Cabinet and Executive Orders


In accordance with Article V, Sections 3, 7, and 8 of the Charter, the Prime Minister may issue orders to adequately conduct executive business or to address an immediate and pressing issue created by ambiguity or holes in a particular law. Orders that address issues created by the law are distinctly marked from normal cabinet orders by being labelled "Executive Order".

The Prime Minister will maintain a list of orders below and post them as they are made. Cabinet Orders 1–18 were first issued on the previous forum and have been republished on this thread for record-keeping. Each of those orders contain a link to the original order given on the previous forum.

If you have a comment, question, or concern in relation to this thread, please post it in the Office of the Cabinet.


Note that the dates provided for the orders are in accordance with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Orders with lasting effects are highlighted in blue.

No. Date Note Link
1 10 March 2021 New cabinet Link
2 21 June 2021 New cabinet Link
3 22 June 2021 Appointment Link
4 10 July 2021 Declassification Link
5 22 August 2021 Declassification Link
6 21 October 2021 New cabinet Link
7 1 December 2021 Ping regulation Link
8 3 December 2021 F/S obligations Link
9 15 December 2021 Cabinet shuffle Link
10 9 January 2022 Amending law Link
11 18 February 2022 New cabinet Link
12 20 February 2022 Appointment Link
13 23 March 2022 Cabinet shuffle Link
14 23 March 2022 Appointment Link
15 9 April 2022 Cabinet shuffle Link
16 6 May 2022 Appointments Link
17 18 June 2022 New cabinet Link
18 22 August 2022 Cabinet shuffle Link
19 16 October 2022 Appointments Link
20 16 October 2022 New Cabinet Link
21 3 November 2022 RO Dismissal Link
22 9 November 2022 Appointment Link
23 17 February 2023 Appointment Link
24 17 February 2023 RO Shuffle Link
25 17 February 2023 Staffer Abolition Link
26 13 March 2023 RO Shuffle Link
27 28 March 2023 Days of Observance Link
28 10 April 2023 E.O. 1 Link
29 17 May 2023 RO Shuffle Link
30 28 May 2023 RO Appointment Link
31 27 July 2023 Idol Appointment Link
32 5 August 2023 RO Appointment Link
33 09 October 2023 HERO Formation Link
34 04 November 2023 RO Shuffle Link
35 20 December 2023 RO Relief Link
36a 2 February 2024 RO Shuffle Link
36b 16 February 2024 RO Shuffle Link
37 26 April 2024 RO Shuffle Link
38 1 May 2024 RO Shuffle Link
39 15 May 2024 RO Shuffle Link
40 1 Aug 2024 RO Shuffle Link

CABINET ORDER 1 | Originally published by @Sandaoguo on 10 March 2021

Summary | The Cabinet removes Regional Officer powers to all former Cabinet ministers and grants Regional Officer powers to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Roavin) and the Minister of Media (Islas).

Pursuant to our statutory authority under Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet hereby directs the Delegate to carry out the following–

  1. PenguinPies, Omega, and FiHami shall no longer hold Regional Officers roles reserved to the Cabinet.

  2. Prime Minister Sandaoguo shall be granted a Regional Officer position with all non-Border Control authority, as required under the Regional Officers Act.

  3. Minister of Foreign Affairs Roavin shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Embassies authority.

  4. Minister of Media Islas shall retain their existing Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities.

CABINET ORDER 2 | Originally published by @witchcraftsorcery on 21 June 2021

Summary | This has been fulfilled but to create a public record, the Cabinet has ordered the following according to its authority under the Regional Officers Act.

The Cabinet directs the Delegate of the South Pacific to modify Regional Officer permissions as follows:

  • Sandaoguo, Roavin, and Islands of Unity shall have their Regional Officer powers reserved for Cabinet members removed.

  • Prime Minister Witchcraft and Sorcery shall be granted a Regional Officer position with authority over Appearance, Communications, Embassies, and Polls.

  • MInister of Foreign Affairs Jay Coop/Qvait shall have their Regional Officer position modified to indicate their new title and be granted authority over Embassies.

  • Minister of Engagement Luca/Lucabaduka shall be granted a Regional Officer position with authority over Appearance, Communications, and Polls.

  • Minister of Media Moonfungus shall be granted a Regional Officer position with authority over Appearance, Communications, and Polls.

