PNN - Pacifican News Network

Attackers Fire at Arkava Ibinete in Ozákla

BREAKING— Arkava Ibinete and the Zuhlgani delegation were fired on as exited their plane onto the tarmac of Ozákla International Airport. It is unclear if anyone was injured or killed.

According to Zuhlgani state media, initial reports indicate that multiple shots were fired from a nearby vantage point, causing panic and chaos among the delegation and airport staff. Security forces quickly responded, securing the area and evacuating the delegation to a secure location.

A Zuhlgani air force spokesman described the scene as chaotic, with members of the Zuhlgani delegation scrambling for cover as the shots rang out. The identities and motivations of the attackers remain unknown, and no group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far.

The Zuhlgani Foreign Affairs Ministry has condemned the attack, calling it an act of terrorism aimed at destabilizing Zuhlgan. The government has vowed to take all necessary measures to protect its diplomats and citizens.

Krauanaet Zharan issued a statement expressing “deep regret and condemnation” over the incident, emphasizing Krauanagaz’s commitment to assisting in the investigation and urging for calm and dialogue.

Zuhlgani security forces have locked down Ozákla International Airport and are conducting a full sweep of the area to locate any suspects or potential threats. The airport has been temporarily closed, and all incoming and outgoing flights have been suspended.

The World Forum has expressed grave concern over the attack, urging restraint from both sides and calling for a thorough investigation to bring those responsible to justice.

As the situation develops, both Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan remain on high alert, with tensions escalating further in the wake of this violent incident.

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Vrignyan Newspaper

Vrignyan State Newspaper:

Former and previous President Lorena Ballons has been awarded the medal and title of “Hero of Vrigny”. Only a few notable individuals who have shaped Vrigny’s history for the good have been awarded this title since the title’s creation around 200 years ago.

Lorena Ballons has accepted the medal, although with certain contempt, as she stated that: “Despite the good intentions of the title, there are several controversial individuals who have held said title”. Ballons is probably referring to Noah Vuseln: the first president of Vrigny, dictator for 60 years and main perpetrator of the Purple Genocide; and Ferdinand Lawfen: a notable military official who led a coup d’État in 1921 against the collapsing democratic Second Republic to maintain Vrigny’s integrity, and then led yet another successful coup d’État in 1953 that led to the proclamation of the long lasting Second Stratocracy.

This has led many to think if being a “Hero of Vrigny” is something that should even be awarded anymore, or if the title should be removed posthumously from those leaders whose negative actions clearly surpassed all their “good” intentions.


King Keanu announces his engagement to the world famous Keanuan chocolatier Elissa. The pair have been dating for over a year and in a statement King Keanu described her like the Pole Star, lighting up the darkness and providing meaning and direction to his life.


The Nicholas and Great British government have accused the East Romordian government of supporting West Romordian rebels with weapons, soldiers and intelligence. They said that they “reserve the right to retaliate.”


BREAKING— Authorities in Northern Krauranagaz say they are responding to reports of a “massive explosion” at Kakula Air Force base in Krautallaz Province. The site is host to the Northern Air Defense Command and is responsible for air traffic control and air defense in North Krauranagaz. Airports across Northern Krauranagaz have delayed, grounded, and rerouted dozens of flights according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

It is unclear what caused the explosion at this time, however Krautallaz Province has been placed under a civil defense warning that has urged citizens to seek shelter and stay alert for important information.

PNN correspondents in Northern Krauranagaz have reported seeing Coalition aircraft patrolling the region in just the past 10 minutes.

Krauanagaz Moves to DEFCON 3 After Explosion at Air Force Base

BREAKING— The Krauanagazan Secretary of Defense, Haratal N’gevayya, has issued a statement indicating that Krauranagaz has moved to Defense Condition 3 (DEFCON 3) following reports of a massive explosion at Kakula Air Force Base in Krautallaz Province.

In a press briefing held just moments ago, Secretary N’gevayya stated that the situation is being closely monitored and that all necessary measures are being taken to ensure the safety and security of Krauanagaz. “We are currently assessing the situation at Kakula Air Force Base, and our thoughts are with the personnel and their families during this time of uncertainty,” he said.

