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The Weissersteiner Imperial Government has stated that it will support efforts of stabilization in East Jakub, namely in providing basic necessities and humanitarian aid to the wartorn region


April 18, 2023

As part of the Imperial and Royal visits by Kaiser Wilhelm II and Kronprinz Wilhelm III to Alman-speaking communities in South Cordilia and Crabry, the pair made their way to the Federal Republic of Vospia after concluding their visit to Tepertopia.

Vospia has, both historically and today, have close relations with Weisserstein, and had been an Imperial ally since the former’s establishment in 1817 (which was in part aided by the Weissersteiner Reichswehr). Following Chancellor Müller’s visit, the country has hosted a joint Weissersteiner-Vospian military base in Stahlstadt, which aided in Weisserstein’s efforts in neighboring Jakub.


Reconstruction Update: Reconstruction in Denver is nearly finished as the final water plants are repaired, along with Hawk being declared safe for Human Habitation, as is Starton, and the newly reconstructed Houses, Skyscrapers, and Buisness’ are finally being used again. Restoration Projects for Historic Buildings such as the Royal Palace and numerous Memorials and Monuments. The Hawk Embassy Building, very much spared of Destruction, is also nearing recompletion, as the Memorial To Democracy is finished. Despite Soured Relations with Izaakia, the Central Statue of the Memorial is still President Stella Blanc, other leaders include President Silberman, Minister Jake Ludov, Prime Minister and Former Admiral Jack Halsey, Allied Leaders of the Great War, Owen Walsh, and President Henry Hawkson, the 1st President of Denver. A Monument to those who died during the siege is also being erected near the building. A Memorial to the Denverian Provisional Government is also being erected near the Hawk Regional Airport, as this is where the DPG and Major General Richard Ferald died when the Nuclear Warhead struck the Airport and their plane was caught in the Blast. Edwardia is still a not safe for human habitation zone, but it has been further confirmed that the Old Town and ancient Cimbrian Forts are still intact, this is due to the warheads striking the Downtown area, which has been leveled in certain areas. The Nearby Joint Military Base sustained heavy damage and where nearly 30 Sallodesian Military Personnel were Killed, and a further 120 Injured. The Union Ministry Of Defence has requested to the Sallodesian Military to decide where their Fallen Service Members will go. As for Ludville, a mass Road Reconstruction has begun in various areas, as have reconstructions for Ports, Mines, and Airports. The LDN’s Battlefleet, which surrendered a mere few days before the end of the war, has been interred in Spiras, while the LDNCF has been interred in port.

In other news,
Joint Base Streams has formally been commissioned for use by both the Emeraldian and Stoinian Armed Forces, despite the base being finished in January, the Commissioning Ceremony was delayed by the Ludville War. Also Commissioned is the Training Bases in Both Sallodesia and Stoinia, that being Joint Base Omega(Stoinia) and Joint Base Hudson, Joint Base Tarnia has also formally finished Construction , with a commissioning ceremony set for May 10th.


The thalapadian armed forces have pulled back out of Ludville and are heading home, confirmed a navy spokesperson. Van Mathis has been transferred via plane on a non specified for safety reasons earlier date and is being held at a high security prison in Asimipoli, with a trial being expected soon

Leaks suggest that the monarchist coalition and government have struck a deal and that it is expected to be publicly announced later this week


Following the successful Implementation of Synapse and Hive, Izaakias first Artificial Intelligence Systems, the government has created a regulatory authority for the use of Artificial Intelligence.


Coalition forces began advancing further into Chlopakcalujacy, however the insurgents have placed heavier resistance than expected. Armored units from the Reichswehr in Jakub have been redeployed into the city to help combat units fight the insurgency.


May 2nd:

The 2023 Victory Day Parade marks the return of the march of the Red Skull Veterans, alongside Volunteers and their relatives from the Alman Autonomous Oblast. They marched with the uniforms and weapons they had used fighting the Frostians in the 1950s, including their Sabres which were used for horseback Hit and Run operations.

The Red Skulls were a Partisan Organisation that initially strived for an independent Alman state in Crabry, but agreed to settle for a “Free Almania within a Free Kliegme”, allying with the Provisional Government of Kliegme. They joined the Provisional Government’s independence war against the Frost Occupation of Kliegme, with their mobility via Cavalry being used to the fullest potential. After the war, the Almans were rewarded for their loyalty to Kliegme in the form of an Autonomous region governed by and for the Almans.

The Red Skulls were dissolved in 1992 under laws that banned all paramilitary organizations other than the Kliegmean Rovsgvardiya. In 2022, 30 years after their dissolution, the Red Skulls were revived by the Government of the Alman Autonomous Oblast as an Organization to support Veterans and continue their legacy.


May 6th, 2023:

Tourism in Myria has reached an all time low, which experts deem to be due to increase in tourism around pacifica, weakening Myria’s hold on the sector. The Ludville war, having occurred across the Mediterranean, added to concerns of safety. Whatever the reasons, one thing is clear. Myria is in for a tough autumn.

