PNN - Pacifican News Network

Statement From His Majesty, King Joshua VII

“Greetings, I make this statement today following the terrible attack against the ERNS Jylland II BB-18, the Flagship of our Great Navy. The Red K terrorists are behind this attack, along with, according to Emeraldian Intelligence, the So called “Holy” Dominion of Zhulgan. We had long suspected Zhulgani Involvement in Krauanagaz in some form, as many things regarding the Red K had never added up. I trust those who have already looked through the leaked Classified files, are also as Disgusted as I am with the Zhulgani Government and the terrible actions they have done to their people, all in the name of a false religion. As such, I, as approved by the Starhawk Pact Council and the Emeraldian Government, hereby declare a formal state of war to exist between the Starhawk Pact and the Zhulgani State. We shall let these disgusting bastards know the full might of the Starhawk Pact, and in particular, the Emeraldian Armed Forces. Glory To Emerald! Glory To The Starhawk Pact!”

Following this statement, Starhawk Pact Aerial Units have been observed to have begun Taking off all across Krauanagaz, while Navy Assets are being prepared for Combat. It is yet unknown as to how the Government Of Krauanagaz will respond.

As for the Emeraldian Public, where there existed doubt against Starhawk Pact involvement in Krauanagaz, following the Attack against the Navy Flagship, has been replaced by a thirst to outright kill, hang, or Publicly execute the Entire Zhulgani Government, similar sentiments exist among other the Nations in the Starhawk Pact, including Spiras and Even Cimbria.


Gunfire Exchanges by Militants in Southern Kevpríg, 4 Civilians Killed; Civil Defense Alert Issued in Krauanagaz

Kevpríg, Krauanagaz— Provincial Militia units and FPA emergency response teams have been deployed to various areas in Kevpríg Province tonight as reports of firefights flooded in over the last hour.

According to a spokesperson for the FPA, two prominent militant groups were engaging each other in public areas and have caused numerous civilian casualties, including 4 deaths so far. The FPA was hesitant to names the groups involved in the fighting, stating that they are still investigating the matter and that it is an ongoing situation.

The Governor of Kevpríg, Mitka Luavi, has urged citizens in Southern Kevpríg to remain indoors and stay alert for important information on the radio, tv, and via cellphone.

In Yayyára the federal government is fully awake in the dead of night with Emerald’s declaration of war on Zuhlgan, Krauanaet Zharan and his cabinet secretaries have been in an emergency session for over an hour. Sources inside the Executive Office Building reported seeing top legislative officials enter the meeting.

The unanimous approval of both the Zhirveniayyaka and Ludikiari is required to declare a state of war against a sovereign state according to the Federation Charter.

The Defense Department says the Krauanagaz will currently remain at Defense Condition 2 until further notice. However all leave for both the Federation military and Provincial Militias has been canceled, and a civil defense alert has been sent out to areas with vital infrastructure and residents along the border with Zuhlgan in Northern Krauranagaz.


Blue Monioch offshore oil platform catches fire off the coast of Pzarya

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The Sampaguita - September 2, 2024

Political Crisis: Green Party Exit from Ruling Coalition Sparks Government Deadlock

The country faces a significant political crisis today after the Green Party officially announced its departure from the ruling Popular Patriotic Alliance (PPA) coalition, triggering a government deadlock that has left the Assembly in turmoil. The abrupt move has stunned the political landscape, plunging the government into uncertainty weeks before the national election.

Green Party’s Departure: A Tipping Point

The Green Party’s exit marks the collapse of Prime Minister Oliver Thorne’s fragile coalition, which had relied on the Greens’ support to maintain a majority in the Assembly. In a scathing statement, Green Party leader John Kalver cited irreconcilable differences over key policy issues, particularly the PPA’s insistence on pushing forward legislation that would permanently ban same-sex marriage and abortion. The Greens had reluctantly supported the PPA in the past in exchange for climate action commitments, but tensions have been simmering for months as the ruling coalition increasingly focused on divisive social policies.