CABINET ORDER 3 | Originally published by @witchcraftsorcery on 22 June 2021

Summary | The Prime Minister orders the following pursuant to executive authority under Article 6, clause 18 of the Charter.

  • Nakari is appointed as a Cabinet Advisor.

  • Nakari shall be granted access to all private discussion areas of the Cabinet for purposes of assisting with Sunshine Act compliance, until the Cabinet’s obligations under that Act are met.

CABINET ORDER 4 | Originally published by @witchcraftsorcery on 10 July 2021

Summary | The Cabinet orders the following in conjunction with ongoing Assembly debate.

  • Under Criminal Code section 1.3 (d), the Cabinet is empowered to release discussions from its private forums. The following thread is authorized for immediate release to the public archives of the Cabinet Office: Discord discussion re OWL + talk more here

CABINET ORDER 5 | Originally published by @witchcraftsorcery on 22 August 2021

Summary | The Cabinet orders the following in conjunction with ongoing Assembly debate.

  • Under Criminal Code section 1.3 (d), the Cabinet is empowered to release discussions from its private forums. The following thread is authorized for immediate release to the public archives of the Cabinet Office: Discord discussion re OWL + talk more here

CABINET ORDER 6 | Originally published by @HumanSanity on 21 October 2021

Summary | The Cabinet removes Regional Officer powers from all former Cabinet ministers and grants Regional Officer powers to members of the new Cabinet.

Pursuant to our statutory authority under Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet hereby directs the Delegate to carry out the following–

  1. Witchcraft and Sorcery, Qvait, Emodea, and New Quebecshire shall no longer hold Regional Officers roles reserved to the Cabinet.

  2. Prime Minister HumanSanity shall be granted a Regional Officer position with all non-Border Control authority, as required under the Regional Officers Act.

  3. Minister of Foreign Affairs Roavin shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities in addition to the Embassies authority.

  4. Minister of Engagement Nyxonia shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities.

  5. Minister of Culture Doge Land shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities.

CABINET ORDER 7 | Originally published by @HumanSanity on 1 December 2021

Summary | The Cabinet sets regulations for executive ping usage on the regional Discord and requests actions from Discord administration to enable these changes to be made.

The Cabinet,

Recognizing the problem of excessive numbers of Discord “pings” being directed by Cabinet members to the entire Discord server for smaller business while also acknowledging that in the past this has been necessitated due to the lack of more targeted ping options,


  1. Requests that Discord administration create five pingable Discord roles which individual Discord users can opt-in to receiving pings for by reacting to a message in the welcome area of the TSP Discord. Specifically, the Cabinet requests these five roles be for: Upvote Squad (upvoting NationStates Dispatches published by TSP), WA Update Ping (giving information about WA voting recommendations and OWL votes), Games and Events (announcing smaller Discord-based games and social events), News and Information (for being informed about smaller news/updates from the government), and Voice Chat (for users who want to be notified when others are voice chatting in the Discord server). In the future, the Cabinet will endeavor to collaborate with Discord administration should changes to this system be required.

  2. Requires that Cabinet members use the least invasive ping(s) required to disseminate their message or information when making announcements on Discord. Additionally, Cabinet members must receive Prime Minister permission to use a ping directed towards all users of the TSP Discord, all online users of the TSP Discord, or all citizens of TSP in the Discord server. Cabinet members will disseminate these guidelines to their Ministry staffs that have ping permissions in the TSP Discord.

  3. Respectfully asks other government officials and those with permission to conduct pings to apply these same general principles, although not specific procedures, to their use of pings in the TSP Discord.

CABINET ORDER 8 | Originally published by @HumanSanity on 3 December 2021

Summary | The Cabinet defines the scope of TSP’s treaty obligations in the context of the forthcoming “Frontier/Stronghold” NationStates game update.

The Cabinet of the South Pacific,

Aware of the pending changes to the NationStates metaverse colloquially known as “Frontiers/Stronghold”,

Noting that this change introduces a type of region known as a “Frontier” which has a non-executive founder and receives a portion of spawning nations,

Fully aware of the intentional high-risk nature of Frontier regions that will make military conflict in them inevitable,

Expecting that many regions will set up satellite Frontier regions for the purposes of recruitment,

Realizing that extant diplomatic agreements that include non-aggression or mutual defense often do not apply to satellite regions,

Mindful of our principled belief as defenders that regions are sovereign by default,


  1. Declares that unless otherwise negotiated, the South Pacific will extend any non-aggression or defense obligations toward a region to all its duly declared satellite regions,

  2. Reaffirms the commitment of defending vulnerable regions from attack by default.

CABINET ORDER 9 | Originally published by @HumanSanity on 15 December 2021

Summary | The Prime Minister modifies Regional Officer portfolios of the Cabinet.

