PNN - Pacifican News Network

As expected, riots and protests take place across Nicholas and Great Britain in a scale not seen since the riots against the short-lived democratic government and presence of the Izaakian military in early 2022 (OOC: I only came up with these riots recently which is why I never mentioned them at the time).

In Bristol, protestors attempted and failed to create a temporary autonomous zone in the area of Redcliffe.

In Nicholasgrad, protestors placed objects onto roads to block them and over a thousand protestors hunkered down in the University of Nicholasgrad’s main campus. Makeshift barricades have been put up around the building. Police have surrounded the building and have set a 10pm deadline for protesters to leave the campus or they will face arrest.

Meanwhile, counter-protests take place across the country with people expressing support for the police and government. However, many of these counter-protesters have been attacked by protesters.


The Framboise Madeleine Party calls a motion of no confidence in Montwælda Rombold and the government what they’re calling a “Catastrophic blind spot when it comes to national security”. If the vote is successful an election will be called, however the vote is expected to fail as the Liberal party and Green Party are running a three line whip against the motion,


After 10pm, thousands of protesters from around Nicholasgrad attacked the police surrounding the university campus in an effort to allow protesters from inside the campus to escape. Meanwhile, protesters from inside the building set fire to the entrances to stop police from getting in. Some protesters escaped the building through the sewer system.

Meanwhile in the neighbouring city of Luchester, rioters were heavily outnumbered by counter-protesters.

Protesters around the country have begun taking measures to avoid being tracked such as wearing face coverings, paying for transport with cash and destroying or covering up security cameras.


Buses and trains going to major cities will be diverted from tomorrow except for places with football matches and curfews have been implemented across major cities in Nicholas and Great Britain.

Meanwhile in East Romordia, ex-president Josif Tintor has been found guilty for treason. He will be executed by firing squad tomorrow.


Widespread Protests in Krauanagaz, Mitallduk as Fighting Intensifies; WF Calls for Renewed Peace Efforts

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— Largescale protests have broken out across Krauanagaz and some areas of Southern and Western Mitallduk as tensions rise following renewed clashes in Western Mitallduk and the collapse of the ceasefire. In Krauanagaz, demonstrators are divided between calls for decisive military action and demands for peace talks. Meanwhile, unrest in Mitallduk has intensified, with pro- and anti-Krauanagazan factions rallying for conflicting futures. The situation remains fluid as both nations brace for potential escalation.

In Yayyára, thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the Krauanaet’s residence, waving the national flag and chanting slogans in support of military action. Many of these protesters, galvanized by nationalist sentiments, are demanding that the government take decisive steps to protect Krauanagazan sovereignty and secure its interests in Mitallduk. “We cannot stand by while our enemies threaten our borders and our people,” said one protester, who identified himself as Velez Drukal, a veteran of the Krauanagazan Armed Forces. “The government must act now to defend our nation.”

In contrast, a separate group of protesters, numbering in the hundreds, held a peaceful march through the streets of the capital, calling for a de-escalation of the conflict and a return to diplomacy. “War will only bring more suffering to our people and the people of Mitallduk,” said Livia Karra, a university student and organizer of the peace march. “We need to find a peaceful solution to this crisis, not plunge our region into a full-scale war.”

The international community has expressed deep concern over the escalating protests and the potential for wider conflict. The World Forum has issued a statement calling for restraint and urging all parties involved to seek a peaceful resolution to the crisis. “The situation in Southern Cordilia is at a critical juncture,” said a spokesperson for the organization. “We call on the governments of Krauanagaz, Zuhlgan, and Emerald, as well as the people of Mitallduk, to come to the negotiating table and prevent further bloodshed.”

Despite these calls for calm, the prospects for peace appear increasingly dim. With both Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan entrenched in their positions, and with Emerald’s involvement adding another layer of complexity, the situation in Southern Cordilia remains precarious. As protests continue to spread and tensions rise, the world watches anxiously, hoping that cooler heads will prevail and that the region can avoid descending into a full-scale war.

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The streets of Nicholas and Great Britain were mostly peaceful for a couple of hours as football matches went underway. However, after the matches, violence soon broke out again, especially in Sunderland.
Sunderland AFC played their rivals Newcastle United FC in the BFA Cup. Sunderland is a mostly pro-Socialist Nationalist area with yesterday’s counter protests having vastly outnumbered the riot that was due to happen there (the riot failed to properly materialise). Meanwhile, Newcastle-upon-Tyne is a stronghold for the anti police brutality movement. After the match ended, which saw a narrow 2-3 win for Newcastle, fans invaded the pitch and fights broke out. Violence spread outside the stadium and into the streets as Newcastle fans started looting and chanting anti-police chants. They were soon attacked by Sunderland residents as the police struggled to contain the violence. 2 Newcastle fans were stabbed in the incident.

