PNN - Pacifican News Network

The Nicholas and Great British Secret Service has claimed that the East Romordian government is supporting West Romordian terrorists. The East Romordian government has denied this and has accused the Nicholas and Great British government of deliberately making false accusations like they did with the West Romordian and Aberstopian governments.


A romantic tragedy book named “Blanc” hits the top of the Izaakian best seller charts after receiving rave reviews. The book is a fictionalisation novel of the life, romance and death of President Blanc. The author, Aphelia Blanc, first cousin of President Stella Blanc said “It’s important we keep the memory of our darling Stella alive, and not just her memory but her spirit, she was a true romantic and a once in a generation revolutionary leader”.


A reporter from The Valencia Times has published an eye-opening piece into a potential bribery scandal between executive chief of staff Oscar Navarro and governmental affairs lobbyists at Abanca, a popular bank in Cadiz. The article alleges Navarro took bribes from the lobbyists, which included money, clothing, land, and a sports car, in return for advancing the bank’s interests in the executive office.

Navarro is the top advisor to prime minister and head of state Margarita Solaya.


BREAKING— Following a meeting with coalition leadership today, Krauanaet Zharan alongside coalition leaders has announced that the coalition government will be dissolved on July 5, with an election on July 6. The announcement comes after weeks of speculation on whether the measure to hold a snap election would even pass in the Ludikiari.

On the day the snap election resolution was approved, a source inside the Executive Office Building reported that high-level meetings were taking place regarding accelerating the election’s timetable. Both the snap election for Krauanaet and this year’s scheduled legislative elections were originally planned to take place in early November, but the governing coalition has taken a gamble. Deciding to hold both the legislative and Krauanaet elections on July 6, despite polling indicating that Lor’nai’da Intaín (LI) is quickly dropping in popularity among voters.

The move comes as a shock to many after the Zharan administration spent weeks trying to quash the resolution. However internal disagreements proved to be impassable, and dissent quickly spread throughout the governing coalition— eventually leading to the resolution’s passage in both the Zhirveniayyaka and the Ludikiari.


Headlines Today

Izaakian National Arrested in Hai Men After Stealing Truck and Crashing into Nanyang International Airport, Injuring Dozens


An Izaakian tourist identified as RAS (50) has been arrested in Hai Men for allegedly stealing a truck, crashing into several vehicles, and ultimately breaching security at Nanyang International Airport. The incident occurred on Sunday night.

The suspect reportedly stole the truck in the Tokio district, assaulting the driver, Zhan Long (25), who was asleep in the passenger seat at the time. The suspect then drove the stolen truck towards Nanyang Airport, crashing through toll gates and ramming several cars and trees, causing significant damage along the way.

Police and airport security apprehended the suspect at the International Departure Terminal of Nanyang Airport, after he was harshly beaten by locals. He was subsequently taken to Nanyang district police for questioning. Over 14 people were injured in the incident.

Huawan Drafts New Controversial Deportation Bill

Deportation Bill Image

The Huawanese parliament has drafted a new deportation law that limits applications for asylum seekers in “instrumentalization scenarios.” The law also authorizes the use of force to prevent entry without assessing the specific circumstances of individuals.

The law specifies that border guards can accept asylum applications in exceptional cases, particularly for individuals deemed vulnerable or at risk of severe human rights violations if returned. However, proper assessment requires trained personnel, adequate time, and appropriate facilities, which are unlikely to be available in brief interactions with border authorities.

Additionally, the proposed law does not provide a genuine appeal mechanism, offering only the possibility of an administrative complaint that would not halt the deportation process. This proposal is part of a series of recent measures by the Huawanese government to restrict the rights of asylum seekers and immigrants.

