The Assembly Gazette (48th Presidium)

:newspaper: The Assembly’s Official Forums Outlet

The Assembly Gazette is an official publication by the Chair of the Assembly of the South Pacific. Whenever something of note happens in the Assembly (TSP’s legislature), it will be published in this Gazette, alongside its gameside equivalent. All citizens and legislators of TSP can easily keep themselves informed about what’s going on in the heart of the South Pacifican democracy!

:speech_balloon: Join the Assembly Today!

Signing up to become a legislator of the Assembly will allow you to get involved in making and debating the laws that govern our region. The Office of Legislator Applications within the Assembly is where legislator applications are housed, read through the instructions in order to lodge your application! You’ll be accepted within a few days as long as you’re not deemed a threat to our regional security.

Contact: If you notice anything wrong with this topic or have suggestions for improvement, please send a message to the incumbent Chair, or BlockBuster2K43 on the forums or Discord.

48th Presidium

Votes Held — 25

Deputy ChairWelly
Discussions Held — 47

Discretionary Edits — 1

Caucus Affiliations

Current Member Counts

The Cakeists The Pieists The Ice Creamists Independent
10 5 13 15

This version is no longer updated!

October 2024

Thursday, October 31st
📜Voting on CN2410 Closed


Voting on electing BlockBuster2K43 as the Chair of the Assembly until January 13, 2025, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required majority by 31%. Results: 26 Ayes // 2 Nays // 4 Abstentions // 5 Absent.

Sunday, October 27th
📜Voting on A2410.02 Closed

Voting on amending sub-section 2, of section 4 of the Citizenship Act, has concluded, and has failed, falling short of the required supermajority by 3.5%. Results: 13 Ayes // 10 Nays // 8 Abstentions // 6 Absent.

Sunday, October 27th
📜Voting on CN2410 Opened

Voting on electing BlockBuster2K43 as the Chair of the Assembly until January 13, 2025, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until October 30 at 21:00 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Tuesday, October 22nd
📜Voting on A2410.02 Opened

Voting on amending sub-section 2, of section 4 of the Citizenship Act has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until October 27th at 19:40 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Thursday, October 17th
📜Voting on CN2409 Closed

Voting on confirming a new Cabinet, has concluded, and all nominees have been confirmed.

Tuesday, October 15th
📜Voting on A2410.01 Closed

Voting on amending the Charter and modify the naming of the board of admirals within a specific clause has concluded, and has failed, falling short of the required supermajority by 24%.
Results: 9 Ayes // 16 Nays // 11 Abstentions // 5 Absent.

Monday, October 14th
📜Voting on CN2409 Opened

Voting on approving ProfessorHenn’s Cabinet Appointments has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until October 17 at 10:00 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Thursday, October 10th
📜Voting on A2410.01 Opened

Voting on amending the Charter, and the naming of a certain clause has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until October 15 at 19:55 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Friday, October 4th
🎙️State of the Assembly Published

The Chair of the Assembly has presented the State of the Assembly for the month of September, available for everyone to read here. In total, 3 votes were held, and 6 unique discussions were active during the month. 2 legislators are departing from the Assembly, and 2 were newly admitted.

Wednesday, October 2nd
📜Voting on A2409.02 Closed

Voting on amending the Charter, with regards to the prohibition of holding regional office under certain circumstances has concluded, and has passed, going over the required supermajority by 40%.
Results: 28 Ayes // 0 Nays // 9 Abstentions // 6 Absent.

Wednesday, October 2nd
📜Voting on A2409.01 Closed

Voting on removing the current requirement for citizenship in order to join the Coral Guard has concluded, and has passed, going over the required supermajority by 12.4%.
Results: 21 Ayes // 8 Nays // 8 Abstentions // 6 Absent.

September 2024

Tuesday, September 17th
📜Voting on CN2408 Closed

Voting on approving the Prime Minister’s nomination of ConcreteSlab as an Admiral, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required majority by 50%. Results: 30 Ayes // 0 Nays // 7 Abstentions // 4 Absent.

