Office of the Cabinet

I think my philosophy would be to err on the side of caution when it comes to frequent use of rtgs. Consolidated telegrams once a week by the Engagement minister on upcoming events would be as effective in my view. If that arrangement doesn’t work out as well as I hope, then I am more than open to changing things up.

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Alright, it’s your choice, I just still think it’s silly to make one Minister go through another to send out rtgs.

When you say “consolidated telegrams”, is it basically just a consolidated timeline of upcoming events sent out by the MoE, or do you mean consolidated as in multiple Ministers sending out information through the MoE?

Can be both, honestly, but in the context of what I was saying I was referring specifically to the former.

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Alright, that’s all the questions I have for now. Thank you, have a good night :slight_smile:

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I have my reasons to disagree with this. Don’t you think one RTG a week would be too much?

It’s about striking a balance, IMO. You won’t be able to please everyone complaining about TG spam, but you still need the ability to communciate with the larger regional body effectively.


Happy to see the first event from the Ministry of Culture from this term! I’d ask these somewhere else, but as far as I can tell there isn’t actually a place to discuss the event on the forums, so here goes…

  • What’s the deadline for submissions? What determines when “all contestants have submitted their dishes”? Who does “all contestants” refer to?
  • Are submissions judged by any particular criteria? I see that submissions are supposed to describe the “cultural significance” of the dish. How does that affect the contest? Will submissions be disqualified if they don’t include this? Will voters be encouraged to vote based on cultural significance?
  • How does this event promote regional culture?
  • I see the dispatch has been pinned on the World Factbook Entry. Are there plans to similarly promote the event on other platforms such as via Discord and forum events?

5th of September.

I was referring to the favorable amount of contestants, around 7-8+ for this competition.

All submissions will be judged based on multiple criteria including cultural significance, the recipe, plus looks and presentation.

They won’t be disqualified instantly, but they will be contacted and won’t be added to the ballot until they make the change.

Like I said in the first question, voters will be encouraged to vote on multiple criteria, which includes cultural significance.

With this event, I wanted all contestants to promote their (RP or actual) nation’s culture and cuisine. This event can promote every individual’s culture, creativity and cuisine.

The event has already been advertised on Discord and the forums (which is a new thread I will be using for announcements for events, competitions and other announcements relating to the Ministry of Culture.

Thanks for the clarifications!

That sounds like the cultures of individual contestants and their nations. How does this event promote regional culture?

Yes, I’ve seen those — that’s why I said there wasn’t a place to discuss the event on the forums, because I assume an announcement topic is not intended for discussion.

I should’ve been more specific, though. Are there any plans to promote the event through Discord events or forum events?

I’m not very sure, but you could interpret it as the culture of the region as a whole.

No, not for now at least. This may change though.

I will maybe create a thread for questions in the future.

It’s unfortunate to hear that the Minister of Culture is ‘not very sure’ how the event their ministry is holding promotes regional culture. This is not some arbitrary criterion — “promoting regional culture” is an explicitly named responsibility of the Prime Minister under Article V of the Charter. It’s not a new concern either:

How is the Prime Minister promoting regional culture? If their own Minister of Culture is unsure of how this event furthers that goal, why is the Cabinet devoting resources to holding it? If the Ministry of Culture may not be promoting regional culture, what parts of the Cabinet are working on advancing that goal?

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I held the event since there was high demand for it by multiple people.

Like I mentioned in the dispatch, new cultural competitions will be held after the culinary contest. The Culinary Contest isn’t meant to be one, similar to a generic event.

I don’t think the Ministry of Culture is all about hosting cultural events, but it is an important aspect. Events have to be diverse, and they are NOT all the same. Generic events need to be held too, to bring the community together. If the community isn’t enjoying being in the South Pacific, then what’s the point of a regional culture? (I’m not saying cultural events won’t be held, but that doesn’t mean generic ones won’t either.)

