The Ministry of International Relations of Rhayna has opened requests for diplomatic missions with any nation willing to talk with the new Rhaynan Prytanis.
Chancellor Müller and Crown Prince Wilhelm III were seen in parts of eastern Waldland, namely in areas around Mitterdenz, Ermhau, Neuwitz, and Lichtfurt an der Wald, visiting the local Waldravan minorities.
Waldravans are an Indavral people group, mostly concentrated west of Past, in a region known as the Waldland. The Waldravans were once part of the Triangular Empire proper before splitting off to create their own kingdom. They were later annexed during the Gianlucian expansion into Weisserstein and their lands merged with that of the Electoral Grand Duchy of Wiebnen-Lichtenburg, Duchy of Hannover, and the Principality of Wuppertal.
During the Weissersteiner War of Unification, the Waldravans sided with the Weissersteiners in fighting against the Elbonians and Triangulars, with many Waldravans serving in high position during the period. Waldravans were given equal citizenship status to both Almans and Arabs, and the Waldravan dialect of Indavral was made a recognized regional language in 1895.
Elbonian representatives from both Cleves (North Elbonia) and South Elbonia were seen returning from Riverion after discussions with Sugovian national authority. Many are still speculating on what the discussions were about
Indie Bands and Live Houses have made a significant increase in numbers. In fact, both numerical and financial numbers. The number of live houses in Kliegme has risen from 2,372 in 2019 to 5,432, nearly a 200% increase in numbers.
Some of the live houses double as Karaokes, where Karaoke management invites Indie Bands as special events.
President Trenton repeal his budget transfer executive order intended to increase Police budget using funding from the National Emergency Council amidst strike from EMS and Firefighters in Arcana. Opposition Coalition decried President’s attempt to defund the emergency service as endangering the nation.
The Office of the Prime Minister has announced that the Weissersteiner Chancellor Müller has been invited to a state visit to Eflad on June 7th. The press release states it is a “state visit to reaffirm friendship between our states.”
Vote in parliament on the new balance of powers act has been postponed after a legal challenge in the Supreme Court by recently elected MP Ernest LeRogue. He is expected to make the case that there is no democratic mandate for such a change to the way the country is run, and that either an election or referendum should be held.
One of the Ikaranarean embassies in Losavra has been evacuated in light of an attack on the city of Alnesbos by the Losavral People’s Front. Several government-aligned Militia have entered the city with confirms of some FIC and IGF members with them. This is a developing story.
A firefight broke out in the demilitarized zone between The DPRR and Reizen (Frost Empire) this is a developing story.
Fighting continues today along the Demilitarized zone as the DPRR accuses the frost empire of an attempted invasion. The frost empire has denied the allegations and has vowed to find the truth with a spokesperson claiming that imperial intelligence believes that the current skirmish could be a false flag attack instigated by the DPRR.
Losavral and Ikaranarean forces have cut off the Alnesbos to prevent a further LPF assault further up across the Bivbi. It is said that the LPF may have been trying to attack Řavabos in an attempt to delay the voting on the abolishment of the Militia System. Fighting continues in the city as civilians have been ordered to shelter in place.
With peace and stability becoming ever more certain, the Ryccian economy is recovering rapidly. Reports suggest the Ryccian economy grew by 9.34% this quarter.
Gunfire could still be heard in the city of Chlopakcaluzacy despite the relative silence of the conflict in Jakub at the moment. Weissersteiner forces, in collaboration with the Jakubian government, pro-Jakub militias, and coalition partners, have began making advances into the city.
The Spirasian Royal Armed Forces have been directed to not engage DPRR Forces, despite a potential conflict being likely between the IFF and the DPRR. They have been ordered to defend Spiras’ Border at all cost’s and to NOT fire at any DPRR Military Forces. Emeraldian Units so far have been ordered to remain in place. The 2nd Fleet has been directed to avoid the DPRR’s Maritime boundaries.
