PNN - Pacifican News Network

As President Pike returns to work ahead of parliament opening tomorrow he is asked about why there hasn’t been a Midsommar, Christmas or New Year message from him. He responded “It’s a slippery slope you see, you do it once, and all of sudden you’re expected to do it every year”.

10 military officials have confessed to plotting to overthrow the current government. All of them have been executed. However, some subtle inaccuracies and contradictions have been found which have cast doubts over the legitimacy of the confessions.

A whistleblower from within the government of Báraarde has released government documents reporting the operation of labor camps and concentration camps in Noordelik-Aarde and the Kusarea until 2020, which was 25 years after when the government said they had ended all labor camp and concentration camp activity. The documents also suggest that the camps are still in operation today. Among the documents is a list of prisoners from 2000 to 2020 and a list of “future prisoners” and a way to acquire them. One of the “future prisoners” is the former chairman of the opposition, who was believed to have been killed in an explosion in a house in Kraalstad, but no body was found. The government has faced backlash already from the High Parliament of Báraarde, and the mass discontent from the citizens on the social media site Praat! is too much for the censors to suppress. This situation is still developing.

Oceanography vessels of the Royal Pelinese Navy, while making maps of the sea floors around Pelinai and performing other duties, have confirmed the presence of vast quantities of polymetallic nodules, metalliferous sediments, and other seafloor ore deposits near Pelinai’s continental shelf region in the Eastern Ocean. The Pelinese Ministry of Strategic Resources states that the size of the resource field greatly exceeds that which it can efficiently mine with its current fleet of experimental seafloor mining vehicles, potentially opening the door for a cooperative agreement between PMoSI and other domestic or foreign companies.

Four new semisubmersible oil rigs of the Pelinese Ministry of Strategic Resources have shipped their first batches of crude oil to Pelinese refineries after being established on the Pelinese continental shelf facing the Eastern Ocean. Officials of the Pelinese Ministry of Economics state that the new sources of petroleum, which are specified as being mostly high-grade light sweet crude oil, will be refined primarily into gasoline, jet, and diesel fuels for the domestic and export markets. The new oil wells, which are part of an MoE program to scale Pelinai’s production of petroleum products and especially diesel and jet fuels, are being added on to multiple shale and conventional oil extraction sites which have opened in the last 10 years.


The new voting act, lowering the voting age to 16 has now passed the Föderaler Konzil. The law is supposed to go into effect on the 06.01.

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3 NGBSS officials have confessed to conspiring with the Aberstopian RAIS. They have been executed.

The Frost Empire firmly condemned the NAGB for executing dissidents and justifying their murders through the use of forced confessions.

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On the first day of parliament this year they approved sanctions on N&GB citing violations of The Peace Treaty between Izaakia and N&GB and violation of the Constitution implemented under Izaakian occupation. The sanctions ban all business and private activities in the nation, they also ordered any N&GB assets in Izaakia, or abroad in Izaakian institutions to be seized.
Parliament has also approved a military aid package of $6.2 Billion to Romordia.

The Sedunnic airmobile forces have received light multiple rocket launchers that will bolster their anti-access/area denial abilities as well as to provide additional means to affect an enemy at greater distances, a role that is increasing in importance.


The SAHP has announced that they have found the source of the virus. It’s the tap water. The SAHP recommends that nobody should use the tap water until it has been decontaminated. The results showed that it was due to faulty canalisation pipes and the sewage treatment plant which has contaminated the water.


Evinea Sets Itself On the Global Stage
Aziz Traore, President of the Republic of Evinea, announced today they are seeking new allyships. In a fast developing world, the state of Evinea wishes to create and define its legacy on the global stage by partnering itself with nations that generally have the same ideological beliefs as them.

“In a world where anti-democratic practices may be coming ever so stronger, it is up to the Evinean government, and by extent, the Evinean people, to rally our efforts to ensure that democracy is protected at home and abroad. While it is difficult to do so abroad, diplomacy is the best chance we have got to do this. So today, we open ourselves to the world, seeking new friends that support our liberal and democratic endevaours.” - Aziz Traore, President of the Republic of Evinea said in his Press Conference

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The Union Foreign Ministry has requested an Mutual Defence Pact with Evinea, citing Emerald-Denver’s support for Free Social Liberal Democracies, especially after the Denverian Civil War.


