Hi everyone, I am honored to be nominated for the position of OWL director by the PM. I will cover what I intend to do for this term, and I am more than happy to answer questions from citizens and (especially) other interested WA/SPSF members of the Coalition.
As Penguin has made clear:
I share the PM’s vision for the OWL, and I will detail what I have in mind, if I am successfully nominated for this office.
Short-term actions:
For the most part, the key functions of the OWL will remain as it has been in the past under recent OWL Directors/PMs. That is, when there is a good reason (e.g. security-related) to direct the Delegate and recommend the WA/SPSF membership of the region to vote a certain way on a resolution, this direction and recommendation will be communicated on the TSP Discord. Otherwise, I will post voting and debate threads on the TSP Discord to determine the Delegate’s vote on a particular resolution.
The key difference (compared to recent months at least) would be a concerted effort to reach out to interested WA/SPSF members who may not be on the TSP Discord yet, or may not have had the time to check the TSP Discord to appraise themselves of the current OWL recommendation/voting thread. This will take the form of regular dispatches gameside and promoted on the RMB, as well as posts on the regional forum. I am currently considering the option of using telegrams gameside as well, but I am open to feedback on that.
Medium-term plans:
I think one of the broad concerns that members might have is whether the OWL under my leadership can reasonably post information for voters (IFVs for short) on every resolution, given my (relative) lack of GA/SC expertise. While there is no statutory obligation to post IFVs, I think this would be a valuable service that the OWL could provide, and my aim is to build expertise in this region to write IFVs for every resolution at vote/queued so that WA/SPSF members will have an accurate summary of what they are voting on, and why the OWL is recommending a vote one way or another.
For one, there is actually no shortage of members engaged with TSP in one way or another that have a wealth of GA/SC expertise, including allies that may not be resident in TSP. I intend on tapping on this wealth of expertise where appropriate. I also intend on implementing a OWL volunteer system (fancy acronym to be decided at a later date), where interested TSP members can volunteer to draft IFVs on resolutions and be publicized for their efforts.
My aim is that by the end of my term, we would have made good progress on a system where IFVs can be published for every resolution.
Long-term vision:
My vision is that an active WA culture can take root in this region. TSP is a region that has so much influence on WA votes, with the size of our WA membership as well as the incredible endorsement count that our Delegate has. I believe that active WA culture, where resolutions are debated actively and robustly, can only serve to amplify this influence, and it is my hope that my actions and plans, as detailed, will bring us on the right path towards this vision.
On that note, I am also thinking about how the volunteer system that I detailed earlier can be augmented to build a resolution-drafting culture in the region as well. Resolution-drafting, without a doubt, is an intimidating process, but currently-active members of the region have had success drafting resolutions in the past, and I want to tap on their expertise where possible.
Conflict of Interest Declaration:
I am, of course, a citizen and legislator in TSP. My WA nation (Differences-in-Differences) is resident in TSP. I am currently a citizen of TNP, where I was formerly a minister and a speaker about 10 years ago. I am currently an executive staff (volunteer) in several ministries in TNP, namely Culture and Home Affairs, but I don’t intend on being active or renewing my executive staff membership in any ministry in TNP once successfully nominated. My full energy on NS, besides usual citizenry-related duties, will be directed towards my work in the OWL here in TSP.