The Krauanagazan Department of Defense has not yet confirmed the cause of the explosion, stating that an investigation is underway. “At this time, it is too early to draw conclusions. We urge the public to remain calm and avoid spreading unverified information,” a spokesperson said.

In light of the heightened DEFCON level, the government is advising citizens to stay informed through official channels and to adhere to any instructions from law enforcement and emergency management agencies.

While the cause of the explosion remains unclear, there is widespread speculation about possible scenarios, ranging from an accidental detonation of munitions to a deliberate act of sabotage or an attack. The lack of concrete information has fueled anxiety and concern among the public.

The incident at Kakula Air Force Base comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region, with ongoing diplomatic and military friction between Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan. This development raises further questions about the stability and security of Southern Cordilia.

As investigations continue, the Krauanagazan government is expected to release more details in the coming hours. The international community is watching closely, and the implications of this incident could have far-reaching consequences for both Krauanagaz and its neighbors.

This is a developing story.

With the Jakubian Presidential election coming in November, vice president and current Coalition Party candidate Kerry Carterski was seen to have an unexpected rise in internal party popularity, primarily contributed to his appearance during the siege on the Presidential House during the 2024 military coup attempt along with his hardline stance on conservative-libertarian ideals that the Coalition Party was founded on. With the Coalition Party nomination ending the next week, it is quite clear the Carterski would be the nominee for the Coalition Party.

The Conservative Party, most likely going with the incumbent president Wiktor Ruskowski due to the incumbent status. Ruskowski is still credited, along with Carterski, for bringing the end to the multi-year Molician Insurgency, meaning that the coming election will most likely be two-sided.

Smaller parties, such as the Republican Party, are believed to continue to struggle for support in the presidential election, and the Autonomous Party, the fourth largest party that represents a large number of the Julixic peoples in Jakub, will continue to not participate in the presidential election.


Krauanagaz Remains on High Alert as Unanswered Questions Around the Kakula Explosion Grow

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— As of this morning, Krauanagaz remains at Defense Condition 3 (DEFCON 3) following the explosion at Kakula Air Force Base yesterday. Defense Secretary Haratal N’gevayya has confirmed that Krauanagazan military forces are on high alert and have been mobilized to strategic locations across the country as a precautionary measure.

A senior defense official familiar with the investigation, speaking on the condition of anonymity, suggests the explosion may have originated in a munitions storage area. However, the official also stated that Krauanagazan intelligence services have not ruled out sabotage or external attack. Secretary N’gevayya stated at a press briefing this morning, “We are considering all possibilities, including a potential attack. Security measures are being reinforced at all military installations nationwide.”

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Vrignyan Newspaper

Vrignyan State Newspaper:

President Anneliese Bow has signed into law a measure in which the Vrignyan Government formally recognizes and denounces all crimes against humanity commited by the different previous Vrignyan regimes during Noah Vuseln’s dictatorship (the Purple Genocide) and during the Second Stratocracy.

This measure includes a change in the education of Vrignyan History; it will now be required to learn about the Purple Genocide and all crimes committed during the Stratocracy. Back then, it was not mandatory, and many text books didn’t acknowledge them with importance or didn’t mention them at all. After all, any mention of the Purple Genocide as an actual Genocide was banned during the Second Stratocracy, and the military dictatorship’s censorship clearly dealt “quietly” with all human rights abuses during the time.

President Bow has stated that: “a nation which hides its crimes in the past is only doomed to repeat them”. With her speech having dealt with several topics, like how all Vrignyans are free to practice any religion without censorship or prosecution, or the widespread torture and violence during the Stratocracy, she has attempted to uncover parts of Vrignyan history which have been romanticized or censored for many years.


Keanuan Home Minister Charlie Cooper announces that K&H are seconding a team of Anti-Bribary and Corruption (ABC) specialists from Sedunn to set up a modern ABC system in Keanu and Hurley. The minister said “Keanu and Hurley is about to go through a resource boom and become a technology hub, it is important that those new funds be used legally and for the benefit of all Keanuans, therefore we have asked our close friends in Sedunn for their world class ABC knowledge to help teach us our ABC’s and build a modern system for a modern and thriving nation.”