Eh, sure. “Events are fun and having fun builds regional culture” is a bit simplistic but it’s at least a plausible agenda, I suppose. For what it’s worth, I think that’s a more convincing answer than “I’m not very sure” :stuck_out_tongue:

During the campaign, the Ministry of Engagement was described as being responsible for “rapid outreach.”

Since taking office, the Minister of Engagement has:

  • sent zero regional telegrams
  • posted once in an official capacity on the forums (answering questions from the Assembly)
  • sent two Discord announcements (seeking staffer applications and sending a survey)

In announcing their Cabinet nominations, the Prime Minister stated that the Minister of Engagement would be in charge of ensuring the Cabinet “engages actively with everyone on all fronts on happenings in the region.”

  • What steps is the Cabinet taking to ensure that its communications engage with ‘everyone on all fronts’ in the region?
    • One dimension of this is the timing of announcements. The Minister of Defense announced a new event around six hours before it started this morning. That was a bit inconvenient for me; I would’ve preferred more than six hours of advance notice, especially because that announcement came in the middle of the night for me and the event started pretty much first thing in the morning. What steps is the Cabinet taking to ensure that it engages with members in different time zones?
    • During the campaign, the Prime Minister promised that the Cabinet would keep a calendar of upcoming events. Has such a calendar been made? Are most events added to the calendar?
    • Another dimension of this where announcements are made. The Ministry of Engagement survey was sent in a Discord announcement and in response to a question on the RMB. Unless I’m missing something, this survey has not been posted on the forums nor sent via regional telegram. What steps is the Cabinet taking to ensure that it engages with members on all platforms, as promised during the campaign?
  • This term has already seen events and policy announcements. The Prime Minister has voiced support for recruitment, although it did not feature in their campaign. The Ministry of Culture has launched a culinary contest. Was the Ministry of Engagement involved in ‘rapid outreach’ relating to these developments? What is the ministry’s approach for outreach regarding events or policy announcements?
  • I must once again ask: how does the Ministry of Engagement differ from a Ministry of Media? I’m not looking for an answer like “it’s not bloated” — that’s a reason why it’s a better media ministry, not a reason why it’s not a media ministry and deserves to be named something entirely different. As far as I can tell, the Minister of Engagement has communicated about little else other than news. They’ve sent a survey to “refine the content that will be included in the news publication.” They’ve stated that their main task was to “create a news dispatch to inform residents.” They’ve opened applications for staffers whose responsibilities will include “the writing of news stories for the region’s new newspaper” and “potential involvement in content creation […] for the newspaper.”
    • What is the Ministry of Engagement doing, other than working on a newspaper/newsletter, so as to not be a media ministry?
    • Why has the primary goal of the ministry shifted from “rapid outreach on all platforms” during the campaign, to “creat[ing] a news dispatch” (in the minister’s own words) during the term?

Quick bump as it’s been a week — have these questions been seen?

@maluhia Any update on what the Ministry of Integration has been doing?

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Hi—recently I’ve been working on using the data from the integration survey to kickstart a mentorship scheme, as outlined in Nwahs’ campaign thread. I can’t promise when something like this will go live, but I hope it will happen in the coming week.

I’ve also been working some recruitment things that the Assembly will hear about soon. Right now we’re focusing on technical issues and I’ll get back to working on a draft for the regional recruitment telegram. Again, I can’t promise exactly when folks we hear everything about this, but I hope in the coming week as well.


I had a response in draft that I was working on some time back, and I want to get back to these questions fully after the first edition of the newsletter/newspaper is out, but just briefly:

  1. I think with how things have panned out thus far, I realised there wasn’t much utility in specifically placing communications from the cabinet into one specific role. I have since given my MoC gameside communications powers to reach out to others.
  2. 7 Trees in particular shared my vision for a regional newsletter, so I gave him the blessing to work on it. The first (of hopefully many editions from now on) will be out this month.
  3. I have communicated with my cabinet members that they should reach out forumside where possible. I try to err on the side of “spamming the inbox less”, but where necessary regional TGs will be utilized.