PNN - Pacifican News Network

So far, the Initiation Project, a grassroots democracy movement, has confirmed that the following political parties will speak on Besernian nation-wide media to campaign, in the next three days, alongside a yet-to-be-disclosed amount of independents.


  • The Amalgamated Left
  • Besernian Socialists
  • Besernian Green Party
  • Besernian Civic Union
  • Alliance Sixteen
  • Besernian Liberal Democrats
  • Besernian Centre Party
  • Besernian Free Democrats
  • Party for Freedom and Democracy
  • Berenican Interests
  • Besernian Conservatives

Footnote: Parties labelled in bold were the Besernian Social Democrats prior to February 19th, 2023.


  • Association of Frastinian Federalists
  • New Social Democrats
  • Project 2050

Kliegme has expressed regret over the incident.

With the Izaakian tragedy reminding Kliegme of its own nuclear power safety, the Kliegmean Institute of Nuclear Safety has announced that it will launch inspections of Kliegmean Powerplants.


BREAKING— Krauanaet Zharan walks back previous comments made dismissing Zuhlgan’s allegations against Emerald. In the Executive Office Building Zharan told reporters that the Federal Defense Intelligence Agency and Federal Police Agency are conducting an, “internal review,” into the allegations.

Zuhlgan has accused the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver of staging the July 27 assassination attempt on Arkava Ibinete IV at Ozákla International Airport. In a statement Emerald vehemently denied any involvement and reiterated their commitment to peace and stability in Southern Cordilia.

The World Forum has been granted permission by Zuhlgani authorities to conduct an independent investigation into their allegations inside Zuhlgan. World Forum investigators are expected to arrive Monday afternoon.

A widespread Mustard Gas attack in New Mako Central Subway station leaves 19 dead and over 200 hospitalised. Police are working under the assumption that this attack is connected with the attack on the nuclear power plant yesterday and was designed to target evacuees.

At the nuclear power station firefighters say that the impact of the plane crash has caused a catastrophic failure of the safety mechanisms on reactor 3, and they are currently working to contain the reactor before the reactor melts and explodes.


President Anneliese Bow has expressed worry regarding the recent attacks and sends her sympathy to those who have lost their loved ones, both in the crash into the Power Plant and the Gas attack in the Subway Station.

Despite the urgency of the ocassion and probably not having enough time, she has offered the assistance of Enerkern’s nuclear technicians and other officials who may be able to help to prevent a meltdown from occurring, or at least prevent the situation from becoming a worst-case scenario. President Bow has assured that Enerkern’s technicians will do everything possible to help their neighbor country in such a situation.


Sedunnic President Innienn has condemned the attacks on the subway station and the nuclear power plant, calling them “cowardly attacks”. He has offered Sedunnic support.

He further said that Sedunn monitors the situation carefully and recommends Sedunners in the USI to follow local directions. He sees no current threat to Sedunn.


Montwælda Rombold orders soldiers onto the streets and key transport hubs. Major sporting and entertainment events have been suspended. Montwælda Rombold has said there is a clear and present danger to the nation and the police are currently performing raids across the nation. He said people should remain calm, and where possible remain indoors.

He also pleaded for people with spare rooms and space to come forward and help provide temporary housing for the 6 million evacuees from New Mako during the cold winter.


Headlines Today

New Regulations Seek to Control Unregulated Spiciness

The Huawanese Food Authority has mandated that packaged spicy foodstuffs must include the average amount of capsaicin per gram. This move comes amidst growing calls to regulate spiciness in food.

Jäähua Seeks to Increase Oil Production and Carbon Capture

The parliament of Jäähua plans to increase national oil exploration and gas storage. New carbon capture facilities will aim to reduce the carbon footprint and possibly increase biomass potential.


BREAKING Headlines Today

BREAKING: Govt introduces life imprisonment and death penalty for Pedofilia

In a stunning move by the Imperial Court, new laws are approved for harsher penalties for criminals guilty of pedofilia, statutory rape and child sexual abuse. Current laws, which hold a maximum of 5 years, will now extend to life imprisonment or the death penalty.

BREAKING: Pro-Pedofilia and LGBTQA+ advocates protested Imperial Court, beaten up by counter protesters

As the harsher law was voted, pro-pedofilia and LGBTQA+ advocates decry the law was a human rights violation and “unnecessarily cruel to child lovers”. The protest sparked a counterprontest from child protection advocates and “concerned parents league” , who caused a brawl outside the front park of Taiyang Court. Police have intervened and neutralized the conflict, which escalated after a bystander was attacked on the head with a bicycle lock from a self styled “human rights activist” who is immediately charged.

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The city of Sociedad will holds its primary elections today for the upcoming general election. Political forecasters are attentively monitoring the New Democratic Party’s mayoral primary, where eight-year incumbent and moderate José Villalobos will face a tight battle against challenger, progressive activist, and non-profit chief Ana Paxtor.