Goldwyn Tampalla Hands Over Largest Cruise Ship, the 248,655gt “Frastinian Queen,” to Poseido

Frastinian Queen Image

In mid-June, the largest cruise ship ever built by Jäähua, the “Frastinian Queen,” set sail on its maiden voyage to Atlantis in Gianalta. Gianaltan-based Poseido, a leading cruise conglomerate in Frastinia and the Rainbow Isles, will operate the ship.

The “Frastinian Queen” is considered one of the most complex industrial projects in modern Jäähua history. It incorporates several smaller, yet massive sub-projects and is hailed as the most sophisticated cruise liner, setting a benchmark in green transition and energy consumption for cruise ships.

“Together with Poseido, Goldwyn Tampalla set the bar exceptionally high in terms of design, technology, safety, and reducing energy consumption,” said Goldwyn Tampalla CEO Evan Saari.

Services for the “Frastinian Queen” are already booked for the next two years, and its sister ship, the “Southern Daylight,” is currently under construction and will serve the Mediterranean.


FiHami’s leading cause of death for the 3rd year in a row is fire falcon attack. Experts warn travelers to the island to avoid wearing neutral or green-colored clothing and to stick to the marked trails, especially during the dry season when the iconic falcons venture further from their homes in search for food.


‘Consider This a Warning’: New Details Emerge from Omen Oil Office Bombing

Kevluarital, Kevpríg— Two days after a devastating explosion at the Omen Oil Company offices in Kevluarital, new details have emerged shedding light on the incident that killed 18 and left 27 injured. The Messengers of Tallaz (MOT), a militant group known for its radical opposition to corporate exploitation and perceived injustices against Krautali heritage, has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Kevluarital Police confirmed that the explosion occurred during an annual shareholders meeting held in an event room on the first floor of the Omen Oil Company building. The blast, which resulted in a massive fire, has been classified as an act of terrorism by Kevluarital Police. The Federal Police Agency (FPA) has taken the lead in the ongoing investigation, working to uncover the details behind the attack.

Full Article


Krauanagazan Public Opinion Research Center Tracking Poll

NEW POLL - 6/9/24-6/15/24 - Party Approve/Disapprove

Lor’nai’da Sentro :white_small_square:59.8%:+1:, 33.5%:-1:
Mitallarai Lor’nai’da’tarsil** :white_small_square:61.1%:+1:, 34.5%:-1:
Soliranas te ti Venis* :white_small_square:57.2%:+1:, 35.5%:-1:
Lor’nai’da Intaín* :white_small_square:33.7%:+1:, 51.7% :-1:
Heritio Korosha :white_small_square:17.1%:+1:, 73.1% :-1:
Yatalra Koroshia** :white_small_square: 56.5%:+1:, 37.2%:-1:

Margin of Error +/- 5.0%
OOC Info
Organization Name Ideology Acronym Coalition
Lor’nai’da Sentro Liberals LS None
Mitallarai Lor’nai’da’tarsil Centrists ML Tertiary Coalition 1
Soliranas te ti Venis Socialists SV Governing Coalition
Lor’nai’da Intaín Progressive Nationalists LI Governing Coalition
Heritio Korosha Mitalldukish Nationalists HK None
Yatalra Koroshia Tiribtalla Socialists YKK Tertiary Coaliton 1

Mysterious Attacks on Zuhlgani Leaders Continue

Ozákla, Zuhlgan— According to state media, the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan is grappling with an escalating wave of targeted attacks against its local leaders, leaving the nation in a state of heightened alert. In recent weeks, several prominent officials have reportedly been assassinated under mysterious circumstances, with no survivors or witnesses left to provide crucial information.

In a recent incident, Akosso T’rakor of the border town Kharazaki was found dead in his residence, the apparent victim of a, “highly coordinated attack,” according to Zuhlgani state media. Authorities report that the assailants left no traces, making it difficult to ascertain their identities or motives. This attack is the latest in a series of similar assaults that have claimed the lives of multiple Zuhlgani leaders, spreading fear and uncertainty across the Dominion.