“This government no longer represents the values we stand for,” Kalver said at a press conference. “We cannot, in good conscience, continue to support a coalition that is actively working to roll back human rights. Our priority is to address the climate crisis, and we will not be distracted by harmful, regressive policies.”

Government Deadlock: A Nation in Limbo

The departure of the Green Party leaves the ruling PPA without a majority in the Assembly, creating a legislative deadlock that has effectively paralyzed the government. The loss of the Greens’ seats means the PPA is now unable to pass critical legislation or maintain effective governance. Key bills, including the national budget and urgent climate policies, are now stalled in the Assembly, throwing the country into a state of political limbo.

Opposition leader Elisa Hartmann of the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF) wasted no time in criticizing the PPA for its failure to maintain a stable government. “This deadlock is a direct result of the ruling coalition’s reckless pursuit of divisive policies,” Hartmann said. “We stand ready to form a new government that can move the country forward.”

Fallout and Repercussions

The fallout from the Green Party’s departure is already being felt across the country. Markets have reacted with uncertainty, with the national stock index dropping sharply amid fears of prolonged instability. International observers have also expressed concern over the potential impact on the country’s standing in global climate negotiations, where it had previously been seen as a leader.

The deadlock has raised the specter of a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Thorne’s government, a move that could potentially lead to early elections. However, with the national election just weeks away, analysts are predicting a period of intense political maneuvering as parties scramble to either salvage the current government or prepare for the possibility of a snap election.

What’s Next for the Green Party?

The Green Party’s departure from the coalition could have significant implications for the upcoming election. By severing ties with the PPA, the Greens are positioning themselves as independent champions of climate action and progressive social policies, a stance that could attract disillusioned voters who are frustrated with the current government’s direction.

The Path Forward: Uncertainty Reigns

For now, the country faces an uncertain future. The government is deadlocked, legislation is stalled, and there is growing unrest as citizens watch the political drama unfold. With both the PPA and ADF ramping up their campaigns for the election, the stakes have never been higher.

As the election approaches, all eyes are on the political leaders to see if a resolution can be found or if the country will be forced to endure weeks of uncertainty and instability.


Kliegme has officially requested Emerald assistance in safekeeping Kliegmean Humanitarian aid to Krauanagaz.

This request for safekeeping comes in the context of the recently declared Starhawk war against Zhulgan. Foreign Observers also comment that this request serves as an olive branch to Emerald, with the Kliegmean aid to Folster during their war of Independence cooling relatioms between the two nations.


BREAKING: Krauanagaz Shoots Down Zuhlgani Aircraft in No-Fly Zone Near Mitallduk Border

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— According to a source inside the SCJCTF, speaking on the condition of anonymity, Krauanagazan military forces have shot down a Zuhlgani aircraft that reportedly violated the no-fly zone along the Mitalldukish border. Details are still emerging, but the official confirmed the incident took place less than an hour ago, escalating tensions in the already volatile region. More information to follow as it becomes available.

BREAKING: Krauanagaz Orders Evacuation of Nearly One Million Amid Rising Tensions

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— In response to escalating military tensions in Southern Cordilia, Krauanagaz has issued mandatory evacuation orders for over 370,000 citizens and nearly 500,000 refugees in border regions. The Krauanaet’s office in a statement said that the move aims to protect those in high-risk areas as the conflict, “stands poised to intensify at any given moment.”

The Emeraldian Government has accepted this Request.


Nearly One Million Under Evacuation Order as Krauanagaz Braces for Potentially Devastating Zuhlgani Attack

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— The streets of Krauanagaz are no longer filled with the usual bustling crowds and vibrant markets that define its cities and towns. Instead, a heavy sense of tension and uncertainty hangs over the nation, particularly in the border regions where nearly one million people, including both citizens and refugees, are being evacuated. As fears of a Zuhlgani attack grow, the mood across Krauanagaz has shifted dramatically— from one of defiance and resolve to one marked by anxiety, apprehension, and a grim readiness for the worst.

In Yayyára, the capital, residents speak in hushed tones and avoid public gatherings as rumors of impending military action swirl. Government buildings are fortified, and key infrastructure points, such as bridges and power plants, are under heavy guard. Military convoys rumble through the streets, moving towards the border regions, where tensions are at their highest. Soldiers in full combat gear patrol busy intersections, their expressions as grim as the mood around them.