Alejandro Gil, the Senate Majority Leader and Sociedad resident, is back in the city greeting voters at polling stations alongside Villalobos. Paxtor has garnered the endorsement of the New Socialists of Cadiz, the socialist wing of the big tent New Democratic Party. Paxtor has also snatched the support of Aina Vidal Leal and Francisco Crespín, the legislative leaders of the progressive wing of the New Democrats.

Paxtor has campaigned on Medicare for All, expanding public transportation, building affordable housing developments, and providing free childcare. Paxtor has criticized Villalobos’ handling of crime issues, saying “his tough-on-crime stance has only deepened the city’s systemic problems with crime.” She believes in tackling the root causes of crime, such as housing and food insecurity.

Alternatively, Villalobos has kept his stance as an establishment New Democrat with a moderate tilt. Uncontested in his last election four years ago, his recent handlings of housing issues (such as public encampments) has stirred controversy among the city’s progressives. Villalobos however has positioned himself as a who will continue to bolster the city’s growing economy through job development, and has made environmental policy a pillar of his campaign in a last-ditch effort to court with progressives.

Recent polls from The Sociedad Standard have shown Paxtor edging out a razor-thin lead over Villalobos—43% to 42%. Polls have flip-flopped back and forth though, leading to uncertainty about what is true and what is not.

Whoever is elected tonight will likely win the general election come this winter.


Yayyára, Krauanagaz— Krauanagaz’s High Commissioner for Human Rights has issued a statement expressing concern regarding Huawan’s new law, highlighting the potential conflation of LGBTQ+ rights with criminal activity following the recent legislative changes in the Huawanese Imperial Court. The new law, which introduces harsher penalties, including life imprisonment and the death penalty, for crimes of pedophilia, statutory rape, and child sexual abuse, has sparked protests in Huawan and drawn criticism from international human rights organizations.

The High Commissioner, Elowen Serak, noted in a press conference, “While the Krauanagazan government supports strict measures against heinous crimes, the language used in the legislation and its enforcement raise concerns about discrimination and the potential violation of human rights, particularly for LGBTQ+ individuals who fear being wrongfully targeted or stigmatized.”

Huawanese officials have defended the new law, emphasizing that it is designed to protect children and punish offenders severely. Huawan contends the primary goal is to safeguard the future of their children, and that the law will be applied fairly.

International human rights organizations have also weighed in, with Kraudukra Human Rights Watch calling for a thorough review of the legislation to ensure it adheres to global human rights standards. “It is crucial that laws targeting heinous crimes do not become vehicles for broader discrimination and repression,” a spokesperson for KHRW stated. Continuing, “[…]the death penalty is not an effective deterrent of crime, and can result in innocent people being convicted and unjustly killed.”

The Krauanagazan government has urged Huawan to provide clear assurances that the new laws will not infringe upon the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. Secretary of State Darius Korin emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance between protecting vulnerable populations and upholding human rights for all citizens. “We stand with the people of Huawan in their quest for justice and equality. We urge the Huawanese government to ensure that these laws are implemented with fairness and respect for human dignity,” Secretary Korin said.

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BREAKING Headlines Today

**HW-ALL decries pro-child love associations **

HW-ALL, the leading Huawanese association pushing for further LGBTQIA+ legislation as well as a community group for LGBTQIA+ people living in Huawan, put out a statement formally decrying the associations that participated in the protests. Fan Mulan, the head of the organization, states “We strongly condemn any support towards paedophilia and child endangerment, any group that try to associate with it is not a group HW-ALL is okay welcoming to its community. HW-ALL has never and will never have a space for child-love activists.”

HW-ALL and several other organizations said that child-love activists have hindered the organization’s efforts for LGBTQIA+ acceptance and legislation. As many have adopted a narrative that the gay rights activism also pushed for the acceptance of child-love, in which the group denies.

OP-ED: We of the Luoyang Post officially apologize for the previous report that generalized the LGBTQA+ groups in the previous report.

New “Bitter Lollipop” law is not discriminatory to gay rights: Lotus Law Professor

Professor Kini Takanawa, an associate law professor from Lotus University, claims that the recently passed pedophilia punishment law known as the law, or what is now dubbed the “Bitter Lollipop law”, does not discriminate against LGBTQIA+ communities.

“The law was made to place harsher penalties against pedophilia and further streamline reporting for child endangerment and increase the protection of minors.” said Professor Takanawa, "there is nothing in the law which discriminates against gay rights. "

Professor Takanawa further expresses that if Huawan were to pass a law criminalizing gay rights, it would contradict the law made three years ago that officially repeals any discriminatory and criminalization of LGBTQIA+ rights. She also expressed that the Huawanese Supreme Court and the Parliament is “unlikely” to pass a criminalization law against gay rights anytime soon, though it is similarly stubborn to pass the legalization either.

“We will not support paedophiles.” said XinYue parliament member Gan Fuji

Hon. Gan Fuji (Dragon Union Party), has expressed in that amidst the Krauanagian statement on the “Bitter Lollipop” law, that Huawan “will not support paedophiles.” further accusing that Krauanagaz tries to support them.