Security forces are on high alert, and the public is urged to remain vigilant. Early reports suggest that the attacks are executed with a high degree of precision and coordination, raising concerns about, “external involvement,” as expressed by Zuhlgan’s foreign affairs chief, Autark Kula H’kara. Zuhlgani authorities suspect that insurgent groups, possibly aided by foreign elements, are behind these heinous acts. Zuhlgan’s leader since the death of his father in 2018, Arkava Ibinete IV, in a rare television appearance stated, “Our Dominion stands united in condemnation of these heinous murders and will not rest until the culprits are brought to justice.”


The Akarinan government has cut military spending by 20%, and has put that funding into education and healthcare.


The Minister of finance Mirko Firnt, from the Liberal party, has commented on the Bahn 2030 project: “The project presented by several ministers recently is a very brave one. The most important issue is the financing. We have to ensure that Eflad doesn’t reach a point of debt overload. The “Bahn 2030” project idea is still subject to the Etat [i.e. the Budget]. They will have to compete for the funds same as anyone else. Money doesn’t grow on trees, sorry if that is a wake up call.” The speech then shifted to the ideological aspect, with the minister saying: “We shouldn’t forget what the Greens called for after the trimester meeting: an effective ban on new highways and de facto cars. This Bahn 2030 cannot and should not defect the automobile industry in Eflad. We have to ensure that Eflad stays open to new technology and this means fossile fuel powered cars as well. If we give e-Fuel just a bit more time, a radical change will not be necessary.” Several political figures, prominently the head of the DU, have called for new elections citin arguments within the coalition and the PM being very silent on these matters.


Yayyára, Krauanagaz— Following examination of the site of the attacks, thorough forensic review, and combing through hundreds of hours of security footage, the South Corilian Joint Counterterrorism Taskforce (SCJCTF) has independently verified that East Romordia is materially supporting West Romordian militant groups.

In a press briefing, a spokesperson for the SCJCTF stated that the connections between East and West Romordia are, “clear and present,” but said that the breadth of the ties was still under investigation.


Scientists from the King’s College of Valencia have published a report concluding that rural areas just five kilometers north of Valencia are significantly cooler than certain areas in Valencia proper itself. The scientists believe the city is an urban heat island due to the amount of compact buildings in the city.


The Government announces that it will begin investing $25 billion per annum in the automation and expansion of Izaakias industrial base. Montwælda Rombold called this “Plan A for Automation”, he said “In the next decade as much as 40% of industrial and service jobs will be lost to automation, our plan is to double our industrial output by 2030 in order to sustain a larger number of Izaakian jobs”. Part of the funds will also be directed towards retraining and adult education to ensure people will not lose jobs in the transition.


Keanu and Hurley police raid a cave system on an uninhabited island in the Kurley Archipeligo, the cave system was used by a criminal organisation to store narcotics in transit to Bailtem.



MLAI/MLMLAI Copyright-Royal Courts "non-binding opinion" and NAACNs first decent article, and RTOS capability of NUS

Royal Court Advises against copyrighting cross-property content

Short answer: No.

->AmpoChem did end up asking whether Granhalia could copyright innovations generated by “NUS”. I was joking when I suggested this possibility.
–>The Royal Court used a “non-binding legal opinion”, which should always be understood as: “this will be how it would be decided if a case was brought forth”, essentially a warning.
–>It also remained silent on the matter of copyright regarding MLAI and MLMLAI generated content in general, which means that they’re leaving all options vague, purposefully. So they’ve essentially followed the principle of Redemptive Justice, as in creating ambiguity to such a degree that guilt emerges as a human response.

NAACN: first good article, some errors

->This was covered more extensively by NAACN here, who for once made a good article, providing necessary context. However, there are still some mistakes.
–>In Granhalia portion, it uses “70-20-10% profit”No. It is net revenue of Granhalia, not profit nor revenue.

