PNN - Pacifican News Network

Kliegmean society, which has been providing students with free lunches from elementary to high school since 2009, began discussing whether the programme should be extended to higher education.


Zoran Vujin, the First Minister of West Romordia (West Romordia has a devolved government), was stabbed to death last night in Miljevci, the capital of West Romordia. The assailant has not yet been found.


Headlines Today:

The great Hai Lan international toy fair is underway for the next two weeks, it is one of the largest international trade fair for toys and games. The first week are only accessible for trade visitors, journalists and invited guests, the second week will be open for the public. The toy fair started in 1956 as way to kickstart the Huawanese toy industry.

A fisherman in Tampalla caught the biggest monster cod in Jäähua, with a record breaking 31.30kg and a length of 150cm. The cod was caught during a fishing research project by the Arcticum University.

“We are proud to break this record.” said fish researcher Andrei Nieminen, who was brought to the hospital due to bruises fighting with the fish.



The campaign period has officially ended! Voting is now on going, and polling places have opened up in each city in Alcoalitania. After the voting ends (3rd of May), the count will begin, which usually takes around a day or two.


All-out brawl erupts in a popular FiHami Idol-themed bar in Huah-Huah, FiHami over a single bowl of shrimp. FiHami Law Enforcement was called to stop combatants from “lip syncing each other to death”. The chief officer noted that “no punches were thrown, no kicks were made. They were just lip syncing aggressively at each other.”


The River and Sea Association, known for its famous Fisherman Calendars, congratulated the research team on their record-breaking catch and has formally offered Andrei Nieminen the June spot for the 2025 edition.


Headlines Today:

The Peony seen in the image below, is set to begin her diplomatic tour, starting with her visit to Kustannuska along with the Huawanese trade delegation. Talks will include a goodwill visit, investment and renewed commitments to the Peo-Kustan Xinxian treaties that detail non-aggression and mutual defense.

“I plan to meet her excellency the empress in pohjoinen and represent Peonic interests.”

This week Jäähua will vote for 15 royal court parliament members (RCM) to become the primary representative in the Peonic imperial court. These will play a key role in deciding and shaping the Peocracy’s climate policy during the next parliamentary term, but discussion about the topic of climate change has been almost non-existent in the run up to polling day.

A dominant pre-election agenda was in concern of the security tensions in Cordilia and Crabry, as the current conflict in Mitalldkish-Kraunagazian border and the instability in Akarina. Economical discussions also dominate the debates to protect the Peocracy against global inflation.

Local parliament in Mira, a self-governing part of Jäähua in the arctic, still enforce abortion rules passed in 1956. Asked why, the head of social affairs said changing the law is not a priority for locals. Whereas Jäähua introduced free abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy in 1973, the citizens of the Mira islands have kept their restrictive laws from 1956.

Today, a Miranese woman has to fulfill one of four special criteria to be legally eligible for an abortion: She must either be in severe danger, have been exposed to rape or incest, carrying a fetus at risk of suffering from severe physical illness, or be deemed unable to take care of her child.


Izaakia to bring in free annual health checks on its National Health Service, the minister for health said “Although the initial costs will increase, studies have shown that regular health checks can catch illnesses earlier, and early interventions can both decrease cost and increase prospects of a full recovery.”


The murderer of Zoran Vujin, the First Minister of West Romordia’s devolved government, has been arrested. The assailant, a West Romordian, said he killed Vujin for being a “traitor.”


Former Deputy Prime Minister Emmanuel Paredes has died at the age of 99. Paredes served as Deputy Prime Minister from 1963 until 1965 as a member of the Collective Civic Party. In 2020, Paredes joined the Modern Marxist Party and became the oldest MP elected to the Lower Chamber at the age of 95. Paredes, once again, served as Deputy Prime Minister in 2022 at the age of 97, the oldest person to hold the office. Paredes died peacefully this morning from Alzheimer’s.


Nine nuclear submarines have been deployed to support battleship division 1.

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The Ateemaran government has announced that the HIHS Tiit III and it’s battle group will be deployed in international waters close to Mitallduk amongs the rising tensions. The government has emphasized that the purpose of this action is peacekeeping


Today marks a significant milestone in Alcoalitania’s democratic journey as the nation held its first multi-party elections. Citizens from across the country participated in record numbers, demonstrating their commitment to democratic principles and the future of their nation.

The election, which saw the participation of various political parties, has resulted in a diverse and representative parliament. The major parties that emerged victorious include the ECP, CNP and LDP.