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BREAKING— The Federal Navy has implemented a lockdown at Omen Joint Naval Base, just outside of Alkantara in Southern Krauanagaz, according to multiple sources inside the base.

The nature of the situation remains unclear, however heavily armed guards can be seen at the entrances to the base as well as patrolling its perimeter. The Federal Navy has not responded to request for comment.

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BREAKING— Governor of Kevpríg Province, Mitka Luavi, has issued a statement saying that there is a “credible threat,” to the Port of Alkantara. The statement says that the Port is being evacuated of nonessential personnel, while authorities search the area.

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All Starhawk Pact Forces in Krauanagaz have been placed on High Alert.


Counter-protesters clash with protesters as thousands of people from more Socialist Nationalist supporting towns and cities travel to cities where riots took place.

Supreme Leader Nicholas McGregor is considering bringing in the army to restore order.

Meanwhile, one of the two Newcastle fans that were stabbed earlier today has died in hospital. The other is in stable condition.

In Shipley, a small town on the outskirts of the city of Bradford, a volunteer police officer was stabbed to death. The murderer has been identified as an anti-police brutality protester from central Bradford. This incident has sent shockwaves in the local community and has drawn in criticism to the movement.


In a press conference, Supreme Leader Nicholas McGregor said that the police will show “zero tolerance” to anti-government protesters.

Meanwhile, people have criticised police for their restrained responses to violence from counter-protesters.

In East Romordia, ex-President Josif Tintor has been executed by firing squad.


Explosions Rock Omen JNB Outside Alkantara

BREAKING— According to multiple eyewitness and base security officials, several “significant explosions,” have occurred near the dockyards of the naval base. Witnesses also report seeing large columns of black smoke rising into the air over the base.

There are numerous casualties, including fatalities, navy officials say, however the cause of the explosions is currently under investigation.

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Nicholas and Great Britain has seen the worst day of violence since the Nicholas and Great British race riots of 2008 (not including the war with Izaakia). The police have said that there is a large link between football hooliganism and the clashes between protesters and counter-protesters, with fights involving fans from rival football teams.

In Carmichael Station in Nicholasgrad, police indiscriminately attacked people whilst arresting protesters that were travelling home. 3 people were beaten to death in the incident, one of which was not a protester.

The Chancellor of the University of Nicholasgrad entered the main campus to negotiate with the protesters. He then came out with protesters to negotiate with riot police outside. However, negotiations broke down and violence between the two sides re-erupted before the protesters retreated back into the building, setting fire to barricades to stop the police from getting in.

In Nottingham, a man shot protesters with a firearm. 2 people have died and several more are in hospital.

In Manchester, protesters threw bricks at people trying to clear up objects that were blocking the road. One man was hit in the head and is currently in hospital.


High-Stakes Sabotage: Deadly Attack on Emeraldian Warship Threatens to Ignite Regional Conflict

A devastating attack on the Emeraldian 68,000 ton battleship ERNS Jylland II at Omen Joint Naval Base in Krauanagaz has left 30 dead and heightened fears of a broader conflict in Southern Cordilia. The bombing, allegedly carried out by the militant group Red K, has sparked public outrage in Emerald and could derail any remaining hopes for peace in the region. With tensions at a boiling point and military forces mobilizing, the region stands on the brink of an all-out war that could engulf multiple nations.

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NCIS and FPA Leak Reveals Suspected Izaakian Involvement in Container Ship Explosion

Veridyan, Krauanagaz— A leaked report from Krauanagaz’s Federal Police Agency (FPA) and Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) obtained by The Scope has sparked a new wave of controversy over the catastrophic explosion of the hijacked Izaakian container ship near the Pohnarrasi port town of Veridyan earlier this year. The documents suggest that agents affiliated with Izaakia may have been responsible for the explosion, casting a shadow over the initial assumption that regional militants carried out the attack.

According to the leaked information, investigators uncovered fragments of advanced explosive devices in the wreckage that have been traced back to Izaakian intelligence agencies. Additionally, communications intercepted in the days leading up to the explosion reportedly show coded exchanges between Izaakian operatives and unidentified entities aboard the vessel. While this new evidence has fueled speculation about Izaakian involvement, it is far from conclusive.

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Regarding leaks alleging Izaakian involvement in an explosion in Kauanagaz the Izaakian minister of defence Ekaterina Künning said “we don’t comment on matters of defence and security, nor do we have an intelligence agency,”


The Emeraldian Government has confirmed that an Attack was carried out against the Navy Flagship, the ERNS Jylland II BB-18. Damage to the ship includes; Amidships Helicopter Deck destroyed, Portside Bridgewing Destroyed, Portside of the Bridge Destroyed, Turret#4 damaged, and the CIWS mount above the Amidships Helicopter Hanger Damaged beyond Repair. The Ships Commanding Officer, Rear Admiral Grace Stevens, has been critically wounded, while the Ships XO was killed in the Blast that destroyed the Bridge Wing.