Statement from the Head of the President’s Secret Service on the Terrorist Attacks on Ferndochty and Cadmium Ferry Ports

It is with a heavy heart that I address you today regarding the horrific terrorist attacks that took place at the Ferndochty and Cadmium ferry ports. We can now confirm that the final number of casualties stands at 25, including three brave Izaakian soldiers. Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to all the families and loved ones affected by this tragedy.

After an intensive investigation, we have determined that the attacks were orchestrated by the extremist group known as the Crimson Dawn. This group has a history of violent acts aimed at destabilising our nation and spreading fear among our citizens. Through meticulous intelligence work and collaboration with our international partners, we were able to identify the perpetrators behind these heinous acts.

Our agents employed a combination of surveillance, cyber intelligence, and human informants to track down the members of Crimson Dawn. The investigation led us to a covert operation in which we successfully apprehended several key members of the group. These individuals are currently in custody and are being interrogated at a secure facility. We are confident that this will lead to further insights into the organisation’s operations and future plans.

We are working tirelessly to ensure that all those responsible for these attacks are brought to justice. We will continue to dismantle Crimson Dawn and any other threats to our national security. Our resolve is unyielding, and we stand united in our commitment to protecting our citizens.

We urge the public to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activities to the authorities. Together, we will overcome this adversity and emerge stronger.

Thank you.


BREAKING— A source inside the Krauanagazan Defense Department, speaking on the condition of anonymity, has revealed that Zuhlgani and provisional Mitallduk forces clashed near Mitallduk’s nuclear facility early this morning. According to the source, the advance was repelled by the Mitalldukish defenders.

However during the firefight an unknown incident occurred and has ignited what the source called a “significant fire,” inside a missile silo on the base. The fire has been confirmed by Emeraldian and Krauanagazan intelligence agencies according to the source. The Provincial Mitalldukish Government has not responded to several requests for comment, nor has the Zuhlgani Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The source said that it is probable that a missile with a nuclear warhead is within the burning subterranean facility.


Fatherland Dragonpaper (Firestian State Newspaper):

After several weeks of slow advancements by our great army into the illegitimate state of Aldestukk, the totality of the Stukk province of Gristxi has come under Firestian military control. Not only that, but our troops have managed to quickly advance towards the Stukk city of Apins (pop. ~210k) and a technical siege has commenced.

Despite the northern districts of the city not being surrounded by the Firestian Military, the continuous artillery and air bombardment practically make the intake of supply and evacuation of Stukk soldiers and civilians impossible. All supply into the city has been cut by the surrounding military, including water and food supply. Jox Bunin, the Firestian Commander-In-Chief and military officer in charge of the siege and takeover of Apins has demanded the surrender of all Stukk troops within the city (estimated to be around 30k). Jox Bunin, knowing that the Stukk Officials did not evacuate the civilian population, is offering this as a chance to prevent further civilian casualties.

While the siege of Apins is commencing; Firestian troops are still not inside the city itself, but it is mostly surrounded, yet another detachment of the Firestian military has managed to advance just shy of 15 km from the Stukk capital city, Izti.


Yayyára, Krauanagaz— The Krauanagazan Defense Department has confirmed that the fire at the Mitallduk nuclear facility has been successfully contained. A joint operation involving Mitalldukish, Emeraldian, and Krauanagazan emergency response teams managed to extinguish the blaze and secure the site.

In an official statement, the Mitalldukish provincial government confirmed that no nuclear materials were compromised during the incident, and there is no threat of radiation leakage. “The fire is now fully contained, and there is no risk of a nuclear incident,” a senior Mitallduk defense official announced in a press briefing.

Despite the fire’s containment, tensions remain high following the reported clash between Zuhlgani and Mitalldukish forces near the nuclear facility. This incident has exacerbated regional concerns about the stability of Southern Cordilia, with calls for dialogue and restraint growing louder.

The Zuhlgani Foreign Affairs Ministry has also broken its silence, denying any aggressive intentions and calling for a de-escalation of tensions. “We urge all parties to refrain from actions that could lead to further conflict and to seek diplomatic solutions,” a spokesperson for the ministry stated.

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In accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Besern, the 50th Federal Diet has been dissolved after having completed its 5-year term.

The campaigning period for the 51st Federal Diet has begun as the election is announced and conferred by letters patent of the Federal President in today’s Gazette.


