State of the Coalition - July 2024

Good time of day Mr. Chair!

On behalf of the Cabinet via the power given to us by the Assembly- I request a special session to hear the Delegate speak about the State of the Coalition!


Chair of the Assembly | State of the Coalition

The request has been recognised.

The Assembly is hereby ordered to convene on Government Island, on the 15th of July, in the year 2024, in order to hear our Delegate’s words on the State of the Coalition.

Colonel Llama, Serjeant-at-Arms of the Coalition, is ordered to escort the Delegate to these august Halls of the Assembly.

Mr. Chair, Honorable Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet, Chief Justice Kris Kringle, and the Associate Justices, and to the most honorable Legislators of the Assembly;

To The People of TSP;

Good time of day to you, and I hope you have enjoyed a slice of pie. As we come to the close of this term, we have seen tremendous efforts from our newcomers to office as well as our veteran members and the work they are doing.

TSP has a long history of being awesome. We stand strong in the face of adversity and come together to make this region the best in the game. The newest members of our Cabinet have proven themselves to be steadfast staples to the well being of TSP.

To start our MoC has had several successful events that have happened this term including the culinary contests and flag and anthem submissions. Our MoD has been promoted and has been leading successful operations under the banner of the SPSF which is most impressive. OWL is busy with more open threads than has been seen in quite a while and FA has been doing wonders with a new treaty in the Assembly now.

The Assembly is doing its thing, voting on seven items this term, and has had nine legislators admitted to the Assembly

TSP is on a great path and will continue to follow it as long as everyone who calls her home does their best by her.

Thank you.


Motion to close

Chair of the Assembly | State of the Coalition

The motion has been recognised, and legislators are permitted to go home and see their families, provided they admit that cake is superior to both ice cream and pie.

The Assembly floor will also remain open to allow for Legislator’s to ask any questions that they may have.

Vive la Coalition!


When will we be receiving a State of the Coalition address?

  • How did these events unfold? Where they any challenges or lessons learned?
  • What benefits did holding these events bring to the region?
  • Do we have any links or evidence of how these events unfolded?
  • Were these events part of the cultural agenda? Are there any events or activities from that agenda that could be be implemented? If so, why and what lessons have we learned from those unsuccessful efforts?
  • How has the Ministry of Defence been promoted? Through which means? Has that promotion been fruitful?
  • Which operations has the MoD led? How are we measuring their success?
  • How do current results compared to the government’s expectations? Are we on track or do we need to make adjustments?
  • How are we doing in terms of recruitment and talent development?
  • Have these threads had meaningful activity and participation?
  • What is the OWL agenda and its plan for regional WA development and engagement? Are we on track to meet whatever goals have been set?
  • Has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs done anything else of note?
  • What is the foreign policy agenda? Has that agenda been implemented? How far along are we on that front?
  • What foreign policy challenges and opportunities are facing the region? How will the government meet the moment?

Speaking on behalf of @Vrigny here:

  • How has the Ministry of Defence been promoted? Through which means? Has that promotion been fruitful?

The Minister of Defense himself has been promoted, not the Ministry of Defense as a whole. However, we have been receiving a strong stream of recruits and have gotten some new active updaters.

  • Which operations has the MoD led? How are we measuring their success?

The major operations that have happened since Vrigny assumed office are the liberations of League of Christian Nations and Arkana Coalition, as well as the support/transition effort of Realm of the Whispering Winds. We have had very high liberator numbers (regularly exceeding 10 liberators per update), with our liberator numbers being the best in defenderdom. In addition, we have had an active update presence, with the numbers of regular updaters, detags and defenses jumping drastically since Vrigny assumed office (although that may be largely because of more tag raiding during his term).

  • How do current results compared to the government’s expectations? Are we on track or do we need to make adjustments?

I can’t speak for Vrigny about this but our liberator and even our updater numbers, especially compared to other defender orgs, have consistently exceeded my expectations and has probably exceeded his as well.

  • How are we doing in terms of recruitment and talent development?

Under Vrigny we have promoted Slab to Captain, Vrigny to Lieutenant, and my Captain training is in progress and will be completed soon. We have also recruited some active updaters with definite officer potential.

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We’ve been coordinating cultural events with our allies. Events include a game night with DSA, pride festival with Europeia, Hunger Games with TEP, and a few others, to include two being planned with allies right now.