Short: Nobility and Lumpenproletariat aren't socially mobile, they require additional criteria of hereditary titles for the former and "pathological deviance" for the latter. Open for that fun.

–>Regarding the class structure there are a few. Firstly, “somehow the clergy” suggests that the New Managerial Class isn’t essentially the same as the New Industrialist Class? NAACN likely purposefully made this mistake to make their class appear poorer than it actually is.
–>Regarding “Social mobility”, which is extremely high even within one generation, it does not include two of the six classes. Which require additional criteria other than median annual earning.
—>The Nobility is hereditary. Honorary titles, while they existing since Dorothy, is not the criteria used. The former criteria was being of the Peer House or a direct lesser vassal (Earl). Since Earls are now also hereditary, it’s the additional criteria.

—>The Lumpenproletariat includes the criteria of “pathological deviance”, which is an euphemism for: violent criminal records, hospitalisation due to repeated psychosis episodes, and the travelling circus… The last one stands out but it’s because they’ve been 6-8 nomadic groups dating back some 350 years and its origins are religious… “Behemothian Liberationists” were a heretic movement which arose as an extreme form of Adamites and performed circus plays as means of criticism. In the 1960s sexual liberation movement the travelling circus was also advocating for nudism…

RTOS Capability of NAPA-OS-XX

->This is from Kons (Inc.) and PrototAutomaton meant in response to both Bahn 2030 Project of Eflad and to Rombolds Automation Plan of Izaakia.
—> While commending both ambitions, Kons (Inc.) informs Eflad, as an investor in our own infrastructural project, that PrototAutomatons’ NAPA-OS-XX includes necessary RTOS algorithm capabilities.
—>These have been around for a long time. They’re pretty necessary for any transportation terminal to function.
However, the fact that RTOS algorithms no longer require a separate OS is what PrototAutomaton kind of wants to flatter itself with. It also “Is open for sharing technological automation advancements with Rombold, after the economic commerce liberalisation is absolute.” (August 20th).

-Reporter: Lumen


Stable Growth to Jakubian Economy

With Jakub’s ethnic insurgency having ended as of last year, Jakub saw a temporary boom in its economy as the country became economically. This boom has begun to end, yet is resting at a stable growth rate as Jakub begins to approach Q3 of the year.

With the constant growth, Jakub has begun to shift some of its budget from military and policing to infrastructure, education, healthcare, and the redevelopment of the Miasto Portowe’s outdated large port.

Although some of the government’s left-wing critics have claimed Jakub should be spending more on welfare, the current administration, being mostly conservative and centrist, opposes the idea, claiming the money on the debatable effective welfare should be spent on more effective economic efforts.


Kliegmean construction companies have expressed interest in joining the Jakubian infrastructure construction efforts. Not only that, Kliegmean companies have invested a considerable amount of capital into Jakub.


BREAKING— Yayyára Federal District Court has issued an injunction on the SNAP election scheduled for July 6 as the nine judge panel hears arguments from attorneys representing the opposition parties and Lor’nai’da Intaín (LI). Notably, Soliranas te ti Venis (SV) typically a staunch ally of LI has remained conspicuously silent during the tribulations of LI and the Zharan Administration.

Although earlier this year SV members were irked by Krauanaet Zharan’s dismal of the SV Secretary of Defense. Some SV officials now privately say they dodged a bullet with Zharan’s dismissal of former Secretary of Defense Aliza Luark for what the administration termed gross incompetence.

Oral arguments are expected to begin tomorrow with a ruling coming on Monday or Tuesday according to legal reporters.


FiHami celebrates its 5th anniversary as a nation under the current constitution on the Finixi New Year. The nation also celebrates the 4th birthday of Coron’shi Finix Fi’Shi, the life of Ha Ha’Coron’ Finix Fi’Shi, and the remembrance for all historic figures in FiHami in Finixli Haikoronu Ha’Coron’ [translation: chief’s rememberence day].