Pursuant to

  • Article 2(3) of the Elections Act which allocates three Regional Officer slots to Cabinet ministers other than the Prime Minister,

  • Article VI(1) of the Charter which makes the Prime Minister “the head of government and the leader of the Cabinet” and “responsible for the overall coordination of executive activities”, and

  • Article VI(3) of the Charter which makes the Prime Minister “responsible for overseeing a collective Cabinet agenda”.

The Prime Minister hereby directs the Delegate to carry out the following:

  1. Nyxonia shall be removed as a Regional Officer.

  2. Lebatrip shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities.

CABINET ORDER 10 | Originally published by @HumanSanity on 9 January 2022

Summary | The Cabinet unanimously issues an executive order pursuant to Article VI(16) of the Charter to address a gap in the Elections Act related to a scenario where only one candidate is running for office.

the South Pacific,

Having observed that the January 2022 Delegate election’s forum-side round only has one valid declared candidate,

Concerned by the Elections Act not explicitly considering the case where only one candidate enters the forum-side vote,

Believing that Legal Question 2201.HQ, which asks the High Court for guidance on this matter, cannot be reasonably adjudicated before the conclusion of this election,

Aware that the forum-side vote has already been started by the Election Commissioner,

Asserting its authority under Article VI Section 16 to address immediate and pressing issues created by ambiguity or holes in a particular law by use of an executive order,

Fulfilling its obligation of unanimous consent under that same section,

Guided by a principle of least disruption,


Amends the Elections Act through executive order to include the following sub-section to Article 3 Section 2 of the Elections Act:

g. If there is only one candidate for Delegate in the first round of Delegate elections, the Assembly will vote whether to approve that candidate or re-open nominations. If the candidate receives less than 50% approval, the option to Re-Open Nominations will be "approved", and the process shall begin again at the campaign and debate period. If the candidate receives greater than 50% approval, the Election Commissioner will initiate a second round of voting conducted via a week-long poll of Native World Assembly members, with the options of the approved candidate and Re-Open Nominations. If the option to Re-Open Nominations receives the majority of the votes in the regional poll, then the process of electing a Delegate will begin again at the campaign and debate period.

CABINET ORDER 11 | Originally published by @HumanSanity on 18 February 2022

Summary | The Cabinet removes Regional Officer powers from all former Cabinet ministers and grants Regional Officer powers to members of the new Cabinet.

Pursuant to our statutory authority under Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet hereby directs the Delegate to carry out the following–

  1. Doge Land and Lebatrip shall no longer hold Regional Officers roles reserved to the Cabinet.

  2. Prime Minister HumanSanity shall retain a Regional Officer position with all non-Border Control authority, as required under the Regional Officers Act.

  3. Minister of Foreign Affairs Roavin shall retain a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities in addition to the Embassies authority.

  4. Minister of Engagement Purple Hyacinth shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities.

  5. Minister of Defense Emodea shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications, and Polls authorities.

CABINET ORDER 12 | Originally published by @HumanSanity on 20 February 2022

Summary | The Cabinet names Amerion as a Cabinet Advisor.

The Cabinet of the South Pacific,

Recognizing both Amerion’s exemplary work in outreach and engagement while Delegate of the South Pacific and their previous tenure as Prime Minister of the South Pacific,

Observing that Amerion’s tenure as Delegate of the South Pacific has now concluded, thereby removing any potential separation of powers concerns from access to the Cabinet’s private areas or participation in Cabinet deliberations,


Appoints Amerion as a Cabinet Advisor.

CABINET ORDER 13 | Originally published by @Moon on 23 March 2022

Summary | The Cabinet reassigns Regional Officer powers to recognize the recent changes in its membership.

Pursuant to our statutory authority under Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet hereby directs the Delegate to carry out the following-

  1. Roavin shall no longer hold a Regional Officer role reserved for the Cabinet.

  2. Prime Minister Emodea shall be granted a Regional Officer position with all non-Border Control authorities, as required under the Regional Officers Act.