Saturday, September 14th
📜Voting on CN2408 Opened

Voting on approving the Prime Minister’s nomination of ConcreteSlab as an Admiral has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until September 17 at 11:40 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Wednesday, September 4th
🎙️State of the Assembly Published

The Chair of the Assembly has presented the State of the Assembly for the month of |August, available for everyone to read here. In total, 7 votes were held, and 9 unique discussions were active during the month. 3 legislators are departing from the Assembly, and 5 were newly admitted.

August 2024

Friday, August 30th
📜Voting on CN2407 Closed

Voting on confirming the appointment of Pronoun to Council on Regional Security, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required supermajority by 40%. Results: 30 Ayes // 0 Nays // 6 Abstentions // 8 Absent.

Friday, August 30th
📜Voting on CN2406 Closed

Voting on confirming the appointment of ProfessorHenn to Council on Regional Security, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required supermajority by 16.6%. Results: 23 Ayes // 7 Nays // 6 Abstentions // 8 Absent.

Tuesday, August 27th
📜Voting on CN2407 Opened

Voting on confirming the appointment of Pronoun to Council on Regional Security, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until August 30 at 21:20 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Tuesday, August 27th
📜Voting on CN2406 Opened

Voting on confirming the appointment of ProfessorHenn to Council on Regional Security, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until August 30 at 21:15 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Wednesday, August 14th
📜Voting on A2408.04 Closed

Voting on cleaning up and the removal of the legal requirement to ‘archive’ topics for both inactive and passed legislation, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required supermajority by 40%. Results: 26 Ayes // 0 Nays // 7 Abstentions // 6 Absent.

Wednesday, August 14th
📜Voting on A2408.03 Closed

Voting on adopting the following amendment to the Elections Act, has concluded, and has failed, falling short of the required supermajority by 42.4%. Results: 6 Ayes // 20 Nays // 8 Abstentions // 5 Absent.

Friday, August 9th
📜Voting on A2408.04 Opened

Voting on amendments to the Legislative Procedure Act to cleanup and remove the legal requirement to ‘archive’ topics for both inactive and passed legislation, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until August 14th at 22:55 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Friday, August 9th
📜Voting on A2408.03 Opened

Voting on adopting an amendment to the Elections Act regarding the adjudication of ballot validity, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until August 14th at 20:55 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Friday, August 9th
📜Voting on A2408.02 Closed

Voting on adopting amendments which aim to define declarations of war within both the Charter and the Legislative Procedure Act, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required supermajority by 16.9%. Results: 20 Ayes // 6 Nays // 9 Abstentions // 4 Absent.

Friday, August 9th
📜Voting on A2408.01 Closed

Voting on adopting an amendment to the Elections Act to alter the voting method for Delegate elections, has concluded, and has failed, falling short of the required supermajority by 16.2%. Results: 14 Ayes // 18 Nays // 4 Abstentions // 3 Absent.

Monday, August 5th
📜Voting on CN2405 Closed

Voting on confirming a new Cabinet, has concluded, and all nominees have been confirmed.
Results: Voting thread

Monday, August 5th
🎙️State of the Assembly Published

The Chair of the Assembly has presented the State of the Assembly for the month of July, available for everyone to read here. In total, 2 votes were held, and 10 unique discussions were active during the month. 1 legislator departed from the Assembly, and 3 legislators were newly admitted.

Sunday, August 4th
📜Voting on A2408.02 Opened

Voting on adopting amendments which aim to define declarations of war within both the Charter and the Legislative Procedure Act, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until August 9th at 18:00 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Sunday, August 4th
📜Voting on A2408.01 Opened

Voting on adopting an amendment to the Elections Act to alter the voting method for Delegate elections, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until August 9th at 17:35 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Friday, August 2nd
📜Voting on CN2405 Opened

Voting on confirming LordNwahs Cabinet Appointments, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until August 5th at 14:55 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

July 2024

Monday, July 15th
🎙️State of the Coalition Published

The Prime Minister has requested the Assembly convene for a special session in order to hear our Delegate’s words on the performance of the Coalition. All may read here.