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Thousands of people across Nicholasgrad and Bristol go on strike to continue protesting throughout the day. Some under 18s in the University of Nicholasgrad’s main campus left after police assured them they won’t be arrested. However, their personal details were recorded as they exited.

The person that was hospitalised after being hit in the head by a brick from a protester in Manchester has died.

In Reading, a large pickup truck was driven into a crowd of protesters, killing 1 and hospitalising over 40 more, with some being in critical condition.

In Bristol, someone set fire to the flowers that were placed on the makeshift memorial to the protester that was fatally shot by police, the incident which sparked the riots.

In East Romordia, campaigning for the leadership of the National East Romordian Party is underway.


A member of the Besernian Free Democrats has suggested in a pre-election constructive open forum in Budiheim to “not sanction wrong-doers that hard”, in response to the recent news headlines on the Starhawk Pact invasion of Zuhlgan.

The Alliance of Sixteen representative has stated that “to reiterate for the record, the reason why Besern sanctions international wrong-doers like the regime in Nicholas and Great Britain, is our basic responsibility as humans; to speak up when something’s wrong, and to do something; help solve problems straight-up. Though, I wonder if we are doing it effectively and whether we are hindering what needs to be hindered.”

In other news, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that “the situation in South Cordilia is undeniably important. We need, however, some more time to get the situation across and establish the situation further, before we can enact from our end.”


More people in the University of Nicholasgrad campus attempt to escape using the sewer system. However, police block the route. Shortly after Nicholasgrad receives reinforcements from neighbouring police departments, riot police surrounding the building said that protesters have until 12am (around 6 hours) until they will force their way in.

A further 2 protesters have died in hospital after a pickup truck ran them over in Reading yesterday. The driver of the truck has been arrested.

In Hull, an 81 year old man was attacked by protesters after criticising their actions. He died from his injuries.

The Britolasian National Prison Service has warned that prisons are getting overcrowded as thousands of protesters are sent there.


Whilst protests, riots and counter protests still took place in major cities today, they have mostly calmed down by now except for in Bristol and Nicholasgrad.

At midnight, police made their way into the University of Nicholasgrad main campus building and hundreds were arrested. However, it involved some of the most chaotic and violent scenes seen so far, with four protesters killed in the incident.


All military forces in Kaleara have been put on high alert.


The Sampaguita
September 5, 2024

Hope Party Dissolves to Merge with Liberal-Conservative Party in Major Political Shakeup

In a surprising political development, the national-conservative Hope Party has officially dissolved, announcing its merger with the larger Liberal-Conservative Party, both members of the ruling Popular Patriotic Alliance (PPA). The move is being hailed as a consolidation of conservative forces within the PPA as the party attempts to shore up its position ahead of the national election in October.

A Strategic Merger: Consolidating Conservative Power

The merger comes after months of behind-the-scenes negotiations between Hope Party leader Junichiro Koizumi and Liberal-Conservative Party head Fumitake Wada. In a joint press conference, the two leaders framed the decision as a strategic alliance to present a united front in the face of growing political challenges, particularly from the centrist and progressive opposition.

“By joining forces, we are creating a stronger, more cohesive conservative movement that will ensure our values are represented and defended,” Koizumi said. “The Hope Party may be dissolving, but its principles live on in this new, unified conservative bloc.”

Wada echoed the sentiment, emphasizing that the merger would allow the PPA to govern more effectively and avoid the internal divisions that had hampered the coalition in recent months. “This merger is about unity and strength,” Wada said. “We will stand together to ensure that the country remains stable, committed to national security, economic prosperity, and conservative social policies.”

Implications for the PPA and the National Election

The dissolution of the Hope Party and its merger with the Liberal-Conservatives marks a significant shift in the dynamics of the PPA, which had been struggling with internal divisions in recent months. With the Green Party having exited the coalition just weeks ago, the PPA has been working to solidify its base and avoid further fractures ahead of the election.