  3. Minister of Culture Kylsevia shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications and Polls authorities.

  4. Minister of Engagement United States of Vietnam shall be granted a Regional Officer position with the Appearance, Communications and Polls authorities.

CABINET ORDER 14 | Originally published by @Moon on 23 March 2022

Summary | The Cabinet names @HumanSanity as a Cabinet Advisor.

The Cabinet of the South Pacific,

Observing HumanSanity’s multiple successful tenures in the Cabinet of the South Pacific as Minister of Defense and Prime Minister,

Recalling HumanSanity’s extensive past involvement in prominent regions like Renegade Islands Alliance and 10000 Islands, and their significant contributions to the successes of both commended regions,

Noting that HumanSanity currently holds no position in The South Pacific that would cause concerns about separation of powers by having access to the Cabinet’s private area or participating in Cabinet discussions,

Hereby appoints HumanSanity as a Cabinet Advisor in pursuant to Section VI.(18) of the Charter of the South Pacific.

CABINET ORDER 15 | Originally published by @Moon on 9 April 2022

Summary | The Cabinet reassigns Regional Officer powers to recognize the recent changes in its membership.

Pursuant to our statutory authority under Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet hereby directs the Delegate to carry out the following-

  1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandaoguo’s existing Regional Officer role shall be modified to indicate their current Cabinet position.

  2. Minister of Defense Esfalsa shall be granted a Regional Officer position with Appearance, Communications and Polls authorities.

CABINET ORDER 16 | Originally published by @Moon on 6 May 2022

Summary | The Cabinet appoints Purple Hyacinth and Tepertopia (anjo) as the new Minister of Media and the new Director of Office of World Assembly Legislation respectively.

The Cabinet of the South Pacific,

Observing that two vacancies in the Cabinet were created due to the resignation of Director of Office of World Assembly Legislation Blockbuster2K43 on April 28 due to real life concerns, and the recall of Minister of Media Wizard Ferret on May 01,

Noting that Article VI.(4) of the Charter of the Coalition of the South Pacific grants the Prime Minister the ability to appoint a new Director if a vacancy is created,

Further noting that Article 6.(1) of the Elections Act states that should less than half of the term remains, as is the case here, the Cabinet may appoint a replacement to serve until the next regularly scheduled election,

Highlighting the wondrous service of Tepertopia and Purple Hyacinth to the region in previous positions of power, which includes successful tenures as the Director of Office of World Assembly Legislation, Chair of the Assembly and Minister of Engagement,

Believing that these two stalwart South Pacificans are the perfect choices to fill up the current vacancies due to the enviable talent and sublime attitude they’ve showcased throughout their time in this region,

Hereby appoints Tepertopia as the new Director of Office of World Assembly Legislation and Purple Hyacinth as the new Minister of Media, in accordance with the aforementioned laws.

CABINET ORDER 17 | Originally published by @EmC on 18 June 2022

Summary | The Cabinet orders the removal of Regional Officer powers from all former Cabinet ministers and the granting Regional Officer powers to members of the new Cabinet.

Using the authority granted to us by Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet instructs the Delegate to carry out the following:

  • Remove Regional Officer powers from Emodea, Sandaoguo (in their capacity as the Minister of Foreign Affairs), and United States of Vietnam

  • Prime Minister Jay (nation: Qvait) shall be granted a Regional Officer position with all the powers granted to them as both the Prime Minister and member of the Council on Regional Security, as required under the Regional Officers Act.

  • Minister HumanSanity (nation of the same name) shall be granted a Regional Officer position with all the powers granted to them as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, including Embassy powers.

  • Minister Pronoun (nation: Esfalsa) shall retain their Regional Officer position with all the powers granted to them as the Minister of Defence.

  • Minister Griffindor (nation: Ebonhand) shall be granted a Regional Officer position with all the powers granted to them as the Minister of Engagement.

CABINET ORDER 18 | Originally published by @EmC on 22 August 2022

Summary | Cabinet shuffle: transfer of Regional Officer powers from one minister to another.

Using the authority granted to us by Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet instructs the Delegate to carry out the following:

  • Remove Regional Officer powers from Minister Griffindor (nation: Ebonhand)

  • Minister Lile Ulie Islands (nation of the same name) shall be granted a Regional Officer position with all the powers granted to them as the Minister of Culture.