing world.


The Konsai Times

Earlier today a Velaean Air Force pilot attempted to defect from the kingdom.
He flew his F/N-17 off course to the South Pacific, after losing track of the aircraft it is assumed that he ran out of fuel and crashed into the South Pacific Ocean.


FiHami Investigators noted no evidence of tampering on the rails, but did note evidence of unsafe speeds taken on the pass between Huah-Huah and Hotomix. The Ministry of Transportation and Motor Vehicles is investigating ways to prevent the tragedy from a few days ago.


The Sallodesian NHS has reported a surplus in blood reserves due to an influx in donors. Currently the NHS is looking to donate the surplus blood to its partners and expand blood donation infrastructure.


The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
The Kingdom of Kalaki has started to prepare 4 C400 Transport Aircraft to bring humanitarian aid to both Krauanagaz and Zulghan to prepare their citizens for a full-scale war.

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