Coalitanian National News

Today, in the southern area of East Pai’an (a primarily Zarkanxiz region) a fight happened between a group of Firest-Vrignyans marching in a pro-Firest parade and a group of Stukk immigrants. The clash happened after the group of around 9 Stukk immigrants tried to stop the protest, and it ended up in both parties having a gunfight with each other.

This devestating incident spooked the citizens of the neighborhood this occured in, as the incident happened at approximately 1:25 AM. The ISF was called by a elderly man that happened to be in that area at the time. There was 3 casualties, and 15 were injured. Both sides have been arrested.

As tensions rise in the region, the Minister of Defense Gaius Marcellus has called for a ceasefire in the Firest-Aldestukk war, as both nations have been upsetting the region’s long period of peace and prosperity.


Izaakia grounds all flights in Izaakian airspace following a plane crash into the New Mako Municipal Power Station. The power station is currently on fire, and has sustained heavy damage. Izaakian nuclear experts say that the reactor housing is currently intact and containing the radioactive material.
Montwælda Rombold has ordered an evacuation of Lil Mako and West New Mako City, a combined population of over 6 million.
Security services are treating the event as a suspected hijacking and terror related event due to the SOS sent by the pilot minutes before the crash, however the investigation is ongoing. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack.


Zuhlgan Accuses Emerald of Staging Assassination Attempt on Arkava Ibinete

BREAKING— The Zuhlgani government has issued a statement accusing the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver (UKED), a close ally of Krauanagaz, of perpetrating an assassination attempt on Arkava Ibinete IV. The alleged attempt occurred as the Arkava and the Zuhlgani delegation were returning from negotiations with Krauanagaz at the World Forum in Grovne, Sedunn.

According to the Zuhlgani Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Arkava was targeted by a coordinated attack on the tarmac of Ozákla International Airport, shortly after the delegation’s arrival in Zuhlgan. In their statement, the Zuhlgani government claimed that evidence collected from the scene and eyewitness testimony points to Emeraldian operatives as the masterminds behind the attack. The statement further alleged that sophisticated weaponry and tactics employed bore hallmarks of Emeraldian special military operations.

“We have strong reason to believe that this was a deliberate attempt by the [UKED] to destabilize our leadership and sabotage the peace process,” said a spokesperson for the Zuhlgani government. “This attack is not just an assault on our nation but an affront to diplomatic efforts across the region.”

In response, the Emeraldian government has vehemently denied these allegations, labeling them as baseless and dangerous. In a statement signed off by King Joshua VII, Emeraldian Foreign Affairs Minister, Henryk Varson, stated, “Emerald categorically denies any involvement in such activities. We are committed to peace and stability in the region and condemn all forms of violence and aggression.”

The accusations have further strained already tense relations between Zuhlgan, Krauanagaz, and their respective allies. Krauanagaz has expressed its solidarity with Emerald, dismissing Zuhlgani claims as an attempt to divert attention from its own actions.

Krauanaet Zharan stated, “These allegations are nothing more than a distraction from the real issues at hand. Krauanagaz stands with Emerald in our shared pursuit of peace and justice.”

The international community has reacted with caution, urging all parties to avoid escalation and to prioritize dialogue. The World Forum has called for an impartial investigation into the incident, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability.

As tensions rise, military readiness has been heightened across the region, with Coalition forces on alert for any potential retaliation. The situation remains volatile, and further developments are anticipated in the coming days.


  • Zuhlgan has agreed to allow WF investigators to examine collected evidence and speak with witnesses.

This is a developing story, and more updates will be provided as information becomes available.

The Pekelaui government has contracted Pacific Coral Ltd. for restoration efforts in its maritime territories. The Sallodesian company is expected to restore 10 km2 by mid 2025. The aims of the coral restoration is to expand the tourism industry. To support a boost to tourism, the administration has announced an expansion of the international airport.


The Izaakian home office announces an initial death toll of 234 from the Polestar PL0666 crash into the New Mako Municipal Power Plant on Lil Mako Island.
Fire fighters are currently fighting against a raging inferno at the plant, and are concerned that the fire may further compromise reactors 2 and 3 that were damaged in the crash,