“Our imperial Peocracy puts the needs and protection of our children in its upmost priority, we will never tolerate these degenerates unlike what the Krauanagian Human Rights High Commissioner wants us to do.”

Furthermore, the honorable representative further states that "“the Krauanagian government should spend more of their precious time ending their bloody war instead of sending more kids to die in it.”


Draconic Media (Vrignyan State TV):

The Supreme Vrignyan Tribunal has issued arrest warrants for Markus Herien and the 1,200 Z-D Kresbo members who departed to the Republic of Firest in order to “help out with the war effort”. These Z-D Kresbo members could face a treason sentence, due to their military allegiance to Firest despite legal prohibitions that have been active since decades.

Even if the sentence of treason is disputed, the Z-D Kresbo members who are fighting in Firest right now are also being investigated for the war crimes of looting, pillaging and selling Stukk civilian assets for their monetary gain. The evidence of their horrible acts is already pretty clear; they themselves have taken countless pictures and videos of the objects and people they have looted. It is estimated that the Z-D Kresbo in Firest has already managed to steal up to $3,000,000.

If and when Markus Herien and his criminal battalion return to Vrigny, they will be promtly subjected to a war criminal tribunal and will recieve lengthy prison sentences.


The house of Erik Biel, a tech entrepreneur and billionaire, has been raided by the National Investigative Service (NIS). The agency published a three-page warrant online claiming Biel has committed identity fraud, potentially aiding a foreign nation, where he posed as a real estate broker in an attempt to dig up dirt on the land development company Coronel.

Biel is yet to comment and it appears as if he was vacationing on Oropesa Island while the federal raid took place.


President Anneliese Bow has contacted the Alcoalitanian President Lucia Alvarez in order to set up a diplomatic meeting between both countries with the final goal of establishing closer ties between both countries. President Anneliese has stated that: “It is time for Western-central Bailtem to wake up from its relative isolation, and become much closer and integrated together”.

The Vrignyan President will be visiting the Alcoalitanian capital city of Cintralia in some days. The Vrignyan Minister of Foreign Relations and Trade, Alexandra Shinser, is likely to attend the meeting as well.



FiHami man falls into volcano while doing a comedy sketch for Stream, Three arrested for criminal negligence.


Minister of State Ferran Sastre, tasked with coordinating foreign affairs for Cadiz, plans to step down from his position in three days. Sastre has served as the nation’s foreign affairs chief for one and a half years, and it is unclear what he plans to do next.

The 47-year old diplomat was previously the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Foreign Affairs and was a leading voice for a more diplomatic approach to statesmanship.

Sastre still has plenty left in the tank. A potential prime ministerial run come 2025 is likely, with forecasts predicting incumbent Margarita Solaya will step aside. The Valencia Times speculates that Sastre will join NewExec, an emerging lobbying firm for left-leaning ex-government officials.


Reactor 3 at the New Mako Municipal Power Station explodes. The blast did not damage the other 3 reactors, and was semi-contained at point of explosion. No fire-fighters were injured during the explosion however they have been exposed to high levels of radiation and are currently undergoing treatment.


Incumbent Mayor of Sociedad José Villalobos narrowly edged out a primary win over progressive challenger Ana Paxtor last night following a closely-monitored race.

Villalobos, a moderate supported by the establishment wing of the New Democratic Party, carried 49% of the vote to Paxtor’s 42%. The remaining margin was split between a bevy of minor candidates.

Villalobos’ first words to the press in his victory speech at a classy hotel in downtown Sociedad: “the polls were wrong.” Villalobos, a once seen as the future of the New Democrats, had tanking approval ratings and struggled in polls, trailing Paxtor. During the campaign trail, Villalobos became an unabashed supporter of environmental reforms and promised to make combating climate change a linchpin of his third mayoral term.

Paxtor, who enjoyed supportive poll numbers and touted endorsements from major figures among the left-wing movement, kept a positive outlook for the future. “We may have not won tonight. But this is the start of a movement, the start of reforming our city,” Paxtor said. She added, “we are not done. There are more steps.”

Paxtor did not offer her endorsement of Villalobos. When asked by a reporter, she said she is “not afraid” to break with party lines and support a more progressive choice for mayor. Paxtor also hinted at a potential write-in campaign come the general election, or an attempt to unseat another “career politician.”


Draconic Media (Vrignyan State TV):

Police reinforcements and members of the Vrignyan Internal Security Department (VISD) have arrived in the cities of Vimen and Hern, as well as Fegel and other towns around the area in order to contain the far-right riots which have propped up after the release of the arrest warrants for the 1,200 Z-D Kresbo members in the Republic of Firest.

In order to try to calm some of the tension, President Anneliese Bow stated that: “Vrigny will always defend Firest, as they are indeed our only sibling country to share our Vrignyan nationality; however, we’ll always be against any sort of imperialism, including Firestian imperialism. That sort of ‘Vrignyan’ ultranationalism is something Vrigny itself will never be in favor of, especially considering Firest’s ruthless and careless invasion.”