His Majesty and the Emeraldian Government are apparently already forming a response to this Attack, while it was noted that other Important Vessels in the Region, such as the ERNS Victorious, ERNS Colradia II, and the ERNS Edward I, have been seen leaving port, likely to prevent any other attacks. Other Starhawk Pact Joint Bases in Krauanagaz have already been placed on High Alert and Security has been tightened.

The ERNS Jylland II will be repaired in a Local Dockyard under heavy security detail. It is likely the ship won’t be fully operational until Mid-November at the Earliest.


Krauanagazan Lawmakers Overwhelmingly Approve Inspector General to Investigate Potential Izaakian Intelligence Operations Inside Krauanagaz

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— In a nearly unanimous vote, 292-3-5, the Ludikari (House of Magistrates) has approved the appointment of an Inspector General to investigate the explosive revelations made public by The Scope. According to leaked documents from the NCIS and FPA, Izaakian intelligence operatives are alleged to have had “some level of involvement” in the March hijacking and destruction of an Izaakian cargo ship.

The Inspector General’s mandate will be to thoroughly examine the extent of Izaakian activities within Krauanagaz, including potential covert operations, surveillance efforts, and their implications for national security. Lawmakers have called for a swift and transparent investigation to determine if these alleged activities represent a breach of Krauanagazan sovereignty and international law.

The vote reflects growing outrage among Krauanagazan politicians and the public, who demand accountability and clarity on whether the incident was part of a broader intelligence strategy. The appointment signals a decisive move by the government to address concerns about foreign influence and espionage amidst escalating tensions with Zuhlgan.

First Magistrate, Taaayya Lithin, stated that the investigation will be given “full authority to follow the evidence wherever it leads,” emphasizing that Krauanagaz will not tolerate foreign meddling in its internal affairs. Further details about the breadth of the investigation and potential hearings are expected to be released in the coming days, with the Inspector General set to begin work immediately after being appointed later this week.

Izaakia has yet to respond to the development but has previously denied any alleged wrongdoing, calling the assertions baseless. The Izaakian Minister of Defence, Ekaterina Künning, claimed that Izaakia, “does not have an intelligence agency.” The international community is closely monitoring the situation, wary of any developments that could further destabilize the already volatile Southern Cordilian region.

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BREAKING—Classified Emeraldian Intelligence Documents Leaked on Wikileaks

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— Thousands of classified documents from Emeraldian intelligence agencies have been leaked on Wikileaks, revealing sensitive information about Zuhlgani activities and potential ties to the militant group Red K. The explosive leak is suspected to have come directly from within Emerald’s intelligence community, raising serious questions about internal security and political ramifications.

Early analysis suggests that the documents contain extensive intelligence assessments, covert operations details, and communications involving Zuhlgani officials and top Red K operatives. Some files reportedly outline Zuhlgani military movements, strategic plans, and suspected support for Red K’s recent escalations, including the recent spout of attacks that have destabilized Southern Krauanagaz.

The leak comes at a highly volatile time, with tensions between Emerald, Krauanagaz, and Zuhlgan already near breaking point. If proven authentic, the revelations could further strain regional relations and potentially justify military or political action against Zuhlgani interests. Emeraldian authorities have yet to issue an official statement, but analysts predict a severe fallout both domestically and internationally. More details are expected to emerge as journalists continue to sift through the trove of classified documents.


BREAKING—‘Serious Naval Incident’ Reported Between Zuhlgani Submarine and Krauanagazan Cruiser

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— A serious naval incident has occurred in the waters off the coast of Southern Cordilia involving a Zuhlgani submarine and a Krauanagazan cruiser, escalating already heightened tensions in the region. According to initial reports from the Krauanagazan Department of Defense, the cruiser was conducting routine patrols when it was suddenly struck by an “underwater projectile,” allegedly fired by a Zuhlgani submarine operating in the area.

Details remain scarce, but the Krauanagazan ship is reportedly damaged and has sustained casualties among its crew. Emergency response teams have been dispatched to the area, and Krauanagazan forces remain on high alert, mobilizing additional naval assets to secure the region and investigate the incident further.

Zuhlgani officials have not yet commented on the event, and it is unclear whether the strike was deliberate or accidental at this time. This incident comes at a time of escalating military confrontations in Southern Cordilia and could lead to significant diplomatic fallout or retaliatory action.

This is a developing story.