Political analysts believe the merger will provide the PPA with a much-needed boost of unity, eliminating one of the smaller parties that had previously splintered the conservative vote. By merging with the Liberal-Conservatives, the Hope Party effectively strengthens the ruling coalition’s influence within the PPA and allows Prime Minister Oliver Thorne to focus on securing broader electoral support without worrying about divisions within his own camp.

“This is a smart political move,” said analyst Sophia Mendez. “The Hope Party was always ideologically aligned with the Liberal-Conservatives, so this merger consolidates their power base. It also sends a message to voters that the PPA is unified and ready to lead.”

Reactions from Opposition Parties

The merger has prompted mixed reactions from opposition parties, with some dismissing it as a sign of desperation within the PPA and others acknowledging its strategic value.

Elisa Hartmann, leader of the opposition Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF), criticized the move, suggesting that it was an attempt by the ruling coalition to mask its internal weaknesses. “This merger is nothing more than a rebranding exercise,” Hartmann said. “The PPA is trying to paper over the cracks in its fragile coalition, but the reality is that they are losing touch with the people.”

Looking Ahead: A More Unified PPA?

As the country gears up for the national election, the merger between the Hope Party and the Liberal-Conservatives could mark the beginning of a more unified and stable PPA, allowing the ruling coalition to focus on its policy goals without the distraction of internal rifts. However, with the election just a month away, the real test will come at the ballot box.

For Prime Minister Thorne, the merger provides a rare moment of respite in an otherwise tumultuous political landscape. “This is the start of a new chapter for the Popular Patriotic Alliance,” Thorne said. “We are united, strong, and ready to lead this country into the future.”

However, with opposition parties energized and public frustration over the recent government deadlock still fresh, the path to electoral victory remains uncertain for the PPA. All eyes are now on the campaign trail as the parties prepare for the final stretch of what is shaping up to be one of the most consequential elections in the nation’s history.

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The Sampaguita
September 5, 2024

Green Party Joins Alliance for Democracy and Freedom, Deadlock Emerges Ahead of Election

In a dramatic turn of events, the Green Party has officially joined the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF), creating an electoral deadlock as both major coalitions now hold an equal number of seats in the Assembly. This unexpected realignment comes just weeks before the national election, setting the stage for an intense and highly uncertain political battle.

Green Party’s Exit from PPA Creates Deadlock

John Kalver, leader of the Green Party, announced the party’s decision to leave the Popular Patriotic Alliance (PPA) during a press conference in the capital this morning, citing irreconcilable differences over environmental policies. After weeks of negotiations, the Green Party has officially aligned itself with the ADF, joining forces with Elisa Hartmann’s progressive coalition.

“After extensive discussions, we concluded that the PPA’s approach to climate policy falls short of what is necessary to combat the environmental crises facing our nation and the world,” Kalver said. “The ADF has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to sustainable development and social justice, and it is with them that we will work to create meaningful change.”

The Green Party’s departure from the PPA, which had been counting on their support to bolster its coalition, marks a significant setback for Prime Minister Oliver Thorne’s government. This shift leaves both the ADF and PPA with 60 seats each, plunging the Assembly into a state of deadlock ahead of the critical October election.

Tied Coalitions: What It Means for the Election

The Green Party’s decision to join the ADF has dramatically altered the balance of power in the Assembly. The move leaves the Assembly evenly split between the two major coalitions, with the PPA and ADF now each holding 60 seats.

The political landscape has grown increasingly complex, with both coalitions scrambling to win over undecided voters and smaller parties. Analysts warn that the current deadlock raises the possibility of a hung parliament after the election, which would require both sides to negotiate coalition agreements or risk a prolonged government stalemate.

“This is one of the most consequential decisions in modern political history,” said political commentator Johnathan Lee. “The Green Party’s alignment with the ADF not only shifts the balance of power but throws the outcome of the election into complete uncertainty.”

