Cabinet and Executive Orders

CABINET ORDER 2 | Originally published by @witchcraftsorcery on 21 June 2021

Summary | This has been fulfilled but to create a public record, the Cabinet has ordered the following according to its authority under the Regional Officers Act.

The Cabinet directs the Delegate of the South Pacific to modify Regional Officer permissions as follows:

  • Sandaoguo, Roavin, and Islands of Unity shall have their Regional Officer powers reserved for Cabinet members removed.

  • Prime Minister Witchcraft and Sorcery shall be granted a Regional Officer position with authority over Appearance, Communications, Embassies, and Polls.

  • MInister of Foreign Affairs Jay Coop/Qvait shall have their Regional Officer position modified to indicate their new title and be granted authority over Embassies.

  • Minister of Engagement Luca/Lucabaduka shall be granted a Regional Officer position with authority over Appearance, Communications, and Polls.

  • Minister of Media Moonfungus shall be granted a Regional Officer position with authority over Appearance, Communications, and Polls.