Agenda is twofold: Get in good and friendly with regions that we might align with culturally but haven’t because they have been outside of GP, and continue to develop joint capabilities of Aegis as the defender multilateral org. Neither has had much success, primarily due to my own work taking so much more of my time nowadays, but we have seen some success, one tangible (Dispatches developed by and for Aegis use) and one intangible (in comms with InterLeft as they work through their own politics and settle on a path for the future, which could include military/political cooperation moving forward).

Foreign policy challenges? None, we’re not in hot water with anyone or in the middle of any big shitfest waiting to emerge. We could use another soul or two interested in FA and trusted to actually be a part of the program, so to speak, but it’s not the end of the world for us.


Have these threads had meaningful activity and participation?
I think with the exception of occasional threads with lots of activity, most threads only involve meaningful comments from 1-2 people (usually OWL volunteers like The Ice States and Welly, or the OWL director) on top of votes, which is unfortunate but I think we have a much better foundation to work on now with analysis being provided for every upcoming resolution again. One possible remedy for this is to prompt voters to provide rationale for their votes, but I think a balance has to be struck here as well so as to make voting not too cumbersome for voters who may not be as engaged in the latest WA resolution on catalytic converters.

What is the OWL agenda and its plan for regional WA development and engagement? Are we on track to meet whatever goals have been set?
The OWL Director spelt out his agenda for the term in his nomination speech at the start of the term.

Right now, most of the short-term and medium-term parts of the agenda have been met, but certainly more focus can be put on meaningful engagement beyond just upvoting OWL dispatches on NS (see above).

As for the long-term vision of a resolution-drafting culture, certainly this is something that is not a one-term only project, but with the current OWL volunteer team including a GA GenSec member, and the other volunteers (including the OWL Director himself!) learning more about what makes a good resolution, OWL is in good shape to bring forward these plans into another term.

How did these events unfold? Where they any challenges or lessons learned?
The Culinary Contest, announced both on Discord and on-site, it unfolded very well. As we can see on the dispatch of announcement (NationStates | Dispatch | Culinary Contest), we had 12 subscriptions, which is a considerable number compared to the last SwanVision, for example. The winner and second and third places have already been decided recently (NationStates | RMB Post).
For the flag contest, everything went well, and it was decided, like the Culinary Contest, by popular vote in on-site polls (NationStates | RMB Post).
The Anthem Contest, I admit, did not go well. We only had 1 registration, so there was nothing to extract from there in my view.
In addition to these three, we had a fourth, the Coalition Day 2024, as can be seen here: and here: Inserir-um-t-tulo-20240601-140458-0000 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB.
This, however, is not the end, there are still two events to come: Defender Day (already planned) and Independence Day (on progress). Plus, of course, we have “The South Pacific Interview”, which we have, so far, 9 editions, including those already produced by Penguin in its previous mandate.

Well, one challenge I would say would be to attract people to these events and convince them to participate. It may just be a superficial and erroneous view on my part, but I think we should have a lot more people at events, and I don’t think this is due to a lack of advertising on my part. One of the most important things I learned was to plan everything as soon as possible and do everything thinking about how cool it will look to other people in the region, not only to you.

What benefits did holding these events bring to the region?
I would say that, above all, the events brought more life to the region, more activity. I make sure to always leave people with something to do, either by voting in the regional poll, or by reading something. I also believe that we have brought greater importance to the holidays of TSP and we show that they mean something and really stand for something.

Do we have any links or evidence of how these events unfolded?

Culinary Contest: Culinary Contest 1 | Bracket HQ and NationStates | Dispatch | Culinary Contest.

Coalition Day 2024: and for the Flag Contest: Flag Contest | Bracket HQ.

All interviews can be seen on Virifortis’ dispatch list. The most recent is: NationStates | Dispatch | The South Pacific Interview 9.

Were these events part of the cultural agenda? Are there any events or activities from that agenda that could be be implemented? If so, why and what lessons have we learned from those unsuccessful efforts?
Yes, these were all part of the cultural agenda. I don’t think there was any event on the cultural agenda that wasn’t implemented. I wish I had more success with Discord Game Nights, to be honest, but I’ll see what I can do until the end of my term. One lesson from this was that, bringing what I said this to the table, the earlier you plan, the better. I had some slip-ups because of that, I’m not going to lie, but that’s what I learned.