The Ministry Of Defense has announced that 2 of the currently under construction Prime Minister STOBAR Carriers(Officially designated Light Carriers), The DFNS President Hawk and the DFNS President Johnson(CVL-12 and CVL-14 Respectively) will be completed and sold to Nations who are willing to buy them(Nations excluded from this include: Izaakia, Pelinai, Baraarde, Fauderland, and Nicholas and Great Britain). Cimbria has already put forth a bid for the 2 Carriers. The Other 2, The ERNS David Svenson CVL-01 and the ERNS Sven Nielson CVL-02, will still be commissioned into the ERN.
President Innienn calls for the DPRR and Frost forces to exercise restraint and offers Sedunnic mediation.
Frederick Razago and Henry Traesore, founders of the not-for-profit advocacy group Parliament for Evinea, have released a document called “The Case for Parliament”. The document reads as goes:
Hello fellow Evineans.
We, Frederick and Henry, and the rest of the associates of the Parliament of Evinea write this document in accordance with the views, beliefs, and voices of individuals across this wonderful nation, unifying them and exemplifying them to the current politicians across the nation. This is especially important to the current members of the Assembly and the Presidency.
As has been seen before, during, and after the Evinean presidential election, it is quite clear that there has been a growing urge to change the aging presidential system. Since independence from the Australs, Evinea has been a presidential republic, one of which was a great change for the nation. However, as time goes on, it is necessary to change a system which no longer fits the needs of our people.
Therefore, the Parliament of Evinea asks for a national referendum on the issue of “Should our nation transition from a presidential republic to a parliamentary republic?” for these reasons:
- From current polling and surveying, around 66%, but growing to around 70% of Evineans believe the country should transition to a parliamentary republic, recognizing that most Evineans are ready for a change in the nation. However, the people who do disagree with the parliamentary system will not be excluded and will be listened to as much as possible to be inclusive.
- Too much power is consolidated in the executive, often being free to do as they please with very few checks and balances. With the president being both the head of state and government, there is not much the Assembly, let alone the Supreme Court, could do to stop unfavorable, harmful, or constitutional laws from being passed. An elected president and a stronger Supreme Court would better limit the executive power, but not too far to a mute level where the government is largely inconsistent and inefficient.
- More political cooperation and representation is encouraged in a parliamentary system. Many Evinean’s voices have been overshadowed by an all too powerful executive and not seen in a mediocre legislative body. Increasing the strength of the legislature, allowing for more political parties to be represented and instilling a virtue of more cooperation to create legislation that more closely encompasses the views of Evineans.
- Harmful manipulation and illegal consolidation of power is less likely to happen under a newly created parliamentary system as the legislature and the president have a stronger format to keep the prime minister, or the parliamentary leader, in check. We desperately do not want to see our nation fall into the hands of authoritarianism again, as was seen with the dictatorship of Jerry Eyadama who managed to abuse the executive powers of our highest office. This new system would largely reduce corruption and other criminal activity as more checks and balances are in place to prevent such actions.
- The presidential system has largely grown stagnant and no longer accommodative of the Evinean voter in recent times. This is already noted by the above four points, but again largely regarding the fact that most Evineans desire a change in how they are seen and represented on the national level. We have often gone through lacklustre and weak presidencies, and it is about time action and excitement was brought back to the highest office and our people
If these five points can be regarded and be brought up as a national issue where we can make this nation for the better. This nation needs a more represented Evinea, and a successful referendum would do just that. We hope President Aziz Traore and his office will regard this message and respond accordingly.
~ Frederick Razago and Henry Traesore
Fighting broke out in Mernia, Northern Liv between trade unions campaigning for the People’s Coalition and a Conservative Party rally. Northern Liv Police Department announced 2 in critical condition and 26 wounded, 3 of which were bystanders. Governor Tallius called for a ‘campaign of decency’ from all participants in a statement made this evening in Arcana, condemning the fight.
Following the President’s State Address to the Federal Assembly, the Government of Kliegme has resigned, only remaining in power until President Boroshilov’s appointment of a suitable prime minister candidate is approved by the State Duma. Prime Minister Honoka Kalinina stated that the reason for the resignation was so that President Boroshilov could make the necessary decisions in order to follow through his reform proposals.
A spokesperson for the DPRR state department welcomed Sedunnic mediation but warned there can be no diplomacy if the imperialists continue their invasion.