Green Party Strengthens ADF’s Platform

The ADF has enthusiastically welcomed the Green Party into its ranks. Elisa Hartmann, leader of the ADF, hailed the Green Party’s decision as a victory for progressive causes and environmental action. “The Green Party’s commitment to sustainability and climate justice aligns perfectly with our vision for the future,” Hartmann stated. “Together, we will work to build a more equitable, greener society.”

The Green Party’s inclusion has already begun to influence the ADF’s platform, with a renewed focus on environmental policies, including ambitious climate targets, expanded green energy initiatives, and stronger regulations on pollution and deforestation. The ADF is banking on the support of younger, environmentally conscious voters, hoping that this new alliance will energize their base.

PPA Faces Challenges After Green Party Departure

Prime Minister Oliver Thorne and his ruling PPA coalition face an uphill battle after losing the Green Party’s support. Thorne expressed disappointment but vowed to continue pushing forward with his party’s agenda. “We regret the Green Party’s decision, but we will not waver in our commitment to protecting our nation’s security and promoting economic stability,” Thorne said.

The PPA’s focus now shifts to consolidating its base and preventing further defections. In response to the Green Party’s departure, Thorne has promised to review and potentially strengthen the coalition’s environmental policies in an attempt to win back moderate voters.

Uncertainty Looms as Election Nears

With the election just some weeks away, the deadlock in the Assembly has injected even more uncertainty into an already volatile political environment. Both coalitions are tied at 60 seats, making it impossible to predict which side will emerge victorious on election day. Voter turnout and the support of smaller parties may be critical in breaking the tie and determining the next government.

The Green Party’s decision to align with the ADF has also energized the political discourse, with climate change and environmental policy emerging as key issues in the final weeks of the campaign. Polls show a highly competitive race, with no clear favorite, raising the possibility of a hung parliament and difficult coalition negotiations after the election.

As both the ADF and PPA enter the final stretch of their campaigns, the stakes could not be higher. The future of the country rests in the balance, and with the Assembly evenly split, every vote will count in deciding who will govern in the critical years ahead.


BREAKING: Zuhlgan Renews Offensive to Seize Mitallduk’s Nuclear Facility

Western Mitallduk— Zuhlgan has launched a large-scale military offensive aimed at capturing Mitallduk’s strategic nuclear facility, according to multiple sources on the ground. Heavy fighting has been reported in the regions surrounding the site, with Zuhlgani forces reportedly making rapid advances toward the heavily fortified complex. Reports from the ground indicate heavy fighting between Zuhlgani forces and Mitallduk defenders— as well as Krauanagazan and Emeraldian units— with artillery barrages and airstrikes pounding the surrounding areas. The attack marks a dramatic escalation in the conflict, after Emerald’s declaration of war against Zuhlgan last week. The Krauanagazan government has condemned the attack as a dangerous escalation and warned of severe consequences if the situation deteriorates further.

The Krauanagazan government has not clearly signaled how they will respond to this most recent provocation. However, Krauanaet Zharan, First Magistrate Lithin, and other top government officials have been in and out of meetings and briefings for days now— likely analyzing Krauanagaz’s options before making a final decision. Zuhlgan’s renewed offensive to take the nuclear facility will only hasten the decision-making by adding a more tangible sense of urgency.

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In response to four protesters dying as riot police besieged the University of Nicholasgrad main campus building, riots and protests have sprung up again across Nicholas and Great Britain. This time, protesters have come up with 4 demands:

  • A commission of inquiry into the alleged police brutality that took place during the protests.
  • For the policeman who shot and killed the protestor in Bristol (the event which started the riots) to be held accountable and put on trial and for the same to happen to all other police that have been found to have used excessive force.
  • Create an independent inspector body to investigate police misconduct.
  • Amnesty for the protesters arrested for “inciting social unrest” through signs and chants.

The Besernian Federal Police has declared the Red K group as an international terrorist organisation, and has started an investigation into the network and any potential assets in Besern.

In other news, the interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Aberlil Berlyne, has invited Zuhlgan Foreign Affairs Chief Autark Kula H’kara to a video-conference over the war and crisis in southern Cordilia.

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The Izaakian navy transfers two of its three Northern Command fleets to the Southern Command ahead of whats being called operation Teal Seas.

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