PNN - Pacifican News Network

The city of Sociedad will holds its primary elections today for the upcoming general election. Political forecasters are attentively monitoring the New Democratic Party’s mayoral primary, where eight-year incumbent and moderate José Villalobos will face a tight battle against challenger, progressive activist, and non-profit chief Ana Paxtor.

Alejandro Gil, the Senate Majority Leader and Sociedad resident, is back in the city greeting voters at polling stations alongside Villalobos. Paxtor has garnered the endorsement of the New Socialists of Cadiz, the socialist wing of the big tent New Democratic Party. Paxtor has also snatched the support of Aina Vidal Leal and Francisco Crespín, the legislative leaders of the progressive wing of the New Democrats.

Paxtor has campaigned on Medicare for All, expanding public transportation, building affordable housing developments, and providing free childcare. Paxtor has criticized Villalobos’ handling of crime issues, saying “his tough-on-crime stance has only deepened the city’s systemic problems with crime.” She believes in tackling the root causes of crime, such as housing and food insecurity.

Alternatively, Villalobos has kept his stance as an establishment New Democrat with a moderate tilt. Uncontested in his last election four years ago, his recent handlings of housing issues (such as public encampments) has stirred controversy among the city’s progressives. Villalobos however has positioned himself as a who will continue to bolster the city’s growing economy through job development, and has made environmental policy a pillar of his campaign in a last-ditch effort to court with progressives.

Recent polls from The Sociedad Standard have shown Paxtor edging out a razor-thin lead over Villalobos—43% to 42%. Polls have flip-flopped back and forth though, leading to uncertainty about what is true and what is not.

Whoever is elected tonight will likely win the general election come this winter.