The official results released by the Election Commission:

  • Environmental Coalition Party (ECP): 120 seats (40% of the votes)
  • Coalitanian Nationalist Party (CNP): 70 seats (23.3% of the votes)
  • Liberal Democratic Party (LDP): 55 seats (18.3% of the votes)
  • Community Development Party (CDP): 40 seats (13.3% of the votes)
  • Progressive Workers’ Party (PWP): 35 seats (11.6% of the votes)
  • Independent Candidates: 10 seats (3.3% of the votes)

We extend our congratulations to Lucia Alvarez (ECP), the newly elected President, and Javier Ruiz (CNP), who continues to serve as Prime Minister. This diverse and representative parliament will work collaboratively to address the challenges and opportunities facing our nation.

The new parliament will be officially formed and begin its legislative duties immediately, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition of power. We look forward to the positive changes and developments this new government will bring to Alcoalitania.

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The Sallodesian Defence Fund, a government run investment fund with the aims to control strategic arms manufacturers and gain capital for defence investments, has anounced a surplus of 1.3% of the estimated 7.8%. In total, the surplus amounts to roughly $ 14.3 billion which President Van Den Bergh has voiced support to redirect into investments to spearhead free school lunches in Sallodesia.


In other news, Shai Kong President Țango Sungú has joined a rare airpatrol in a jetfighter as the Gulf of Kringalia experiences increased tensions. President Sungú has served as a Captain in the Shai Kong Air Force prior to his public service. He remains an oddity among heads of state around the South Pacific as he partakes in military patrols from time to time.


Ta’ana, Mitallduk— In a statement posted to Pasture, the Mitallduk Ministry of Defense said that TPA “rebels” have reached the outskirts of Ta’ana. The Ministry reported that Mitallduk Defense Forces (MDF) are engaged in, “relentless combat,” defending Mitallduk’s capital city.


BREAKING— According to several high-level sources at the Krauanagazan Defense Department, Zuhlgan has carried out a raid inside Mitallduk in an effort to free their citizens being held hostage by the Takaran People’s Army (TPA). The TPA has also released videos of Krauanagazan citizens, including their ambassador to Mitallduk, who have also been held hostage by the TPA for over two weeks.

It is unclear if this is a coordinated effort to free all of the hostages held by the TPA, or if it was solely a Zuhlgani operation. Sources inside the Defense Department declined to comment on any potential plans to rescue the Krauanagazan hostages in Mitallduk.

According to an anonymous senior staffer inside the Executive Office Building there have been serious discussions about moving the nation’s defensive posture to DEFCON 2. Which would be unprecedented in Krauanagazan history. Since the implementation of the Defense Condition (DEFCON) system in 1987, the Krauanaet has ordered an elevation in military readiness only 5 times, and only once to Defense Condition 3. Krauanaet Zharan would be the first Krauanaet to elevate the nation’s defense condition to DEFCON 2.


A spokesperson from the Bruuman minister of Foreign Affairs has commented on the recent rumors according to which the island regime is financing the Losavral LPF, considered a terrorist group in its home country: " We support all socialist movements around the globe in their effort to bring justice and freedom to their countries by installing a government of the masses. Their agenda and methods are their own and we do not condemn them when they need to adopt armed defense light of repression from reactionary forces, but we are nevertheless available to help them mediate politically, should they decide to do so".


The Keanu and Hurley Gravel Bike Endurance Series begins today on the Island of Irwin. The 5 race series over the course of a week is one of the most popular gravel bike races in the world, with a short course on each island at around (60km) and a long course at around 120km. Due to the small size of Keanu and Hurley, races often involve several different climbing routes up the same mountain in short succession, this adds to the technical difficulty of the courses.


A bomb was found underneath a manhole cover that Nicholas McGregor’s (Supreme Leader of Nicholas and Great Britain) motorcade drove over whilst in the city of Nicholasgrad. The bomb was not detonated due to the electronic countermeasures vehicle that was in front of McGregor’s car. An investigation into the failed assassination attempt is currently underway.


FiHami’s 2024 census shows astronomical growth in both GDP and population. At the time shortly after FiHami’s independence, the GDP calculated that first census year was 67.2 million Austral dollars (approx. $6109.09 per capita) with barely over 11k people in 2019. In 2024, the population has near doubled, with around 20k citizens in FiHami. The GDP has grown to 315 million Austral dollars (approx. $15,600 per capita) thanks to the explosive growth in FiHami’s hospitality & tourism, higher education, and tech industries.

FiHami’s celebrating the 5th annual celebration of the life of the great chief Finix Fi’Shi (2002(?)-2020), the celebration of the 4th birthday of the chief-to-be Finix Fi’Shi reincarnated, the 5th annual celebration of the establishment of FiHami as a nation, and the start of the Finixi new year all on June 21st. The acting chief, Hana Pua’shi, has invited all nations to participate in celebrating Finixi culture, whether inside or outside FiHami, with gifts of flowers and tea to everyone, creating authentic Finixi dishes like Kashami pepuleh ki Amaniha (fish dish seasoned with FiHami mango and spicy bark seasoning served with FiHami sea oat grains), and giving respect to the earth, moon, and sun.