In a speech to the High Parliament, President Stiaan Jacobs told the public that there are “…no labor camps in Báraarde…” and that “…the documents released last night have been falsified by the whistleblower to delegitimize this government.” Since the documents were released, several more government employees have come out—including some who allegedly worked at the camps. They have told the United Press of Báraarde that the camps are real, however the United Press has been unable to independently verify these statements. The High Parliament is scheduled to debate the subject tomorrow.


The World Reporter, a Pelinese tabloid newspaper partially funded and owned by the Pelinese state, has released an editorial condemning “Evinean imperialism and hypocrisy” after that nation’s recent call for allies in its “liberal and democratic endeavours”:

”While it may seem tempting to believe President Traore’s bold claims to be interested in protecting democracy, this would be inadvisable. The only thing that President Traore is interested in protecting with these supposed ‘democratic endeavours’ is the Evinean regime, its state atheist policies, and its oppression of religious individuals within its territory. If you feel this assessment to be excessively harsh, you need only look at the first nation to respond to this call. The United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver gladly supported the authoritarian madness of the Socialist Republic of Belogora, a regime which murdered Pelinese Christians and dissidents by the tens of thousands in the most horrific ways that it could think of. Even now, Emerald continues to engage in unjustified acts of military aggression and flatly refuses to admit responsibility for said acts until militarily forced to do so. This is the kind of nation that responded to President Traore: a nation with a proven track record of supporting genocidal dictatorships. A nation with a proven track record of, as it happens, supporting regimes like Evinea; regimes that that oppress Christians. Thankfully, the Kingdom of Pelinai has proven itself to be more than capable of defending itself from Emerald and its puppets; however, it should be prepared to remain vigilant against any subversive, imperialistic actions by Evinea and its cronies performed in the Mediterranean region and in opposition to the true bastions of freedom and righteousness in Pacifica.”


The EagleStar Times has released this statement by Prime Minister Galen about the “World Reporter’s” Newspaper.

“You know, it’s kinda ironic that Pelinai would say this, considering they themselves are an Imperialistic Nation. May I remind the Pelinese of what the christian Austral’s did when they invaded us, attempting to colonize us. During their three year occupation of Ludville and Jylland, They raped nearly every woman in sight, kidnapped multiple children, committed mass genocide against the Ludvillians, Forcibly converted thousands, forcibly married Jyllandic and Ludvillian women. We fought against their heinous acts, and it was what led to the fall of Imperialistic Denvari Empire. We declared during the cold war that we would fight against Imperialism such as the IFF and later the Pelinese Whites. May I need to remind people that Christianity is among many religions that attempt to restrict people’s rights, especially Women and the LGBTQ community. May I need to remind that the Pelinese during the Six Hour War killed 1108 Emeraldians, most of them being crew members of the ERNS Prince Edward. After Action reports from a nearby heavy cruiser detailed how the Pelinese purposely targeted the lifeboats, preventing all 1100 crew, many of them under 30, from leaving their burning ship. Do not trust Pelinai when it comes to securing a truly free Social Liberal Republic, Conservatism is a evil that must be purged from this planet.”

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Several peace activists in Reizen denounced the Prime Minister Galen’s statement for including the Frost Empire in his statement against the Pelinese government. The Activists have likened the statement to pouring Gasoline on a smoldering fire as more nationalistic Frosts have started to petition the Imperial Frost Government to denounce the Emeraldian regime.

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The Emeraldian Government has clarified that it was referring to the IFF during the Cold War, when it was more nationalist and Imperialistic, such as closing off the Spirasian-Reizen border.

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Stoinian Prime Minister Gheorghe Vlaicu has stated his disappointment while enjoying a tea in a Sinaian café: “Not one week in the new year and the UKED & Pelinai are bickering again. Truly this kind of laddish behaviour creates nothing but erratic developments in Mediterranean politics. Let alone throw insults at Christianity may result in unwanted side effects in neutral nations with deeply rooted Christian traditions such as ours. It will be hard to make any significant progress with both nations if they continue to change attitudes as often as a violin player changes the direction of its bow.”


Kiryatskaya Krai Governor Sergey Ishayev’s visit of Podamoskaya today had ended in success, with his apology to the residents have shown them that the Government is willing to talk with them. He reached an agreement with the residents of Podamoskaya. The residents will recieve double the amount initially offered as Compensation, and those who were arrested during the protests will be released free of charge, barring a few that were arrested for assault against law enforcement officers.


Protests have erupted in London over the trials of political opponents, NGBSS officials and military officials.