Friday, July 12th
📜Voting on A2407.01 Closed

Voting on adopting a new mutual defense treaty and repealing a currently active pact, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required majority by 50%. Results: 28 Ayes // 0 Nays // 7 Abstentions // 2 Absent.

Sunday, July 7th
📜Voting on A2407.01 Opened

Voting on adopting a new mutual defense treaty and repealing a currently active pact, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until July 12 at 17:15 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Wednesday, July 3rd
🎙️State of the Assembly Published

The Chair of the Assembly has presented the State of the Assembly for the month of June, available for everyone to read here. In total, 2 votes was held, and 4 unique discussions were active during the month. No legislators are departing from the Assembly, and 1 legislator was newly admitted.

Tuesday, July 2nd
📜Voting on A2406.02 Closed

Voting on adopting an amendment to Article IX(7) of the Charter, has concluded, and has failed, falling short of the required supermajority by 26.7%. Results: 8 Ayes // 16 Nays // 9 Abstentions // 6 Absent.

June 2024

Thursday, June 27th
📜Voting on A2406.02 Opened

Voting on adopting an amendment to Article IX(7) of the Charter, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until July 2 at 21:30 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Wednesday, June 11th
📜Voting on A2406.01 Closed

Voting on adopting an amendment to update the World Assembly Act, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required majority by 37.4%. Results: 21 Ayes // 3 Nay // 8 Abstentions // 6 Absent.

Saturday, June 8th
📜Voting on A2406.01 Opened

Voting on adopting an amendment to update the World Assembly Act, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until June 11 at 20:10 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Wednesday, June 5th
📜Voting on CN2404 Closed

Voting on the Prime Minister’s nomination of Griffindor to the Citizenship Committee, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required majority by 41.7%. Results: 22 Ayes // 2 Nay // 9 Abstentions // 5 Absent.

Sunday, June 2nd
📜Voting on CN2404 Opened

Voting on the Prime Minister’s nomination of Griffindor to the Citizenship Committee, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until June 5 at 01:15 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Saturday, June 1st
🎙️State of the Assembly Published

The Chair of the Assembly has presented the State of the Assembly for the month of May, available for everyone to read here. In total, 1 vote was held, and 2 unique discussions were active during the month. No legislators are departing from the Assembly, and 6 legislators were newly admitted.

May 2024

Tuesday, May 7th
📜Voting on A2405.01 Closed

Voting on adopting several amendments with regards to the handling of accomplice liability within the Criminal Code, has concluded, and has passed, going over the required majority by 46.3%. Results: 27 Ayes // 1 Nay // 4 Abstentions // 2 Absent.

Saturday, May 4th
📜Voting on A2405.01 Opened

Voting on adopting several amendments with regards to the handling of accomplice liability within the Criminal Code, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until May 7 at 12:45 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

April 2024

Sunday, April 28th
📜Voting on CN2403 Closed

Voting on confirming a new Cabinet, has concluded, and all nominees have been confirmed.
Results: Voting thread

Thursday, April 25th
📜Voting on CN2403 Opened

Voting on confirming a new Cabinet has commenced, and all legislators may cast their votes on the appointees until April 28 at 20:50 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Sunday, April 7th
📜Voting on A2404.01 Cancelled

Voting on the resolution to recall incumbent Prime Minister Drew Durrnil, has been cancelled, the voting thread is here.

Friday, April 5th
📜Voting on A2404.01 Opened

Voting on the resolution to recall incumbent Prime Minister Drew Durrnil, has commenced, and all legislators may cast their vote on it until April 8 at 21:30 UTC. The debate thread may be found here; the voting thread is here.

Thursday, April 4th
🎙️State of the Assembly Published

The Chair of the Assembly has presented the State of the Assembly for the month of March, available for everyone to read here. In total, 2 votes were held, and 5 unique discussions were active during the month. 4 legislators are departing from the Assembly, and no legislators were newly admitted.

Please view the NationStates version for every Gazette entry.