Kliegme has renewed its observer status in the Alman Group, in which it had participated as an observer for 25 years. While recent improvements in relations with Alman speaking countries such as Weisserstein and Gianni make the Alman speaking population hopeful of full membership, Majority of Kliegmeans are indifferent of joining it, favouring the status quo.


In an unusual move President Storm personally introduces legislation to parliament, co-sponsored by Charles Boulangerie of the Framboise Madeleine Party and the leaders of the Green and Labour Party. The Balance of Powers Act will re-introduce a monarch as head of state, and limit the powers of the President through Parliament, the Lords Senate and Supreme Court of Izaakia. The bill must pass through the House of Commons and the Lords Senate three times before being approved, and receiving Presidential Assent.


New political parties have been set up in Kalinskia for the first time in over a decade.


Since the press conference around half a month ago, no large protest actions have been seen in Münnen and in Eflad. However, today the “Gruppe Aktion” has announced that they have the intent to paralyse the city. In their announcement, measures like “street blockades” and “civil disobedience” were mentioned.

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The votes counting has ended, and with this the new 2023 Rhaynan Government has started with the government of Romanos Kanidis as leader of the United Provinces of Rhayna in a rather surprising result.

These elections being marked mostly on what some political experts call a “rather soon candidacy of extremists without the proper social infrastructure”, and the scandal of the recently discovered economical support of the nationalist candidate of Neufolk separatists, the support for Romanos Kanidis is national in practice, but not so much provincial in paper.

The Socialist party will need to face various rival governments of both the National Front and the Labour Party, which will most likely not support the national government or comply with it.

The new socialist prytanis will make the State of the States speech, and will promise the following through of the political campaign promises in front of the Rhaynans, which will be possible to see in live, or livestreamed in the public Rhaynan television channels.


This should have been posted in May 6th, but I forgot bruh. Pretend this was posted the 6th.


Rumors of discussions between Sugovian national authority and Elbonian representatives from both Cleves (North Elbonia) and South Elbonia have recently surfaced after high ranking politicians and high profile figures from the Elbonias were seen in Riverion. The reasons for their visit is unknown


Pelinese video game developer Glass Diamond Software has officially released the highly anticipated Pacifica Protection Platoon 4 to PC and consoles. The game’s advertised features include 4 playable classes with 40 unlockable costumes for each, split-screen and online co-op functionality, over 1.6 thousand unlockable weapons, and an average of 78% more 10 meter tall bipedal alien fish per level.


Good morning, I’m Elmira Rossi, and today Romanos Kanidis, as the new leader of Rhayna, stood upon the stand for the State of the States’ speech in Pzarya Thilene Square, a historic location fthat saw the speech given by the first prytanis after the Rhaynan Civil War.

We can see him preparing some papers, probably for the speech. There are the appointed ministers, and the viceprytanis elected along Romanos Kanidis, Yanni Nicolelis. They seem to be congratulating him, as expected.

As he gives his speech we’ll have a translator that translates everything to Austral in live for all the Austral speakers, while the untranslated speech will be able to be seen in either the Rhaynan Public Television, or in our website “www.eker.rh”.

It seems like he is going to start the speech.

"Good morning, Rhayna. First of all, I would like to thank you all, for I didn’t expect to arrive here.

Some rumors spoke about it, and I will be truthful.
I was chosen by the party because they thought they would lose, so they needed someone to take the loss, and I offered myself because, hey, I’m just a teacher.

I don’t have anything special against giving up, but I believe this surprising outcome shows that it isn’t that reliable, because now I’m the proud leader of my nation, and not some out-of-touch politician, fascist or dystopian communist."

"Now that I started with the fascists and communists, I should talk about them, shouldn’t I?

Anyway, what can I say about them? Their job is to shred the fabric of society and their party’s spending documents, aaaalthough the wife of the nationalist candidate was faster than him.

Also the communists in Nea-gy. I won’t try to compare Rhayna to Nea-gy, but the only thing I’m going to say is that here in Rhayna the communism was pretty dystopic. I didn’t live during it, but I can read history books about it that I couldn’t if the fascists or communists were in power, so I have a pretty good idea."

"Now, on a more serious note, extremism has tried to loom over our nation and make us fight between ourselves. They failed, because their calculations were wrong and their luck not on their side. But soon, they will come back.

I think it’s very important that I say this: it doesn’t matter if a Rhaynan is gay, straight, woman, man, young, old or anything else, because they are still Rhaynans. I don’t understand how the idea of having a diverse Rhayna, something that we have always been proud of, became a propagandistic weapon, but here we are.

In my opinion, I would condemn these actions of treason. And I say my opinion, but it should actually be treason. I can’t think of anyone else who would try to make Rhaynans kill each other aside from an enemy of the Motherland and her habitants."