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How has the Ministry of Defence been promoted? Through which means? Has that promotion been fruitful?
This was referring to the Minister of Defence, which was the one to get promoted from Ensign (his original position before becoming Minister) to Lieutenant after completing the necessary training. This training was done through discord on the specialized channel for lieutenant training, and due to the help of Drew, the one who trained the Minister of Defense, this was possible. As usual, the training was checked by our Admiral to look if it was truly deserved, and it was done once it was decided by the Admiralty and other officers. Vrigny has already participated several times as an officer in liberations over in the respective server and did a pretty good job at calling the movement orders and bringing up as many liberators as possible from the SPSF to the operation effort.

Which operations has the MoD led? How are we measuring their success?
Since the start of the current MoD term, the SPSF has been dealing with different kinds of operations. The usual: defenses, detags, supports, as well as some important liberations (and some other minor liberations). From these liberations we can highlight the liberations of League of Christian Nations and Arkana Coalition, which saw large numbers of soldiers from the SPSF participating in the countless sieges from the operations; usually with over 10 liberators per update, . We can also talk about the SPSF’s newest operation: The support of Realm of the Whispering Winds to aid their transition; which is seeing a high number of piler support from defenders.

All of SPSF’s operations, at least the number of those, are being tracked, as usual, on the corresponding data portal. Compared to the situation from before the start of the current MoD term, the number of updaters, defenses, detags and supports has increased, which is visible in the monthly reports MoD has worked on correspondingly. With around 615 defenses, 592 detags, 276 supports, 22 liberations, 10 sieges and 26 updaters during the last four months, we can safely say that the SPSF is strong and active.

How do current results compared to the government’s expectations? Are we on track or do we need to make adjustments?
With these numbers on display, it would be difficult, and frankly, too idealistic, to say that MoD is dissatisfied with the SPSF’s results during this last term. Back during the campaign and the start of the term, I’ll admit that, as MoD, I had not much of a concrete idea with set objectives; I perhaps promised what is to be expected from the MoD and I myself had high expectations to achieve impressive goals, not because of my skill, but because that’s what I wanted to think was what was expected from me. This is mainly an opinion, but these numbers are pretty good; considering the SPSF is usually the largest defender force on our combined server with other defender orgs, we have quite a high number of operations, even if they’re varied. Currently, I think that any adjustment to get even higher numbers would be hard to do, since I expect keeping this level of activity to be tricky already. Of course, it isn’t by any means impossible.

How are we doing in terms of recruitment and talent development?
During this MoD term, the SPSF has recruited around 15 new members. It’s important to mention that quite a bunch of these recent recruits have shown quite good skill by their own, and their dedication to R/D shows. The SPSF and MoD have been doing their best to provide the necessary training, explanations or corrections to the members, both during update, on DMs or just more casually. It’s clear, though, that the hardest aspect of defending is chasing, for which the SPSF has always had relative trouble teaching, just because of its complexity. However, with the upheld effort from our officers, the MoD and other members of the SPSF, it is being made sure that all members receive their necessary training to be promoted once they can reliably prove that they know how to do all types of basic operations.

This talent development effort shows, mainly with the promotions of jay and Lombard to Ensign, Vrigny to Lieutenant and Slab to Captain; as well as Drew’s Captain training being pretty much complete already and the only thing that’s left for his promotion is for the Admiralty to check his Captain training. We do hope that the other members we have recruited soon fulfill the necessary requisites, since handing out promotions, when they are deserved, was one of the MoD’s objectives for the term, and are essential to keep the SPSF going.

How are we doing in terms of recruitment and talent development?
During this MoD term, the SPSF has recruited around 15 new members. It’s important to mention that quite a bunch of these recent recruits have shown quite good skill by their own, and their dedication to R/D shows. The SPSF and MoD have been doing their best to provide the necessary training, explanations or corrections to the members, both during update, on DMs or just more casually. It’s clear, though, that the hardest aspect of defending is chasing, for which the SPSF has always had relative trouble teaching, just because of its complexity. However, with the upheld effort from our officers, the MoD and other members of the SPSF, it is being made sure that all members receive their necessary training to be promoted once they can reliably prove that they know how to do all types of basic operations.

This talent development effort shows, mainly with the promotions of jay and Lombard to Ensign, Vrigny to Lieutenant and Slab to Captain; as well as Drew’s Captain training being pretty much complete already and the only thing that’s left for his promotion is for the Admiralty to check his Captain training. We do hope that the other members we have recruited soon fulfill the necessary requisites, since handing out promotions, when they are deserved, was one of the MoD’s objectives for the term, and are essential to keep the SPSF going.

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