"Aside from the traitors of Rhaynan families, there are also other problems that aren’t easier to solve, but they are easier to talk about. For example, industrialization in Alla-gy and South Nea-gy, the faaaavorite excuse of extremists to say that we are “neglecting” them.

Even though in those regions the majority of provincial governments were from the National Front and the Labour Party, more specifically around 60% of the komiteian governments in Alla-gy in the last 20 years have been from the Nationalist Front, mostly in the north of Alla-gy, and around 65% in Nea-gy were from the Labour Party, mostly in the south of Nea-gy.

Funny that these were the regions with most bloated politicians wages, economical inequality and industrial primitiveness. This isn’t the fault of Alla-gyans and Nea-gyans, but their leaders.

At least now we know from where the National Front got all the money to support Neufolk separatists. I’m not saying they got it from the finalcial aids the central government gave to these provinces, all I’m saying is that maaaaybe the judicial power should investigate to where did all that money go."

“Lastly, I should bring attention upon the current situation of Rhayna in the world. For the first time, Rhayna has united with its neighbors for the defense of each other, which I believe would be horrible to waste away. Rhayna, as it did before, will continue supporting its allies, and will continue to do so with any leader, I hope.”

Well, it seems the speech on the State of the States has ended with a welcomed applause, a clear attack to the National Front and Labour Party, a call for union, and a promise to continue participanting in Cordilia and the LoC.

Soon he will do the pledge in front of the crowd, and after that his ministers, the viceprytanis and other government affiliates.


Also forgot, Rhayna is open back again for people as it’s already past the 6th.


FiHami Slice of Life animes have become the 2nd most popular genre in FiHami television, beaten only by fantasy anime.

The top 5 grossing television series are RISE (Fantasy Anime), Quiet Life (Slice of Life Anime), Feather (Fantasy Anime), Curse (Fantasy Anime), and the FiHami Football League (Sports).


The Ikaranarean Armed Forces has finally released its evaluation into Ikaranarean performance in the Rycco-Cordillian war, completed months ago.

Ikaranarean forces were unable to stop a Ryccian advance into Ikaranarean territory on the first five days of the war. This was a significant surprise to all senior leaders of the armed forces, as a major city was nearly captured. Numbers show that there were more Ryccian troops on the border than Ikaranara anticipated, showing a weakness in Ikaranarean military reconnaissance abilities. While the Ground Forces performed exceptionally well throughout the course of the war, they did not have the manpower until around the 4th day to halt the Ryccian offensive. Anylists also note that had Ikaranara had more air power, it would have been able to halt the Ryccian offensive on the first or second day and start pushing into Ryccia more quickly.

Anylists also note that the location of the war completely inland made the war more challenging for the Armed Forces. Ikaranara has one of the most powerful navies in the South Pacific, but the navy was useless during the war as it took place completely sheltered from any major bodies of water. With the budget increases to the Armed forces, the government has definitely spent the majority of the money on the Air Force and Ground Forces.


BREAKING NEWS: The central Losavral government in Řavabos has initiated a historic vote from each of the 24 tribes to reorganize the militia system into one unified military, banning private militia altogether. This would be a historic move and would reorganize Losavra’s military into a more centralized one, moving the state towards further centralization. This is assumed to be a controversial vote as many tribes claim the militia system allows them to stay out of other tribes affairs. Military analysts note that a centralization of the armed forces is essentially the only way that Losavra will be able to create a formidable fighting force, considering the fact that due to the disjointed nature of the military, the nation lacks a practical air force and has been relying on Ikaranara and its allies for any and all air support. Many also note the weakness of the navy and the lack of armor for their ground forces. It’s expected this vote will take a week to come out and a unanimous vote will be neccesary to instate the policy. Many wonder if this is related to the meating the High Chief of Losavra had with his other Indavral counterparts.


After strenuous, albeit expedited, testing, the Evinean Armed Forces has managed to successfully test their first nuclear weapon. The G01, nicknamed “The Serpent”, was flown and dropped by a EAI B2-V8 Goliath bomber over a testing site near the Gulf of Evinea. The bomb has approximately a 40-kiloton yield. The bomb is part of the EAF’s desire to create a nuclear triad - land-launched ballistic missiles, submarine-launched missiles, and bomber-carried weapons. The newly created Evinean Nuclear Energy Commission (ENEC) is overseeing the nuclear program alongside the military. The create of submarine-launched missiles is currently next in line for the development of the nuclear triad.


The agreement between the government and monarchists has been made public

A constitutional amendment is to be made. This amendment would allow provinces to vote would they prefer to be lead by a elected governor or a monarch, of no rank greater than duke. The first monarch of the state would be elected by the province congress and confirmed by the national government. He will hold the same powers as a governor, along side ceremonial roles. The congressional and national congresses may force the monarchs to abdicate if he brakes law or acts against the interess of the state.

The amendment has passed unanimously and the monarch or governor elections will be held on Friday